unit4Language points(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit4 单词1.Teen faints after skipping meals 青少年不吃饭后晕倒青少年不吃饭后晕倒 skip vt.不做(应做的事情等);跳过不做(应做的事情等);跳过 to not do something that you usually do or that you should do skip breakfast 不不吃早饭吃早饭 skip school/class 逃学逃学/逃课逃课 e.g.He skipped school again.She skipped the problems she couldnt do.skip it不用提,别谈不用提,别谈。e

2、.g.When Jack tried to reward him for returning his lost dog,the man said to skip it.skip作名词时,意为作名词时,意为“跳,蹦跳,蹦”。e.g.The child went along with little skips of happiness.2.She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and was rushed to hospital.然后她在早上的体育课上晕倒了,被迅速然后她在早上的体育课上晕倒了,被迅速 送往医院。送往医院。pass out 昏迷,

3、失去知觉昏迷,失去知觉 to become unconscious e.g.He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.pass away 去世去世pass by 经过经过pass down 传给后人;把传给后人;把往下传往下传passon to 把把传递给传递给3.immediately adv.立即,立即,马上马上 without delay e.g.The telephone rang,and he answered it immediately.immediately conj.一一就就as soon ase.g.Immediately you

4、 begin to speak,he gives you his full attention.concentrate vi.&vt.集中(注意力、思想等);固搭:固搭:concentrate on 集中精力于 concentrate ones attention on 集中注意力于 Concentration(concentrate)is essential if you want you want to do a job.concentration n.集中精力Concentrationextreme固搭:固搭:under extreme pressure 在极大在极大 的压力下的压力下

5、extremely dangerous极其寒冷极其寒冷 We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.He used to be very shy,but now hes gone to the opposite extreme.。Whenever I have to give a speech,I get extremely(extreme)nervous before I start.。extremely 4.Health experts are concerned about these figures.健康专家对这些数字表示担忧

6、。健康专家对这些数字表示担忧。concerned adj.担心的,忧虑的;关注的,担心的,忧虑的;关注的,关切的关切的 【归纳归纳】be concerned about/for 对对担忧担忧/担心担心be concerned with 与与有关;涉及有关;涉及be concerned in sth.牵涉牵涉进某进某事事be concerned that 担心担心as far as be concerned 就就而言而言/来说来说【拓展拓展】concern n.担心(的事)担心(的事)vt.使关心;使担忧;牵涉使关心;使担忧;牵涉concerning prep.关于关于It concerns m

7、e that让我担心让我担心What concerns me is 让让我担心的是我担心的是show/express concern for/about sb.关心某人关心某人concern【语境应用语境应用】用用concern完成句子。完成句子。1)Many parents _(concern)that some TV programs will have a bad effect on the development of their children.2)The public have shown great _ about the food safety,because it _(co

8、ncern)the peoples health.are concernedconcernsconcern3)就我而言,只有努力学习才能最终获得成功。就我而言,只有努力学习才能最终获得成功。_,only by studying hard can you succeed in time.4)让我担心的是,我们对事态的发展缺乏准备。让我担心的是,我们对事态的发展缺乏准备。_ is our lack of preparation for the change.As far as I am concernedWhat concerns meeffect n.影响;结果;效果固搭:固搭:side eff

9、ect 副作用 come into/take effect 生效;见效 have an effect on/upon 对产生影响 put.into effect 使生效While running regularly cant make you live forever,the review says it is more effective(effect)at lengthening life than walking。普通肥皂可以有效的抵抗细菌。Ordinary soap can deal with bacteria effecively.(effect)adj.有效的effectiveef

10、fectively5.These so-called quick-fix methods prove to be harmful to teenagers.这些所谓的这些所谓的速效法速效法被证明对青少年有害。被证明对青少年有害。prove vt.证明,证明,证实证实to show that something is true by providing facts,information etce.g.Youre wrong,and I can prove it.【归纳归纳】用法用法prove oneself(to be)证明自己是证明自己是prove sth.to sb.向某人证明某事向某人证

11、明某事拓展拓展prove It is proved that 据据证明证明,据,据证实证实Theres(no)proof that(没没)有证据有证据证明证明 proof n.证据;证据;证明证明【语境应用语境应用】单句填空。单句填空。1)The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas _ other scientists.困难在于他如何向其他科学家证明自己的困难在于他如何向其他科学家证明自己的 观点。观点。2)The boy tried to prove himself _ (be)a good student and he really pr

