Unit 1 Back to School (ppt课件+素材)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit 1 Back to School (ppt课件+素材)_2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册
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Unit 1 Back to schoolReading 1Realizing your potential1.potential a.&n.2.senior a.&n.3.path n.4.challenge n.&vt.5.thinking n.6.positive a.7.opportunity n.8.lie in 9.rise to 10.acquire vt.11.effort n.12.advance n.&v.13.amazing a.14.confidence n.15.make a difference 16.make the most of 17.resource n.18.take advantage of 19.facility n.20.equal n.a.&vt.21.attitude n.22.goal n.23.balance vt.&n.24.improve v.25.last but not least 26.well-rounded a.27.individual n.&a.28.character n.29.responsible a.30.ahead ad.31.junior a.&n.32.forward ad.33.look forward to(doing)sth34.independent a.红色色应用文用文+读后后续写(听写(听说读写)写)蓝色色语法填空(法填空(变形形|固定搭配)固定搭配)黑色黑色阅读理解(知道理解(知道汉语意思)意思)B1U1 Reading 生词(P2-5)Para.1:Welcome to senior high school!Para.2:_Para.3:_Para.4:_Para.5:_Para.6:_you alone are responsible for realizing your great potential.A1I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.potential is your natural ability.when you try hard enough.To realize,it is important to make the most of Of equal importance are habits,skills and a attitude.While reading主主题句句 the topic sentence 首句2句首句首句末2句1.What will open the door to your potential?A.Challenges.B.Opportunities.C.Knowledge and personal growth D.Your time and effort.2.Making the most of our school resources is important while realizing your potential.Which is NOT one of school resources?A.Your classes,teachers and classmates B.School facilities C.Your parents and relatives D.School activities3.What is the main idea of Para5?A.You should discover your potential.B.You should make the most of our school resources.C.You are responsible for realizing your great potential.D.You should also have good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude.A2课文整体理解文整体理解While reading1.What challenges will students face at senior high school?A new environment,new knowledge and new ways of thinking.2.What does the principal have confidence in?He has confidence in students ability to make a difference to their family,to their community and to our country.3.What school resources are mentioned in the speech?Classes,teachers and classmates,school facilities and activities.4.What positive attitude should students develop?Always look on the bright side and never lose hope,even in difficult situations.A3细节理解理解-看看课文,答文,答问题While readingSpeech OutlineThe _ of the speechThe _ of the speechThe _ of the speechopeningdevelopmentclosingAfter readingHow to realize ones potential?Subjective主主观(1)_(2)_(3)_Objective客客观make the most of school(4)_(5)_(6)_(7)_(8)_(9)_(10)_(11)_resourcesclassesschool facilitiesclassmatesteachersclubssports activitiesgood study habitsuseful skillsa positive attitude school activities After reading“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”Realizing your great potential depends on _.yourselfWhat is the main idea of the speech?The speech focuses on“potential”:its definition,significance and ways to realize ones potential.After reading必修一 Unit 1 Reading2 词汇&长句potential a.&n.path n.positive a.lie in rise to effort n.amazing a.confidence n.make a difference tomake the most of equal n.a.&vt.attitude n.goal n.balance vt.&n.improve v.ahead ad.look forward to(doing)sthindependent a.B1U1 Reading生词(P2-5)senior a.&n.junior a.&n.challenge n.&vt.opportunity n.acquire vt.advance n.&v.take advantage of facility n.responsible a.thinking n.resource n.last but not least well-rounded a.individual n.&a.character n.forward ad.完成 P5 B11.根据PPT提示,划出短语。2.小组互助,把全文译成中文。浏览课文1段 欢迎来到S.P.welcome to S.P.