2023新教材新高考英语复习 文体分类练(四)-说明文和议论文.docx

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1、文体分类练(四)说明文和议论文Test 1People always say that teenage friendships are the most precious. Kids are too 1 to understand real friendship while adults tend to relate it to fame and wealth.Things are 2with high school best friends. We share each others 3. We discuss news from all walks of life and begin to

2、 4 our values. We 5 each other on the journey to the biggest challenge in our lives. We also share success and failure. The 6of friendship become deeply rooted.Many of us dont realise this until we enter 7. One of my friends, Cora, experienced how 8 the bond with high school friends could be.“It was

3、 my high school friend who helped me get through the darkest days in my life,” Cora said.In 2018, Cora 9 her job in New York. Coras best friend was staying in a college dormitory and took her in. Each night the two girls squeezed into a 10 single bed, chatting and crying.“Ill never forget her care a

4、nd encouragement, which supported me out of the 11,” said Cora.I still remember my 12 days in Senior 3.At the time, I 13 a 20-page message with my best friend, both of us hoping to keep the friendship going forever.But we didnt realise we were 14 deep in each others heart. During the past 10 years,

5、whenever Ive needed help or wanted to pour out my 15, she has always been there at the other end of a telephone line.1.A.silly B.young C.slow D.naughty2.A.different B.familiar C.simple D.comfortable3.A.success B.failure C.values D.secrets4.A.shape B.change C.design D.discover5.A.praise B.blame C.inf

6、orm D.support6.A.flowers B.fruits C.leaves D.seeds7.A.university B.classroom C.society D.hotel8.A.strong B.free C.clear D.weak9.A.got B.found C.lost D.changed10.A.new B.narrow C.warmD.large11.A.circle B.marriage C.darkness D.loneliness12.A.lonely B.busy C.sad D.last13.A.sent B.completed C.wrote D.ex

7、changed14.A.already B.even C.instead D.still15.A.excitement B.breath C.unhappiness D.joyTest 2All our food comes directly or indirectly from soil. The soil which is dark in colour is humus(腐殖质). Humus includes plenty of useful materials 1 from dead plants and waste matter from animals. Soil 2 its fo

8、od. If we do not 3 it with any food, plants will not grow well on it.Animal waste is the best food for soil, and chemical 4 are good, too. A change of crops every year in the same soil will also do 5. When soil is too 6, winds will blow it away, and the land will soon look like a 7. Farmers can prev

9、ent this 8 growing trees. This will weaken the 9 of the wind. After heavy rain, the 10 carries the humus down to the river. This often happens 11 the fields are on the hillsides. Farmers can level their fields and make them 12. At the beginning of the century there have been about 7,000 13 people on

10、 Earth. We now ought to 14 every bit of the soil. 15, where will such a large population grow their food? 1.A.diedB.madeC.broughtD.taken2.A.eatsB.needsC.feedsD.enjoys3.A.giveB.produceC.supplyD.develop4.A.poisonsB.fertilisersC.powdersD.medicines5.A.harmB.goodC.helpD.favour6.A.lightB.energeticC.dryD.t


12、.ThoughTest 3The best and most amazing thing about life is that no matter what happens or how hard it may be, stay 1.All you need to 2 is to do good, even if it may be the smallest thing, like greeting someone with a smile. It can 3 someones day, and you will have made the smallest 4 biggest differe

13、nce to their life. I learned patience in the hard 5. I have been trying to rush through life, always 6 myself to my friends and wondering when my life would change. I was too busy trying to speed things up, but things just werent 7, so I finally gave up. However, when I continued to help people and

14、do little things to make a difference, life 8 me back. Therefore, keep your 9 unchanged, no matter how unjust people are towards you. I believe you will be successful, 10 everything has its own special time, and yours is definitely coming. You just need to 11 a little longer.I 12 met someone worth i

15、t all, so kind and sweet, always trying to surprise me in the most 13 ways. Now, every day is something bigger and better, and that 14 is amazing.Even if you have been doing bad things until now, you can change it all. Believe me, it always gets better. Its not easy, but it will. I know, because I h

