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1、Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing商务英语函电商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingContentContentKnowledge ObjectiveKnowledge ObjectiveSkill ObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpWarm Up Business Situational Design Business Situational Design Specimen Letters Specimen L

2、etters Notes NotesPractice TrainingPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSkill Training商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnow the writing principles of business lettersMaster the layout and special format of business lettersMaster the basic parts of a business letterKnowledgeObjec

3、tiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectKnowledge ObjectiveKnowledge ObjectiveSkilled at writing formal business letter with standard structure Freely write standard E-mail and envelope

4、KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of Project商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing Generally speaking,the basic functions of a business letter should be:

5、(1)to ask for or give a reply to information;(2)to place or to accept an offer;(3)to cope with matters or disputes concerning business.With the fast rhythm of the international trade and great changes of the information,nowadays,business people prefer the writer states the purpose of his letter brie

6、fly,and the letter is short and friendly.The language of the letter is simple,clear and direct.Therefore,there are certain essential principles of modern business letters,namely(1)Clearness;(2)Conciseness;(3)Courtesy.Firstly,the business letter must clear exactly to avoid unnecessary misunderstandin

7、g.An ambiguous point may cause time lost and it costs,too.Secondly,since a letter is written for a reader,an over long and complicated letter has more possibility to confuse the reader which worst leads to delays in business.Hence,the wordy business jargon should be eliminated as well as the long an

8、d complicated sentences better be simplified which help to make a business letter clearer and more concise.At the same time,it probably means an earlier reply.Finally,before the writer goes on the detail of a business letter,please keep“your readers”in mind.The writer should always remember the pers

9、on he or she is writing to,be in the readers position.Courtesy and respect are the best policy in the business writing.A standard business letter consists of seven parts:the letter-head,the date,the inside name and address,the salutation,the body,the complimentary close and the writers signature and

10、 official position.The seven parts will be introduced in the following specimen letters.KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectWarm UpWarm Up商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to

11、English Business Letter WritingSituation:Rector Company Ltd.is an American company specializing in plastic toys,located in San Francisco.It consists of many departments,such as H.R.,Production,Finance,Marketing,Sales,Training,Quality Control,Administration,Maintenance and so on.Task:Suppose you are

12、the founder of the Rector Company Ltd.Please adopt the information above and build a fictitious trade company on the Internet.KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectBusin

13、ess Business Situational DesignSituational Design商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing1.1.Standard business lettersStandard business lettersSampleSample 1 1KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesP

14、ractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectSpecimen LettersSpecimen Letters商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing1.Standard business lettersSample 1KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPract

15、ice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectSpecimen LettersSpecimen Letters商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing2.Layout of business letter2.Layout of business letterS Sample 1 The Indented Styleample 1 The Indented Style(缩进式)(缩进式)KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusin

16、essSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectSpecimen LettersSpecimen Letters商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing2.Layout of business letterS Sample 2 The Block Styleample 2 The Block Style(齐头式)(齐头

17、式)KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectSpecimen LettersSpecimen Letters商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing1信头(the letter-head)信头要写明写信人的公司名称、公司地

18、址、电话号码、传真号码、电报挂号等信息,通常写在首页右上角或中间。英式写法要在信头的每一行后加逗号,地址末尾加句号,美式写法则不用标点符号。British AmericanMr.Thomas Ray,Mr.Thomas Ray231 Cambridge Street,231 Cambridge StreetLondon E.C.2,London E.C.2England.England2日期(the date)地址下面的日期很重要,中文习惯把写信日期写在信的最后落款处,但在英文信中,在信头的位置就写出了日期。日期的排列顺序有两种:一种是日月年(3 August,1988),另一种是月日年(Au

19、gust 3,1988)。在用前一种形式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但后一种中,月和年之间要用逗号分开。如与收信人比较熟悉,则地址可以省略不写,只写日期,或在日期前只写城市名。如:1 September,1988或Beijing 1 September,1988KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of Proje

20、ctNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing3信内地址(inside name and address)信内地址要写收信人的姓名和地址。一般的事务性信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件都要写上,而在给极熟悉的朋友的信中则可以省去地址。这一项写在日期下一行的左上角。第一行写收信人的姓名,接着写地址,写法与信封地址的写法一样。4称呼(the salutation)称呼是对收信人的称谓。从左边顶格写起,自成一行,低于信内地址两行。称呼一般要加逗号,这是英国的用法,也是传统的格式,美国则在称呼后加冒号。Briti

