人教新目标2019八年级英语下册Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents短语语法知识点总结.doc

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1、 1 1 Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parentsUnit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents 一、必背短语 Section A 部分 1.允许某人去做某事 allow sb. to do sth 2.和打架 get into a fight with 3.谈论关于 talk about 4.在电话中 on the phone 5.浏览、翻看 look through 6.重要的事 a big deal 7.生某人的气 be angry with 8.成功解决、计算出 work out 9.和相处得好 get on w

2、ith 10.有足够的睡眠 get enough sleep 11.笼罩 hang over 12.主动提出做 offer to do 13.和交流 communicate with 14.拒绝做某事 refuse to do 15.向某人解释 explain sth. to sb. 16.抄袭某人的作业 copy ones homework Section B 部分 1.家庭成员 family members 2.业余活动 free time activities 3.与某人竞争 compete with sb. 4.提出某人的观点 give one s opinion 5.学习应试技巧 l

3、earn exam skills 6.依.的观点看 in ones opinion 7.删除,删减 cut out 8.总的做某事(厌烦等) be always doing sth. 【教材内容解析】【教材内容解析】 Section ASection A 1.1. My parents donMy parents dont t allowallow me to hang out with my friends. (P. 25)me to hang out with my friends. (P. 25) allow doing sth. 允许做某事 翻译:The shopkeeper (店员)

4、 doesnt allow smoking in any corner of the shop. _ allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 翻译:His parents allow him to play computer games if he finishes his homework. _ 2.2. I I got into a fight withgot into a fight with my best friend. (P. 25)my best friend. (P. 25) get into a fight with sb.意为“和某人打架” ,相当于 ha

5、ve a fight with sb.或者 fight with sb.。 翻译:He got drunk (醉酒的) and got into a fight with Jim. _ 3.3. WhatWhats wrongs wrong? (P. 25)? (P. 25) Whats wrong?意为 “怎么了?” , 用来询问对方有什么问题或者不顺心的事, Whats wrong with.?意为“怎么了?” ,后接 sb.或者 sth.,用来询问某人或者某物怎么了? -Whats wrong with you, Jim? 2 2 -I left my umbrella on the b

6、us. 【拓展】【拓展】询问“怎么了?” ,主要有以下几种句型: Whats wrong (with sb./sth.)? Whats the matter (with sb./sth.)? Whats the trouble (with sb./sth.)? Whats up (with sb./sth.)? 4.4. I Im really tired because I studied m really tired because I studied untiluntil midnight lamidnight last night. (P. 25)st night. (P. 25) u

7、ntil 表示“直到”和延续性动词连用,意为一个动作一直持续到某个点为止;同短暂性 行动连用时,用于“not.until”结构中,表示“直到才” 。 翻译:The boy waited in the school until his father came to pick him up. _ 翻译:The workers wont leave until they get their salary (工资). _ 5.5. Why donWhy dont yout you go to sleep earlier this evening? (P. 25)go to sleep earlier

8、this evening? (P. 25) Why dont you do sth.?意为“你为什么不做某事” ,常用来向对方提出意见,相当于 Why not do sth.?。 肯定回答用 Good idea./Good./All right./Sure.等; 否定回答用 No, I dont think so./Sorry, I cant.等。 -Why dont you go sleeping with us? -Good idea. 6.6. Well, I Well, I foundfound my sister my sister looking throughlooking th

9、rough my things yesterday. (P. 26)my things yesterday. (P. 26) (1) find sb. doing sth.表示“发现某人正在做某事” ,表示动作正在进行。 翻译:Tom found a man stealing something when he was in the supermarket yesterday. _ (2) look through 意为“快速查看、浏览” 。 翻译:It is a good habit to look through newspapers every day. _ 【拓展【拓展】look 的相

10、关短语 look forward to 盼望、期待 look up 查阅 look into 调查 look after 照看 7.7. AlthoughAlthough sheshes wrong, s wrong, itits not a big deals not a big deal. (P. 26). (P. 26) (1) although 是连词,意为“虽然、即使” ,相当于 though,引导让步状语从句。 翻译:Although/Though my grandma is old, she is very healthy. 3 3 _ (2) its not a big dea

11、l 意为“没什么大不了、不是什么大事” 。 翻译:Change the time of the meeting. Its not a big deal. _ 8.8. Hope things Hope things work outwork out. (P. 26). (P. 26) work out 此处表示“成功地发展” ,后常跟 fine, well, badly 等词,表示产生的结果如何; 此外 work out 还可以表示“解决、制定出” 。 翻译:Everything is working out well. _ 翻译:The math problem is difficult f

