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1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语期中必考易错知识综合练习100题1 Peter has changed a lot, hasnt he? Yes. He used to _ the guitar, but now he is more _ in reading history books.Aplays; interestedBplay; interestedCplay; interestingDplaying; interest2My home is too far from my school. Luckily, I _ the early bus every morning.Atry to cat

2、chBfail to catchCmanage to catchDrush to miss3Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?Walk straight on you see a white building. Its right there.AthoughBsinceCuntilDif4 Would you please tell me _ to do with the problem, Mr Chen? Sure.AhowBwhyCwhatDwhich5The boy has fini

3、shed the first book, and he is going to continue _ the second one.AwritesBwritingCto be writingDwritten6Although he was _ my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.AagainstBonCforDin7 Are you planning _ online tour to Maoshan now?Yes. I think you will like _ tour called Sunshine for A

4、ll.Aan; theBa; theCan; aD/; the8During the May Day holiday, _ visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Flying Tigers Memorial Museum.Athousand ofBthousandsCthousands ofDthousand9Dont _ the channel _. This programme is interesting enough.Aturn; onBchange; againCsearch; at allDsee; any more10So much _ t

5、odays meeting. Thanks for your coming.AwithBtoCforDof11If you want to open a file, please _ this icon.Aput onBclick onChit onDtouch on12More than 20 people _in traffic accidents _last May.Adied; forBhave been dead; sinceChave died; sinceDhave been dead; for13The film was so _ and it made me feel so

6、_.Aexciting; excitedBexcited; excitedCexciting; excitingDexcited; exciting14How long may I _ this book?AborrowBlendCkeepDbuy15Was the song and dance parade marching _ the park when you saw it?AcrossBacrossCthroughDpast16My father _ to South Hill, He _ there for 5 days already.Ahas gone; has beenBhas

7、 been; has goneCl has gone; has goneDhas been; has been17The man _ his hometown three years ago, so he _ for three years.Aleft; has been awayBleft; has leftCwas away; has been away fromDwas away; has left18_ has your grandpa lived here? Since last year.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDHow far19Mr. Smith

8、 will go to work if he _ this afternoon.Awill feel goodBfeels goodCwill feel wellDfeels well20I love lots of ball games, _ basketball, football and volleyball.Asuch asBfor exampleCas wellDas21Mr. Green _ his keys in the car this morning. He often does this.AforgetsBforgotCleavesDleft22I became a stu

9、dent ten years _. I have been a student _ 2004. I have studied here _ about 10 years.Aago; since; forBago; for; sinceCago; before; forDbefore; in; after23_ wonderful time we had in the park! _ great fun we had!AWhat a; WhatBWhat a; what aCHow; HowDWhat; How24Its very kind _ you to buy an air ticket

10、_ Singapore for meAfor;forBfor;toCof;toDof;of25The computer rooms in your school are much larger than _ in our school.AthoseBthatConesDit26Though Mr Li_his hometown for over ten years, he misses his old friends from time to timeAhas leftBhas been away fromCwas away fromDleft27Chinese people _ keep p

11、igs for food, but now some people keep them as pets.Aused toBhas toChad betterDare used to28You can play football _ before after school .Aas soon asBas quick asCas often asDas good as29Were lived there since we _ two years ago.Aget marriedBgot marryCgot marriedDget marry30Your town is modern and bea

12、utiful. _was it _ in the past?It was small and dirty.AHow; doingBHow; likeCwhat; doingDWhat; like31Why dont you go swimming with them?Because I _ my homework yet.Adidnt finishBwont finishChavent finishedDdont finish32Dont any more time, or he will miss the meeting.AsaveBtrustCwasteDlove33Bill, will

13、you get me the book on the fridge?Im afraid I cant _ it . Its too high.AfindBreachCsellDread34Which book do you like best? I cant decide_.AWhich one to buyBto buy which oneCBuy which oneDwhich one should I buy35Its getting dark. I _ go home.AmayBcouldChave toDto meet36I like reading the book like Na

14、han _ Lu Xun.AofBbyCinDto37I forgot when _my friends.AmetBwill meetCmeetingDto meet38Would you please tell me _ to do tomorrow?AwhatBhowCwhenDwhere39The exciting story really made me excited yesterday._.AMe tooBNot at allCYou are rightDThe same to you40Has Jim learned about the sad news?Not yet. Wer

15、e thinking bout _ to tell him about it.AhowBwhatCwhichDwhy41France is European country while Thailand is Asian country.Aan,anBan,aCa,aDa,an42I havent been to the temple(寺庙) _ the top of the hill. But I know you can get to the top _ fifteen minutes by cable car(缆车).Aat; inBin; inCat; forDon; for43Im

16、going to Dalian for my May Day holiday and I have _ a seaside hotel.Really? Have a good time.AbookedBboughtChadDprepared44 How many students are there in each group? Usually each group _ six students in our class.Ais made fromBis made up ofCis made inDis made of45My family will have a _ holiday in A

