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1、ENGLISH WRITING 摔的发光英语作文写不好的原因 英语作文写不好其实是句子写不好写英语句子的秘诀 五步造句法:找要点-句子化-简单化-翻译-升级 不重不漏-主谓齐全-直白-套句型如:要点是:车窗外的风景 1.句子化:车窗外看到很多鲜花绿草。完整句子:我看到许多鲜花绿草在车窗外 3.翻译:I saw some flowers and grass outside the windows of the car.4.升级:Suddenly,I saw some attractive flowers and grass outside the windows of the car.总结:有时

2、侯句子翻译不出来,不是因为你英语差,而是因为你中文水平太高。所以,需要你降低英语水平。中文-简单直白-英语翻译:先帝创业未半而中道崩殂 (简单化):你爸爸死了在实现梦想前 翻译:your father died before realizing his dream.今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也 (简单化)今天世界被分成3个国家,我们很弱,这件事情很危险。翻译:today the world has been divided into three countries,in which ours is the weakest,which is dangerous.这是哪篇古文呢?One

3、 sigh after another,Mulan sat opposite the door weaving;But no sound of the shuttle was heard,except the sighs of the girl.When asked what she was thinking,when asked what she had called to mind,nothing special the girl was thinking,nothing special the girl had called to mind.Last night I saw the dr

4、aft dispatch,The Khan is mustering a mighty army;The rosther consists of many muster rolls,And every roll has Fathers name on it.Father has no grown son,Nor Mulan an elder brother;我身怀异香,总会给身边的人带来不幸,I was born with mislead fragrance,which always bring misfortune to people.我东方彧卿,一定会回来娶姑娘为妻 I swear to

5、you,that I will come back to marry you.花千骨,你可别忘了,你是有把柄在我手上的 Hua Qiangu,don*t forget,I have your secret with me.师父,有小骨一直陪着你,你再也不是一个人了 Master,now you have me with you,you will never be alone anymore.如今洪荒之力现世,必将危害天下苍生 Once the devil is out,the world will burn 你欠我的,我要一样一样的拿回来 Eventually,I will take back

6、 everything you owned me 五步造句法:找要点-句子化-简单化-翻译-升级 不重不漏-主谓齐全-直白-套句型注意:一定要造完整的中文句子 如:中文说话不用句子 句子化最好用被动 完整的句子经常不被使用在中文里。符合英语方式 翻译:A complete sentence is often unnecessary in Chinese.practise 学英语好难 套句型:1.Learning English is difficult.2.to learn 3.its practise 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华。请你给笔友Peter写封信,告诉他你叔叔李明将去他所在

7、城市开会,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机。信中还需说明:李明:高个子,戴眼镜航班号:CA985到达:8月6日上午11:30注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Peter,Yours,Li Hua 第一段 一.找要点:1.我叔叔李明将要去你的城市开会 2.他将带去你想要的那幅中国画。3.所以,我写信询问你,你是否可以去机场接他;第二段 根据TEEC,开头最好有个主题句。现在我要告诉你一些细节。第一,李明是一个戴眼镜的高个子;第二,他的航班号是CA985;第三,他将在8月6号上午11点30分到达。结尾 请求信,求助信

8、,告知信结尾套话:我希望你能帮我这个忙。我期待你的回信。翻译:1.我叔叔李明将要去你的城市开会2.他将带去你想要的那幅中国画。3.所以,我写信询问你,你是否可以去机场接他;Dear Peter:How are you doing?My uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a meeting.He will bring to you the Chinese painting which you want.So,I am writing to ask you whether you can go to the airport to pick him up

9、.翻译:现在我要告诉你一些细节。第一,李明是一个戴眼镜的高个子;第二,他的航班号是CA985;第三,他将在8月6号上午11点30分到达。Now,I will tell you some details.First and foremost,Li Ming is tall,with a pair of glasses.Additionally,his flight number is CA985.Last but not least,he will arrive at 11:30 in the morning on August 6th.结尾:我希望你能帮我这个忙。我期待你的回信。Hopeful

10、ly,you would do me the favor.I am looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaDear Peter How are you doing?My uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a meeting.He will bring the Chinese painting to you which you want.So,I am writing to ask you whether you can go to the airport to pick him

11、up.Now,I will tell you some details.First and foremost,Li Ming is tall,with a pair of glasses.Additionally,his flight number is CA985.Last but not least,he will arrive at 11:30 in the morning on August 6th.Hopefully,you would do me the favor.I am looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hu

12、a升级:Dear Peter:How are you doing?My unvle Li Ming is going to your city for a meeting.He will bring the Chinese painting to you which you want.However,he is not familiar with your city.So,I am writing to ask you whether you can go to the airport to pick him up.升级:Now,I will tell you some details.Fir

13、st and foremost,Li Ming is tall,with a pair of glasses.wearing a pair of glasses.As a result,it is easy to recognize him.Additionally,his flight number is CA985.Last but not least,he will arrive at 11:30 in the morning on August 6th.which means you wont have to get up too early.升级:Hopefully,you woul

14、d do me the favor.and would enjoy the painting.I am looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaDear Peter,How are you doing?My uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a meeting.He will bring the Chinese painting to you which you want.However,he is not familiar with your city.So,I am writi

