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1、 Learning Objectives Making preparations for business travel Making enquiries Dealing with different situations while traveling Making an itinerary U N I T 商务旅行 4 B u s i n e Speaking Task Warm-up Practice Listening Task Follow-up Practice Writing Task Reading Task S p e a k i n g T a s k Wa r m-u p

2、 P r a cWe need to discuss some questions about what we are going to learn in this unit.Sure,thatll help us understand better about what we are asked to do.Wa r m i n g-u p P r a c t i c e We n e e d t o Before a business travel,necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems.Us

3、ually a travel agency is needed for booking/reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary.The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel,but also to meet business associates,to organize some conferences,and to do business in othe

4、r cultures,so as to make the visit successful.1.Business Travel B e f o r e a b u s i n e s s t r a v e l,n e 2.Discuss the following questions.1)Discuss in pairs or groups why business visits are necessary.2)Before making a business travel,what preparations should be made?3)When doing business in a

5、nother culture,what aspects should be taken into consideration?2.D i s c u s s t h3.Do you happen to know any regulations for taking a plane?Tick the statements you think are true.()1)Passengers can only hand-carry a small bag aboard the plane.()2)Children under 5 neednt buy a ticket.()3)People who

6、havent got an ID card cannot board the plane.()4)Passengers mustnt carry dangerous articles such as compressed gases,weapons,explosives,corrosives,or inflammables onto the plane.()5)Passengers can smoke during the flight.()6)Passengers mustnt use mobile telephones on flights because they will interf

7、ere with the planes electronic equipment.()7)Passengers must check in 30 minutes before departure on international flights.()8)Passengers must fasten their seat belts during take-off or landing.()9)The airline neednt accept responsibility for delays due to bad weather.()10)Passengers can transfer th

8、eir tickets to others without going to the booking office.1.T 2 F.3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.F3.D o y o u h a p p e n t o k n o w a n y rIMPORTANT DOCUMENTS:Carry proof of your citizenship(passport,drivers license or birth certificate).It is important that one of these documents contains your re

9、cent photograph.You may be asked to produce a photo identification,particularly if you are using electronic ticket.A letter/contract of invitation to do business in United States/Canada is also a document that you must carry with you at all times.Make sure you have the appropriate medical and travel

10、 insurance that extends into the United States/Canada or other country that you will be traveling to.This coverage should begin on the day you leave and include the date that you will return.Carry these important papers(passport/birth certificate,drivers license,airline tickets,insurance/medical car

11、ds,letter/contract of invitation and currency).*leave original copies of travel insurance at home with a relative/friend.WHAT TO PREPARE BEFORE A BUSINESS TRIPI MP O R T A N T D O C U ME N T S:WH A T T OWHAT TO PREPARE BEFORE A BUSINESS TRIP BAGGAGE:All baggage,including carry-on baggage,should be t

12、agged properly with your full name,address and phone number.You may choose to lock each piece of luggage.Remember to put your keys in a safe place(other than in your suitcase-extra key can be given to your traveling partner or kept separate from the other key).Just in case your luggage is misplaced

13、or lost,I advise you to include basic toiletries(make-up,tooth paste&brush etc.),bathing suit,underwear&night attire in your carry-on luggage.WH A T T O P R E P A R E B E F O R E A B U S I NCHECK IN AT THE AIRPORT:It is recommended that you confirm your flight time with the airport prior to arriving

14、(in case there is a delay).Arrive at the airport at least one hour before departure-some airlines require two hour pre-check in.It is best to check with your carrier or booking agent.Check your luggage and then relax and wait for your departure time.While you wait,a good book or magazine might help

15、to pass the time.C H E C K I N A T T H E A I R P O R T:I tPRE-CLEARANCE FORMS:If you have items to declare(camera,marketing items,computer etc.)fill out the appropriate documentation before you leave the country.Pre-clearance forms are available upon request at airport or from your travel agent.Fill

16、 out forms and submit before you board your flight.P R E-C L E A R A N C E F O R MS:MARKETING TOOLS If you are attending a conference/seminar or trade show,it is very important that you are prepared fully to market you and your products/services.Be prepared to work and learn!Predetermine which semin

17、ars you would like to attend.Check their schedules and be there on time.Business cards,brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important.Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event.Just to make sure all has safely arr

18、ived,I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.MA R K E T I N G T O O L S I f y o u aBUSINESS ATTIRE Dress appropriately for business.It is very important that you wear comfortable shoes.Check weather conditions in advance to determine type of wardrobe to include