16、ave been 15 with it and I finally feel better.1.A.curiousB.patientC.seriousD.generous2.A.reflect onB.set aboutC.take upD.focus on3.A.speed upB.look upC.brighten upD.turn up4.A.butB.andC.orD.so5.A.wayB.timeC.pointD.problem 6.A.adaptingB.adjustingC.comparingD.applying7.A.speedingB.changingC.movingD.su

17、cceeding8.A.givesB.paysC.getsD.brings9.A.intentionsB.mindsC.heartsD.efforts10.A.ifB.whenC.untilD.because11.A.workB.waitC.operateD.stay12.A.eventuallyB.occasionallyC.suddenly D.instantly 13.A.normalB.unusualC.commonD.unexpected 14.A.thoughtB.viewC.feelingD.idea15.A.huntingB.strugglingC.searchingD.exp

18、loring 文体分类练(四)说明文和议论文Test 1【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。作者通过孩子与成人的比较, 说明友谊在不同年龄段的认知特点。1.B解析: 此处指孩子年龄还太小, 不懂得真正的友谊。故选B项。2.A解析: 上文讲了孩提时期还不懂得真正的友谊, 成年人则常把友谊同名声、财富联系在一起。根据第二段及下文所描述的情况可知, 高中时期最要好的朋友之间的友谊则与上述两种情形不一样。故选A项。3.D解析: 此处指分享彼此的 “秘密” 。A、B、C三项在下文中都做了描述, 故可排除, 否则重复。4.A解析: 此处指讨论生活中方方面面的事情并开始 “形成” 自己的价值观。故选A项。5.D解

19、析: 根据该空后的“to the biggest challenge”及本段中的 “We also share success and failure.” 可知, 在通向人生挑战的旅途中, “我”们彼此“支持”。故选D项。6.D解析: 此处指在相互讨论、彼此支持、分享成败的过程中, 友谊的 “种子” 深深地扎根于 “我” 们之间。故选D项。7.C解析: 根据下文提到Cora的例子可知, 她是在进入社会后才体会到高中时期友谊的珍贵, 而作者在下文中讲述自己的经历也是如此。因此, 此处表示 “许多人直到进入社会(society)后才认识到这一点”。故选C项。8.A解析: 此处指Cora在进入社会后

20、, 体会到与高中的好朋友之间的关系是多么紧密。故选A项。9.C解析: 根据下文讲的Cora和她的好朋友挤在一张单人床上以及上文中的“the darkest days”可知, Cora失去了工作。故选C项。10.B解析: 根据该空前的“squeezed into”及该空后的“single bed”可知, 床应该很窄。故选B项。11.C解析: 根据上文中的“the darkest days”可知, Cora把失业的那一段时间称为人生中最黑暗的日子, 故此处指她的好朋友的关心和鼓励帮助她走出了黑暗。故选C项。12.D解析: 两人交换着信息, 希望能长久保持相互之间的友谊, 由此情景可判断出, 应是在

21、高三最后的日子里。故选D项。13.D解析: 作者和好朋友交换了长达二十页的信息, 希望友谊能够长存。故选D项。14.A解析: 根据本文讲述的重点 “高中时期的友谊是最珍贵的” 可知, 此处指当时她们还没有意识到她们已经在彼此的内心深处了。15.C解析: 此处指在作者想倾吐内心的不快时会给她最好的朋友打电话。故选C项。Test 2【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。怎样才能更好地利用我们赖以生存的土壤? 怎样才能减少土壤的流失? 本文给出了答案。1.D解析: taken from “从中取出; 取材于”, 是动词-ed短语作定语, 修饰“useful materials”。2.B解析: 土壤 “需要”