12、oved best.这个男孩努力证明自己是一个好学生,他确实这个男孩努力证明自己是一个好学生,他确实 被证明是最棒的。被证明是最棒的。toto be写准核心单词。写准核心单词。3)And unplanned human activities have _(证明证明)the idea of top-down control by top predators(掠食动物掠食动物)to be true.(2019天津高考天津高考)proved6.If they do not take in enough food,they may feel weak and get ill easily.如果他们没有

13、摄入足够的食物,他们可能如果他们没有摄入足够的食物,他们可能 会感到虚弱,很容易生病。会感到虚弱,很容易生病。take in 摄入摄入,吸收,吸收 【拓展拓展】take短语短语take away 拿走,使离开拿走,使离开take down 拿下,记下;拆除拿下,记下;拆除take on 雇佣;呈现;承担雇佣;呈现;承担take off 起飞,脱下,(事业)成功起飞,脱下,(事业)成功take over 接管,取代接管,取代take up 占据;开始做,从事占据;开始做,从事take place 发生发生 take【语境应用语境应用】用用take适当的短语填空。适当的短语填空。1)The fli

14、ght for Dublin _ on time.2)Our hotel is full,and we cant _ any more guests.3)The police _ his answers to their questions.4)He _ swimming as he felt he had to lose some weight.5)Rainforests can _ heat from the sun and adjust the climate.took off take intook downtook uptake in energetic 固搭:固搭:be energ

15、etic in doing sth 积极做某事积极做某事 full of energy精力充沛精力充沛 The more he worked,the more energetic(energy)he became。Do you wake up every morning full of energy(精力充沛精力充沛)and ready to start a new day?energetically adv.精力充沛的 energeticfull of energy7.living well is the safest and most effective way to get into s

16、hape.健康的生活是最安全、最有效的塑身健康的生活是最安全、最有效的塑身 方式。方式。get into shape强身健体强身健体 e.g.More often than not,she gets into shape by running.out of shape 变形;走样;健康状况不变形;走样;健康状况不好好 in the shape of 呈呈形状的形状的 in good shape 状态很好状态很好 take shape 成形成形 be shaped like 形状是形状是shape8.I was very frightened when I woke up in hospital

17、 last Thursday.上周四我在医院醒来的时候非常害怕。上周四我在医院醒来的时候非常害怕。frightened adj.害怕的,惊吓的,受惊的害怕的,惊吓的,受惊的 feeling fear or worry e.g.Dont be frightened.Were not going to hurt you.fright n.害怕,惊吓害怕,惊吓frighten vt.使惊吓;使惊恐使惊吓;使惊恐frightening adj.令人害怕的令人害怕的be frightened to do sth.不敢做某事不敢做某事be frightened to death 吓得要死吓得要死【语境应用

18、语境应用】用用fright的适当形式的适当形式填空填空。1)Dont stand so near the edge!Youre _ me.2)_children were calling for their mothers.3)It is _to think what might happen if she left him.4)You gave me quite a _suddenly coming in here like that.frightening Frightened frighteningfright aspect 固搭:固搭:an important aspect 重要方面重

19、要方面 in all aspects 在各个方面在各个方面 contribute固搭:固搭:make contributions to 对做出贡献 contribute to 有助于;捐献;导致;投稿All contributions(contribute)will be gratefully received.contributions 1.Jennifer thought that skipping meals would be a simple way to reach her target weight.詹妮弗认为不吃饭是达到目标体重的简单詹妮弗认为不吃饭是达到目标体重的简单 方法。方

20、法。不定式作后置定语不定式作后置定语 a way to do sth.做某事的方法,也可以表做某事的方法,也可以表 达为达为a way of doing sth.2.In a society where being thin is often seen as being beautiful,teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly.在一个以瘦为美的社会里,青少年有时会在一个以瘦为美的社会里,青少年有时会 借助极端的方法来快速减肥。借助极端的方法来快速减肥。where定语从句修饰抽象名词。定语从句修饰抽象名词

