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1、Using question words+to-infinitivesUsing must and have to Translation.1.撞到岩石上撞到岩石上2.筋疲力尽筋疲力尽3.与与一样大一样大4.摔倒摔倒5.向某人大叫向某人大叫crash against the rocksbe tired outthe same size asfall overshout at sb.6.继续做某事继续做某事7.解开一只手解开一只手8.一大群小人一大群小人9.逃跑逃跑10.逃离,离开逃离,离开 continue to do sth./continue doing sth.put one hand

2、free a huge army of tiny people run away get away11.当我们的船撞到岩石损坏之后,我奋力当我们的船撞到岩石损坏之后,我奋力前游。前游。12.当我最终感到大地在我脚下的时候,我当我最终感到大地在我脚下的时候,我筋疲力尽了。筋疲力尽了。13.我的胳膊、腿和头发被拴在了地面上。我的胳膊、腿和头发被拴在了地面上。After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could.By the time I finally felt the land under my feet,I was

3、tired out.My arms,legs and hair were tied to the ground.14.他只有我的小手指那么大。他只有我的小手指那么大。15.这噪音使他们都摔倒了。这噪音使他们都摔倒了。16.他们继续在我的身上走来走去。他们继续在我的身上走来走去。17.我也不知道说什么。我也不知道说什么。He was the same size as my little finger.The noise made them all fall over.They continue moving across my body.I did not know what to say ei

4、ther.hand v.交;递,给交;递,给hand in 上交,递交上交,递交review n.评论评论return v.归还归还renew v.续借;更新续借;更新on time准时准时Andy doesnt know _.what to wearMillie cant decide _.which book to buyThey dont know _ to the station.how to goRead the following sentences1.Some dogs just dont know how to have fun.(七年级上册七年级上册 U4)2.Have yo

5、u decided what to do with these books,Hobo?(八年级下册八年级下册 P48)3.I did not know what to say either.(八年级下册八年级下册 P51)4.I did not know how to get away.(八年级下册八年级下册P51)1.如何玩的愉快 2.做什么 3.说什么 4.如何逃跑how to have funwhat to do how to get away what to say讨论:这些短语是由哪两部分构成的?结论 疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式总体目标:学会正确使用总体目标:学会正确使用“疑

6、问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”(To learn to use question words+to-infinitives)目标分解目标分解1.掌握掌握 “疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”的结构的结构2.探究探究“疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”在句子中使用的三种情况在句子中使用的三种情况1.做什么做什么2.去哪儿去哪儿where to go3.听谁说听谁说who to listen towho to chat with4.与谁聊天与谁聊天5.谈论什么谈论什么what to talk about6.和谁交谈和谁交谈who to talk to/withwhat to do不定式中的

7、不及物动词后不定式中的不及物动词后必要时必要时需加上适当的介词需加上适当的介词用用“疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”完成下列短语完成下列短语1.带多少钱 2.买多少书 3.选什么书4.去那个城市 how much money to takewhich book to choosewhich city to go tohow many books to take讨论:从这个四个短语中我们可以得出什么样的结论呢疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式 (有些疑问词后可以加名词有些疑问词后可以加名词)1.何时做作业_2.去哪儿_3.与谁聊天_4.读什么 _5.选多少本书 _6.如何去_what to

8、readwhen to do homeworkhow many books to choose 一、(目标1达成)在自己的小黑板上写出下列短语who to chat withwhere to gohow to go疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式 的的注意点注意点:1.不定式中的不及物动词后不定式中的不及物动词后必要必要时需加上适当的时需加上适当的介词介词3.除除why以外的疑问词都可以使在这个结构中以外的疑问词都可以使在这个结构中 2.有些疑问词后可以加有些疑问词后可以加名词名词 再再+动词不定式动词不定式 Simon forgot when to meet his friends.San

9、dy is wondering where to go.Daniel did not say who to chat with on the InternetAmy does not know how many books to take.1.We can put question words with to-infinitives after verbs.助记:助记:动词动词+疑问词+动词不定式。目标2 研究 疑问词+不定式 在句子中使用 宾语宾语The students asked their teacher when to hand in their homework.Millie sh

10、owed us what to do next.Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw.Dont forget to tell your mum where to meet you.这样的动词还有:advice,decide,discuss,know,find out,wonder,think,learn,say 2.We can put a verb and an object(宾语)(宾语)before a question word with to-infinitive助记助记:动词动词+宾语宾语+疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动