12、or me to work out. _ 翻译:I have worked out a new way of doing it. _ 9.9. My problem is that I canMy problem is that I cant t get on withget on with my family. (P. 27)my family. (P. 27) get on with 意为“和睦相处” ,后接人作宾语,相当于 get along with。 翻译:The new teacher is getting on/along with the students. _ 【拓展】【拓展

13、】get on/along with sth.意为“在方面取得进展” 翻译:How are you getting on with your essay? _ 10.10. WheWhen they n they argueargue, it, its like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. (P. 27)s like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. (P. 27) argue 用作动词,表示“争吵” ,argue with sb.“与某人争吵” ;argue about sth.“就 某

14、事争论” 。 翻译:Mary often argues with her mother about which clothes to wear. _ 翻译:They were arguing about the matter again. _ 11.11. Also, my Also, my elderelder brother is not very nice to me. (P. 27)brother is not very nice to me. (P. 27) elder 用作形容词,意为“年纪较长的” ,反义词是 younger。 His elder brother is ill.

15、【拓展】【拓展】elder 和 older 的区别 elder 用来表示兄弟姐妹以及子女之间的长幼关系,常用作定语;older 泛指新旧、老幼或 者年龄大小的关系,可以用作表语或者定语。 12.12. He always He always refusesrefuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. (P. 27)to let me watch my favorite TV show. (P. 27) refuse 表示“拒绝”时,后常接名词或者动词不定式作宾语。 4 4 翻译:The girl refused the offer from Oxfo

16、rd University. _ 翻译:Most of the residents refused to move away from here. _ 13.13. InsteadInstead he watches he watches whateverwhatever he wants until late at night. (P. 27)he wants until late at night. (P. 27) (1) instead 是副词,用于句尾,在句中作状语;instead of 是介词短语,用于句中,后接 名词、代词或动名词。 翻译:He will be on duty in

17、stead of me tomorrow. _ 翻译:They didnt go swimming. They went to play football instead. _ (2) whatever 表示“无论什么、不管什么” ,引导让步状语从句,相当于 no matter what。 翻译:Whatever difficulties he may meet, he will overcome them. _ 14.14. If you parents are having problems, you should If you parents are having problems, y

18、ou should offeroffer to help. (P. 27)to help. (P. 27) offer 表示“提供”时,作双宾语动词,常用的结构为: offer sb. sth.相当于 offer sth. to sb.“为某人提供某物” 。 翻译:The restaurant offers free coffee to customers. =The restaurant offers customers free coffee. _ offer to do sth.“主动提出做某事” 翻译:The kind man offered to help the old lady

19、across the road. _ 15.15. SecondlySecondly, why don, why dont you sit down and t you sit down and communicatecommunicate with your brother? (with your brother? (P. 27)P. 27) (1) secondly 用作副词,意为“第二、其次” ,常与 firstly, thirdly 或者 lastly/finally 等表示顺序先后的词,表示列举某些事实。 Firstly, they are not efficient, and se

20、condly, they are expensive to make. (2) communicate with sb.表示“与某人交流” 翻译:People can communicate with each other freely on the Internet. _ 16.16. You should You should explainexplain that you donthat you dont t mindmind him watching TV all the time. (P. 27)him watching TV all the time. (P. 27) (1) ex

21、plain 表示“解释” ,后常接名词作宾语,explain sth. to sb.意为“向某人解释某 事” 。 翻译:The teacher explained the answer to the question to his students again and again. _ 5 5 (2) mind 的用法: mind doing sth. 介意做某事 翻译:Would you mind opening the window please? _ mind sbs/sb doing sth. 介意某人做某事 翻译:Do you mind my/me calling you at ni

22、ght? _ 17.17. My cousins borrow my things without My cousins borrow my things without returningreturning them. (P. 28)them. (P. 28) return 此处用作及物动词,表示“归还” ,相当于 give back,return sth. to sb.=return sb. sth.。 翻译:Im going to return this book to the library. _ 18.18. Your best friend does Your best frien

23、d does notnot trust you trust you anymoreanymore. (P. 28). (P. 28) not.anymore 相当于 not.any more 意为“不再” 。 not.any more 相当于 no more,表示“不再” ,强调程度或者数量上不再;not.any longer 相当于 no longer,表示“不再” ,强调时间上不再。 翻译:I cant eat any more, because I am full. =I can no more eat, because I am full. _ 翻译:The village is no

24、t what it was ten years ago any longer. =The village is no longer what it was ten year ago. _ Section BSection B 1.1. My parents give me a lot of My parents give me a lot of pressurepressure about school. (P. 29)about school. (P. 29) pressure 此处用作不可数名词,意为“压力” ,under pressure 表示“压力之下” 。 翻译:I feel Im

