Unit 3 Understanding ideas Reading (ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit3Unit3 Family mattersFamily mattersLikeLike Father,Father,LikeLike SonSonWangWang JuanJuanZhiyuan SecondaryZhiyuan SecondarySchoolSchoolSayings about familyA happy family is but an earlier heaven.East or west,home is the best.You dont choose your family.They are Gods gift to you,as you are to th

2、em.Learning aimsLearning aims1.1.ToTo understandunderstand thethe whole passagewhole passage andandget specific information.get specific information.2.2.ToTo mastermaster thethe 5 5 elements elements ofof a a play.play.3.3.ToTo learnlearn toto buildbuild upup a a nicenice relationshiprelationshipwit

3、h yourwith your familyfamily and and developdevelop youryourgratitude(gratitude(感恩)and and love towards your love towards yourfamily.family.4.4.ToTo build build up up a a positivepositive attitudeattitude towardstowardslife.life.LikeLike Father,Father,LikeLikeSonSon有其父必有其子b.关系如父亦如子Pre-readingPre-rea

4、dingwhats thewhats the genregenre(体裁)of thisof this passage?passage?A A playplay is a story performedis a story performed onon a a stage.It has astage.It has aplotplot,settings,settings,characterscharacters andand actionsactions,asas wellwell asasdialoguedialogue between characters.between character

5、s.Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideasTask1:ReadTask1:Read the passage quicklythe passage quickly and fill inand fill in thethe keykeywords.words.FridayFriday nightnightThe living The living roomroomGrandfatherGrandfather ;FatherFather ;SonSonUnderstanding ideasUnderstanding ideasTaskTask 2 Read t

6、he2 Read the play carefullyplay carefully andand findfind thetheanswers.answers.1.What main1.What main conflictconflict does the son havedoes the son have with hiswith hisfather?father?2.2.What did theWhat did the fatherfather thinkthink ofof a a careercareer of aof alawyer?lawyer?3.Why did3.Why did

7、 thethe conflictconflict happen?happen?Understanding ideasUnderstanding ideas1.What1.What mainmain conflictconflict doesdoes thethe son son havehave withwith hishisfather?father?a disagreement or argument about something importantgo to universityThe son has decided not to _,The son has decided not t

8、o _,hehewants towants to focus focus onon his _his _b_ _ a_ _ n_ _ d and have a and have a careercareer ininmusiclawyer_,but his father_,but his father wants himwants him to be a _.to be a _.2.2.What did theWhat did the fatherfather thinkthink ofof a a careercareer of a lawyer?of a lawyer?Lawyers ar

9、e respectableUnderstanding ideasUnderstanding ideas3.Why 3.Why diddid the conflict happen?the conflict happen?The music industryThe music industry is isdeveloping fast developing fast now.now.Making music Making music is is a job.a job.Playing inPlaying inis not a job.is not a job.A A generation gag

10、eneration gaadvice:advice:ThinkThinkcarefullycarefullyengineerengineerLikeLike FatherFather LikeLike SonSonA AFollowFollow his advicehis adviceandand becomebecome a asuccessful successful lawyer.lawyer.professionalprofessionalfootballfootballplayerplayerUnderstandingUnderstanding ideasideasTask3:Tas

11、k3:Summarize theSummarize the passagepassagewhenwhenTheThe fatherfather andand grandfathergrandfather areare playingplaying chesschess 1._1._thethe boyboy comescomes in.in.TheThe boyboy approachesapproaches thethe tabletable 2.2.nervouslynervouslya a_ andand asksasks hishis fatherfather toto have 3.