19、.First impressions are very important.Each person will be ambassadors for their respective community and business,therefore it is important that individuals conduct themselves appropriately at all times.Remember,you cannot take back your first impression.B U S I N E S S A T T I R E D r e s s a p pIn

20、 this part you will listen to a passage and a dialogue.Now listen and try to finish the exercises while listening.Are you ready?L i s t e n i n g T a s k 1)Why is it suggested that you should carry a copy of your passport and additional passport pictures with you when travelling abroad?To speed up t

21、he reissue process in the event that your passport is lost or stolen.2)What organization of the country you are visiting should you contact when you are trying to clarify your visa requirements?The embassy or high commission of each country you are visiting.3)What should be taken into consideration

22、when you are choosing what clothes to bring to the country you are visiting?Whether there are any sensitivities associated with clothing in the destination country.4)What can be the severest punishment for carrying illicit drugs in some countries?The death penalty.5)Is travel insurance important acc

23、ording to the speaker?Why or why not?Yes,very important.So you should take out insurance that covers hospital treatment,medical evacuation and the kind of activities you plan to undertake.Medicare and private domestic health insurance will not cover you overseas.4.1.1 Listen to the passage and answe

24、r the following questions.1)Wh y i s i t s u g g e s t e d t h a t4.1.2 Listen to the dialogue and complete the form below.Destination:the States Title:Mr./Miss/Ms First Name:Sarah Passport Number:G0456780.Date of Departure:Flexible Fixed /Seat Type:Window Aisle No preference Area:Smoker Non smoker

25、Ticket Type:First class Business class Economy class Excursion fares Visa:Yes Validity:three months No Means of Payment:Cash Check Credit Card Special Requirement:order vegetarian meals for the flight4.1.2 L i s t e n t o t h e d i a l o g u e In this part you are going to read two dialogues in pair

26、s and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read.S p e a k i n g T a s k I n t h i s p a r t y o u 4.2.1 Dialogue Mrs Sarah Smith is checking in at the airport.1)What seat did Sarah ask for?She asked for an aisle seat.2)Did Sarah get an aisle seat?No,she didnt,because a

27、ll the aisle seats had gone.3)Why did Sarah need to pay$300?Her 2 pieces of check-in luggage were 15 kilograms over the permitted weight limit.4)When and where did Sarah board?Eleven thirty at Gate 14.5)What should Sarah do with the kitchen knife in her bag?She should sign for it and collect it at h

28、er destination.6)What do you need to take into consideration when packing your luggage?(Open)4.2.1 D i a l o g u e Mr s S a r a h S m i4.2.2 Dialogue Mrs Smith has arrived in the hotel in Los Angeles where she will have a business conference with her business associates the next day.1)What room did

29、Sarah prefer?She preferred a double bed,preferably a queen size bed.2)What business facilities did Sarah ask for?She asked for a computer socket,Internet connection,an in-room fax line and voice mail service.3)How would Sarah pay?By her Visa credit card.4)What were Sarahs requirements for the confer

30、ence room?A room that can accommodate fifteen people comfortably and equipped with a television set and a video recorder.5)What other service did Sarah ask the hotel to provide?To serve refreshments for the conference.6)What functions do you think hotels have in your business visit?(Open)4.2.2 D i a

31、 l o g u e Mr s S m i t h hR e a d i n g T a s k 1.What changes has the advancement of technology brought to business travel?2.How can those changes help us when we are on a business trip?3.What would we miss if technology could enable us to do completely without traveling in person?4.Do you think i

32、t is possible to do away with business traveling based on the technological development?5.If you think it is possible,what other new inventions might be needed to achieve that goal?PRE-READING QUESTIONS FOR PAIR WORK P R E-R E A D I N G Q U E S T I Answer the following questions:1)What would happen

33、to business travel with the advancements in technology?vBusiness travel will certainly be curtailed and businessmen/women will prefer to stay at their work place or maybe home,instead of embarking on a grueling travel schedule.2)When is business travel indispensable and why?vBusiness travel is requi

34、red at certain times when the mode of interaction is more discussion than mere information exchange and presentation because human touch is irreplaceable.3)How is business traveling different from a videoconference?vBusiness traveling enables face-to-face,first-hand communication and interaction,whi

35、ch ensures better business and thus means more business travel to firmly bind business relationships;videoconferences are more convenient and easy,but they lack the human touch,thus being cold,impersonal and ineffective in contrast.4)Why will the business travel market not diminish but grow on the c

36、ontrary?vBecause the MICE(meetings,incentives,conventions and exhibitions)market are also growing globally and companies look at travel as a powerful incentive tool for employees.5)When can business travel be avoided and how?v(Open)A n s w e r t h e f o l l o w iIn this part you are going to learn h