(L1)美好未来的开始 the start of a promising future(L3)2段 迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth (L4)通向一个充满的世界lead to a world full of (L5)思维积极的那些人those with a positive mind(L7-8)(存)在于 lie in (L8)应对挑战rise to the challenges(L9)享受个人成长的机会the opportunity to enjoy personal growth(L11)更重要的是most importantly (L11)叩开的大门open the door to (L12)积累词汇3段 简而言之 put simply=to put it simply(L14)足够努力 try hard enough(L15)取得进步make advances (L16)对有信心have confidence in (L17)影响改变make a difference to (L18)发现潜能discover your potential (L19)4段 全面发挥潜能fully realize your potential (L21)充分利用make the most of (L21)利用take advantage of (L22)|make use of(L23)向学习请教learn from (L22)一两个俱乐部a club or two(L24)积极参加take an active part in (L24)积累词汇5段 同样重要的 be of equal importance=be equally important(L25)良好学习习惯good study habits(L25)实用的技能useful skills (L25)一个积极的态度a positive attitude (L25)细致规划sthcarefully plan sth (L26)设立清晰目标set clear goals=set a clear goal (L26)平衡A和B的关系balance A with B (L26)努力做某事make efforts to do sth (L27)提高沟通技巧 improve your communication skills (L27-28)提高解决问题的技巧 improve your problem-solving skills(L28)最后但同样重要的是last but not least (L28)最终;及时in time(L29)成长为grow into(L30)积累词汇5段 要一直看到事情好的一面,即便身处逆境,也永远不失去希望。(L28-29)Always look on the bright side and never lose hope,even in difficult situations.6段 正如老子所说,“千里之行,始于足下。”(L31-32)As Lao-Tzu said,“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”不断努力做sthmake a continuous effort to do sth (L32)训练思维train your mind (L32)培养品格develop your character (L32-33)对负责be responsible for (L33-34)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。(P1)Study without thinking leads to confusion;thinking without study ends in puzzlement.积累词汇1.Today is the start of a new term,the start of a 3-year journey and the start of a promising future.(Para1)2.The path before you leads to a world full of challenges:a new environment,new knowledge and new ways of thinking.(Para2)3.When you rise to the challenges,you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.(Para2)4.Put simply,potential is your natural ability(that can be developed)when you try hard enough.(Para3)5.Who knows what beautiful works of art you will create,what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop!(Para3)Check-up 翻翻译下列句子下列句子11.Of equal importance are good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude.(Para5)2.Carefully plan your study,set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities.(Para5)3.As a senior high school student,you must make efforts to improve your communication and problem-solving skills.(Para5)4.You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character.(Para6)5.Senior high school will help you learn and grow,yet you alone are responsible for realizing your great potential.(Para6)Check-up 翻翻译下列句子下列句子2challenge confidence acquire rise to 挑战挑战 信心信心 获取获取 能够应对能够应对effort responsible balance take advantage of 努力努力 对对负责负责 使平衡使平衡 利用利用B1IvejustfinishedmyfirstdayofseniorhighschoolandIreallyenjoyedit.Ivebeentoldthatschoolworkwillpresentmoreofa(n)(1)_intheyearsahead,andthattheteacherswillholdustohigherstandards.ThismeansIllhavetoputalotof(2)_intomystudies.Illalsoneedtobeverycarefulabout(3)_myschoolworkandhobbies.Thisisallquitenewanddifferentfrommylifeatjuniorhighschool,butImsureIll(4)_allthesechallenges.Infact,Imlookingforwardtobeingmoreindependentand(5)_formyownlearning.ThereissomuchknowledgeIneedto(6)_,soIllworkharderthanever.Ialsoplanto(7)_everyopportunitytoimprovemycommunicationskills.Illmakemorefriendsbyjoiningsomeclubs.Ihave(8)_inmyabilitytodowellatseniorhighschool!challengechallenge effort effort balancingbalancingrise torise toresponsibleresponsibleB1acquireacquiretake advantage oftake advantage ofconfidenceconfidenceB2B2 We can form adjectives by adding suffixes to nouns or verbs.Sometimes we need to leave out or change the final letter(s)of a word before adding a suffix,e.g.centrecentral,decidedecisiveParts of speech SuffixesWords Nouns-ful-less-aluseful,careful,fearful,delightful,colorful,meaningful,wonderful.endless,careless,fearless,limitless,colorless,useless,worthless,thankless.natural,practical,national,political,personal,traditional,environmental.Parts of speechSuffixesWords Verbs-ive-ousactive,creative,motivative,attractive,protective,relative,alternative,representative.continuous,envious,various.1段 欢迎来到S.P.welcome to S.P.