Unit 1-5 各单元应用文写作 素材-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、新人教版 选必二各单元应用文写作 素材Unit1单元写作主题1、对科学精神的理解2、探究科学活动的经历01Madame CurieBorn into an intellectual family in Poland on Nov.7, 1867, Marie Curie, also known as Madame Curie, showed great interest in physics when she was young.Because of having no chance of being admitted to a university in Poland as a woman

2、at that time, she went to France for further studies and received a degree in physics. In addition, Madame Curie held such an attitude towards life that the weak wait for opportunities while the strong create them. With strong will and great determination, Madame Curie achieved great success in disc

3、overing radium, which enabled her to win the Nobel Prize.Not only did she make great contributions to the world of science but she is regarded as the greatest woman scientist on account of what she did. 02Sample WritingGreat Scientific MindsWhen we consider the great minds of many centuries and ask

4、the question of what makes someone a great scientist, there are many aspects we should evaluate. But which ones are mostimportant? Is it their inventions,cures or solutions to problems? Is it the personal challenges they had to face? Or is it their overall character?Looking at the lives of Qian Xues

5、en and Stephen Hawking, some common characteristics surface they areknowledgeable,giftedself-sacrificing for the greater good of the country orhumanity, brave, and determined.In short, they have to tenaciously chase down solutions to big problems and not let discouragement set in during their discov

6、ery process.We can see this in Oian Xueshens life. pioneering to another country to work with and inspire like-minded people in his field and to collaborate on their work. We can see it in his vigour to return to China and lead their acrospace programme through its birthing stages.We saw the determi

7、nation and devotion to accuracy and truth on the part of Stephen Hawking from his youngest days through the decades he fought for his body while his mind progressed into the arena of geniuses.The definition of scientific spirit is to above all elsebe willing and able to grasp a problem or a question

8、 and not let go of it until knowledgecreative power, and collaboration have brought a clear answer. Then this same mind must believe in its findings enough to bravely present them, prove, and perfect them for the betterment of the quality and sustainability of life all over the world. It is to look

9、squarely, ask questions, and never give up trying. 03写作素材The spirit of Chinese scientistsChinese scientists, and the progress they make in science and technology, have always been a matter of great concern to President Xi. He has praised their spirit on many occasions. This advocacy was translated i

10、nto a document, issued in June 2019, on carrying forward the spirit of Chinese scientists and enhancing academic integrity. The document defined the spirit of Chinese scientists in the new era aspatriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, teamwork, and promoting young successors.党的十八大以来,习近平总书

11、记高度关心关怀中国科技事业和广大科学家群体,多次就弘扬科学家精神发表重要讲话。2019年6月,关于进一步弘扬科学家精神加强作风和学风建设的意见印发,明确了新时代科学家精神的内涵,即“胸怀祖国、服务人民的爱国精神,勇攀高峰、敢为人先的创新精神,追求真理、严谨治学的求实精神,淡泊名利、潜心研究的奉献精神,集智攻关、团结协作的协同精神,甘为人梯、奖掖后学的育人精神”。Patriotism is what inspires scientists to work for the country and the people.爱国精神是激励科学家为国家和人民服务的动力.Innovation is what

12、 distinguishes them as scientists who dare to be pioneers and persevere in tackling key problems in their research.创新精神是科学研究最鲜明的禀赋,他们敢于开拓,坚持不懈地解决研究中的关键问题。Seeking truth is a trait of scientists who are meticulous in research.求实精神是科技发展进步的原动力,是一丝不苟的科学家的品质Dedication reflects their strength of character

13、as they devote themselves to research for the public good and are heedless of fame and fortune.奉献精神成就科学家高尚人格风范Effective teamwork is essential to pooling the wisdom of all in an era of globalization.协同精神是经济全球化时代之必需The will and effort of veteran scientists to foster and promote young scholars is essen

14、tial to Chinas future.育人精神则关乎科技事业长远发展Speaking to a symposium with scientists in early September 2020, President Xi said that scientists could make no progress without a strong mental support, and their spirit is a valuable asset created and passed down through years of work and research.2020年9月,习近平总