25、not able to do well with the pressure from my job. _ 2.2. I have to I have to compete withcompete with my classmates at school. (P. 29)my classmates at school. (P. 29) compete with 意为“与竞争/对抗 ” ,相当于 compete against.。 翻译:It is difficult for a small store to compete with/against a supermarket. _ 3.3. T

26、he TaylorsThe Taylors are a typical American family. (P. 30)are a typical American family. (P. 30) “the+姓氏的复数”表示一家人,用作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 The Greens live in Los Angeles. 4.4. Maybe I could Maybe I could cut outcut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities a few of their activities, bu

27、t I believe these activities are important for my childrenare important for my childrens future. (P. 30)s future. (P. 30) 6 6 cut out 意为“删除、删去” 。 翻译:You had better cut out that sentence. _ 5.5. They have a quick dinner, and then They have a quick dinner, and then itits time fors time for homework. (

28、P. 30)homework. (P. 30) Its time for sth.意为“该做某事了” ,相当于 Its time to do sth.。 Its time for lunch. =Its time to have lunch. _ 6.6. “In some families, In some families, competition starts very young and competition starts very young and continuescontinues until the kids until the kids get older,get old

29、er,” she days. (P. 30)she days. (P. 30) continue 表示“继续” ,后接动词不定式或者动名词作宾语。 翻译:Mrs. Green continued working/to work after she had her baby. _ 7.7. And tAnd they hey are alwaysare always comparingcomparing them with other children. (P. 30)them with other children. (P. 30) (1) be always doing sth.意为“一直做

30、某事、总是做某事” ,含有赞扬、抱怨或厌恶等感 情色彩,不表示正在发生的动作。 翻译:She was always moving things around. _ (2) compare 表示“比较”时,常用的结构有两个:compare.with.“把同比 较” ;compare.to.“把比作” 。 翻译:Dont compare your children with others. _ 翻译:We often compare the little kids to the flowers of the motherland. _ 8. People shouldn8. People shou

31、ldnt t pushpush their kids so hard. (P. 30)their kids so hard. (P. 30) push 这里用作动词,表示“鞭策、敦促、推动” 。 翻译:Dont push yourself too hard. _ 翻译:My parents push me to learn English well. _ 9.9. Dr. Alice says all these activities can Dr. Alice says all these activities can causecause a lot of stress for child

32、ren. (P. a lot of stress for children. (P. 30)30) cause 这里是及物动词,表示“引起、造成” ,cause sb. sth.相当于 cause sth. for sb.。 The little boy caused his parents a lot of trouble. =The little boy caused a lot of trouble for his parents. 翻译:_ 【拓展】【拓展】cause sb. to do sth.意为“导致某人做某事” What caused him to change his min

33、d? 7 7 10.10. In my opinionIn my opinion, it is important for childre, it is important for children/parents to.(P. 32)n/parents to.(P. 32) in ones opinion 意为“依看” ,相当于 according to sb.。 翻译:In their opinion, the meeting should be put off. _ 11.11. You could tell him to You could tell him to turn downt

34、urn down the TV. (P. 32)the TV. (P. 32) turn down 意为“关小、调低” 翻译:Could you please turn down the radio a little. _ 【语法讲解】【语法讲解】 (一)(一)情态动词情态动词 shouldshould 和和 couldcould 1 1. . should should 的用法的用法 (1)表示“应该,应当”。 (2)表示“可能,该(=will probably)” (3)表示粗暴地拒绝一项建议、要求或指示。 例如: He should work harder. His backpack s

35、hould be in the classroom. 2. 情态动词 could 可以用来表示请求或建议,具体用法如下: (1). 表示请求或者允许 could 表示请求或允许时,并不表示过去,只表示语气更加委婉,表示委婉的请求和陈述 看法时,回答时用 can。 Could I use your cell phone for a while? Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station? -Could you come to my birthday party? -Sorry, I cant. I have to stay at

36、 home to look after my mother. (2).表示建议 情态动词 could 表示建议做某事,意为“可以” ,语气比 can 更加委婉。 You could ask your doctor to check you over and do a few tests. (二)(二)连词连词 until, so that, althoughuntil, so that, although 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句 1)until:在带有 till 或 until 引导的时间状语从句里, 如果主句用肯定式, 其含义是“一 直到时” , 谓语动词只能用延续性动词。 如果主句用

37、否定式, 其含义是 “直到才” , “在以前不”, 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。 Dont get off until the bus stops. 2)so that 引导目的状语从句(为了,以便) 例如:He studies hard so that he could work better in the future although 的用法意思相当于 though(尽管,虽然) ,引导让步状语从句。引导的从句不能与 并列连词 but,and, so 等连用,但可以和 yet, still 等词连用。 8 8 例如:Although he was tired, he went on working.尽管他很累,但是他继续工作。


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