37、ow to write an itinerary.I n t h i s p a r t y o u a r e g o i n g t o Itinerary When a delegation or a person pays a visit,an itinerary/program is usually to be made,including the time to set out and return,the route of visit,the dwelling place,the main contents of visit,etc.Such an itinerary gener

38、ally includes:title,time,place and content of activity.I t i n e r a r y Title The title usually includes the name of the visitor or the name of the delegation,the duration of visit and the place of visit,e.g.ITINERARY FOR CBS TRADING MISSION May 12-20 Hangzhou Shanghai BeijingT i t l e Time This pa

39、rt includes the date and specific time ofthe activity,e.g.(1)July 13,Tuesday(2)MONDAY FEB 2(Chinese Spring Festival)(3)4:30 p.m.(local time)Arrive Gatwick Airport(4)Leave for airport 10:00 a.m.T i m e The place need not be too specific.It usuallyincludes the name of the city and the hotel,e.g.May 20

40、25 Shangri-La Hotel HangzhouPlace P l a c eContents of activities The contents of activities are filled in as arranged.In general,phrases rather than complete sentences are used.1)Use verbs or gerund phrases to express an action.e.g.Visit ABC Company Staying overnight in Shanghai2)Use noun phrases t

41、o express the nature of activity.e.g.Dinner hosted by Mr Wang,Managing Director,at Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant3)Use past participle phrases to express the passive.e.g.Met at the airport by Mr Wu,President of CBB Shown around the Factory by Mr Smith,Production ManagerC o n t e n t s o f a c t i v i

42、 t i e s T h e c o n You work in an international trade company.Your company has invited an American company to visit China and discuss aboutbusiness cooperation.The American delegation will stay in your city for four days,starting from May 5 to May 8.You make an itinerary for the delegation and the

43、n discuss your plan with yourpartner.Writing Practice Y o u w o r k i n a n i n t e r n a t iPractice makes perfectWe will practice what we have learnt in this unit.Yes,lets do it!F o l l o w-u p P r a c t i c e P r a c t i c e m a 1.Questions and Answers What would you say?1.A:What can I do for you

44、,sir?B:_ 2.A:Certainly.When are you going to leave?B:_ 3.A:_ B:Ill be visiting six,or more cities in the region.4.A:_ B:Just a minute,please.Ill see if there are tickets available.5.A:How long will you be traveling for?B:_ 6.A:Have you got any check-in luggage?B:_ 7.A:B:Im sorry,all the window seats

45、 have gone.What about an aisle seat?8.A:_ B:Try the money exchange.Its just behind you.9.A:_ B:Certainly.Could you show me your reservation slip?10.A:_ B:Of course,madam.We will get Pacific Room ready tomorrow.1.Q u e s t i2.Dealing with visitors.Very probably you will have to deal with foreign visi

46、tors to your company occasionally,if not on a regular basis.Write eight questions which would typically be asked at a first meeting and eight questions which would be inappropriate for use with near strangers,and then discuss with your partner.vAppropriate questions v1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._ vInappr

47、opriate questionsv1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._ 2.D e a l i n g w i t h v i s i t o r s.V e 3.Presentation PracticeMake a short presentation on one of the following topics.Before making the presentation,you should take two minutes to write an outline of your presentation.vDescribe a business trip you hav

48、e been on.vHow would you compare going on a business trip to taking a vacation?vHow to make arrangements for international business trip?vRelevant topics of your own choice 4.Translation Practice 1)我想订一张8月8日从杭州飞往悉尼的单程商务舱机票。Id like to reserve a single business class ticket from Hangzhou to Sydney for

49、 August 8.2)看来全价商务机票是最恰当的选择,因为它有较大的弹性。The normal full-fare business class ticket sounds the most appropriate option.It offers more flexibility.3)请问这是海关吗?我去澳大利亚旅行,该办哪些手续?Excuse me,is this the Customs House?Im travelling to Australia.Could you tell me what procedures I have to follow?4)我去英国旅行。请问可以免税携带

50、多少香烟和酒?Im traveling to England.Could you tell me what the duty-free allowance is for cigarettes and liquor?5)我下星期一将前往法兰克福参加法兰克福交易会。听说贵宾馆所有房间交易会期间就 都订满了,但不知现在是否有取消的房间。如果有的话,我想订一间单人房。Im going to Frankfurt to attend the Frankfurt trade fair next Monday.I was told that all the rooms in your hotel had be


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