PEP四年级上英语Unit4第6课时 Part B Read and write优质课教案.doc

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1、The sixth period(第六课时)Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets sing 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Read and write能够读懂描述起居室的小短文,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述钥匙位置的任务能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读小短文能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整能够综合运用本单元的核心词句Lets check检测本单元A、B部分的核心句型考查单元核心词汇的认读和意义的理解Lets sing能够了解歌词的意义并且能够清晰准确地歌唱教学重点1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元的重点词汇。2. 能够完

2、成阅读、判断、匹配等活动,正确理解、运用本单元的重点句型。教学难点能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。教学准备PPT课件、课文录音、视频等。教学过程第 9 页 共 8 页Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songMy home. Play the song of “Lets sing”. (课件出示:教材P44 Lets sing板块的歌曲)3. Sharp eyes. Teaching purpose通过让学生描述图片中房间内的物品摆设,复习前面学过的句型,同时为后面的阅读做铺垫。Present the

3、 vocabulary “bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, key, sofa, bed, fridge, table, phone” one by one. (出示课件) Ask students to read them out.Write down the vocabulary on the blackboard.4. Revision.Present the picture of “Lets learn” on page 42. (出示课件)Talk about the picture with students. T: T

4、his is a bedroom. It has a blue bed. The bed is near the window. A teddy bear is on the bed.Teaching purpose通过观察和描述图片,复习本单元的词汇和句型,为本课的阅读做准备。Step 2: Presentation1. Pre-reading.Present the picture of Wu Binbins living room. (课件出示:教材P43 Read and write板块中吴斌斌家的客厅图片)T: Look, this is Wu Binbins living room

5、. What are in the living room?Ss: A TV, a table, a fridge, a phone and a sofa.T: Where is the TV?S1: Its on the wall.T: Where is the phone?S2: Its on the table.T: Where is the fridge?S3: Its near the table.T: Oh, the living room is clean and tidy.(课件出示:教材P43 Read and match左侧的物品图片) There are some boo

6、ks and pens, a bag and a pair of glasses. Guess! Where are the books? Where are the pens? Where is the bag? And where are the glasses?Teaching purpose通过细读环节,培养学生自主阅读获取信息和处理信息的能力,进而提高学生的阅读技巧,让学生扎实地掌握所学知识。Ss: 2. While-reading.(1) Present the passage of “Read and write”. (出示课件)Ask students to read the

7、passage carefully. Pay attention to underlining the key phrases of the questions.T: Where are the books? Where are the pens? Where is the bag? Where are the glasses? Now put these things in the right places. Answer the questions and match.(2) Check the answers with students.Answers: 1. The books are

8、 on the sofa. 2. The pens are on the fridge.3. The bag is under the table.4. The glasses are near the phone.T: Wu Binbin cant find his keys. Can you help him? Where are the keys?Ask students to look at the picture of Wu Binbins living room again and find the keys. (出示课件)Ss: They are near the sofa.(3

9、) Listen to the recording and repeat it.Read after the recording. Read the passage together. Repeat the text. Teaching purpose先引导学生观察图片中的内容, 然后再根据自己观察到的图片中的物品位置来选择正确的词汇进行填空,检验学生能否正确理解句子、认读词汇。最后让学生选择正确的词汇填写句子来介绍自己的房间,让学生在运用中巩固所学知识。3. Post-reading.(1) Look, choose and write. (课件出示:教材P43 Look, choose a

10、nd write中第一部分的图片及练习)Let students read the vocabulary “living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, study” first. T: Lets go and visit other rooms. Look at Picture 1. Answer the questions: Where is the sofa? Where is the picture? Ss: The sofa is in the living room. The picture is on the wall. Its in the

11、living room, too.T: Look at Picture 2. Where is the bed? Where are the chairs? Ss: The bed is in the bedroom. The chairs are in the bedroom, too. T: Great! Lets finish the exercises.Finish the exercises and check the answers.Answers: The sofa is in the living room. The chairs are in the bedroom.(2)

12、Write about your room. (课件出示:整洁的客厅图片与脏乱的客厅图片)T: Which room do you like? Yes. Picture 1. East or west, home is the best. We must keep our home clean and tidy. After visiting Wu Binbins home, you may have some ideas about your room. Now write about your room in your book. (课件出示:Look, choose and write中

13、第二部分的图片及练习)Teaching purpose在完成听力练习之前,先引导学生观察图片,获取有用信息并推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,培养学生听前预测的习惯,进而提高听力水平。Let students read the words “phone, sofa, table, chairs, fridge, bed” together first.T: When you write sentences, you should pay attention to capitalizing the first letter, the punctuation marks and the spelli

14、ng of words. After that, please share your ideas with your partner. Lets do it!Answers: The TV is in the living room. The books are in the study.(3) Listen and tick or cross.Present the pictures of “Listen and tick or cross”. (课件出示:教材P44 Listen and tick or cross部分的图片)T: Can you see the glasses in th

15、e first picture? Where are they?S1: T: Can you see the keys in the second picture? Where are they? S2: T: Where are the books in the third picture?S3: T: Where is Mike?S4: Listen and tick or cross.T: Now, please listen and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P44 Listen and tick or cross部分的音频) Pay attention to th

16、e key words.Check the answers.Listen to the recording again and check the answers together.Teaching purpose该活动旨在检验学生的认读和理解能力。引导学生自主观察图片并描述图片,帮助学生复习本单元的重点词句,同时对学生进行有效的练习技巧指导,注重对学生学习方法的培养。Answers: Step 3: PracticeLook and tick. (1) Present the pictures of “FOR RENT” of “Look and tick”.(出示课件)T: “For re

