Unit 2 Vocabulary(2)(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、高一英语必修高一英语必修1 Unit 2 前前 1/2 Vocabulary核心详解常州市戚墅堰高级中学 姜达娣go through the roof:go through the roof:(1)n.“屋顶;车篷;车顶”(pl:roofs)(Structure covering or forming the top of a building,vehicle,etc)e.g.no roof over ones head 无家可归 three generations living under one roof 住在一个屋顶下的三代人(2)A.增长、加强或上涨到极大且通常出乎意料的程度:(To

2、grow,intensify,or rise to an enormous,often unexpected degree)暴跳如雷,大暴跳如雷,大发发雷霆雷霆 (To become extremely angry)(To become extremely angry)e.g.Operating costs went through the roof last year.去年的手术费用已涨到登峰造极的程度。Inflation would go through the roof and the Greek economy would get worse and worse.通货膨胀将达到极限,希

3、腊经济将越来越差。B.e.g.When I told her about breaking the window,she went through the roof.她听我说有关砸碎窗户的事时大发雷霆。(3)raise the roof:(3)raise the roof:A.极其吵闹,喧哗(To be extremely noisy and boisterous)e.g.The participants plan to dance,drink,and generally raise the roof at tonights party.参与者们计划在今晚的聚会上跳舞、饮酒及总之是极尽喧闹之能

4、事 B.大声且强烈地抱怨(To complain loudly and bitterly)e.g.Angry tenants finally raised the roof about their noisy neighbors.愤怒的房客终于对吵闹喧哗的邻居提出强烈抗议.go out to battle go out to battle 奔赴奔赴战场战场 (1)n.“战斗;战役;交战”(Fight,esp between organized armed forces)e.g.a fierce battle 激烈的战斗die in battle 阵亡a battle of words/wits

5、 a battle of words/wits 一一场场舌舌战战/智斗智斗 battle on battle on 继续奋继续奋斗斗(2)n.“争斗;斗争”(Any contest or struggle)e.g.Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty.他们一生都在不断地与贫穷作斗争。(3)vi.“和作战,和斗争”(To fight against)battle with/against sb/sth(for sth)e.g.He see eye to eye with Mary on this matter.他对这件事的看

6、法与玛丽完全一致。It is hardly possible for young people to see eye to eye with their parents on political issues.在政治问题上,年轻人几乎不可能与他们的父母亲有一致的看法。Mother didnt see eye to eye with father on where we would go for our vacation.关于我们去什么地方度假妈妈和爸爸的意见完全不一致。(1)n.C “争论;争辩;争吵”(Disagreement;quarrel)e.g.get into/have an arg

7、ument with the referee(about his decision)与裁判员争辩(他所做的裁判)The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.双方的争论被新闻界夸大了。(2)n.U “争论;辩论”(Discussion based on reasoning)e.g.We agreed without much further argument.我们没怎么进一步争论就达成了一致意见。We must settle this by argument not by fighting.我们应当用说服而不是用打架来

8、解决问题。hold waterhold water站不住脚的站不住脚的(3)n.(C)“论据;论点;理由”(Reason or reasons put forward)the argument for/against sth.e.g.There are many arguments against smoking.有许多理由反对吸烟。This argument,however,does not.但是,这种观点是。There are strong arguments for and against capital punishment.对于执行死刑,赞成与反对的双方都有强有力的论据。(4)arg

9、ue:A.vi.“争论;争辩;争吵”(Express an opposite opinion;exchange angry words;quarrel)argue with sb about/over sth.e.g.Dont argue with your mother.不要和母亲争辩。We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱.for/against for/against argue sb into/out of doing sth.argue sb into/out of doing sth.

