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1、一(24 分)一(24 分)丹桂飘香,芦苇摇曳,绿博园梦幻般的粉黛子,微醺着jio()媚少女们的脸庞;水天一色,长虹卧波,晨曦中飞驰的列车,滑过澄()清的石臼湖湖面;远山如黛,层林渐染,玄武湖浓郁的晚色,勾勒出南京城的轮廓秋色如许,一见如故,就这样与秋天的南京相遇,心中满满的爱意_(油然而生/情不自禁)。1.根据拼音写汉字,给加点字注音。(2 分)jio()媚澄()清2.在横线处填入恰当的词语:_(1 分)3.用诗文原句填空。(10 分)(1)水何澹澹,_。(曹操观沧海)(2)潮平两岸阔,_。(王湾次北固山下)(3)正是江南好风景,_。(杜甫江南逢李龟年)(4)_,应傍战场开。(岑参行军九日思

2、长安故园)(5)_,思而不学则殆。(论语为政)(6)春天像小姑娘,_,笑着,走着。(朱自清春)(7)遇见真挚的朋友,是人生的幸事。在送别元二时,王维举杯“_,_”(送元二使安西)来抒发对友人的惜别之情;在得知王昌龄被贬后,李白寄情于月,“_,_”(闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄)来表达对友人的关切之意。班级开展了“有朋自远方来”综合性学习活动,你参与活动并完成任务。(11 分)【任务一】推敲主持词班级开展了“有朋自远方来”综合性学习活动,你参与活动并完成任务。(11 分)【任务一】推敲主持词亲爱的同学们!欢迎大家成为七(1)班的一员。新学期,我们不仅进入崭新的校园,迎来新的师友,还踏上全新的征程。在

3、这段征程中,你不会感到孤独,因为你将结识到新的朋友。这些朋友像大海中的灯塔,_,_,给你温暖、希望与活力,伴随着你走向远方今天,我代表班委会在此吹响“交友集结号”,希望大家都能在班级里头找到志同道合的小伙伴,乘风破浪,共同成长。南京玄武区南京玄武区2021202220212022七上七上语文语文期中试卷答案+解析期中试卷答案+解析4.上述主持词中加点词分析错误的一项是()(3 分)A.从词义上看,“全新”与“崭新”能够相互替换。B.从表达考虑,“我”也可以替换为谦辞“敝人”。C.从词性上看,“希望”是动词,“里头”则是名词。D.从语境义看,“乘风破浪”的“风”“浪”是本义。5.续写两个比喻句,

4、构成一组排比句,来强调朋友的重要。(2 分)朋友像大海中的灯塔,_,_。【任务二】妙解姓名【任务二】妙解姓名6.初次结交朋友,能巧妙地解释“姓”和“名”,可给对方留下深刻印象。活动主持人要求你参照示例,从以下备选同学姓名中任选一个试作解释。(2 分)示例:林逾静,“逾静”取“蝉噪林逾静”之意,寄寓家长希望孩子能保持心灵宁静之意。备选姓名:A.江远帆B.吴三省我选(),解释:_【任务三】劝解烦恼【任务三】劝解烦恼7.在活动中,同桌分享了他交友的烦恼好友正直善良,见多识广,就是成绩不如自己。所以妈妈不许他与这位好友继续交往。请你结合链接材料,拟劝说同桌的妈妈。(4 分)【链接材料】三人行,必有我师

5、焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。论语述而子曰:友直、友谅、友多闻,益矣。论语季氏(译文:同正直的人交友,同诚信的人交友,同见闻广博的人交友,这是有益的。)_二(46 分)(一)阅读古诗,完成 8-9 题。(5 分)二(46 分)(一)阅读古诗,完成 8-9 题。(5 分)峨眉山月歌李白峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流。夜发清溪向三峡,思君不见下渝州。8.对峨眉山月歌这首诗分析不恰当的一项是()(3 分)A.诗歌首句借助仰视,写静态之景;次句借助俯视,绘动态之景。B.五个地名连用,造成空间迅速转换之感,让人体会到行船之快。C.山、月、江、水景致变幻,营造出月映清江的空灵清朗的意境。D.诗歌的尾

