人教版高考英语核心考点归纳必修五:unit 1知识点总结.doc

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1、高考英语核心考点归纳-必修五unit 11.put forward提出;将提前;将钟/表拨快【教材原句】Who put forward a theory about black holes?是谁提出了黑洞理论呢?领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义(1)I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV.我很容易接受电视上专家们提出的任何建议。(2)The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant.There is too much w

2、ork to do.经理提出了一条建议,我们应该有个助手。要做的工作太多了。(3)So when you have money,take off the top 10%,put it aside,save and invest wisely.所以当你有钱的时候,拿出10%,存起来,明智投资。联想拓展记考点(1)put aside忽视;不理睬;储蓄;储存(2)put away把收起来;放好;积蓄(3)put back放回;拨慢;拖延(4)put down记下,写下;镇压(5)put off推迟;延期(6)put out扑灭;生产;出版;公布(7)put up举起;张贴;提高;建立(8)put u

3、p with容忍;忍受2.conclude vt.& vi.断定;推断出;(使)结束;终止;达成;缔结(协定)派生conclusion n.结论;推论;结尾;结局【教材原句】Although he had tried to ignore them,all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion:.虽然他曾经试着不去理睬那些数字,然而他所有的数学计算都得出了一个相同的结论:领悟高考究考法完成句子(1)What can we conclude from the study?从这个研究中我们可以得出什么结论?(2)It can

4、 be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about bad tables,” given that theyre profitable.可以得出这样的结论:餐馆的老板们不需要过分担心“坏的”桌子,只要它们是盈利的。(3)The meeting concluded at ten oclock.会议于十点钟结束。(4)In the end the idea almost leads them to the same conclusion.最终这个想法几乎使他们得出同样的结论。联想拓展记考点(1)conc

5、lude.from.从中推断出(2)conclude sth.with./by doing.以结束某事(3)to conclude最后(4)draw/arrive at/come to/reach a conclusion 得出结论(5)in conclusion最后;总之3.attend vt.& vi.出席;参加;照料;护理【教材原句】John Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.约翰斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生他

6、的医术的确精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女王的私人医生。领悟高考究考法写出下列句子中attend的意思(1)Students with I.D.cards can attend the events for free.参加(2)Later,when Hannah attended school,she saw another homeless person.上(学)(3)The patients are well attended in the hospital.照顾完成句子(4)I have just found that I have to attend an important meetin

7、g that afternoon.我刚刚发现那天下午我必须出席一个重要的会议。(5)I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation.假期期间我打算去英国参加一个暑期学校项目。联想拓展记考点(1)attend a meeting/a lecture/school参加会议/听讲座/上学(2)attend to处理;注意;专心于;照料(3)be attended by.由陪同;由照料4.expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光;使面临【教材原句】The water companies were instruct

8、ed not to expose people to polluted water any more.自来水公司也接到指令,不能再让人们接触被污染的水了。派生exposed adj.无遮蔽的;暴露的exposure n.显露;暴露;揭露;曝光领悟高考究考法用介词或expose的适当形式填空(1)She said social media firms were exposing children to major emotional risks,with some youngsters starting secondary school ill-equipped to cope with the

9、 tremendous pressure they faced online.她说社交媒体公司让孩子们面临重大的情感风险,一些青少年在中学时还没有能力应对他们在网上面临的巨大压力。(2)I wanted the children to keep exposed to the language and culture.我想让孩子们接触这门语言和文化。(3)Exposure to light while sleeping can increase a persons chances of getting cancer.睡觉的时候暴露在光线下会增加一个人患癌症的几率。联想拓展记考点(1)expose

10、 sth./sb./oneself to.显露或暴露某事物/某人/自己于(2)be exposed to.暴露于5.absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心【教材原句】The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是人们在吃饭的时候把这种病毒吸收进体内。派生absorbed adj.全神贯注的absorbing adj.十分吸引人的领悟高考究考法写出下列句中absorb的意思(1)I dont want to get too absorbed in mo

11、deling. 专注于;专心(2)Others absorb light,stopping it dead in its tracks.吸收(3)They absorbed a great deal of Roman culture.吸收(4)The lecture completely absorbed the attention of the audience.吸引联想拓展记考点(1)be absorbed by为所吸收,为所吸引(2)be absorbed in.全神贯注于6.blame vt.责备;谴责;找的差错;埋怨;把归咎于n.埋怨;责备;责怪;(过错、事故等的)责任【教材原句】I

12、t seemed that the water was to blame.看来水是罪魁祸首。领悟高考究考法完成句子(1)Some social app companies were to blame because they didnt adequately check their users registration.一些社交应用公司应当对此事负责,因为他们没有充分检查用户的注册信息。(2)Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blameonthe alarm clock.很多人发现早晨起床很困难,并

13、且把这归咎于闹钟。(3)I am ready to take/bear the blame for the mistake.我准备为这个错误承担责任。(4)If anyone is to blame,its me.如果有人该承担责任,那就是我。联想拓展记考点(1)blame sb.for sth.因某事责备某人(2)put/lay blame on sb.把某事归咎于某人(3)bear/take the blame 承担责任(4)be to blame 对(坏事)负有责任体会语境辨词义用blame或scold的适当形式填空Parents may scold their children whe