11、词不定式直接宾语 Simon forgot when to meet his friends.Daniel did not say who to chat with on the Internet1.We can put question words with to-infinitives after verbs.助记:助记:动词动词+疑问词+动词不定式。宾语问他们老师何时问他们老师何时交作业交作业1.The students asked their teacher_their homework.when to hand in2.Millie showed_ a computer to dra

12、w.(向向Daniel展示何如使用电脑画画展示何如使用电脑画画)Daniel how to use3.We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.Good.Will you please _(告诉我如何使用它)?tell me how to use it1.Suzy was not sure who to ask for help.2.Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow?我们可以用我们可以用形容词形容词sure,clear,certain等等Lets discuss the

13、following sentences.3.We can put an adjective before a question word with to-infinitives助记助记:形容词形容词+疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式1Will you please show me _(如何开)a car.how to drive 2.Jim decided when he should leave Beijing.(改同义句)Jim decided _Beijing.when to leave3Peter is learning how _(chat)with new friends.to

14、chat4 Im going on a field trip but I havent decided _.A.what to do B.to do what C.where to go D.to go whereC5 Kate didnt know who she should talk to.=Kate didnt know _.who to talk to6 判断正误Lily will explain why to go to the supermarket.()FLily will explain why she goes to the supermarket.抢答题1-Lets de

15、cide _(start)the plan,Jim.-How about next Monday?when to start抢答题2There isnt any difference between thetwo.I really dont know_.A.where to choose B.which to chooseC.to choose what D.to choose whichB Say sth.about the picture with question words+to-infinitives马航,你去哪了?1.So far we havent know_ (在哪找到这架飞机

16、).2.They forgot to tell Lily _.(选哪个航班)3.We still dont know _ finding the missing plane.(要花多少天)4.The government is not sure _ it.(什么时候找到它).where to find the planewhich flight to choosehow many days to spendwhen to findFinish the exercises on P55.which to readwhere to findhow to travelwhen to hand inw

17、hat to write aboutwho to ask for1.I dont know when to go there.2.I havent decided who to go with3.I am sure what to do there4.I have to choose how to get there.5.I did not know how much money to take.I want to take a tour to Yangzhou.But I havent been there,I have some following questions:1.我不知道何时去那

18、儿。2.我还没有决定和谁一起去。3.我还不确定在那儿做什么。4.我必须选择如何去那儿。5.我不知道带多少钱去。We can use a question word with a to-infinitives after a verb.1.Do you know how to get to the nearest supermarket.2.The teacher didnt tell us what to do next.3.I am wondering where to go for the holiday.疑问词疑问词+to do1.Millie 还没有决定选那本书。还没有决定选那本书。M

19、illie hasnt decided_.2.Simon 忘记什么时候见朋友了。忘记什么时候见朋友了。Simon forgot _his friends.3.我妈妈教我如何做饭。我妈妈教我如何做饭。My mother teaches me_.4.Daniel不知道接下去说什么。不知道接下去说什么。Daniel didnt know _next.Have a trywhich book to choosewhich book to choosewhen to meethow to cookwhat to sayWe can use these verbs before wh-+to doThes

20、e question words can be used,such asknow,learn,see,hear,ask,advise,tell,decide,explain,find out,forget,show,teach,discuss,wonder,remember,think,understand,be sure,be clear.When,where,what,which,how,how many/much+n.,what/which/whose+n除了除了why疑问词+to do 可以改写成由疑问词引导的从句。1.Gulliver did not know where he co

21、uld find other people.=Gulliver did not know _ other people.2.He wondered who he could ask for help.=He wondered _help.3.Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes.=Gulliver did not know _ the ropes.Have a tryWhere to findWhere to findWho to ask forWho to ask forhow to breakhow to break4.Gul

22、liver found out what he could do with the tiny man.=Gulliver found out _ with the tiny man.5.Gulliver decided when he should leave Lilliput.=Gulliver decided _ Lilliput.Have a trywhat to dowhat to dowhen to leavewhen to leave1.我不知道该怎么做?我不知道该怎么做?I dont know what to do.=I dont know what I should do.2.