10、Bvi./vt.“说理;争辩;辩论;讨论”(Give reasons for or against sth,esp with the aim of persuading sb;discuss(sth);debate)argue sth./argue that argue the toss 反对某项决定(Say that one disagrees about a decision)说服/劝说某人(不)做某事(Persuade sb to do/not to do sth by giving reasons)e.g.argue for the right to strike 为争取罢工权利而辩论

11、 I argued that we needed a larger office.我据理力争我们需要大些的办公室。The lawyers argued the case for hours.律师们对那个案件辩论了几小时。You can argue the toss all you like,but the decision has been made.随你高兴怎么争吧,反正这事已经定了。They tried to argue him into join them.他们试图争论说服他假如他们。(1)n.“十几岁的青少年”(A person between the ages of 13 and 1

12、9;an adolescent)e.g.Sandy is a very busy teenager.山迪是个非常忙碌的少年。Since his parents died early,he had to earn his own living when he was a teenager.因双亲早亡,他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。(2)teenage/teenaged:adj.“少年的;十几岁的”(Of,relating to,or applicable to those aged 13 through 19.)e.g.Teenage girls are crazy about that si

13、nger.少女们狂热的喜欢那个歌星。Teenage idols have a strong influence on our children.青少年偶像对孩子们的影响非常深。“紧张紧张局局势势”作不可数名作不可数名词词或可数名或可数名词词,後者通常作後者通常作复数复数 racial/political/social tension(s)racial/political/social tension(s)(1)n.U “紧张”(Mental,emotional or nervous strain;tenseness)e.g.Tension is a major cause of heart d

14、isease.精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因。suffer from(nervous)tension 感到(神经)紧张(2)n.C/U (Condition when feelings are tense or relations between people,groups,etc are strained)e.g.种族间的/政治上的/社会生活中的紧张状态(3)tense:adj.“紧张的;绷紧的”(In a state of mental or nervous tension)e.g.a tense moment/atmosphere/meeting 紧张的时刻/气氛/会议 The play

15、ers were tense at the start of the game.队员们在比赛开始时很紧张。anxious aboutanxious about(1)adj.“忧虑的;焦虑的”(Feeling anxiety;worried;uneasy)be anxious/worried/upset about/for.对担心,焦虑 e.g.Im her safety.我对她的安全担心。Its natural for parents to be anxious about their childrens future.父母为儿女前途操心,是人之常情。He was anxious for hi

16、s family,who were travelling abroad.他担心在国外旅行的家眷。be anxious for be anxious for (2)adj.“渴望的”(Strongly wishing sth;eager for sth)迫切想得到 be anxious/eager to do sth.急切想做某事 be anxious that e.g.Im anxious for the exam result.=Im anxious to know the exam result.我很期待考试结果。He is anxious to enter for the competi

17、tion.他很想去参加比赛。We are anxious that he(should)do his bit.我们非常希望他能尽到自己的本分。(3)anxiety:n.U “忧虑,焦急;渴望,热望”with anxiety=anxiously 焦虑地 e.g.For some people,air travel is a real anxiety.对一些人来说,飞机旅行是真正使他们焦虑的 We waited for the exam result with anxiety.我们急切想知道考试的结果。He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling l

18、ong distances alone.他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心.the birth/death ratethe birth/death rate(1)n.“比率,速度”(A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity)e.g.出生/死亡率 rate of exchange 汇率 at a/the rate of 3 miles an hour 以每小时3英里的速度 produce cars at a rate of 50 a/per week 以每周50辆的速度生产汽车postal/advertising/i

19、nsurance ratespostal/advertising/insurance ratesa first-rate swimmera first-rate swimmer(2)n.“价格,费用”(The cost per unit of a commodity or service)e.g.邮资/广告费/保险费(3)n.“等级”(Level of quality)e.g.优秀游泳运动员 The food here is absolutely first-rate.这里的食物绝对是第一流的。(4)vt.“评定某人/物的价值”(Estimate the worth or value of s

20、b/sth)e.g.The house has been rated at 200000 yuan.这座房子的估价定在200000元。What do you rate his income at?你估计他的收入有多少?They rated him highly.他们对他评价甚高。We rate him as one of the best.我们认为他是其中佼佼者之一。The show was rated as a success by critics and audiences.评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。at any rate at any rate 无无论论如何如何 /at thi

21、s rate /at this rate 照照这这种种样样子子(5)vt.“把(某人/物)看成是;认为”(Regard sb/sth as;consider)e.g.rate the movie excellent 认为这是一部极好的电影 Do you rate Tom among your friends?你认为汤姆是你的朋友吗?(6)e.g.Thats one good piece of news at any rate.不管怎么说,这是个好消息。I may be away on business next week but at any rate Ill be back by Frida

