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    • Unit 5 Revealing nature Section A Understanding ideas(视频素材)-高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册.mp4


Unit 5 Revealing natureS e c t i o n A U n d e r s t a n d i n g i d e a s目录Pre-class01While-class02After-class0301Pre-classLeading in Vocabulary benefit benefit sb./sth.对有益搭配 benefit from/by得益于,从中受益be of benefit(to sb.)(对某人)有益get/gain/derive a benefit(from sth.)(从某事物)得到好处for ones benefit=for the benefit of sb.为了某人的利益【单词积累】beneficial adj.有利的,有帮助的,有用的be beneficial to对有益练习:The new credit cards will be _ great benefit to our customers.of Leading in Vocabulary distant be distant from离很远;与不同,与关系不密切【单词积累】distancen.距离;遥远;久远;疏远in the distance在远处(距离很远)at/from a distance从远处,离一段距离(不是很远)keep ones distance保持距离 练习:Those stars are distant _ our galaxy.from Leading in Vocabulary disgrace be a disgrace是耻辱,是丢脸的事搭配 bring disgrace on使蒙羞in disgrace不光彩地disgrace oneself丢脸be(publicly)disgraced被(当众)羞辱 练习:You are _ disgrace to the medical profession.aLeading in Vocabulary be crowded withcrowd into涌入 crowd around/round挤在 周围crowd.out把挤出,排挤crowd in(on sb.)(问题或想法)涌上心头,涌入脑海the crowd大众,百姓 a crowd of一群 crowds of.成群的练习:She shut her mind against the fears that crowded _ on her.inLeading in Vocabulary suspect suspect that.怀疑suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人(做)某事【单词积累】(1)suspicion n.怀疑;嫌疑be under suspicion受到怀疑on suspicion of因涉嫌(2)suspicious adj.怀疑的;可疑的中be/become suspicious about/of sth.怀疑 练习:The two officials _(suspect)of having taken bribes.are suspectedCharles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin(18091882)was an English geologist and naturalist.In his famous book On the Origin of Species,Darwin proposed the theory that organisms(individual life forms)evolve extremely slowly.He stated that the organisms that were better suited to their environments would survive and pass on their favorable characteristics to the next generation,while the less suitable organisms would gradually die out.He called this process natural selection.02While-classActivity 1Activity 1Activity 1Activity 1Look at the evolutionary tree and answer the questions.1 What species do you recognise in the picture?2 What factors can cause the process of evolution?Answer Answer 1 Paramecium,earthworm,snail,crab,fish,tortoise,bird,horse,human,frog,algae,moss,fern.2 Students own answers.Activity 2Activity 2Read the passage and talk about your understanding of the title.学生分组,讨论对课文标题的理解。各小组组内核对答案,交流有效的阅读方法与技巧。小组活动小组活动小组活动小组活动Activity 3Activity 3Choosethemainideaofthepassageandgiveyourreasons.1 Darwins interest in various living things made him a great 1 Darwins interest in various living things made him a great naturalist.naturalist.2 Darwins journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.2 Darwins journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.3 Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had 3 Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had evolved over time.evolved over time.Activity 4Activity 4Number the puzzle pieces in order.Organise information from the passage and complete them.3 Look for more evidence3 Look for more evidenceOn the Galpagos Islands:He noticed that there was a difference between the finches on each of the islands.It seemed the beaks had evolved according to what food was available on that particular island.4 Develop ideas4 Develop ideasDarwin suspected that the finches had evolved from a common ancestor,which had arrived on the islands a long time before and it had slowly evolved into many new species.5 Propose a theory5 Propose a theoryThe Theory of Evolution:living things,including humans,had evolved from lower forms of life.1 On his journey Darwin studied various living things in their natural environments and samples of the plants and animals he had collected.He noticed that some species of animals were very similar to each other.2 Generate ideasDarwin asked the questions:How did different species come to exist?Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their changing environments?03After-class012030Think and shareThink and share自由讨论自由讨论1 Why were many people 1 Why were many people shocked by Darwins theory?shocked by Darwins theory?At that time,people believed that all species At that time,people believed that all species had appeared on Earth at the same time and had appeared on Earth at the same time and had not changed since,but Darwins theory had not changed since,but Darwins theory proposed that living things,including proposed that living things,including humans,had evolved from lower forms of life,humans,had evolved from lower forms of life,which,as a result,shocked many people.which,as a result,shocked many people.012030Think and shareThink and share自由讨论自由讨论2 What kind of person was Darwin 2 What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage?according to the passage?Darwin was a determined man.He had strong curiosity and interest in science and was good at thinking and making discoveries.012030Think and shareThink and share自由讨论自由讨论3 How do you think the human 3 How do you think the human species will evolve in the future?species will evolve in the future?4 What have you learnt about the 4 What have you learnt about the spirit of scientific exploration?spirit of scientific exploration?How can this spirit help you in How can this spirit help you in your life and studies?your life and studies?Students own answers.Students own answers.谢谢观看
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