15、ng to ask you whether you can go to the airport to pick him up.Now,I will tell you some details.First and foremost,Li Ming is tall,wearing a pair of glasses.As a result,it is easy to recognize him.Additionally,his flight number is CA985.Last but not least,he will arrive at 11:30 in the morning on Au

16、gust 6th,which means you wont have to get up too early.Hopefully,you would do me the favor and enjoy the painting.I am looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Huahomework 1.Recite the composiotion above 2.Practise(2014新课标1)假如你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意。请给该校写一封信,询问有关情况。(箭头所指内

17、容)注意:1.词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文流畅。参考词汇:住宿accommodationpractise 1.再冷也不能拿别人的血来暖自己。(甄嬛)No matter how cruel,you shouldnt use another persons blood to warm yourself.2.贱人就是矫情。(华妃)That bitch!3.在这后宫中想要升就必须猜得中皇上的心思。若想要活,就要猜得中其他女人的心思。(甄嬛)To rise,you need to know the Emperors mind.To survive,you need to guess t

18、he other womens mind.practise 在这宫里,有利用价值的人才能活下去。要安于被人利用,才有机会去利用别人。(浣碧)In the palace,if you have ability,you survive.If you survive being used,then you will have the chance to take advantage of others.这会咬人的狗,不叫。(曹贵人)A barking dog never bites.homework 1.Recite the composiotion above 2.Practise(2014新课标

19、1)假如你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意。请给该校写一封信,询问有关情况。(箭头所指内容)注意:1.词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文流畅。参考词汇:住宿accommodation找要点 第一段(写信目的,自我介绍)1.自我介绍 2.我在报纸上看到了你们的广告。3.所以我写信来问你一些问题。第二段 1.主题句:这就是我的问题。2.首先,这个课程什么时候开始?3.其次,一个班有多少学生呢?4.再次,每周学习多少小时呢?5.还有,我们是住在学校,旅馆还是租公寓?6.最后,这个课程的准确费用是多少?第三段 书信结尾固定套路:我希望我相信感谢您请回信

20、我希望你能帮助我.我相信我的英国之行会愉快.谢谢你阅读我的信.希望早日收到您的回信。第一段(写信目的,自我介绍)1.自我介绍2.我在报纸上看到了你们的广告。3.所以我写信来问你一些问题 翻译:Dear Sir or Madam,How are you doing?I am Li Hua,a 17-year-old boy currently studying in China.I plan to go to Britain for a six-week course.Recently,I saw your advertisement on a newspaper offering such a

21、 course which attracts me.So,I am writing to ask you some relevant questions.第二段1.主题句:这就是我的问题。2.首先,这个课程什么时候开始?3.其次,一个班有多少学生呢?4.再次,每周学习多少小时呢?5.还有,我们是住在学校,旅馆还是租公寓?6.最后,这个课程的准确费用是多少?翻译:Here are my questions.To begin with,when will the course start?Besides,how many students will have a class together?Wh

22、ats more,how many hours will we study per week?Moreover,shall we live on campus,in a hotel or rent an apartment?Finally,whats the exact cost of the course?我希望你能帮助我.我相信我的英国之行会愉快.谢谢你阅读我的信.希望早日收到您的回信。翻译:Hopefully,your kind and timely help would be offered to me.I have the confidence that I will enjoy t

23、his trip.Thank you for reading my letter.I am looking forward to your reply.升级 Dear Sir or Madam,How are you doing?I am Li Hua,a 17-year-old boy currently studying in China.(万能自我介绍)I plan to go to Britain for a six-week course who plans during this summer holiday.Recently,I saw your advertisement on

24、 a newspaper offering such a course which()attracts me.(高级句子哦)So,I am writing to ask you some relevant questions.升级Here are my questions.To begin with,when will the course start?(太短)I need to know the date so that I can arrange my schedule.Besides,how many students will have a class together?(加长)Per

25、sonally,I prefer smaller classes.Whats more,how many hours will we study per week?(全是特殊疑问句)Whats more,Id like to know how many hours will we study per week.Moreover,shall we live on campus,in a hotel or rent an apartment?Finally,whats the exact cost of the course?升级 Hopefully,your kind and timely he

26、lp would be offered to me.I have the confidence that I will enjoy this trip.Thank you for reading my letter in such a hot summer.I am looking forward to your reply.I am looking forward to your early reply.Dear Sir or Madam,How are you doing?I am Li Hua,a 17-year-old boy currently studying in China w

27、ho plans to go to Britain for a six-week course during this summer holiday.Recently,I saw your advertisement on a newspaper offering such a course which really attracts me.So,I am writing to ask you some relevant questions.Here are my questions.To begin with,when will the course start?I need to know

28、 the date so that I can arrange my schedule.Besides,how many students will have a class together?Personally,I prefer smaller classes.Whats more,Id like to know how many hours will we study per week.Moreover,shall we live on campus,in a hotel or rent an apartment?Finally,whats the exact cost of the course?Hopefully,your kind and timely help would be offered to me.I have the confidence that I will enjoy this trip.Thank you for reading my letter in such a hot summer.I am looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua


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