6、句间接抒发了诗人离乡后对友人依依不舍的思念之情。9.用形象的语言描绘诗人在船上俯视江面的景象。(2 分)_(二)阅读古文,完成 10-12 题。(10 分)【甲】(二)阅读古文,完成 10-12 题。(10 分)【甲】谢太傅寒雪日内集,与儿女讲论文义。俄而雪骤,公欣然曰:“白雪纷纷何所似?”兄子胡儿曰:“撒盐空中差可拟。”兄女曰:“未若柳絮因风起。”公大笑乐。即公大兄无奕女,左将军王凝之妻也。【乙】【乙】梁柳靖为河南、广德二郡太守,皆着政绩,秩满还乡。闭门自守,所对惟琴书而已。足不历园亭,殆将十载,子弟奉之若严君。其有过者,靖必下帷自责。于是长幼相率拜谢于庭,然后见之。乡里亦慕而化之。或有不善

7、者,皆曰:“惟恐柳广德知之也。”(选自德育课本,中国华侨出版社 2012 版,内容有删减)【注释】秩满:任期届满。下帷:放下帷幕。相率:一个接一个。谢:这里指认错。或:有的。10.根据表格,完成解释。(4 分)文言词句方法解释(1)俄而雪骤字源推测:“驟,马疾步也。从马,聚声。”(说文解字)(1)_(2)未若柳絮因风起联想成语:因势利导(2)_(3)殆将十载查阅词典:危险;几乎,差不多;懒惰(汉语大词典)(3)_(4)子弟奉之若严君课内迁移:君与家君期日中(4)_11.用现代汉语翻译下面的语句。(2 分)其有过者,靖必下帷自责。_12.结合甲乙选文,说说谢太傅和柳靖在家庭教育上的异同。(4 分

8、)_(三)阅读下面选段,完成 13-15 题。(9 分)(三)阅读下面选段,完成 13-15 题。(9 分)【甲】长妈妈曾经讲给我一个故事听:先前,有一个读书人住在古庙里用功,晚间,在院子里纳凉的时候,突然听到有人在叫他。答应着,四面看时,却见一个美女的脸露在墙头上,向他一笑,隐去了。他很高兴;但竟给那走来和他夜谈的老和尚识破了机关。说他脸上有些妖气,一定遇见“美女蛇”了;这是人首蛇身的怪物,能唤人名,倘一答应,夜间便要来吃这人的肉的。他自然吓得要死,而那老和尚却道无妨,给他一个小盒子,说只要放在枕边,便可高枕而卧。他虽然照样办,却总是睡不着,当然睡不着的。到半夜,果然来了,沙沙沙!门外像是风



11、恨,从此完全消灭了。这四本书,乃是我最初得到,最为心爱的宝书。(节选自阿长与”、“=”或“一个边长为 a的等边三角形的周长(答案不唯一)题号题号1415161718答案答案0.6422aabc 121n8/10=354242424483 =181532=35(4)原式=163295 =16645 =1651=3520、化简(每题 4 分,共 8 分)解:(1)原式=bbaa7253=ba58(2)原式=2626322xxxx=22x21、解:2223312332221yxyxyxx原式当3x ,32y 时:44549923332原式22、(5 分)(1)65 226556 1(2)abab ,

12、理由如下:222ababab222ababab 222abab所以abab 9/1023、(4 分)(1)23345=30 (2)2(3)2269a b 24、(6 分)(1)x4321012342x+412108642024(2)变小(3)22431435ABxxxx 24x 当2x 时,240 x,AB当2x时,240 x,AB25、(6 分)(1)16(2)C(3)起点到 A 站,车上乘客 28 人;A 站到 B 站,车上乘客28178=37人;B 站到 C 站,车上乘客37159=43人;C 站到 D 站,车上乘客43632=17人;D 站到终点站,车上乘客1789=16人.28374