21、sh AmericanDear Sirs,Dear Sirs:Dear Ms,Dear Ms:Dear Sir or Madam,Dear Sir or Mesdame:5正文(the body)正文是书信的主要部分。通常在称呼下面一行写起,可用齐头式或缩进式方法。齐头式每段必须与左边的空白边缘平齐;缩进式每段开始第一个字都向右边缩进6至10个字位,但每段的缩进都要一致,不可参差不齐。正文的开头一般是写信的目的;中间部分叙述写信人的要求;结尾部分为祝愿及结束敬语。信的内容应该写得具体明了,直截了当,无须客套。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBus

22、inessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing5正文(the body)正文是书信的主要部分。通常在称呼下面一行写起,可用齐头式或缩进式方法。齐头式每段必须与左边的空白边缘平齐;缩进式每段开始第一个字都向右边缩进6至10个字位,但每段的缩进都要一致,不可

23、参差不齐。正文的开头一般是写信的目的;中间部分叙述写信人的要求;结尾部分为祝愿及结束敬语。信的内容应该写得具体明了,直截了当,无须客套。6结束语(the complimentary close)结束语的位置大约在正文之后,信纸的中央稍向右方开始。开头字母要大写,以后用小写,最后一个词后面要用逗号,用语要和称呼配6结束语(the complimentary close)结束语的位置大约在正文之后,信纸的中央稍向右方开始。开头字母要大写,以后用小写,最后一个词后面要用逗号,用语要和称呼配合。7签名与职位(the signature and official position)签名一定要写清楚。如果

24、信是用打字机打的,签名要写在结束语和打出的名字之间。如与收信人比较熟悉,可直接写名字,不用写姓。签名时应注意以下几点。(1)如果写信人为女性,与收信人不认识,则在名前用圆括号注上Miss或Ms,以便对方回信时知道如何称呼。如:Yours sincerely,(签名)(Miss)Wang LiKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSum

25、mary of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing(2)职位或头衔应写在最后一行。如:Yours faithfully,Robert Marsh Headmaster8particularly adv.特别地;尤其(=especially)如:The last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer,particularly an old customer like you.我们最不愿意做那些使顾客失望的事,特别是向您这

26、样的老顾客。9catalogue n.目录如:We are an importer of plastic products and we would appreciate it if you would send us your catalogue in the new year.本公司经营塑料制品的进口业务,希望能够得到贵公司明年的产品目录。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractic

27、e TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing10delivery n.交货;发货 deliver v.寄出,发货如:This company has a free delivery service.这家公司提供免费送货服务。We delivered the merchandise to them.我们把货物送交给他们。11Commercial Counselors Office 商务参赞处如:We have your

28、 name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana.我方从中国驻加纳大使馆商务参赞处得知你方的信息。12specialize v.专门从事 specialize in专门从事某事如:Our company specialized in producing womens clothes.我们公司专门生产女士服装。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen Letters

29、NotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing13enter into 开始 enter into business relations with 与建立业务关系如:We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equa

30、lity,mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.我们愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务联系。14quotations n.报价 quote v.报价如:Your quotations for leather jackets are too high to be acceptable.你方皮夹克的报价过高,我方不能接受。Please quote us your best price.请报你方最优价格。15enquiry n.询盘 enquire v.询盘如:We are very pleased t

31、o have your enquiry for our raincoat.很高兴收到贵方对我方雨衣的询盘。We are writing to you to enquire the current price of your table-cloth.我们正打算写信给你询盘桌布的价格。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary

32、of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing16in compliance with 与相符/一致如:All the cases are strongly packed in compliance with your request.按你方要求,所有箱子都包装得很牢固。17pamphlet n.小册子如:We enclose the price list and pamphlet for your reference.随信附上价目表和小册子供您参考。18for your refe

33、rence 供您参考如:We are submitting the following information for your reference.现提交如下资料供贵方参考。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes19forward v.发送,递送如:The goods will

