2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第一册Unit 3 单词拼写.docx

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1、第一组1 He felt a sense of achievement,for he did a good job in his c .2 The m we reached the farm,we got down to harvesting the wheat.3 The new teaching method will (有益于) a large number of students.4 The policemen were looking for the thief who had e from the prison.5 Most of us (钦佩) the great scienti

2、st for what he has done for our country.6 I hadnt seen Mary for years,but I (认出) her immediately I met her.7 You cant imagine how many people (挤满) into the grocery on the New Years Day.8 If you think you have a mental problem,s professional help from your local family doctor.9 We have different _(观点

3、) about how to use the social media.10 To be frank,like most _(青少年),I have a desire for independence.11 After a heated a_,I finally gave in to my mother.12 Hearing the command,the crowd soon _(聚集,集合)13 A v_ is a person who does a job without being paid for it.第二组1 Hearing the exciting news,the boy j

4、umped with (高兴)2 Keep in mind that a friend in need is a friend (真正地)3 The river is (浅的) and we can see the fish in it clearly.4 At that (瞬间),he realized that he was quite mistaken.5 When you feel lonely,your pet dog will keep you (陪伴)6 A (一帮人) rushed in and took away some valuable paintings.7 To su

5、pport his family,the man often does some (额外的) work.8 He went to the (主题) park with his wife and children last week.9 The emergency broke out last night,causing more than ten (死亡)10 The woman is looking for some goods of high (质量) on the Internet.11The m_ we reached the farm,red apples and yellow pe

6、ars came into our view.12 This unique teaching method will _(有益于) a large number of students.13 The policemen were struggling to search for the thief who had e_ from the prison.14 You may be a success in your job,but as a father you are a f_.第三组1 She was so amused with the magicians t that she burst

7、 into laughter.2 Anyone with any information about the incident should make c with the police.3 A number of bombs have_,seriously injuring at least five people.4 She is _(慷慨的) with her money.She is sure to lend some money to you.5 If you dont learn about other countries cultures,m may rise.6 We cann

8、ot believe that Shelias _(行为) is becoming more than strange.7 He dashed into the burning house to save the boy,and _(忽略) the danger of himself.8 The company has _(遭受) huge losses in the past few years.9 The captain _(道歉) to the passengers for the delay caused by the weather.10 The results were not s

9、upported,for they were based on the subjective j of one person.11 Though I hadnt seen Mary for years,I r_ her immediately I met her.12 The old man was so g_ that he donated all his savings to the charity.13 I sent my application form to the _(公司),but I didnt get any response.14 I r_ my English teach

10、er most for his patience and kindness to us.第四组1 As far as I can j_,all of them are to blame.2 The company s_ huge losses because of the economic crisis.3 Nowadays,_(聊天,闲聊) with friends on WeChat is common.4 Sadly,the library has moved from its _(起初的) place into another building.5 It was very a_ for

11、 me to be punished by my teacher in class.6 Hearing the bad news,the man _(爆发) with anger.7 After graduation,I dont have much c_ with my teachers.8 It is g_ of you to donate so much money to our organization.9 I apologize to you for _(误解,误会) you so much.10 Knowing that she was _(欺骗) by her best frie

12、nd,her heart was broken.11 Having (努力) to find a job for a month,he finally got one.12 In the current financial crisis,unemployment r is higher than usual.13 We have different (观点) about how to improve global warming.14 Like most (青少年),I am crazy about football and rock music.第五组1 I felt a little (尴

13、尬的),so I smiled at him.2 Im sorry to have (误会) you so much.3 The little girl had a (可怕的) dream last night.4 How do you think he will (回应) to the news?5 To be honest,I like the (起初的) design better.6 The policemen began to look into the (案件)last week.7 Youd better try to keep (联系) with the wise man.8

14、Hearing the bad news,the man (爆发) with anger.9 The young man (无视) our advice and walked into the forest.10 Im sure that she will help me,for she is kind and (宽宏大量的)11 Looking through the window,she suddenly s a boat moving toward the bank.12 Her motivation for writing was a d for women to get the ri

15、ght to higher education.13 Armed with the information you have g ,you can set about preparing your plan.14 Only (成年人) are admitted into the cinema tonight to enjoy the adventure movie.第六组1 The boy e from home because he didnt want to obey his parents.2 The salesgirl looked at him for a second,and th

16、en _(辨认出) him.3 Unfortunately,the old man quickly lost his sons track(足迹) in the c .4 The little girl felt _(不自在的) with strangers she hadnt met.5 You should _(思考) on this problem before you make a decision.6 They set up a _(公司),but he broke up with his partners two years later.7 It is accepted that

17、cycling is highly b to our health and the environment.8 They are _(寻找) the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.9 He jumped with _on hearing the news that our spaceship returned to the earth safely.10 The earth will be _ and there will be a little room for each person in the near

18、future.11 We _(寻找,寻求) an answer to the question,but couldnt find one.12 We had a good holiday in the c_ of our good friends.13I havent seen Jack for years.He has changed a lot.Yes.I didnt r_ him when I saw him yesterday.14 Fortunately,the family managed to e_ from their burning house.15 Living in th

19、e countryside is the happiest _(时刻) in my life.16 The emergency broke out last night,causing more than ten _(死亡)17 The woman is looking for some goods of high _(质量) on the Internet.答案第一组1 company 2 moment 3 benefit 4 escaped 5 admire 6 recognized7 crowded 8 seek 9 .views 10.teenagers 11.argument 12.

20、gathered 13 volunteer第二组1 joy2 indeed3 shallow4 moment5 company6 crowd7 extra8 theme9 deaths10 quality 11.moment12.benefit13.escaped14.failure第三组1 tricks 2. contact 3. exploded 4. generous 5. misunderstanding(s) 6. behavior 7 ignored 8. suffered 9. apologized 10. judgement 11.recognized12 generous13

21、 company14 .respect第四组1 judge2.suffered3.chatting4.original5.awkward6.exploded 7 contact8.generous9.misunderstanding10.tricked 11 struggled12 rate13 views14 teenagers第五组1 awkward2 misunderstood3 horrible4 respond5 original6 case7 contact8 exploded9 ignored10 generous 11spotted12 desire13 gathered14 adults第六组1 escaped 2. recognized 3. crowd 4. uncomfortable 5. reflect 6. company 7 beneficial 8. seeking 9. joy 10. crowded 11.soughtpany13.recognize14.escape15.moment16 deaths17.quality


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