13、317165=705答:该观光小火车能收入 705 元.26、(7 分)(1)20 1001050 22010504100abab答:该中学需花费2010504100ab元(2)方案一购买:20 100105020202206503300abab方案二购买:1050201001050 21310503400150abab4950解析:设方案一购买x副羽毛球拍,则方案二购买105020 x只羽毛球所以10502020150 xx,解得15x 则方案一购买 15 副羽毛球拍,方案二购买 750 只羽毛球总费用为:15 18075034950(元)10/1027、(7 分)(1)72a(2)如图所示

14、,D 点即为所求解析:2BCanann,取BC中点 M,则BMCMn再截取ODn,则 D 点即为所求(3)2an如图所示,E点即为所求解析:第一天总人数为:4an则平均每个检测点每小时检测人数:48an默认第一天与第二天每个检测点每小时检测人数一样,则48anm所以用m表示n可得:84man第二天也是默认先进 a 人,每小时放入n人,则1242Eanma 一一、听力部分听力部分(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分,满分 15 分)分)略略 二二、单项填空、单项填空(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分)从从 A、B、C 和和 D 四个选项中四个选项

15、中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16.I am interested in plants and animals,and I wish to become a scientist like Charles Darwin,so I am now studying _ hard every day.A.Geography B.Chinese C.Biology D.Music 17.-Did you watch _ game between Sun Yingsha and Ito Mima this summer?-Of course I did!That was

16、really_ exciting one.A.the;the B.a;a C.an;an D.the;an 18.-Did you have a good time _ Mount Huang during the National Day Holiday?-Oh,god,we were caught in a terrible traffic jam on the express way(高速公路),so we didnt have enough time _ it when we arrived.A.climbing;climbing B.to climb;to climb C.to cl

17、imb;climbing D.climbing;to climb 19.Cormorants(鸬鹚)_ come to Xuanwu Lake in November to live through the winter because its warmer here.A.never B.hardly C.seldom D.often 20.-Why do you quarrel(吵架)with your mother again?-She always _ me do the things I dont like!A.asks B.makes C.tells D.helps 南京玄武区南京玄

18、武区2021202220212022七上七上英语英语期中试卷答案+解析期中试卷答案+解析 21.Eddie is too lazy to get up early _the morning,so Millie has to walk it after dinner _ every evening.A.in;at B.on;at C.in;/D.on;/22.-_ do you go to the cinema now?-Only once a month.You know,after the outbreak of COVID-19,I dont go to the cinema often

19、as before.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often 23.-Frank,_ late for school again!-Im so sorry,Miss Zhang.I promise I will get up earlier next time.A.he is B.he does C.dont be D.isnt be 24.-There will be an amazing table tennis championship early in the morning this Sunday.-Really?Im so intere

20、sted in it.Dont forget to_.A.wake me up B.wake up me C.waking me up D.wakes up me 25.-What is your new school _?-Its not big but very beautiful.A.look B.look like C.like D.looking 26.Museums are my favourite places because I can learn _ about the history every time I go there.A.a lot B.a lot of C.lo

21、ts of D.lot 27.As the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics,Beijing designed special medals“tong xin”for the _.A.clubs B.players C.students D.teachers 28.We hope you _ in this mid-term exam!A.to get a good grade B.gets a good grade C.can get a good grade D.getting a good grade 29.Wh

22、ich underlined part in the following words has a different sound from the others?A.name B.same C.many D.lake 30.-It is the third time I catch a cold this autumn!I feel terrible with a runny nose and sore throat every day.-_.You should take some medicine and wear warmer clothes.A.I hope so.B.Im afrai

23、d not.C.I dont need to.D.Im sorry to hear that.三、完形填空三、完形填空(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分)Get ready for _31_ Chinas first Universal Studios theme(主题)park!Its also the biggest Universal Studios theme park in the world.With seven themed lands,it brings scenes(场景)from popular movies into the _32_ w