15、书记主持召开科学家座谈会并指出,科学成就离不开精神支撑。科学家精神是科技工作者在长期科学实践中积累的宝贵精神财富。Unit2单元写作主题1.外国人学汉语的困难2.关于留学的利弊01Sample WritingStudy abroad or at homeWith the rapid development of science and technology, much more people plan to study abroad than before. They are the students who are from colleges and universities, from t

16、he middle schools, from the primary schools, or from all walks of life. However, what difference does it make between studying abroad and studying home?I believe studying home is preferable though many students are enthusiastic about studying abroad to pursue their higher education. On the one hand,

17、 you dont have to take foreign language tests such as TOEFL or GRE. This can save you a tremendous amount of time, money and effort, allowing you to put much energy into to your academic field. In addition, if you study at home, you can stay with your family and old friends. Meanwhile, while studyin

18、g at home, you can enjoy the intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university, where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the time. For these reasons, it is more realistic and sensible to pursue ones higher education at home than

19、 studying abroad.In a word, compared with studying abroad, I prefer to study at home. For one thing, it saves money for my family, and relieves the pressure of my parents. For another, studying at home may make me better than studying abroad, if I go to a terrible school abroad.02作文题目:1.海外留学的好处2.海外留

20、学也存在一些问题3.你的观点Sample WritingOverseas StudyThe discussion about overseas study has never stopped in the past few years. Lets have a look at its advantages and disadvantages before drawing the final conclusion.The biggest advantage of studying overseas is the higher academic level and advanced researc

21、h facilities. Whats more, by understanding a new culture and meeting different people, students can develop a more reasonable and balanced view towards the world. Last but not least, the experience will be invaluable to character building, which makes most students more independent, diligent and ent

22、erprising.However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, if a person does not make full preparations before going abroad, he will have great difficulty adapting to the new environment. In the second place, the cultural differences will hinder the regular life in many ways. Finally, m

23、oney is always a big problem. Many students have to find part-time jobs to earn money to pay tuition and fees.In conclusion, the advantages of overseas study outweigh disadvantages. Once they return home, the overseas students will make great contributions to our motherland.03Sample WritingWhy study

24、 abroad?Dear Editor,Many people ask the question,“Why study abroad? After all there are many great universities and schools in China that attract great professors both local and foreign.”I think that while this is true this gets things slightly wrong. The question isnt that people think the quality

25、of their local university is not adequate, but rather how studying abroad helps and benefits the individuals in their own study and career plans.By studying abroadChinese students get a better understanding of other cultures and countries, and learn to see themselves as global citizens.As a result,

26、they can better understandChinas place in the world and how they can contribute to world peace and development.In addition overseas students can learn cross-cultural communication skills which will help them understand how they can participate on the world stage There are so many places in the world

27、 with hurting, needy people.With such skills and knowledge they can better lend them a helping hand.Finally.when our students return home they can share their experience with others. There is a wide open world which they can contribute to,but only if they first learn about people from other countrie

28、s, and their struggles and challenges.In conclusion, the best way to get is by giving,and the easiest way to be loved is by loving others.I hope everyone will agree that there is a wonderful world out there which can be made better by our presence, but they need to learn how they can contribute and

29、help, and they can best do this through student exchange.Best regardsLiu Ping04Help Jim learn ChineseSample WritingHi Jim!I saw your ad and I think I can help you. Myhome is the perfect place for you. I live in a more traditional area of town. I can do all sorts of activities there, such as tai chi.

30、I love tai chi! Theres a large park where everyone in the community can go to do exercise or simply be in nature. Since a lot of people live in this area. there is a lot of traffic so be careful when crossing the road!My parents own a restaurant in the local area, and are great cooks. Theyd love to

31、give you a taste of authentic Chinese food. My uncle is a calligraphy teacher at the local primary school.He used to teach me when I was a kid, so I could teach you some calligraphy too.On weekends, I could take you to places of historical interest.We could even walk along the Great Wall.Finally and

32、 most importantly,I could help you brush up on your Chinese skills and get a job.Please contact me as soon as possible.I look forward to your response.Best,Li LeiUnit3单元写作主题健康饮食01写作素材Overall,I think I have healthy eating habits. As for the things that I am doing right, I am eating a variety of healt

