Unit 3 Understanding ideas (ppt课件) (2)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 3 Understanding ideas (ppt课件) (2)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Understanding ideas (ppt课件) (2)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 3 Understanding ideas (ppt课件) (2)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、Learning aimsLearning aimsAfterAfter thethe class,you shouldclass,you should be able to:be able to:1.Learn the1.Learn the basic elements basic elements ofof a play;a play;2.Taste2.Taste thethe characters emotion and analyzecharacters emotion and analyze thethe characterscharacterspersonality by appr

2、eciatingpersonality by appreciating language;language;3.Explore3.Explore thethe themetheme ofof thethe passage and learn topassage and learn to buildbuild a aharmonious parent-childharmonious parent-child relationship.relationship.PlayActivity 1Activity 1exploreexplore the the playplayTimeTimeWhatWh

3、atPlacePlaceCharacterCharacterMain plotMain plotThey haveThey have an argumentan argument with eachwith eachotherotherClimaxClimaxGrandfatherGrandfather gives somegives somesuggestions.suggestions.angryangrynervousnervoussurprisedsurpriseddisappointed/disappointed/upset/sadupset/sadSon enters theSon

4、 enters theroomroom to tell to tellFatherFather hehe wantswantsto haveto have a a careercareerin musicin music.calmcalm downdownSon decides toSon decides tothink of thethink of theadviceadvice carefully.carefully.relievedrelievedrandfatherrandfather a a b b n n a a d d c c k kfafagrgrt to o h hu u e

5、 e r rndndareare relaxedrelaxed/happy/happyaying chess.aying chess.StructureStructureDialoguesDialogues(Son enters the(Son enters the room)room)(nervously(nervously approaching theapproaching the table)table)(raising his voice in surprise)(raising his voice in surprise)Stage diectionStage diectionac

6、tionaction(looking(looking at father)at father)(ignoring Grandfathers words)(ignoring Grandfathers words)emotionemotion(stepping between Father(stepping between Father and Son andand Son and raising his voice)raising his voice)WhatWhat makesmakes a good play?a good play?settingsetting informationinf

7、ormation(time/place)(time/place)plotplotDialoguesDialoguesStageStage directiondirectioncharactercharacterAnAn excellent performanceexcellent performanceListen toListen to thethe dialoguedialogue and perform theand perform the playplay(pay(pay attentionattention to the charactersto the characters ton

8、e tone,action action and and emotionemotion).).BothBoth ofof them want to makethem want to makedecisions fordecisions for theirtheir sons.sons.GrandfatherGrandfatherSimilaritySimilarityFatherFatherThey They areare firm firm inin TheyThey want to choosewant to choose theirtheirtheirtheir opinions./op

9、inions./ownown career/career/chasechase forfor theirtheirstubbornstubbornownown dreamsdreamsSonSonActivity2Activity2exploreexplore the theme the themeWhat does theWhat does the Son want to do Son want to do inin the the future?future?What does theWhat does the FatherFather want his Son towant his So

10、n to do in thedo in the future?Why?future?Why?RelationshipRelationshipHis son mightHis son mightbecomebecomeThemeThemegeneration gapgeneration gaploveloverespect,understanding,trustrespect,understanding,trustTakeTake it byit by themselvesthemselvesa professional footballa professional football playe

11、rplayerExperience it by themselvesExperience it by themselvesadviseadvise meme to thinkto think carefully carefullythemethemeconflictconflictfind thefind the career career that suitsthat suitsyouryour talentstalentsYourYour answer answeranan engineerengineerOn Children-Kahlil GibranOn Children-Kahli

12、l GibranEverything has itsEverything has its rootroot inin love.love.Love isLove is thethe foundation foundation ofof everything.everything.Y YT TT TA AY YF FParentalParental love is deep and true.love is deep and true.YouYou maymay househouse theirtheir bodies but not theirbodies but not their soul

13、s,souls,ForFor theirtheir souls dwell souls dwell inin thethe househouse ofof tomorrow,tomorrow,which you cannot visit,not even iwhich you cannot visit,not even in yourn your dreams.dreams.YouYou maymay strive to bestrive to be likelike them,but seek not to makethem,but seek not to make them like yo

14、u.them like you.ForFor life goes not backward norlife goes not backward nor tarries with tarries with yesterday.yesterday.YouYou areare the bows the bows fromfrom which yourwhich your childrenchildren as living as living arrowsarrows areare sent forth.sent forth.TheThe archerarcher sees thesees the

15、mark upon themark upon the pathpath ofof the infinite,the infinite,andand HeHe bends youbends you with His might that His with His might that His arrowsarrows maymay go go swift andswift and far.far.LetLet your your bending in thebending in the archerarcher s s handhand bebe forfor gladness;gladness

16、;ForFor even as He loves theeven as He loves the arrowarrow that flies,so He loves also thethat flies,so He loves also the bowbow that is stable.that is stable.What haveWhat have you learnedyou learned today?today?communicate,understand,share,love communicate,understand,share,love It It TakesTakes M

17、ore Than BloodMore Than BloodThe The sourcesource of love that helps them of love that helps them grogrow.w.ThereThere areare men that men that childrenchildren call Daddcall Daddy.y.Oh,he Oh,he is is theirtheir sheltershelter when it rains.when it rains.He showers themHe showers them with unconditi

18、onal lwith unconditional love.ove.As if it As if it werewere his bloodhis blood in theirin their veins.veins.WheneverWhenever youyou meet a Dad that meet a Dad that redefinredefines thees the word,word,It takes It takes moremore than than blood to be a dad.blood to be a dad.Oh thisOh this is is sure

19、lysurely a a provenproven fact.fact.IveIve seen men give his heart to a childseen men give his heart to a childNeverNever onceonce think of takingthink of taking it back.it back.A A DadDad is the oneis the one who is always who is always there;there;He He protectsprotects a child a child fromfrom al

20、l harm.all harm.He gives a childHe gives a child thethe assuranceassurance thatthathehe will be theirwill be their anchoranchor in anyin any storm.storm.A A realreal DadDad is a man that teaches hisis a man that teaches his honorhonor himhim with all the with all the respectrespect that is dthat is

21、due.ue.childchildUnderstandUnderstand that hethat he proudlyproudly wears this wears thisbannerbanner Because his heart is bigBecause his heart is big enough forenough for youyou.all theall the things in life he needs to things in life he needs to know.know.Hes theHes the towertower of of strengthstrength a childa child leansleanson.on.Activity3Activity3HomeworkHomework1.Appreciate1.Appreciate the the poempoem It Takes More Than Blood.2.Write2.Write a poem a poem to yourto your parents.parents.


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