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1、学习通西方文论原典导读习题(含答案)第1章第2章第3章第4章第5章问题:_created the world famous Athens school.答案:Plato问题:Socrates theory is mainly organized by whom?答案:Plato问题:Ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel?答案:homeric问题:Socrates said that when the inspiration came, the poets will sink into _.答案:ecstasy问题:In I

2、on Socrates stressed that the inspiration of the poets comes from the _.答案:gods问题:_ said “I am the midwive of philosophy”.答案:Socrates问题:Who was the first to pick out eidos?答案:Plato问题:What is subject matter of Ion?答案:Inspiration问题:Three sages of Ancient Greece are Plato,_and Aristotle.答案:Socrates问题:P

3、lato use the _ to explain the relationship between art and idea.答案:bed第6章第7章第8章第9章第10章问题:Aristotles poetics was valued in the history of western literary criticism from _century in France.答案:15th问题:Until Aristotle, the concept of _ has been adressed explicitly.答案:system问题:In Aristotles view, the cor

4、e of art is _.答案:imitation问题:In Aristotles words, who is more to the truth than historian?答案:poet问题:_ is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.答案:Aristotle问题:Compared with Plato, the biggest character of Aristotle is_.答案:comprehensiveness问题:Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in thr

5、ee ways: the means, objects and _.答案:manner问题:Aristotles Poetics maining discussed about _ and epic.答案:tragedy问题:In the poetics, _ is the goal of the tragedy.答案:plot问题:Aristotle set up his own schools called _.答案:lyceum第11章第12章第13章第14章第15章问题:In_,Samuel started compiling a dictionary of the Engish la

6、nguage.答案:1747问题:Whats the attitude on Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson?答案:A and B问题:How to treat the relationship between Johson and classical philosophy.答案:eclectic问题:Which work of Sumel that even plexander praised it.答案:london问题:Johson considered the shortcoming of Shakespeare is losing of_.答案:teach

7、ing问题:In_ Jhnson finally published essays of Shakespeares plays.答案:1765问题:Samuel Johnson was known in review of _.答案:Shakespeare问题:Characteristics of Johsons theory on Shakespeare is_.答案:not persistent问题:_ is a friend and biographyer for Samuel.答案:James Boswell问题:Which work is written by Samuel?答案:T

8、he vanity of human wishes第16章第17章第18章第19章第20章问题:How does Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poetic language and Prose language?答案:no essential difference问题:Wordsworth compares poetry to_ when he talked about the function of poetry.答案:bed问题:Wordsworth gained his reputation among chinese

9、scholars by “Poetry is the nature explession of _”.答案:strong emotions问题:In the Mirror and the lamp, wordsworth is concluded as a representative of _ theories.答案:expressive问题:Which book is the representative work of english romantic movement?答案:Lyrical Ballads(1798)问题:There are two themes of poetry i

10、n Wordsworths view_ and the feeling of the common people.答案:nature问题:In what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads.答案:1800问题:Wordsworths philosophical views almost come from _.答案:the apocalypse of nature问题:Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called _.答案:lake poets问题:Which w

11、ork was published by Wordsworths widow after his death.答案:The prelude问题:From the aspect of words, it emphasized words_.答案:classical第21章第22章第23章第24章第25章问题:Which work is not written by Taine.答案:Biographia literaria问题:Taines theory enlightened people to pay close attention to _ factors of art in his ti

12、me.答案:external问题:The 3 aspects by Taine are the race, the _ and the epoch.答案:surroundings问题:Taine believed that literary studies should be based on the _ vision.答案:historical问题:Which is not the origin of Taines theory in a literary perspective?答案:Rousseau问题:Taine is called as “critics of _”.答案:Napol

13、eon问题:In Taines first aspect, which country makes philosophers.答案:Germany问题:Which method in 19th century made a great influence on Taines theory?答案:scientific method问题:In the race,circumstance,and epoch,which is the acquired momentum.答案:epoch问题:In Taines view, race is closely related to _.答案:heredit