33、hy foods and trying to eat fresh food as much as possible.After noting down what I have eaten over the last three days,I can see lots of healthy and nutritious things on the list. such as fisheggsfruit and salad.Put simply, most of my diet contains food that is good for my body. The fruit and vegeta

34、bles that I eat are full of vitamins and minerals. And they contain much more nutrition than processed foods Fresh food is also lower in sugar, salt. and fat.However, I do have some bad eating habits. There are some foods that I should not eat too much of.For example, rice and bread are healthy,but

35、eating too much can create too much unused energy and cause you to gain weight and feel tired. I also really like eating pre-made steamed buns and tomato soup from the storebut I now know they contain far too much sugar salt, and fat. Also, some types of meat contain a lot of fat. so I should be car

36、eful with how much I consume.The same goes for the pancakes I buy on the street. They are delicious, but they are by no means healthy and I should be careful with how often I consume them.In addition to the above,Ialso sometimes find myself too busy and forget to eat. I also have a hard time refusin

37、g sweets from others,even though I know they are bad for me.I should improve my bad eating habits by always taking the time to eateven if Im busy. I should have set times every day when I stop working and just eat. Icould prepare some healthy dishes in advance that I can eat when Im too busy, becaus

38、e this will give me more control over the sorts ofthings I eat. should also avoid eating in front of the TV as it is too casy to cat too much that way. And, of course, I also need to say no to sweets!After reading the article entitled“Healthy Eating”.I now better understand how to eat more healthily

39、 and improve my food choices. I hope to follow a balanced diet without too much or too little of any one thing.I think this is a key tip for healthy eating. And I think healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude. It is up to me to make the right decisions about my diet and I have decided t

40、o be healthier and happier!02Everyone is different and has a different kind of lifestyle, and for me, prepared food is the best kind of food.There are three reasons for this.Firstly, prepared food is quicker.My parents and I are all very busy,so we simply do not have much time.It usually takes less

41、than five minutes to get a prepared meal while cooking with fresh ingredients requires several hours when you include the time for shopping for preparing the meal,and for cleaning up afterwards.Secondly, some prepared food is just as healthy as the food made with fresh ingredients. Not all prepared

42、food is bad for you-you just have to make healthy choices-salad instead of a hamburger for example. Andin factsome convenience stores and supermarkets even sell special lines of healthy prepared meals nowadays.Finally, prepared food often tastes better. Not everyone is a good cook so it makes sense

43、to buy prepared food that tastes better.For examplethere is a brand of prepared dumplings which is quite healthy, and tastes wonderful Why should I take the time to make myown dumplings when I can buy prepared dumplings that are just as good?In conclusion, my lifestyle demands that I eat prepared fo

44、od. It is much faster.It can be just as healthy if we make good choices, and some food certainly tastes better than what my family can make ourselves.Unit4单元写作主题家信:旅途见闻01Sample WritingA VISIT TO BEIJINGJuly 14th, 2022 was a very special day for me. I went to Beijing by train on that day. I was very

45、happy because I would see the capital of China-Beijing, a really great city in China!Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China. There are lots ofplaces of interest(名胜), such as the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, and the Great WallLots of visitors from different countries come to Beijing every

46、 year.Istayedin Beijing for three days.During these days, Ivisitedmany good places. When Iwasin the Palace Museum, I reallydidnt knowthe directions(方向). It is very large. People will spend four hours if they want to travel around it. All the things in it are very nice. Although they were made more t

47、han 500 years ago, they look very beautiful. When wewerein Taipei Palace, wesawa special chair. Itwasfor the emperor and it was made of gold. Each of the visitors said that it is really nice after they visited the Palace Museum.When wewent tothe Great Wall, Iwasveryexcitedbecause it is the most famo

48、usplace of interest(名胜古迹)in China.On the way to the top of the Great Wall, Iranvery fast all the time. When Iwasat the top of the Great Wall, IthoughtIwasa hero!Three days is too short for me. Beijing is a very good and modern city. I want to make it more and more beautiful. I should work hard. I believe Beijing willbe the best in the future.02题目要求假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“A visit to the Museum of the Anti-Japanese War”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍你们班同学参观抗日战争纪念馆的过程。注意:词数不少于60。Sample WritingA visit to the Museum of the Anti-Japanese WarLast Saturday, our class visited the Mu


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