美好未来的开始 the start of a promising future2段 迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth 通向一个充满的世界lead to a world full of 思维积极的那些人those with a positive mind (存)在于 lie in 应对挑战rise to the challenges 享受个人成长的机会the opportunity to enjoy personal growth更重要的是most importantly叩开的大门积累词汇3段 简而言之 足够努力 取得进步 对有信心 影响改变 发现潜能 4段 全面发挥潜能 充分利用 利用 向学习请教 一两个俱乐部 积极参加 5段 同样重要的 良好学习习惯 实用的技能 一个积极的态度 细致规划sth 设立清晰目标 平衡A和B的关系 努力做某事 提高沟通和解决问题的技巧 最后但同样重要的是 最终;及时 成长为 Check-up 5段 要一直看到事情好的一面,即便身处逆境,也永远不失去希望。6段 正如老子所说,“千里之行,始于足下。”不断努力做sth训练思维培养品格对负责*学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。积累词汇B1U1 Extended reading School life in the UK1.secondary a.2.exchange n.&vt.3.host n.&vt.4.a.m.p.m.5.biology n.6.tough a.7.alarm n.&vt.8.contribution n.9.fortunately ad.10.over time 11.option n.12.butter n.13.pudding n.14.attract vt.15.rugby n.16.calligraphy n.红色红色 应用文应用文+读后续写(听说读写)读后续写(听说读写)蓝色蓝色 语法填空(变形语法填空(变形|固定搭配)固定搭配)黑色黑色 阅读理解(知道汉语意思)阅读理解(知道汉语意思)B1U1 Extended Reading 生词(P11-13)生词P11-13exchange n.&vt.交换生 an exchange student交流项目 exchange programs以A换B exchange A for B跟换 exchange sth with sb为换取 in exchange for option n.-optional a.host n.&vt.-hostess a.m.p.m.biology n.-biological tough a.-艰难的艰难的|结实的结实的|坚韧的坚韧的alarm n.&vt.-set|turn off the alarm for 4:30 -alarming a.|alarmed a.contribution n.C -make contributions to contribute()to fortunately ad.-fortune n.|fortunate a.over time 久而久之久而久之butter -cheese|butterfly n.firefly n.pudding-ice cream attract vt.-attractive a.|attraction n.U|Ccalligraphy-calligraphersecondary a.rugby n.语法填空 1.Studying(study)at a British secondary school was an enjoyable experience for me,where I met a 2.lovely(love)host family.Among the nine subjects we had to learn,technology classes were fun 3.while Maths was easy.Homework wasnt as much as we had before,but class discussion was 4.challenging(challenge)for me.Luckily,5.with the help and 6.encouragement(encourage)of my teachers and classmates,my language skills improved 7.over time.We had many 8.options(option)for lunch and could play on the huge sports field or just relax under the tree or sat 9.on the grass.10.By joining clubs,I made friends with a lot of British students.根据课文内容(P11-12),在下列短文空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。长句分析 1.The British school day commonly begins around 9 a.m.and ends around 4 p.m.(L5)2.The classes are different from those in China.(L10)The weather here is different from that back in China.3.In the beginning,however,it was still tough for me to remember everyones name!(L12)4.I enjoyed most of the classes,but some of them were quite challenging.Technology classes were fun I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.However,learning in English was a great challenge for me.(L14-18)1.英译中:试译下列句子 2.划好词好句:积累他山之石(好词好句)。长句分析 5.Class discussion is very important in the UK,but I could not make a great contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English.Although there was not as much homework as I was used to,it was still challenging.Fortunately,my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me a lot of encouragement.My language skills improved over time.(L19-24)6.There were lots of options including bread and butter,chicken pie and puddings,but I still miss my mums cooking!(L25-27)7.After school,there were many clubs to join.Joining clubs was a great way to meet British students and make friends with them.