14、ary问题:Taines theory of surroundings,shows that he thinks the world_.答案:has a whole relationship第26章第27章第28章第29章第30章问题:Wilde produced _ social comedies in the early 1890s.答案:four问题:In the novel,Dorian Grays life can be summarized as _.答案:double life问题:The novel we learned in this class presents Wilde

15、rs views of _.答案:aestheticism问题:The novel tells us that we should find the balance of beauty and _.答案:morality问题:Which drama is created by Oscar Wilde?答案:Salome问题:Wildes last work is _.答案:The ballad of reading caol问题:In Wildes novel,how does he think the relationship between art and life?答案:art is h

16、igher问题:Which work is written by Wilde in prison?答案:De profundis问题:Oscar Wilde is called “Prince of _”.答案:Fairytales问题:In the class, the preface we read is written for which book?答案:the picture of Dorian Gray第31章第32章第33章第34章第35章问题:Who is called as “the father of psychoanolysis” _.答案:Freud问题:Freud ma

17、inly analyzes through _ and talks about human mind.答案:scientific pattern问题:In the class about libido,Freud talked _tiers in peoples mind.答案:three问题:Freud provided a new research method, what is it?答案:psycho-analysis问题:The Oedipus complex describes a childs sexual desire for his _.答案:oppositesex pare

18、nts问题:According to the exmple we talked about interpretation of preams, which animal be used to suggest sexual repression.答案:snake问题:In Freuds view, literature had its origin in _ of human .答案:sexual desire问题:Does Freud believe that a persons development is determined by genetic factors.答案:no问题:Freu

19、d called a force can promote Ego to transform into other forms as_.答案:libido问题:Freud divided human development into _stages.答案:five第36章第37章第38章第39章第40章问题:Eliot considered tradtion a _ awareness.答案:historical问题:Eliot thinks that the most attractive part in ones work should be _.答案:the essence of trad

20、ition问题:What does Eliot think of about “personality”.答案:personal emotion and experience问题:Eliot thinks that emotions in poems should be _.答案:impersonal问题:The sentence”involves a perception, not only the pastness of the past,but of its presence” guide us to have a_sense.答案:historical问题:In Eliots view

21、, he suggested poets were like _.答案:catalysts问题:Which year that Eliot acquired the Nobel prize.答案:1944问题:How style we can see in Eliots theories?答案:academic问题:In Eliots view, how do poets transform his emotion into literary works.答案:creative问题:Which work is created by Eliot?答案:The waste land第41章第42章

22、第43章第44章第45章问题:Empsons criticism mainly focused on the interpretation of _.答案:english classical literature问题:Which tepe happen when the author discovers his idea in the act of writing.答案:the fifth问题:There are how many tupes of ambiguity summary by Empson?答案:seven问题:Ambiguity tells us to explain the

23、_of language.答案:polysemy问题:We can called the first type of ambiguity as _.答案:metaphor问题:For which type that Empson talked about the double entendre?答案:the third问题:Empsons Ambiguity discussed the _ of literary creation.答案:uncertainty问题:How many times did Empson come to China?答案:twice问题:Empson initall

24、y found his talents in which subject?答案:mathematics问题:Empsons writing has a _ style.答案:obscure第46章第47章第48章第49章第50章问题:In Epic and Novel,Bakhtin thinks that _can link the contemporary reality.答案:Novel问题:In the Rabelais and his world, Bakhtin defined carnival ad a _.答案:interpersonal relationship问题:Who

25、has a similar identity to Bakhtin?答案:Shklovsky问题:Bakhtin was exiled into Siberia in the _.答案:1930s问题:Bakhtins achievement can be included into 3 points: theory of _, theory of dialogue, theory of carnivalization.答案:polyphony问题:According to Bakhtin,_is the only into an incomplete state.答案:Novel问题:In