17、ustralia. I really want to see the Sydney Opera House.Atwo weeksBtwo weeksCtwo weeksDtwo-weeks46Millie _ her homework just now. But I _ mine. I shouldnt watch TV first.Ahas finished; havent finishedBfinished; dont finishCfinished; havent finishedDhas finished; didnt finish47I saw Daniel _ videos whe

18、n I walked past his room.Ato watchBwatchesCwatchedDwatching48- Why do so many people search for information on the Internet?- _.ABecause it is easier and fasterBBecause there are no mistakesCBecause it is wonderfulDBecause it is cheap and exciting49_ this today, everyone.Great. We can go home now.AP

19、repare forBTalk aboutCSo much forDThink about50 Where is Mike? He _to New York on business. He _ the airport at five in the morning .Ahas gone; has left forBhas been; has left forChas gone; left forDhas been; left for51No one knows how people _ and _ the huge rocks without modern machines hundreds o

20、f years ago.Acut; movedBcut; moveCcut; movingDare cutting; moved52_ people in the world are sending and receiving emails every day.ATwo million ofBMillions ofCMany millionsDTwo millions53 _ do you go to see a film? Twice a week.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow far54We can type words with a _.Ascreen

21、BkeyboardCmouseDprinter55Would you please come to my birthday party tonight? _. I suppose we will have a wonderful night!ANo wayBHave a good timeCNot exactlyDMy pleasure56Look! What a clean room! Who _it ?Ahas cleanedBis cleaningCwill cleanDcleaned57Where is your father?He _ Shanghai. He has _ there

22、 for a week.Ahas gone to; goneBhas been in; goneChas gone to; beenDhas been to; been58I this dictionary two weeks ago.You mean you it for half a month.Abought; have keptBbought; have hadChave bought; have boughtDhave had; have bought59-_ did your uncle leave his hometown? He _ for nearly twenty year

23、s.AWhen; has leftBWhen; has been awayCHow long; has leftDHow long; has been away60_, do you know where the nearest post office is?ABy the wayBOn the wayCIn the wayDTo the way61Most of my friends, Sandy, Millie and Allen, are all very kind to me.Afor exampleBsuch asCin some waysDmoreover62I have been

24、 in Yancheng _.Afor forty years agoBsince forty years agoCforty years agoDbefore forty years63Its to go surfing in such fine weather.Aa great fun; aBa great fun:/Cgreat fun; aDgreat fun:/64How _ is it from Beijing to Shanghai?Its about two _ flight.Afar; hoursBlong; hoursClong; hoursDfar; hours65Aft

25、er trying many times. they got to open the door Ain the endBat the endCto the endDby the end66I must return the book to the library. I it for a week.Ahave lentBhave borrowedChave hadDhave kept67We had no time but we had a great time together these days.Achatting; travellingBchatting; to travelCto ch

26、at; travellingDto chat; to travel68He has never been to Jeju Island(济州岛) before, he? .Its the third time he has been there.Ahasnt; Yes, he hasBhasnt; No, he hasntChas; Yes, he hasDhas; No. he hasnt69Im going on a trip to Beijing after the exam.Really? !AHave a nice timeBCongratulationsCThats all rig

27、htDIts nice of you70Is _ air pollution _ serious problem now?Aa, aB/, aCthe, theDthe, /71 The changes are good for people. _. I like the present transport but I cant stand the pollution.AYes, I agree with youBNo, you are welcomeCIn some ways, I agree with youDNo, I agree with you72I know Old Joe liv

28、es _.We should visit him from time to time. Then he wont feel _.Aalone ; aloneBlonely ; lonelyClonely ; aloneDalone ; lonely73What a terrible experience! _, youre safe now thats the main thing.AAnywayBMoreoverCOtherwiseDIndeed74Cutting down too many trees _ it _ for people to protect the wildlife in

29、 the world.Amake; impossibleBmakes; possibleCmake; possibleDmakes; impossible75Im not sure what to get mother on Mothers Day. What about you?Oh, I have no idea, _.AalsoBeitherCtooDso76I cant decide _.Awhat to do itBhow shall I do itChow to do itDwhat shall I do it77-My uncle goes swimming every Sund

30、ay.-Oh? But he_ hate swimming,Ause toBuses toCis used toDused to78The sweaters are so beautiful. I dont know _.Awill buy whichBwhich to buyCwhich buyDto buy which79Can you feel him_ on your back.AknockingBis knockingCknockedDto knock80The family_ stay at the hotel because it was raining hard.Ahave t

31、oBhad toCneed toDwant to81We are going for a picnic tomorrow. Ill call Wendy to make sure_.Awhy to startBwhich to startCwhat to startDwhen to start82I didnt find out the answer _ the end of the story.AinBuntilCwhenDto83We found the story very_. All of us were_ in it.Ainteresting; interestedBinterest