(6段首末句)8.Im glad to have the opportunity to experience this different way of life.I cant wait for Daniel to visit China!(6段首末句)1.英译中:试译下列句子 2.划好词好句:积累他山之石(好词好句)。好句仿写 1.英语晚会本周五晚上6点开始,大约9点结束。The English Evening will begin at 6 p.m.this Friday and end around 9 p.m.2.令人惊奇的是,你的答案和我的不同。Surprisingly,your answer is different from mine.It is surprising that your answer is different from mine.3.雨太大,我很难睁开眼睛。It was raining so heavily that it was hard for me to open my eyes.It was raining heavily and I found it hard for me to open my eyes.The heavy rain stopped me(from)opening my eyes.4.我喜欢高中的大部分的课。但是,我发现数学有点难。I enjoy most of the classes.However,I found Maths a bit challenging|hard|difficult.1.Sth begins at 9 a.m.and ends around 9 a.m.2.A is different from B.3.It is tough|hard|difficult|challenging|a challenge for sb to do sth4.find+O+Oc(adj.|done|doing)5.但是但是 however 插入语插入语,逗号隔开逗号隔开6.喜爱喜爱 enjoy|love|like 1.虽然这里的作业没有我预期的那么多,但是我真的想念老妈烧的饭菜!Although there was not as much homework as I thought|expected,(yet)I really missed my mums cooking!2.放学后参加社团有很多好处。最重要的是,它是结识新人、交友的好方法。There are many advantages of joining clubs after school.Most importantly,it is a good|great way to meet new people and make friends with them.3.起初,我对课堂讨论贡献寥寥,因为我不能用英语清楚表达自己的看法。幸运的是,老师 和同学们给了我很多帮助和鼓励。在他们的帮助下,久而久之我的英语大大提高。In the beginning,I made few contributions to class discussion because I couldnt express myself clearly in English.Fortunately|Luckily,my teachers and classmates gave me a lot of help and encouragement.With their help,my English improved over time.4.作为一个交换生,我很高兴有机会体验不同的生活方式,结识不同的人。As an exchange student,Im glad I have the chance|opportunity to experience different ways of life and meet different people.好句仿写 B1U1 Extended reading School life in the UK生词P11-13exchange n.&vt.交换生 an exchange student交流项目 exchange programs以A换B exchange A for B跟换 exchange sth with sb为换取 in exchange for option n.-optional a.host n.&vt.主办;主持主办;主持 -hostess a.m.p.m.biology n.-biological tough a.-艰难的艰难的|结实的结实的|坚韧的坚韧的alarm n.&vt.-set an alarm|alarming a.contribution n.C -make contributions to contribute()to fortunately ad.-fortune n.|fortunate a.over time 久而久之久而久之butter -cheese|butterfly n.firefly n.pudding-ice cream attract vt.-attractive a.|attraction n.U|Ccalligraphy-calligrapher secondary a.rugby n.1.Im longing to visit many attractions(attract)in Beijing next summer holiday.2.A little boy was knocked over by a passing car.Fortunately(fortune),he was just slightly injured.3.Paris will host(host)the 33rd Olympic Games in 2024.4.Scientists all over the world made great contributions(contribute)to medical advances.5.Biology,Chemistry and Geography are optional(option)subjects in schools in China.6.Rainforests are disappearing at an alarming(alarm)speed.7.I exchanged my old books with John for a model plane.8.艰难的;结实的;坚韧|强的;tough a.9.两个交换生two exchange students 10.久而久之 over time 9 月13日 周一 词用巩固(P11-13)长句分析 1.The British school day commonly begins around 9 a.m.and ends around 4 p.m.(L5)2.The classes are different from those in China.(L10)3.In the beginning,however,it was still tough for me to remember everyones name!(L12)4.I enjoyed most of the classes,but some of them were quite challenging I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.(L14-18)1.英译中:试译下列句子 2.划好词好句:积累他山之石。5.Class discussion is very important in the UK,but I could not make a great contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English.Although there was not as much homework as I was used to,it was still challenging.Fortunately,my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me a lot of encouragement.My language skills improved over time.(L19-24)6.There were lots of options including bread and butter,chicken pie and puddings,but I still miss my mums cooking!(L25-27)7.After school,there were
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