14、n they are untidy.当孩子们不整洁时,父母可能会训斥他们。Mark had been scolded before for touching his fathers equipment.马克之前曾因摸他父亲的器材而受到责备。Nobody is to blame for it.没有人会因此事受到责备。自助巩固blame n. & vt.“责备,责怪”,语气较轻。scold vt.“责骂,训斥”,指大声呵斥、责备。常用于长辈对晚辈、上级对下级。7.link.to将和联系或连接起来【教材原句】In another part of London,he found supporting

15、evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.在伦敦的另外一个地区,他从两个与宽街暴发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中发现了有力的证据。领悟高考究考法用介词或link的适当形式填空(1)Studies have linked high exposure to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problems.研究发现,长期暴露于环境污染中会增加患心脏疾病的风险。(2)Linking arms with one of th

16、e instructors,I helped carry the young man out of the water.我与一名教练手臂相连,将这个年轻人抬出了水面。联想拓展记考点link.with.将人或物连接或联合起来8.contribute vt.& vi.捐款;贡献;捐助;投稿派生contribution n.贡献;捐款;稿件contributor n.捐赠者领悟高考究考法写出下列句子中contribute的意思(1)Were not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor.贡献(2)All th

17、e people in our school contributed something to the disaster areas.捐献(3)She has contributed several poems to literary magazines.投稿用介词或contribute的适当形式填空(4)Rosa Parks made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the U.S.Rosa Parks为美国的民权运动做出了巨大的贡献。(5)The contributors explore groups of chil

18、dren and young people who have.捐赠者探索了拥有的许多孩子和年轻人。(6)3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution.3D食物打印可能有助于解决这个问题。联想拓展记考点(1)contribute.to.把贡献给(2)contribute to.导致;向投稿;有助于(3)make contributions to.对做出贡献9.apart from除之外【教材原句】Apart from the construction mentioned above,you have also learned

19、 the following phrases.除了上述结构短语外,你还学习了以下(类似)短语。领悟高考究考法诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义(1)Apart from an occasional noise from the elephants stomach,the forest was silent.除了从大象的肚子里偶尔传来的声音,森林里非常寂静。(2)Apart from that,there were all sorts of disasters.除此之外,还有各种各样的灾难。联想拓展记考点(1)take.apart 将拆开(2)tell sb./sth.apart 分辨出某人/某

20、物10.make sense讲得通;有意义;有道理【教材原句】Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。领悟高考究考法翻译或完成句子,体会黑体部分的含义(1)The lectures offer students the chance to make sense of maths knowledge.这些课给学生提供机会去理解数学知识。(2)The sentence doesnt make s

21、ense.这个句子讲不通。联想拓展记考点(1)make sense of 理解;明白(2)make no sense 没道理;没意义(3)in a sense/some sense从某种意义上来说(4)There is no/some sense in doing.做是(没)有道理/意义的。核心句式1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。分析提炼究考法句中neither.nor.意为“既不也不”,连接句中两个相同的句子成分。连接两个名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词与nor后的名词/代词在人称和数上保

22、持一致,即遵循语法上的就近一致原则。类似的结构还有:either.or.或者或者not.but.不是而是not only.but also.不仅而且领悟考法用考点用be的适当形式填空(1)Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.我妻子和我本人都没能说服女儿改变主意。(2)Not the passengers but the driver was to blame.不是乘客而是司机应该受到责备。(3)Either you or one of your students is t

23、o attend the meeting to be held tomorrow.要么你,要么你的学生中的一个,要参加明天举行的会议。2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每次暴发霍乱时,都有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。分析提炼究考法(1)every time引导时间状语从句,相当于whenever,意思是“每当”。(2)名词词组引导时间状语从句的有every time,each time,any time,the last time,next time,the first time

24、,the moment/instant,the second,the minute,the hour,the day等。(3)有些以-ly结尾的副词,如directly,instantly,immediately,也可引导时间状语从句。领悟考法用考点完成句子(1)Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey,a pleasant smile would spread over Moms face.每一次我们提到旅行中那些有趣的事情,妈妈的脸上就会出现愉快的笑容。(2)The first time I saw Suzy Kh

25、an,I knew I had to help her.我第一次见到苏西汗的时候,就知道我必须帮助她。(3)The moment/Immediately I arrived in Paris,I was greeted by a nice French couple.一到巴黎,一对热心的法国夫妇就接待了我。单句写作(4)我记得你最后一次参观我们学校的时候,给我展示了有关那个主题的一些照片。I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.3.Only if you pu

26、t the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。分析提炼究考法only if“只要,只有”,引导条件状语从句。only if引导的状语从句位于句首时,主句要采用部分倒装语序。注意:if only “但愿,要是就好了”,用以表示对现在、未来的愿望,或者与过去事实相反的愿望。领悟考法用考点完成句子(1)People could be happy only if they bought the “right” products.人们只有买到“对的”产品才高兴。(2)If only he had something to stand on.要是有个东西他能站在上面就好了。


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