22、y.我下周可能要出差,但无论如何,我最晚星期五回来。At this rate,we shall soon be bankrupt.这样下去的话,我们很快就要破产了。At this rate we shall not finish our work before supper.照这样的速度,我们晚饭前干不完工作。“摄摄影影”(1)“(使朝某方向)冲,奔”(To move swiftly;dart)e.g.The sports car shot past us.赛车从我们前面飞驰而过。The runner shot ahead of the rest.那个赛跑的人向前飞奔而去,把其他人抛在后面。(

23、2)“射击;射杀”(Fire;fire at sb/sth)e.g.Aim carefully before shooting.仔细瞄准后再射击。She went out shooting rabbits.她打兔子去了。(3)(To take pictures;To begin filming a scene in a movie)e.g.The film was shot in black and white.这部电影拍成了黑白片。shoot a woman riding a horse 拍摄一个骑着马的女子shoot up shoot up 快速快速长长高,高,蹿蹿个儿个儿 (4)(To

24、grow in size,or increase in number or level,very quickly)e.g.Sales shot up by 9%last month.销售量上个月猛增了 9。David has really shot up since I saw him last.自从我上次见到大卫以来,他个子窜得很快。(1)n.“粉刺;斑点;圆点;污渍”(Roundish mark or stain;)e.g.a white skirt with red spots 白底红点儿的裙子 The teenage boy was worried about his spots.那个

25、十几岁的男孩担心自己的粉刺。(2)n.“污点”(A flaw in ones reputation or character)e.g.a spot on ones fame/reputation 名誉上的污点on the spot on the spot (3)n.“地点;场所”(Particular place or area)e.g.tourist spot 旅游景点 a historic spot 古迹 at the accident spot 在事故现场(4)“立即;当场”/“在现场,到现场(尤指能提供帮助的人)”e.g.He was hit by a falling tree and

26、 killed on the spot.一棵树倒下来,把他当场砸死了。The police were on the spot within a few minutes.在几分钟内警察就赶到了现场。Luckily there was a doctor on the spot.幸亏当时有位医生在场。put sb on the spot “put sb on the spot “置某人于困境置某人于困境;使某人使某人为难为难”(5)(Put a person in a difficult position;force sb to take action or justify himself)e.g.

27、Youve put me on the spot here.I cant answer your question.这你可把我难住了。你这个问题我答不上来。If this picture appears in the paper tomorrow,hell be put on the spot.如果这张照片明天上了报,那他可就难堪了。vt vt.“瞄准;瞄准;把把作作为为攻攻击击目目标标”(To aim at or forTo aim at or for)be targeted at be targeted at 以以为为目目标标e.g.The company e.g.The company

28、has been targeted has been targeted by animal rights groups for its by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.use of dogs in drugs trials.这这家公司因用狗做家公司因用狗做药药物物试验试验而成而成为动为动物保物保护团护团体批体批评评的的对对象。象。The missiles The missiles were were mainly mainly targeted attargeted at the United States

29、.the United States.导弹导弹主要瞄准主要瞄准的是美国。的是美国。The The campaign campaign is is clearly clearly targeted at targeted at the young.the young.这这个宣个宣传计传计划划显显然是然是针对针对青年人的青年人的。1 1.(2)n.“2)n.“目目标标:被瞄准或被射:被瞄准或被射击击的某物的某物”(Something aimed or fired at)/Something aimed or fired at)/“批批评评或攻或攻击击的目的目标标”(An object of cri

30、ticism or attack)(An object of criticism or attack)e.g.e.g.The missiles missed their target.The missiles missed their target.导弹导弹没有没有击击中中目目标标 meet meet ones export targets ones export targets 达到出口指达到出口指标标 set set a target for a target for production production 制定生制定生产产指指标标 make make a target for att

31、ack a target for attack 成成为为众矢之众矢之的的;成成为为攻攻击击的目的目标标 the target of bitter criticism the target of bitter criticism 严严厉批厉批评评的的对对象象(1)(1)n n.“.“怒,怒,愤愤怒怒”(2)(2)(A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.)(A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.)e.g.Has his e.g.Has his angeranger cooled yet?cool