12、_have 3._ chatchat withwith himhimcareercareeraboutabout hishis futurefuture 4._.4._.HeHe decidesdecides notnot gogo toto universityuniversityandand hehe wantswants toto focusfocus 5._5._o o_ _n n_ hishis band.band.TheThe fatherfather feelsfeels 6.6.surprisedsurprised_ becausebecause hehe alwaysalwa

13、ys expectsexpects thethe boyboy toto bebe a alawyerlawyer7._.7._.HearingHearing theirtheir conversation,conversation,thethe grandfathergrandfather 8.8.advisesadvises jumpingjumping_ thethe boyboy shouldshould thinkthink carefullycarefully beforebefore 9.9._inin_ withwith bothboth feet.feet.PerhapsPe

14、rhaps thethe boyboy willwill gogo toto universityuniversitymusicmusicandand playplay 10.10._ at theat the samesame time.time.ThinkThink and and ShareShareTask4:Task4:Role-play and Role-play and predictpredict1.Listen to the1.Listen to the multi-media and try tomulti-media and try to imitateimitate t

15、hethe tonetoneand feel theand feel the emotion emotion of theof the two characters.two characters.2.what will happen next?2.what will happen next?DreamDreamFathersFathers adviceadviceRealityRealitya professionala professionalfootball playerfootball playeran engineeran engineer a lawyera lawyer?play

16、in a bandplay in a banda lawyera lawyerThink and Think and ShareShareTask5:Task5:Discuss andDiscuss and shareshare1.If1.If you you werewere inin a similara similar situationsituation to theto the son,whatson,whatwouldwould youyou do?do?Why?Why?If i If i werewere thethe son,son,I would.I would.TheThe

17、 reasonreason why.is why.is that.that.2.What conflicts have you had2.What conflicts have you had with yourwith your parents?parents?HowHowdiddid youyou solvesolve them?them?SolutionsSolutionsAttitudeAttitude1.calm down1.keep our minds open2.treat our pareants the waywe want them to treat us3.learn t

18、o be responsible4.be sure to show love to ourparents.2.acknowledge mistakesand make an apology3.take ones municate witheach other face to faceThinkThink andand ShareShareYou can treat your parents as you wantyour children to treat you.-Isocrates你希望子女怎样对待你,你就怎样对待你的父母。-伊索克拉底Thats becauseThinkThink and

19、and ShareShareEnjoy aEnjoy a poem-poem-A A FamilyFamily isis thisthisToTo bebe a part of a family likea part of a family like minemine for asfor as a a familyfamilyis sois so divinedivinewe do it all aswe do it all as oneoneyou hurt oneyou hurt oneyou hurt allyou hurt allwherewhere love islove is sh

20、ownshownhurt ishurt is sharedsharedour loveour love for each other is neverfor each other is neverimpairedimpairedwewe talk talkwewe laugh laughwewe cry crybut we arebut we are a familya familyandand wewe dodo it all togetherit all togetherandand asas a a family unitfamily unitwe will all standwe wi

21、ll all stand talltallfor we are familyfor we are familya a family full offamily full ofstrengthstrengtha a family full of lovefamily full of lovea a family family nono one can one cantouchtouchthats whythats why I loveI love mymyfamily family soso much.much.英诗欣赏:英诗欣赏:家家作为家庭的一员作为家庭的一员作为一个家庭,我们将一起坚强面作为一个家庭,我们将一起坚强面对一切对一切因为我们是一个家庭因为我们是一个家庭一个充满力量一个充满力量一个充满爱意一个充满爱意一个无可比拟的整体一个无可比拟的整体这也是我深爱我家的原因这也是我深爱我家的原因我感谢上天的恩赐我感谢上天的恩赐家是一个充满爱的地方家是一个充满爱的地方在这里伤痛可以得到分担在这里伤痛可以得到分担关爱永远不会消退关爱永远不会消退我们一起畅谈我们一起畅谈我们一起欢笑我们一起欢笑我们一起哭泣我们一起哭泣我们一起经历所有这一切我们一起经历所有这一切因为我们是一家人因为我们是一家人一个人受伤害大家都受伤害一个人受伤害大家都受伤害HomeworkHomework


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