26、which year that Bakhtins first major work published.答案:1929问题:Whose novels were selected to explain Bakhtins theories?答案:Dostoevskys问题:In which work, Bakhtin firstly put forward the theory of polyphony.答案:Problems of Dostoyevskis poetics问题:In bakhtins view on literary style, he divided it into two s

27、tyles _and novels.答案:epics第51章第52章第53章第54章第55章问题:The Mimetic theory first appeared in _.答案:Platos dialogue问题:In the pragmatic theory,poetrys affects in audiences only as a means end of _答案:teaching问题:Which theory concluded those objective perspectives in western literar theory well.答案:the mimetic th

28、eory问题:The classical model of rhetoric to discuss poetry was _.答案:Horace问题:_is generally considered the main aesthetic model of the western world.答案:the pragmatic theory问题:Abrams is a famous literary critic for _ literature.答案:romantic问题:In the Mirror and the Lamp, Abrams put forward the four factor

29、s of literture: universe, _, artist and audience.答案:work问题:The expressive theory stresses the effect of _.答案:poets mind问题:Abrams thinks that post-renaissance critics is primarily oriented,not from work to universe,but from work to _.答案:audience问题:In Abramss words, the relationship of art works and u

30、niverse was concluded as the _theory.答案:mimetic第56章第57章第58章第59章第60章问题:Content and _are the two sides of concept.答案:form问题:In Against interoretation, interpretation is the revenge of the _ upon art.答案:intellect问题:How interpretation did Sontag against?答案:singular interpretation问题:Sontag opposed that m

31、odern takes too much interpretation attention on the _and significance.答案:content问题:Which work is Sontags last novel?答案:In America问题:The “New Sensibility” stresses art brings the most _feeling to people.答案:original问题:How do we understand the relationship between Against interpretation and the hermen

32、eutics?答案:similar问题:A mental representation of the meaning or significance of something is called as_.答案:interpretation问题:Sontag divided the article into _sections.答案:ten问题:Sontag thinks that _is the highest,most liberating value in art, and in criticism today.答案:transparence第61章第62章第63章第64章第65章问题:J

33、auss and _ established the knonstanz school.答案:Isere问题:Jausss theory is interested more in_.答案:public readers问题:Jauss put forward a method for reconstruction of literary history is reconstructing the _posion.答案:readers问题:A key word about how history affects the way we read a book can be called_.答案:i

34、mpact history问题:In Jausss view on rewriting the literary history, how many topics did he talk?答案:seven问题:In Jausss theory,Horizon of change should be understanded with Aesthetic distance and _.答案:fusion of horizons问题:The theory by Jauss and Iser is the first time _ are seen as core in literary resea

35、rch.答案:readers问题:Which work is the origin of proposing reception aesthetics.答案:.Literary history as a challenge to literary theory问题:_is the most essential concept of Jausss theory.答案:Horizon of expectation问题:Jauss and Iser were called as the binary star of _.答案:receptional aesthetic第66章第67章第68章第69章

36、问题:We orientals are often ignorant of the west, what is the reason?答案:western centralism问题:Generally speaking,Edward said was regaraded as a theoretician of _.答案:postcolonialism问题:Though Said talks about the culture, he quoted a variety of _.答案:literary books问题:The third definition of orientalism by

37、 Said is _.答案:as a discourse of power问题:The theory of Said has its origins in theory of _and theory of Antonio Gramsci.答案:Foucault问题:Edward Said gained his worldwide reputation in _university as well.答案:Columbia问题:In the western tradition,the orientals characters are always _.答案:ugly问题:Saids perspective focuses on the identity of his own ,so he hardly mentioned _in Orientalism答案:the far east问题:Which book is not written by Said?答案:Course in Greneral Linguistics问题:How many meanings did Said put forward of Orientatism in his book.答案:three第70章


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