Unit 3 Reading 词汇(ppt课件)阅读(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 Getting along with othersReading 2Friendship on the rocks:please advise!To understand the general idea f this passage.Find the Stange words&phrases in this article!Read the title and think.Friendship on the rocks:please advise!(1)What could“on the rocks”in the title possibly mean?(2)Can you p

2、redict what will be talked about in the text?My best friend and I have been close for eight years.When I was an awkward primary school student,she was the popular girl who was willing to make friends with me.Since then,a close friendship has grown between us and shes been almost like a sister to me.

3、Whether were walking to school,doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend,were hardly out of each others sight.But last Saturday,she broke my heart,and Im still picking up the pieces.Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon.But in the morning,my friend posted a message

4、 on social media saying she had a cold.When I called her,she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema.“Dont worry,”I said.“Get some rest.We can wait till you get better.”Today,however,I received a horrible surprise.A classmate told me she had seen my friend chatting with another girl in a

5、 caf on Saturday afternoon.How stupid I was!My friends“illness”was a complete lie!Instead of recovering at home,she was out having fun with someone else.I was so angry that I avoided her during school all day,and I still dont feel like responding to any of her online messages.The stress of this situ

6、ation is killing me,and Im at a loss what to do next.Im so sorry!But this friendship is worth saving:eight years is a long time!Dont be so quick to judge your friend.Perhaps she knows shes in the wrong and wants to apologize,or maybe she has a simple explanation for her behaviour.In any case,find an

7、 opportunity to have a full and frank talk with her.Listen to what she has to say,and be sure to explain how you feel.Im sure you can solve this problem together.I definitely understand how you feel.I also had a friend whom I trusted a lot.When I found out that I was tricked by him,I was really hurt

8、 and let go of our friendship.I know you value your friendship and want your friend to value it equally.However,if your friend ignores your feelings or makes you suffer,its time to rethink your relationship.Talk to her and decide whether this friendship is still important to you.Its sad to move on,b

9、ut you have to accept that friends come and go in life.Summary.核心词汇1_ adj.笨拙的;令人尴尬的;难对付的2_ adj.令人震惊的;可恶的,极坏的3_ n.视野;视力;看见4_ vi.&n.聊天,闲聊5_ n.具体情况,事例;案件;容器6_ vt.欺骗,欺诈n.诡计,花招;戏法7_ vi.受苦,受折磨;变差vt.遭受,蒙受8_ vt.&vi.误解,误会9_ vt.&n.联系,联络awkwardhorriblesightchatcasetricksuffermisunderstandcontact.拓展词汇1_ adj.起初的

10、;独创的;原作的_ n起源;源头;起因;出身2_ n(pl._)传播信息的媒介,方法;手段,工具 adj.中等的,中号的3_ vi.恢复健康;恢复常态vt.全额收回;寻回;重新获得;恢复,重新控制_ n恢复;复苏4_ vi.&vt.回答,回应;作出反应,响应_ n回答,答复;反应5_ n失去,丧失;亏损;去世;损失_ v失去,丧失6_ vt.&vi.评价,(尤指)批评;判断,认为 n法官;裁判员_ n(认真思考后的)意见,看法,评价;判断力;审判originaloriginmediummediarecoverrecoveryrespondresponselosslosejudgejudg(e)

11、ment7_ vi道歉,谢罪_ n道歉,谢罪8_ n行为,举止,态度_ vi.表现,表现得体;有礼貌9_ adj.坦率的,直率的_ adv.坦率地;坦诚地;坦率地说10_ adv.肯定,确实;确切地_ adj.清楚的;明确的11_ vt.忽视,对不予理会_ n无知;愚昧_ adj.无知的;(对某事物)不了解的12_ vi.(愤怒等感情)爆发,迸发;爆炸 vt.使爆炸_ n爆炸13_ adj.宽宏大量的,仁慈的;慷慨的_ adv.慷慨地_ n慷慨,大方apologizeapologybehaviourbehavefrankfranklydefinitelydefiniteignoreignora

12、nceignorantexplodeexplosiongenerousgenerouslygenerosity.重点短语1_ 做某事有困难2_ 维持某人的友谊3_ 与某人有矛盾4_ 向寻求帮助5_ (关系)陷于困境,濒临崩溃6_ 从那时起7_ 闲逛8_ 伤某人的心have difficulty(in)doing sth.maintain ones friendshipshave a problem with sb.turn toon the rockssince thenhang outbreak ones heart9_ 拿起,捡起;(开车)接走,(不费力地)获得,学会10_ 能够出席;准时

13、到达;获得成功11_ 代替;而不是12_ 与玩得开心13_ 有错,应承担责任14_ 放弃,松手,放开15_ 珍视某人的友谊16_ 继续前进17_ (与)相比pick upmake itinstead ofhave fun within the wronglet go ofvalue ones friendshipmove onin contrast(to/with).重点句型1但在早上,我的朋友在社交媒体上发了一条消息说她感冒了。But in the morning,my friend posted a message on social media _.2我很生气,以至于在学校一整天都躲着她

14、,而且我仍然不想回复她的任何线上留言。I was _ angry _ I avoided her during school all day,and I still dont feel like responding to any of her online messages.3这种情况带来的压力简直要了我的命,我不知道下一步该怎么办。The stress of this situation is killing me,and_.saying she had a coldsothatIm at a loss what to do next1.Review what we learned today.2.Write a short reply(at least 100 words)to Amy about how she should solve the problem with her friend.


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