17、nt” means “出租”. What can we know from the ads? Please discuss with your partner.S1: It has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms in the first “FOR RENT”.S2: It has a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom in the second “FOR RENT”.(2) Present the picture of the house in “

18、Look and tick”. (课件出示:教材P44 Look and tick部分中右边房子的图片)T: Look at the picture. How many rooms are there? What are they?Ss: Four rooms. A bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.Teaching purpose创设真实的情境,让学生根据自己的实际情况画出图片,编写文段并展示,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。给学生自由想象的空间,真正地实现活学活用。T: Now, look and tick. Which is r

19、ight? Show me your answer, please.(3) Check the answer.Answer: The second “FOR RENT” is right.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Introduce your home.Present a picture of a home and introduce it. (课件出示:房子的居室图)T: Boys and girls, this is my home. What about your home? Please draw and introduce your ho

20、me.This activity is carried out in groups. There are six students in each group. Choose the best one from the groups and then take part in the class competition. At last, select the best one to show.2. For rent.Choose some pictures of students homes and show them in class.T: Great! These houses are

21、pretty. Now Im going to rent these houses. Which house do you need? Please choose it and give your reasons. The house with the largest number of choices will be rated as the most popular house today.Make a model: I like this house. It has a living room, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen and a bathroomTe

22、aching purpose通过图片及教师提问等方法帮助学生逐步学习并理解歌曲中的难点句型,调动学生学习的积极性。3. Lets sing.(1) Learn the new sentences.T: (课件出示:一台电视机) Whats this?Ss: Its a TV.T:(课件出示:鼠标点击电视机,电视机消失)Oh! Where has the TV gone? Where can it be? (Do actions to help students understand the sentences.)T: Is it in the living room? (课件出示:没有电视机的

23、客厅图片)Ss: No, it isnt.T: Is it in the bedroom? (课件出示:有电视机的卧室图片)Ss: Yes, it is.T: Its in the bedroom with me.Present the pictures of the phone and the sofa. (课件出示:电话和沙发的图片) Practice the sentence structures in the same way as above: Where has the telephone/ sofa gone? Where can it be?(2) Listen to the

24、songMy home.(3) Listen to the song again, and sing along with it.(4) Sing the song together.板书设计作业设计1. Read the text three times, then repeat it.2. Draw and write about your home. 3. Do the exercises.教学反思1.本课是本单元的最后一课,是一节复习课,教学内容包括听力、阅读等形式,本节课注重以多样化的活动引导学生在各种语境中完成本单元的复习。2.突出学生学习的主体地位,注重对学生学习方法的指导,包括

25、读的指导、听的指导和写的指导。3.在阅读这部分时,从直观地看,到问答,再到跟读,让学生们对文段内容逐步熟悉,通过阅读问题,训练了学生在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息的能力。4.充分利用现代化教育技术辅助教学,如出示图片帮助学生理解句意,充分利用多媒体的示范教学功能,起到正确的指向作用。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsRead and writeBe able to read and understand the passage of describing the living room, match the pictures with the text and com

26、plete the task of describing the position of the keys.Be able to read the passage according to the sense group and the correct pronunciation and intonation. Be able to copy the topic vocabulary of this unit and complete the sentences in context.Be able to use the key vocabulary and sentence structur

27、es of this unit synthetically.Lets checkCheck the key sentence structures of Part A and Part B of this unit.Check the recognition and understanding of the key vocabulary of this unit.Lets singBe able to understand the meaning of lyrics and sing clearly and accurately.Teaching PrioritiesBe able to un

28、derstand, speak and read the key vocabulary of this unit.Be able to complete reading, judgement, matching and other activities. Understand and use the key sentence structures of this unit correctly.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to copy the topic vocabulary of this unit and complete the sentences in c

29、ontext.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up& Revision1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songMy home.Play the song.3. Sharp eyes.Present the vocabulary.4. Revision.Show the picture and talk about it with students.1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songMy hom

30、e.3. Read out the vocabulary.4. Talk about the picture.Review the key vocabulary and the sentence structures of this unit by singing, reading, listening and speaking. Prepare for the later reading.Presentation1. Pre-reading.Present the picture of Wu Binbins living room.Look at the picture and talk a

31、bout Wu Binbins living room.By observing and describing the picture, review the key vocabulary and the sentence structures of this unit to prepare for the reading of this lesson.2. While-reading.(1) Present the passage and ask the questions.(2) Check the answers.(3) Play the recording. Let students

32、repeat the text.(1) Read the passage and put the things in the right places.Answer the questions and match.(2) Check the answers.(3) Read after the recording, then repeat the text.Cultivate students ability of obtaining and processing information by close reading. Improve students reading skills.3.

33、Post-reading.(1) Look, choose and write.Ask the questions and check the answers.(2) Write about your home.(3) Listen and tick or cross.(1) Read the vocabulary and finish the exercises.Check the answers.(2) Write about their own homes.(3) Listen to the recording, then tick or cross.Check the answers.

34、Check whether students can understand the sentences and read the words correctly. And let students consolidate their knowledge by writing sentences.PracticeLook and tick. (1) Show the two pictures of “FOR RENT”.(2) Present the picture of the house.(3) Check the answer.(1) Talk about “FOR RENT”.(2) T

35、alk about the house.(3) Give the answer and check it.Test students ability of reading and understanding words. Lead students to observe and describe the pictures independently. Help students review the key vocabulary and sentences of this unit. Develop students learning methods.Consolidation&Extensi

36、on1. Introduce your home.2. For rent.3. Lets sing.1. Introduce their homes.2. Design a renting house and choose one “For rent” in groups.3. Learn to sing the songMy home.Cultivate students comprehensive ability of using language. Give students the space of free imagination to study and use the language flexibly.Homework1. Read the text three times, then repeat it.2. Draw and write about your home.3. Do the exercises.


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