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1、考点分类练(二)细节理解题间接信息类A(2022山东济南高三二模)Collette Divitto,31,was born with Downs Syndrome(唐氏综合征),but she is far from disabled.This woman channeled her passion for baking into a cookie business with a global mission to change the world,one cookie at a time.Based in Boston,Massachusetts,her company was founde

2、d in 2016.Although she didnt plan on being a business owner,she really created jobs for disabled people with all types of abilities.She said that she opened the bakery after receiving numerous job interview rejections,often being told she was not “a good fit” for the company.“It was sad and it was h

3、ard,” she said.“To me,it felt like they didnt like me at all because of who I am.No one would hire me,so I decided to open my own business.”The path to success wasnt easy.Divittos mother Rosemary Alfredo didnt raise her daughter to think of herself as different from her classmates.But this changed w

4、hen Divitto was in the fourth grade and she was bullied by a boy in her class who started calling her “Down Syndrome”.Her mother had to have a conversation with her about what it meant and from then on,Divitto worked hard to be fully accepted at school.Divitto is not resting on her honors.A big part

5、 of her companys mission is to help people with disabilities find jobs.She is also the author of two childrens books and she was featured on the documentary Born for Business,about pioneers with disabilities.Divitto also runs a nonprofit organization,Colletteys Leadership Org.Her first priority is t

6、o let people start seeing abilities in the physically disadvantaged and to employ 82 percent of the people with disabilities who are capable of working but cannot find jobs.With her drive and vision,Divitto is sure to be a success.1.What drove Divitto to start her own business?A.The desire to help o

7、thers.B.The failure to find a job.C.The prospect of bakery.D.The passion for baking.2.What can we learn about Divitto from paragraph 4?A.She attempts to be a pioneer.B.She aims to assist the disabled.C.She wants to enlarge her business.D.She plans to direct a documentary.3.What concerns Divitto most

8、 about the disabled?A.Equal human rights.B.Their working conditions.C.Chances of self-development.D.Recognition of their abilities.4.Which of the following can best describe Divitto?A.Independent and strict.B.Ambitious and humorous.C.Determined and responsible.D.Outgoing and knowledgeable.BDespite K

9、yle Tianshi being only a 15-year-old US high schooler,he has published five sci-fi novels.His fifth book Eventide was released in July.However,this may not be his most impressive achievement as Kyle just received the “Hero Award”,a $20,000 grand prize.It is the top honor in the California Youth Sust

10、ainability Awards.The competition aims to encourage and support young community leaders who are making a difference for sustainability in their communities by taking action for the planet.Kyle,a sophomore from the Cambridge School in the US,received the honor for his portable invention called NEREID

11、.The device can detect microscopic particles(粒子) in water by using a laser and microscope.These particles can be harmful to people and the environment.Kyle came up with the idea for the invention based on his experience growing up in San Diego,California,US.People had no access to unpolluted drinkin

12、g water and his parents asked him not to drink tap water.Kyle spent about $60 buying the tools needed to analyze the tap water:a laser,a microscope and a micro-computer.“Its incredibly powerful for the price,” Kyle said.Then he used their familys garage as his laboratory,doing research on the pollut

13、ion of drinking water caused by micro-plastics.Kyle hopes to bring to the market a low-cost alternative tool for detecting micro-plastic pollution levels in drinking water.In this way,he can offer help to people who dont have access to water filtration(过滤) systems.He has applied for a patent.Kyle sa

14、id his sister Emily,a freshman at Stanford University,inspired his interest in environmental research.She was recognized nationally for developing a water collection device.They have founded the Clearwater Innovation program to advocate for clean water through social media platforms and organize com

15、munity cleanup events.5.What do we know about Kyle?A.He is good at adapting sci-fi works.B.He entered many novel contests.C.He received an award for his invention.D.Hes found microscopic particles in water.6.What led to Kyles creation of NEREID?A.Peoples lack of clean drinking water.B.Peoples poor l

16、iving conditions.C.His desire to be a community leader.D.His familys encouragement.7.Which of the following best describes Kyle?A.Considerate and brave.B.Optimistic and honest.C.Determined and humorous.D.Responsible and creative.8.Whats the text mainly about?A.The introduction of NEREID.B.A boys con

17、tribution to literature.C.The harm of polluted water.D.A US schoolers water solution.C(2022河北保定高三一模)A new UN report is set to reveal that up to 1 million species face extinction because of human actions.We are causing a mass extinction event,and critically we cannot separate one environmental crisis

18、 from another.The biodiversity loss cannot be separated from climate change,or from human population growth or pollution or plastics in our oceans.These challenges are all interconnected.If we continue to consider these problems separately,solutions will continue to emerge far too slowly.The connect

19、ions between these crises make solutions seem all too difficult.But in fact,a solution to one problem will unavoidably make a positive impact on many others too.More than 28,000 people are dying because of polluted air each year in Britain and air pollution is linked to experiences of mental disease

20、 and a reduction in educational achievement.Its not rocket science:improving air quality in our cities by cutting polluting vehicles will bring a vast range of benefits to human health,and help deal with climate change,too.George Monbiot advocates taking land out of meat production and rewilding it.