21、。当当point,stage,situation,case,scene,activity,position,job,degree,news,fact,atmosphere等抽象名词作先行词,关系词引导定语从等抽象名词作先行词,关系词引导定语从句时,或在定语从句中作地点状语,应由句时,或在定语从句中作地点状语,应由where引导定语从句。引导定语从句。e.g.The teacher is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his students enjoy their study.如果以上先行词在从句中作主语宾语表语,如果以上先行词在从句中作主

22、语宾语表语,则用则用which/that。有些具体指物的名词如。有些具体指物的名词如picture,book等,如果有地点的意义,且等,如果有地点的意义,且作状语,也用作状语,也用where。e.g.I bought a nice book where there are some illustrations.3.According to a recent survey of senior high school students lifestyles,almost one fifth of teenagers regularly skip meals,one in ten over-exer

23、cise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine.根据根据最近一项关于高中生生活方式的调查最近一项关于高中生生活方式的调查,近五分之一的近五分之一的青少年经常不吃饭,十分青少年经常不吃饭,十分之之 一一的青少年过度锻炼,百分之四的人的青少年过度锻炼,百分之四的人甚至甚至 服用服用减肥药减肥药。主谓主谓一致一致“分数或百分数分数或百分数+of+名词名词”结构,谓语的数结构,谓语的数与名词一致。与名词一致。e.g.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.About 20 percen

24、t of the students are from the city.There is no reason why句型句型why引导的从句作定语,修饰引导的从句作定语,修饰reason。此处。此处“There is no reason why”相当于相当于“There is no reason to do sth.”.reason why+定语从句定语从句+is/was that+表语从句表语从句e.g.The only reason why scientists have not created thousands of identical clones is that they have

25、 not yet learnt how to do this.1.昏迷昏迷,失去知觉,失去知觉 2.变苗条变苗条3.副作用副作用4.摄入,吸收摄入,吸收5.强身健体强身健体6.求助于求助于7.被迅速送往被迅速送往医院医院pass out slim downside effecttake inget into shapeturn tobe rushed to hospital8.低血糖低血糖9.脱离危险脱离危险10.完全康复完全康复11.一两天内一两天内12.达到目标体重达到目标体重13.加大加大努力努力increase ones effortslow blood sugar levelsout

26、 of dangermake a full recoveryin a day or tworeach ones target weight 14.警告某人不做警告某人不做某某 事事15.对对有害有害16.进行健康进行健康均衡的均衡的 节食节食17.更有甚者更有甚者,更更重要重要 的的是是18.作息有作息有规律规律 keep regular hourswarn sb.against doing sth.be harmful tohave a healthy balanced dietwhats moreAfter Jennifer returned home from hospital,she

27、wrote a diary entry about her experience.Complete the diary entry with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.30 OctoberDear Diary,I was very frightened when I woke up in hospital last Thursday.Then my mum told me what happened.She said I fainted in my PE class because of low bl

28、ood sugar levels.Fortunately,I was rushed to hospital(1)_.immediatelyenergetic concentrate diet get into shapeimmediately prove side effect make a full recoveryThe doctor helped me and I(2)_ within two days.My experience(3)_what a bad idea it is to try to lose weight by skipping meals.Now I know thi

29、s extreme weight-loss method has serious(4)_.made a full recovery has provedenergetic concentrate diet get into shapeimmediately prove side effect make a full recoveryside effectsI also understand that being healthy and(5)_is more important than being slim.From now on,Ill pay more attention to my he

30、alth rather than my weight.Ill eat a balanced(6)_to make sure I have enough nutrition.energeticdietenergetic concentrate diet get into shapeimmediately prove side effect make a full recoveryenergeticExercising regularly is also an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle.My doctor tells me that itll

31、help me(7)_better in class.So,Ill play sport with my friends every other day after school.I hope these lifestyle changes can help me(8)_.energetic concentrate diet get into shapeimmediately prove side effect make a full recoveryconcentrateget into shape“Weight”appears in the news report as part of d

32、ifferent collocations.Read the examples below and add more collocations.weightv.+weightn.+weightweight+n.adj.+weight.lose weighttarget weightlow weightweight lossgain weightmaintain weightput on weightnet weightstandard weightweight controlweight problemweight gainweight trainingextra weightmaximum weight average weight proper weightgross weight


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