32、ed yet?他息怒了没有他息怒了没有?(2)vt.“2)vt.“使(某人)使(某人)发发怒怒;激怒激怒”(Fill sb.with anger;make angry)(Fill sb.with anger;make angry)e.g.He was e.g.He was angeredangered by the selfishness of the others.by the selfishness of the others.他因他因为为别别人的自私而人的自私而发发怒怒.(3)3)angry/angrily angry/angrily(1)adj.“(1)adj.“心理的,精神的心理的,

33、精神的”(Of or relating to the mind;intellectual)(Of or relating to the mind;intellectual)e.g.e.g.mental patient mental patient 精神病患者精神病患者 mental mental problem/disease problem/disease 心理心理问题问题 mental mental powers powers 智力智力(2)(2)mentallymentally:adv.:adv.“精神方面地精神方面地”e.g.e.g.suffer physically and ment

34、ally suffer physically and mentally 在身心方面受煎熬在身心方面受煎熬You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.长长途途飞飞行后,你可能会感到身心疲行后,你可能会感到身心疲惫惫。(3)3)physical physical:adj.“:adj.“身体的身体的,物物质质的的,自然的自然的,物理的物理的”e.g.e.g.physicalphysica

35、l education education 体育体育 the the physicalphysical world world 物物质质世界世界 physical physical laws laws 自然法自然法则则 a a physicalphysical change change 物理物理变变化化(1)(1)n n.“.“成年人成年人”(One who has attained maturity or legal age)(One who has attained maturity or legal age)e.g.The adults teach them these skills.

36、e.g.The adults teach them these skills.大人大人们们教他教他们这们这些技些技术术。(2)(2)adjadj.“.“成年的:完全成年的:完全长长成及成熟的成及成熟的”(Fully developed and mature)(Fully developed and mature)e.g.e.g.adult education adult education 成人教育成人教育His behavior is not particularly adult.His behavior is not particularly adult.他的他的举举止行止行为还为还不太成

37、熟。不太成熟。(3)(3)adulthood adulthood:n U :n U “成年成年”(State of being adult)(State of being adult)e.g.e.g.reach adulthood reach adulthood 已到成年已到成年(4)(4)adolescent adolescent:adj.:adj.“青春期的青春期的,青春的青春的”/n.“/n.“青少年青少年”adolescenceadolescence:n.:n.青春期青春期(一般指成年以前由一般指成年以前由1313至至1515的的发发育期育期)(1)vt./vi.“(1)vt./vi.

38、“渴望;要求,渴望;要求,请请求求”desire sth.desire sth.desire to do sth (=long to do sth./die to do sth)desire to do sth (=long to do sth./die to do sth)desire sb.to do sth./desire that sb.(should)do sth.desire sb.to do sth./desire that sb.(should)do sth.e.g.People e.g.People desiredesire peace peace.人人们们渴望和平。渴望和平

39、。He He desired todesired to return to his hometown.return to his hometown.他渴望回到家他渴望回到家乡乡。They They desire desire me to return soon.me to return soon.他他们们要我快点回来。要我快点回来。I I desiredesire that he should call on me on Monday morning.that he should call on me on Monday morning.我要求他周一早晨我要求他周一早晨给给我打我打电话电话。(

40、2)n.“(2)n.“愿望,欲望愿望,欲望”a desire for sth.a desire for sth.渴望某物渴望某物a desire to do sth.a desire to do sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事 have a(strong)desire to do sth.have a(strong)desire to do sth.有做某事的有做某事的(强烈强烈)愿望愿望e.g.e.g.achieve ones desireachieve ones desire 实现实现某人的理想抱某人的理想抱负负 satisfysatisfy all your all your desire

41、s desires 满满足你所有的欲望足你所有的欲望a desire for a desire for knowledge knowledge 求知欲求知欲a strong desire to a strong desire to win win 获胜获胜的欲望的欲望I have no desire to I have no desire to discuss the question.discuss the question.我不想我不想讨论这讨论这个个问题问题。vt.“vt.“渴望渴望;要求要求”e.g.People e.g.People desire desire peace.peace