21、This will not only boost biodiversity enormously but will also deal with global warming because those rewilded,rewetted lands will capture significantly more carbon.If these lands are also opened up for us to enjoy,our physical and mental health will be better.Thus,we repair the ecology of destructi

22、on.It can be difficult to know what we can do as individualsbut at least we all possess an increasingly understanding of how farming,consumption and energy-use impact upon the planet.If everyone makes a small change,that will make a difference to our planet.Were not struggling to find ideas to solve

23、 problems either globally or locally.Its action were lacking,in the government and beyond,as individuals and together as a species.If we act now,we may be surprised at how these seemingly vast problems decrease quicker than we imagine.9.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?A.The age of mass

24、extinction has arrived.B.Environmental crises are interrelated.C.Humans are to blame for mass extinction.D.Environmental crises should be solved separately.10.Why are rewilded lands beneficial to controlling global warming?A.They attract tourists.B.They provide habitat for birds.C.They take in carbo

25、n.D.They boost biodiversity.11.What does the author call on people to do?A.Take action now.B.Find a better idea.C.Cooperate with others.D.Turn to the government.12.Where does this text probably come from?A.A news report.B.A scientific journal.C.A climate handbook.D.A biology textbook.考点分类练(二)细节理解题间接

26、信息类【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文中主人公Collette Divitto不屈服于疾病,成立公司,让更多残疾人的能力被认可。1.B解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Although she didnt plan on being a business owner.She said that she opened the bakery after receiving numerous job interview rejections,often being told she was not a good fit for the company.”可知,她原本并不打算成为一名企业家,但她面试

27、时屡屡被面试官用“不适合”这样的理由拒绝,因而“找不到工作”是她自己开店的动力,故选B项。2.B解析: 细节理解题。由第四段中的“A big part of her companys mission is to help people with disabilities find jobs.”可知,她的公司的主要目的是帮助残疾人找到工作,由此可知Divitto的目的是帮助残疾人,故选B项。3.D解析: 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“Her first priority is to let people start seeing abilities in the physically disadv

28、antaged.”可知,她的首要任务是让人们看到那些身体残疾的人也有工作能力,由此推知,Divitto最关心的是“让人们看到残疾人的能力并认可他们”,故选D项。4.C解析: 推理判断题。本文主要讲述Divitto不屈服于疾病,开创公司,让更多的残疾人被认可的故事,她勇敢地面对困难,且坚定自己的目标和使命,由此推断,她是一个意志坚定、有强烈责任心的人,故选C项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了15岁的Kyle Tianshi发明了能检测水中有害的微观粒子的设备,并荣获“加州青年可持续发展奖”这一荣誉的故事。5.C解析: 细节理解题。由第二段第一句“Kyle,a sophomore f

29、rom the Cambridge School in the US,received the honor for his portable invention called NEREID.”可知,Kyle因他的发明而获奖,故选C项。6.A解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中的“Kyle came up with the idea for the invention based on his experience growing up in San Diego,California,US.People had no access to unpolluted drinking water and hi

30、s parents asked him not to drink tap water.”可知,Kyle之所以发明NEREID是因为人们缺乏干净的饮用水,故选A项。7.D解析: 推理判断题。由文中内容可知,Kyle发明NEREID,使人们能够喝到干净的饮用水,并通过实际行动倡导清洁用水,保护环境,由此可知,他是一位有责任心而且很有创意的人,故选D项。8.D解析: 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章讲述15岁的Kyle Tianshi发明了能检测水中有害的微观粒子的设备,使人们能够喝到干净的饮用水,还创立清水创新项目,倡导清洁用水,因而D项“一位美国学生对于水的解决方案”能够概括文章大意,故选D项。【

31、语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了各种环境问题的相互关联以及立即行动解决问题的可行性。9.B解析: 段落大意题。由第一段中的“These challenges are all interconnected.If we continue to consider these problems separately,solutions will continue to emerge far too slowly(这些挑战都是相互关联的。如果我们继续单独考虑这些问题,解决办法的出现将继续缓慢得多).”可知,本段主要说明各种环境危机是相互关联的,故选B项。10.C解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中的

32、“This will not only boost biodiversity enormously but will also deal with global warming because those rewilded,rewetted lands will capture significantly more carbon.”可知,恢复自然地貌和湿地的地方可以吸收更多的碳,从而减缓了气候变暖,故选C项。11.A解析: 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Its action were lacking,in the government and beyond,as individuals and together as a species(这是我们所缺乏的行动,无论是政府还是其他部门,无论是作为个人还是作为一个物种).”可知,作者呼吁我们要立刻行动起来,故选A项。12.B解析: 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了各种环境问题的相互关联以及立即行动解决问题的可行性,文中信息有比较强的专业性,由此推知文章应该出自有关科学的某种期刊,故选B项。


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