34、 be forwarded to your house.这些货将发送到你家里。商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter Writing20prior to 在之前如:If you are not sure of anything,call and ask prior to the interview.如果您有任何不确定,请在面试前打电话咨询。21credit n.信用如:Such a step will,of course,place your credit standing in serious jeopardy.当然,这样一种

35、措施使贵方的信用处于严重的危机之中。22信封的写法英文信封的写法与汉语信封的写法差异很大,尤其是地址的排列与汉语信封上的地址是完全相反的。如北京市海淀区白颐路65号,通常是一行写下来,不需要换行;而在英文信中,地址的排列顺序是由小到大的:号(number)路(road)区(district)市(city)省份(province),国际信件还要加国名(country)。地址通常分三行或四行写,上面的地址写成英文为:65 Baiyi RoadHai Dian DistrictChinaBeijing,英文信封上:收信人(Addressee)的姓名、地址一般写在信封中央(也可以稍微偏右一些),信封上

36、方贴邮票,寄信人(Sender)姓名和地址可写在信封的左上角或信封背面的垂片上。KnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSki

37、ll ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotesSample 1 缩行式缩行式商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignS

38、pecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotesSample 2 齐头式齐头式商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical Se

39、ntencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotesSample 3 信封正面信封正面商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummar

40、y of ProjectNotesNotesSample 4 信封背面信封背面商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectNotesNotes1常用的称呼语Dear Sir,Dear S

41、irs,Sirs,Gentlemen,Dear Madame,Dear Hon.(Honorable阁下的缩写)2常用的开头语I have the honor to address you that 很荣幸告诉你I am very much delighted to inform you that非常高兴地告诉你I write in a hurry to tell you that 我赶快写信告诉你Your letter dated the 15th inst.(instant本月)is at hand.你本月15日的来信我已收到了。Your letter of the 15th inst.h

42、as been received.我已收到你本月15号的来信。3常用的结束语Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.感谢你对此事的合作!Wishing you every success.祝你成功。Hoping to hear from you soon.希望很快能收到你的信!4常用的结束敬语Sincerely 诚挚地Most Sincerely 最诚挚地Yours cordially 忠诚地Yours faithfully 忠诚地Yours respectfully 恭敬地商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to Engli

43、sh Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectImprove the following sentences.Practice TrainingPractice Training1Mr.Smith wrote to Mr.Wang that he had

44、received his order.2We have duly received your order for which please accept our thanks.3We have ordered the goods,and they will be received by us in two weeks.4We hope to receive your catalogue by return mail.Thanking you in advance.5Your letter of recent date to hand and contents noted with thanks

45、.We shall appreciate a line from you at an earliest date.1Mr.Smith wrote to Mr.Wang that he had received Mr.Wangs order.2We have duly received your order Number 14 of 8th November,2011,for which please accept our thanks.3We have ordered the goods,and we will receive them in two weeks.4We will apprec

46、iate it if you send us your catalogue by return mail.5We thank you for your letter of 14th April.We shall appreciate your writing us soon.商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpecimen LettersNotesTrade Terms and

47、 Typical SentencesPractice TrainingSkill TrainingSummary of ProjectRevise the business letters.Sample 1.Correct the many mistakes in the following letter.ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CO.P.O.Box 3259 ,22nd,January,2012The ManagerClarke&Smith Ltd.68 High StreetLondon EC 4EnglandDear SirWe thank your letter o

48、f 17th January,asking us details and prices of electric heaters.We are pleasure in enclosing our latest price list and catalogue,together with Model X-4s details.Please do not reluctant to write when you require further informations.We remain.Yours faithfullyElectric Appliances Co.MangerPractice Tra

49、iningPractice TrainingELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CO.P.O.Box 3259,22nd,January,2012The Managing DirectorClarke&Smith Ltd.68 High StreetLondon EC 4EnglandDear Sir,We thank you for your letter of 17th January,asking us for details and prices of electric heaters.We are pleased to enclose our latest price lis

50、t and catalogue,together with detail of Model X-4.Please do not be reluctant to write to us when you require further information.Yours faithfully,Electric Appliances Co.商务英语函电Unit 1 Introduction to English Business Letter WritingKnowledgeObjectiveSkill ObjectiveWarm UpBusinessSituational DesignSpeci


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