24、orld.Snow-covered castles(城堡),_33_ at the wizard(魔法)school Hogwarts,the office of the schools headmaster Albus Dumbledore These all _34_ the Harry Potter movies.Pictures of characters on the castle walls can even move and _35_!You can fly on a ride to follow Harry Potter and his friends on an advent

25、ure(冒险).You can _36_ a wand(魔杖)and play with magic.If you _37_ in the right place and say the right spell(咒语),things in the lands showcases(橱窗)will move.Xu Yanyan,26,a Bilibili vlogger,visited the _38_ early.“I bought a wand and tried the magic according to the map.It really worked!”he said._39_,don

26、t forget to taste the butter beer,a popular drink from the movies.“There are two_40_,The smoothie(冰沙)is sweeter than the drink,”said Yinhu,27,a vlogger.31.A.going B.coming C.showing D.visiting 32.A.big B.real C.true D.happy 33.A.classrooms B.shops C.clubs D.teams 34.A.look at B.look for C.look like

27、D.look after 35.A.hear B.play C.talk D.run 36.A.make B.buy C.lend D.borrow 37.A.stand B.dance C.eat D.sleep 38.A.movie B.office C.school D.park 39.A.At first B.Then C.At last D.At the time 40.A.ways B.kinds C.groups D.looks 四、四、阅读理解阅读理解(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分分)A 41.What can you buy from t

28、he night market?a.Fresh vegetables b.Homemade food c.Seedlings d.Clothes A.abc B.abd C.acd D.bcd 42.The market opens at _.A.6:00 a.m.B.12:00 p.m.C.5:00 p.m.D.10:00 p.m.43.Which of the following information is NOT included(包含)in the poster?A.Opening hours.B.Things for sale.C.The markets address.D.Del

29、ivery costs(花费).B When I first started looking for a pet cat,I wanted an adult cat named Miao Miao.She was a beautiful cat who looked very friendly.But I didnt bring her home in the enda family took her before I could.So the pet adoption(收养)center suggested that I take a different cata baby cat name

30、d Xiaohei.But there is something special(特殊的)about Xiaohei,whose new name is Egon.He cannot see.By the time the center introduced him to me,he was about 4 or 5 months old.No one else wanted him.Would I be able to look after him properly(恰当地)?I wasnt sure of it at first because he was so small.And it

31、 might be hard to take care of a cat that cant see.But as soon as I met him,I knew he was the cat for me.He is very clever and funny.He loves to play and run around.Even though he cant see,he is very interested in the world around him.He is naughty sometimes,but most of the time he is a good little

32、cat.Best of all,he sleeps right next to me every night.He doesnt have to be able to see to know that I love him.44.Why did no one else want Egon?A.Because he is naughty.B.Because he is so small.C.Because he cannot see.D.Because he is not clever.45.What does the underlined word“adult”mean in paragrap

33、h 1?A.智慧的 B.健全的 C.成年的 D.温顺的 46.How did the writer feel when she first met Xiaohei?A.She wasnt sure if she could take good care of him.B.She didnt like him because he was so small.C.She thought he was clever and funny.D.She knew he was the cat for her.47.Which of the information about Xiaohei is TRUE

34、?A.He doesnt like to play and run around.B.He is very interested in the world around him.C.He is always a good little cat.D.He doesnt know that his master loves him.C Dear Mike,One of my good friends is having trouble with his after-school classes.His mom thinks taking a lot of these classes is help

35、ful to him in the future.But he doesnt want to take them.He argues(争吵)with his mother every week,but they never agree with each other.He feels sad about this and I dont know how to help him.Do you have any advice(建议)?Smile Dear Smile,As much as you might want to help your friend,it sounds like this

36、problem is between him and his mother.There probably isnt really much you can do to help him in this situation(情况).I guess the best thing you can do now is to just try to be a good friend.Listen to him when he complains(抱怨)and see what you can do to make him happy.Maybe you can hang out more often o

37、n the weekend.You could try giving him a gift or doing some other nice things for him.If I could talk to his mother myself,I would tell her that putting too much pressure(压力)on her child could might actually be a bad thing.More classes dont always lead to better results.I guess you could tell your f