23、Sandy 想知道该找谁帮忙。想知道该找谁帮忙。Sandy is wondering who to ask for help.=Sandy is wondering who she should ask3.你能告诉我去学校该走哪条路吗?你能告诉我去学校该走哪条路吗?Could you tell me which way to take to the school?=Could you tell me which way I should take to the school.Have a try4.吴老师建议我们选择哪些课外活动。吴老师建议我们选择哪些课外活动。Mr Wu advised us

24、 which to choose as after-school activities.=Mr Wu advised us which should choose as after-school activites.5.不要忘了告诉你妈妈什么时候接你。不要忘了告诉你妈妈什么时候接你。Dont forget to tell your mother when to pick you up.=Dont forget to tell your mother when she should pick you up.Have a try6.我不确定带多少钱我不确定带多少钱.I am not sure ho

25、w much money to take.=Im not sure how much money I should take.7.那时他清楚可以走哪条路吗?那时他清楚可以走哪条路吗?Was he clear which way to take?=Was he clear which way he could take?8.他的问题是如何学好英语。他的问题是如何学好英语。His question is how to learn English well.9.选读什么书对我们很重要。选读什么书对我们很重要。Which books to choose to read is important for

26、 us.We must obey school rules We must obey school rules when were at school.What when were at school.What school rules do we have?school rules do we have?What must we do?What What must we do?What mustnt we do?mustnt we do?We must wear school uniforms.We must get to school on time.We must hand in our

27、 homework on time.We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary.What What mustmust we do?we do?We must not throw rubbish on the ground.We must not run fast in the teaching buildings.We use must not to say that something is not allowed.must not=mustntWhat What mustntmustnt we do?we d

28、o?I have to call my parents.I have to ask for leave and stay at home.We use have to when the situation makes something necessary.has to,had to,will have to If you are ill and the doctor asks you If you are ill and the doctor asks you stay at home,what will you stay at home,what will you have tohave

29、to do?do?I dont have to finish my homework today.I dont have to have the rest lessons today.We use do not have to to say that it is not necessary to do something.do not have to=dont have toDoesnt have to,didnt have to,wont have to,If you are ill and the doctor asks you If you are ill and the doctor

30、asks you stay at home,what stay at home,what wontwont you you have tohave to do?do?(1)must表示“必须”,“应该”。否定式mustnot(mustnt)表示“不应该”,“不许可”,“不准”,“禁止”等。在回答带有must的问句时,否定式常用neednot(neednt)或 donthaveto 表示“不必”,而不用mustnot(mustnt)Draw a conclusionDraw a conclusion1.你不能那样说。Youmustntspeaklikethat.2.82.8点之前我必须回家吗?是

31、的,必须回家。点之前我必须回家吗?是的,必须回家。/不,不必了不,不必了.MustIbehomebeforeeightoclock?Yes,youmust./No,youneednt./No,youdonthaveto.2)must表推测,一般只用于肯定句中,译成汉语一般只用于肯定句中,译成汉语“一一定定”,“必定必定”。其否定形式常用其否定形式常用cannotcannot而不用而不用mustnotmustnot。1.肯定有一些错误。Theremustbesomemistakes.2.你一定很累了。Youmustbeverytired.3.他肯定不在家,他去了香港。He cant be at

32、home.He has gone to Hong Kong.(3 3)havetohaveto表示表示“必须必须”,“不得不不得不”,表示,表示的却是客观需要。但的却是客观需要。但mustmust表示的是说话人的主表示的是说话人的主观看。观看。havetohaveto有更多的时态形式:现在时,过去时,有更多的时态形式:现在时,过去时,将来时等,而将来时等,而mustmust只有现在时形式。只有现在时形式。1.他得走了。He has to go.2.为了提高英语你们得更加努力地学习。You will have to study harder to improve your English.3.他

33、必须按照他们所做的做。He must do what they did.一、完成下列句子。一、完成下列句子。1.I dont know _ (在会上说什么在会上说什么).2.Can you tell me _ (在哪里能买到这本书在哪里能买到这本书)?3._ (在何时何地召开这会议在何时何地召开这会议)hasnt been decided yet.what to say at the meetingwhere to buy this bookWhen and where to hold the meeting1.When I go into the clothes shop,I always

34、cant decide _ one to buy.2.My grandfather doesnt know _ to use a computer.3.-Will you please show me _ to drive a car?-Yes,of course.Now let me tell you _ to do first.4.I will tell Lucy _ and _ to meet.whichhow howwhatwhenwhere二、用二、用how,which,what,when,where填空。填空。Finish the exercises in the book.Check the answers.Lets work out some class rules using must,mustnt,have to,dont have toWrite them down in your paper.Work in groupsHomework Revise the grammar items you have learnt in this class.Do some exercises.


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