22、 食物, 也就是上文中的“dead plants”和“waste matter from animals”。下文的“the best food for soil”也是提示。3.C解析: supply. with.“把提供给”,是固定搭配。4.B解析: 改良土壤的应该是 “化肥(chemical fertilisers)”。只有B项符合语境。poison “毒药, 毒物”; powder “粉末”; medicine “药”。5.B解析: do good “有益处, 有好处”, 为固定搭配。6.C解析: 当土壤太 “干燥(dry)” 时, 风就会把土壤吹走。7.A解析: 因为风把土壤吹走了, 所

23、以土地看上去就像 “沙漠(desert)”。8.B解析: 此处用by表示通过某种方式或手段, 后接动词-ing形式作宾语。9.D解析: 通过植树可以减弱风的 “力量(force)”, 从而防止土壤被风吹走。noise “噪声”; blow “吹”; speed “速度”。10.D解析: 大雨过后,“雨水(water)” 会把腐殖质冲到河里。11.A解析: 此处where表示地点。12.B解析: 农民可以平整田地, 使它们像梯级一样。stair-like“像梯级的”。13.C解析: thousand, million等与具体数字连用时, 不加-s, 故排除B、D两项, 根据常识可知选C项。14.

24、C解析: 此处表示我们现在应该 “节约(save)” 每一寸土地。15.A解析: 由下文的问句可知, 此处应用otherwise表示 “否则”。Test 3【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。无论生活中发生什么事情, 我们都应保持耐心、面带微笑, 坚持做好事, 即使是很小的好事也会给他人带来影响, 同时我们自己也会收获开心与喜悦。1.B解析: 根据下文的“I learned patience”可知, 生活中无论发生什么, 无论有多艰难, 都要有耐心(patience)。故选B项。2.D解析: 根据下文的 “.even if it may be the smallest thing, like gre

25、eting someone with a smile” 可知, 人们需要做的是专注于(focus on)做好事。故选D项。3.C解析: 根据语境可知, 设空处前面的“It”指上文中的“greeting someone with a smile”, 此处应表示 “一个微笑就会照亮(brighten up)别人的一天”。故选C项。4.A解析: 此处smallest与biggest的意思和情感色彩相反, 应使用表示转折意义的连词but。故选A项。5.A解析: 根据下文的 “I was too busy trying to speed things up, but things. so I final

26、ly gave up.” 可知, 作者在学会耐心之前吃了不少苦头。故选A项。6.C解析: 根据上文的“I have been trying to rush through life”和下文的“wondering when my life would change”可知, 作者总是把自己的生活节奏搞得很快, 总是将自己和朋友做比较(comparing)。故选C项。 7.C解析: 此处指作者急于看到事情有所起色, 但却毫无进展(moving), 所以最终放弃了。故选C项。8.B解析: 根据上文的“continued to help people and do little things to ma

27、ke a difference”可知, 作者继续帮助别人, 每天做一些有益的小事, 由此推知设空处表示 “生活有了回报(pays)”。故选B项。9.A解析: 根据“Therefore”及下文的“no matter how unjust people are towards you”可知, 无论别人对你有多么不公正, 你做善事的这个意向(intentions)都要保持不变。故选A项。10.D解析: 根据上下两句的句意可知, 上下句是因果关系。故选D项。11.B解析: 根据上文的“and yours is definitely coming”可知, 属于你的特别时刻肯定会到来, 需要的只是多等(w

28、ait)一会。故选B项。12.A解析: 根据设空处后的 “met someone worth it all, so kind and sweet, always trying to surprise me” 可知, 作者最终(eventually)遇到了那个值得他等待的人。故选A项。13.D解析: 根据上文的“always trying to surprise me”并结合选项可知, 既然是惊喜, 肯定是出其不意的(unexpected)。故选D项。14.C解析: 根据上文的 “Now, every day is something bigger and better.” 可知, 每一天都越来越好, 那种感觉(feeling)非常美妙。故选C项。15.B解析: 根据上文的 “Its not easy, but it will. I know, because I.” 以及设空处后的I finally feel better可知, 作者经过努力(struggling)之后, 最终一切都好起来了。故选B项。


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