38、riend to talk with his mother about this.But it might be better to just stay out of this situation.Mike 48.Why does Smiles friend often argue with his mother?A.He doesnt do well in many subjects and his mother is angry about this.B.His mother wants him to take many after-school classes but he doesnt

39、 want to.C.He and his mother can never agree with each other.D.He doesnt help his mother with some housework.49.What is NOT Mikes advice for Smile?A.Hang out more on the weekend.B.Be a good friend and listener.C.Stay out of this situation.D.Talk to his friends mother.50.Which of the following is TRU

40、E according to the passage(文章)?A.Pressure is a bad thing.B.More classes cannot help a student get better results.C.Smiles friend should have a nice talk with his mother about this.D.Mike thinks its better for Smile to stop talking to his friend.51.Where can you see these letters?A.In a story book.B.

41、In a magazine for teachers.C.In a history book.D.In a magazine for students.D Youre about to eat a piece of bread that you got from your breadbasket.Oh no!Its past its expiration date(保质期).Is it still safe to eat?A food expiration date is a calendar date.Before this date,a product is at its best qua

42、lity(质量)and is good to eat.But is it unsafe to eat food after it reaches this date?Not necessarily(必然),according to Lin Xinying from the Chinese Nutrition Society.If food is not kept at the right temperature(温度),it can go bad even before it reaches its expiration date.However,if it is kept in the ri

43、ght way,food can be safe to eat even after its expiration date.For example,if your bread becomes dry after it reaches its expiration date,it is still safe to eat if you make it into breadcrumbs(面包渣).But if it tastes sour(酸的),you should throw it away.Cooking oil can last for quite a long time.But it

44、is better to use it within three months after you open it.On the other hand,infant formula(婴儿奶粉)must be used before it reaches its expiration date.It loses nutrients(营养物质)over time.52.What does food expiration date mean according to the passage?A.It is the date when the food is made.B.After this dat

45、e,we cannot eat the food.C.Before this date,the food is at its best quality.D.The food is unsafe after this date.53.What food must be used before it reaches the expiration date?A.Dry bread B.Infant formula C.Cooking oil D.Breadcrumbs 54.Which of the following is TRUE?A.It is not safe to eat food aft

46、er it reaches its expiration date.B.Food wont go bad if it is kept at the right temperature.C.Cooking oil can last for at least three months after being opened.D.Sour dry bread is unsafe to eat and should be thrown away.55.Which is the best title for this passage?A.Is it safe to eat after its expire

47、d?B.What is expiration date?C.What food can we eat?D.How to keep food fresh?非选择题(共非选择题(共 45 分)分)五、填空(共五、填空(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语根据括号中所给的汉语或或音标写出英文单音标写出英文单词词,使句子,使句子意思意思完整正确完整正确。56.We are lucky to study and live in the _(现代的)city.57.I go swimming with my friends _(两次)a week

48、 58.Millie is a student in Class 1,_ greid 7 at Sunshine Middle School.59.My classroom is not very big,but it is clean and _ brat.60.People like to wear red clothes to celebrate the Chinese New Year.They think the red colour can bring them good _(幸运).B)根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。)根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61

49、.Your father _(not be)always right.You should have your own ideas.62.-Jack,Im so glad _(see)you here in Nanjing.-Me too.63.She is busy with her work and seldom _(stay)at home.64.-What about _(visit)Nanjing Museum this Saturday?-Good idea.65.In order to learn English well,you should practise _(speak)

50、it every day.C)根据汉语意思补全句子,使句子意思完整。根据汉语意思补全句子,使句子意思完整。66.让我带领你参观我美丽的校园吧!Let me _ you _ my beautiful school.67坚持住你的梦想,总有一天它们也许会成真 Hold on to your dreams,they may _ one day.68.我们可以在南京图书馆借各种各样的书。We can _ all kinds of books _ Nanjing Library.69.我经常放学后和父母谈论排球比赛。I often _ volleyball matches with my parents


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