42、.人人们们渴望和平。渴望和平。He He desireddesired us to leave soon.us to leave soon.他希望我他希望我们们尽快离开。尽快离开。(1)1)vi.“vi.“斗争,斗争,奋奋斗斗”/“/“挣挣扎,搏斗扎,搏斗”struggle to do sth.struggle to do sth.挣挣扎着做某事扎着做某事struggle with/against struggle with/against 与与作斗争作斗争struggle for sth.struggle for sth.为为而而奋奋斗斗struggle to ones feet strug

43、gle to ones feet 挣挣扎着站起来扎着站起来e.g.I struggle to improve my English.e.g.I struggle to improve my English.我努力提高英我努力提高英语语。struggle against/with difficulties struggle against/with difficulties 与困与困难难作斗争作斗争struggle for independence/freedom struggle for independence/freedom 为为独立独立/自由而斗争自由而斗争struggle throug

44、h the snowstorm struggle through the snowstorm 冒着暴冒着暴风风雪前雪前进进(2)n.“2)n.“斗争斗争,奋奋斗斗,挣挣扎;扎;难难事事”a struggle(for sb)a struggle(for sb)(对对某人来某人来说说是)是)难难做之事做之事 e.ge.g.It was a struggle for her to.It was a struggle for her to make him understand.make him understand.对对她来她来说说,要他明白是一件要他明白是一件费劲费劲的事。的事。It is a s

45、truggle/challenge for It is a struggle/challenge for me to stay up.me to stay up.熬夜熬夜对对我来我来说说是件是件难难事。事。n n.“.“努力努力奋奋斗的目斗的目标标;麻麻烦烦 费劲费劲 的事的事”e.g.e.g.It was a struggle for her to It was a struggle for her to make him understand.make him understand.对对她来她来说说,要他明白是一件要他明白是一件费劲费劲的事。的事。It was a hard It was

46、a hard strugglestruggle to get my work done in time.to get my work done in time.为为使工作按使工作按时时完成完成,我做了一番努力。我做了一番努力。(1)adj.“(1)adj.“粗糙的粗糙的”e.g.e.g.a rough road surface a rough road surface 崎崎岖岖不平的路不平的路/粗糙的表面粗糙的表面rough hands rough hands 粗糙的手粗糙的手(2)(2)adj.“adj.“粗略的粗略的,大致的大致的”e.g.e.g.a rough drawing a rou

47、gh drawing 草草图图get a rough idea of the text get a rough idea of the text 获获得文章大意得文章大意(3)(3)adj.“adj.“粗野的粗野的,粗暴的;汹涌的粗暴的;汹涌的”e.g.e.g.rough winds/waves rough winds/waves 狂暴的狂暴的风风/汹涌的波浪汹涌的波浪(4)adj.“(4)adj.“艰难艰难的的”e.g.e.g.have a very rough/hard time have a very rough/hard time 度度过过一段一段难难熬熬时时期;吃苦期;吃苦头头(机器

48、等)出故障;(身体等)垮掉;(情感等)失控:(机器等)出故障;(身体等)垮掉;(情感等)失控:On my way to the station my car On my way to the station my car broke downbroke down.去去车车站站的路上,我的的路上,我的车车坏了坏了。(谈谈判等)失判等)失败败:Talks between the two sides have Talks between the two sides have broken downbroken down.双方的双方的谈谈判判破裂了。破裂了。把把成若干部分(以方便做或理解):成若干部分

49、(以方便做或理解):Each lesson is Each lesson is broken down broken down into several unitsinto several units.每一每一课课都分成几都分成几部分。部分。打破;消除:打破;消除:A smile can A smile can break down break down barriersbarriers.微笑可以消除隔微笑可以消除隔阅阅。使分解:使分解:Decomposers Decomposers break down break down dead animal and vegetable matter

50、into nutrientsdead animal and vegetable matter into nutrients分解物把死去的分解物把死去的动动植物分解成植物分解成营营养物养物质质。adj.“adj.“规则规则的,固定的,正常的,定期的的,固定的,正常的,定期的”(irregularirregular adj.)adj.)e.g.Hes got no e.g.Hes got no regularregular job.job.他没有固定的工作。他没有固定的工作。He made a He made a regularregular visit to his parents.visit


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