32、ed; interestedCinterested; interestingDinteresting; interesting84The teacher asked us to see her one_.AeverytimeBsometimeCat a timeDat times85The horse cant run_ it did years ago.Aas faster asBso fast thanCas fast asDas fastest as86In our school library, there are many books like English, Chinese, m

33、aths _.Afor exampleBand so onCsuch asDalso87Mr Brown together with his family_ Sanya for a few weeks.Ahave been inBhave been toChas been inDhas left88I_ a gift from my penfriend Peter, but I didnt_ it.Areceived; acceptBreceived; receiveCaccepted; acceptDaccepted; receive89You must read the instructi

34、ons carefully_ you take the medicine(药)AwhileBafterCsoDbefore90You_ jump onto the bus while it is moving. Its too dangerous.AmayBmay notCmustDmustnt91-Do you know_ for help when we are in trouble at school?-Yes, our teachers and friends.Awho should we askBwhat to askCwho to askDhow should we ask92I

35、must give the book back to Li Xiao. I_ it for a week.Ahave lentBhave keptChave borrowedDhas had93Lets go to the concert tonight, Michael!Sorry, I _. I have to help my mother with the houseworkAmustntBmay notCneedntDcant94Its so hot here . Do you mind _the window ?._. I will do it right now .Ato clos

36、e ; YesBto open ; NoCopening ; Of course notDclosing ; I hope so95Is there _ African elephant in _ zoo ?Maybe there is.Aa ; theBan ; theC/ ; theDan ; a96Do you mind me smoking here?_. Look at the sign. It says,“ No smoking.”AIt doesnt matterBNo, I dont.CYoud better notDNever mind.97They _ all the ti

37、ckets when we get there.AsoldBsold outChave soldDhave sold out98Can you show me _ to start the computer?AwhatBwhereChowDwhich99I dream of _ a teacher. What about you?I want to be a doctor.Ato beBbeingCamDis100Today people in both cities and towns _ computers.Awere usingBhas usedCuseDused第 17 页 共 26

38、页参考答案:1B【详解】句意:彼得改变了很多,不是吗?对,他过去常弹吉他,但现在他对读历史书更感兴趣。考查used to do的用法和形容词短语。interested感兴趣的;interesting有趣的;interest兴趣。used to do“过去常常做某事”,to后为动词原形,排除A和D;be interested in“对感兴趣”,固定短语,排除C。故选B。2C【详解】句意:我家离学校太远了。幸运的是,我每天早上都设法赶上了早班车。考查动词短语。try to catch试图赶上;fail to catch没能赶上;manage to catch设法赶上;rush to miss匆忙错

39、过。根据“Luckily”推知,每天早上都设法赶上了早班车。故选C。3C【详解】句意:-打扰一下,你能告诉我去最近的地铁站的路吗?-直走一直到你看见一座 白色的大楼,它就在那儿。though尽管,虽然;since自从;until直到时候;if如果。根据句意可知,这里表示Walk straight这一动作一直持续到you see a white building,故应选C。4C【详解】句意:陈先生,你能告诉我如何处理这个问题吗?当然。考查疑问词。how怎样;why为什么;what什么;which哪一个。do with常与what连用,而deal with常与how连用。故选C。5B【详解】句意:

40、这个男孩已经完成了第一本书,他将继续写第二本书。考查非谓语动词。根据“he is going to continue . the second one.”可知,此处指他将继续写第二本;表示“继续做同一件事”应用continue doing sth.,动名词作宾语;continue to do sth.表示“(做完一件事)继续做另一件事”。符合结构的是B项。故选B。6A【详解】试题分析:句意:虽然老教授反对我的意见,但是他没有提出自己的观点。 against 反对,违背的意思, on表示在上,in表示在内,不能和opinion构成固定搭配, 而for my opinion 可以翻译为赞成我的意见

41、,结合后句的转折,故选A。考点:考查介词的用法。7A【详解】句意:你们现在有网上游茅山的计划吗?是的。我想你会喜欢这个叫做“阳光普照天下”的旅行。考查冠词辨析。根据“online tour”可知,需要不定冠词表示泛指,online是元音音素开头,an符合句意;再者根据“called Sunshine for All”可知,此处表示特指,the符合句意。故选A。8C【详解】 句意:在五一假期期间,成千上万的游客来到芷江参观飞虎纪念馆。考查基数词thousand的表达。根据“During the May Day holidayvisitors came to Zhijiang to visit t

42、he Flying Tigers Memorial Museum.”可知,thousand前面没有具体数词时,需要与of连用,且表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加s。故选C。9B【详解】句意:别再换频道了。这个节目很有趣。考查动词及副词辨析。turn.on打开;change.again再换;search搜查,搜寻;at all根本;see看见;any more不再。根据“This programme is interesting enough.”可知,此处说的是“不要再更换频道”,故选B。10C【详解】句意:今天的会议到此结束。谢谢你的光临。考查介词辨析。with和;to到;for为了;of


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