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1、UNIT 1Section A Unit 1New words textbook 教科书 conversation 交谈,谈话 aloud 大声地出声地 pronunciation 发音 sentence 句子 patient 有耐心的 ,病人 expression 表情,表达方式 discover 发现发觉 secret 秘密 look up 查阅,抬头看 grammar 语法 How do you study English?I study by listening to tapes.I study by asking the teacher for help.1a Check()the

2、ways you study English.Then add other ways you sometimes study.a.by working with friends b.by making word cards c.by reading the textbook 通过读课本或教材 d.by listening to tapes 通过听磁带 e.by asking the teacher for help_by 介词,凭借;依靠介词,凭借;依靠ask sb.for sth.向某人寻求某物向某人寻求某物通过制作单词卡片通过制作单词卡片你学习英语的方法你学习英语的方法by listeni

3、ng to English songsby watching English moviesby studying grammarby doing sth.凭借或依靠做某事凭借或依靠做某事 a.by working with friends b.by making word cards c.by reading the textbook d.by listening to tapes e.by asking the teacher for helpbed2A Listen and check()the questions you hear.Questions1.Do you learn Engl

4、ish by watching videos?2.Do you ever practice conversations with friends?3.What about listening to tapes?4.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?5.Have you ever studied with a group?a.Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way.b.Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.c.I do that sometimes.I t

5、hink it helps.d.No.Its too hard to understand the voices.用那种方法学到很多用那种方法学到很多说话技巧说话技巧too+形容词或副词形容词或副词+to do sth.太太.而不能去做某事而不能去做某事1.他太矮了,而不能够到那个苹果。他太矮了,而不能够到那个苹果。He is _ _ _ _ that apple.2.Tom runs too slowly _(catch)the early bus.too short to reachto catchA:Have you ever studied with a group?B:Yes,I h

6、ave.Ive learned a lot that way.2d1.Why is Jack a little nervous?2.What advice does Annie give to Jack about how to read quickly?Jack:Annie,Im a little nervous.I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.Annie:That doesnt sound too bad.Jack:But Im a very slow reader.Annie:For the fi

7、rst time,just read quickly to get the main ideas.Dont read word by word,read word groups.Jack:But I dont understand many of the words.I have to use a dictionary.Annie:Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.You probably understand more than you think.Jack:That sound

8、s difficult!Annie:Well,be patient.It takes time.You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day.The more you read,the faster youll be.finish doing sth.完成或结束做某事完成或结束做某事理解大意理解大意你读得越多,你就会越快。你读得越多,你就会越快。逐个单词地逐个单词地词词 组组耐心点儿耐心点儿花费花费The more you read,the faster youll be.你读得越多,你就会越快。你读得越多,你就会

9、越快。the+比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级 越越,就越就越1.越多越好。越多越好。The _,the_.2.你学习越努力,就会取得越好的成绩。你学习越努力,就会取得越好的成绩。The _ you study,the _ grades you will get.morebetterharderbetter3a 1.Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?2.What did she do in English class?3.What is the secret to language learning?Because the

10、 teacher spoke so quickly that she did not understand her most of the time.She just hid behind her textbook and never said anything.Listening to something interesting.语言学习的秘诀语言学习的秘诀形式宾语形式宾语1.find it difficult to do sth.发现做某事很困难发现做某事很困难2.成功成功的的秘诀秘诀 _ 门门的的钥匙钥匙 _ 问题问题的的答案答案 _ 足球赛足球赛的的票票 _the secret to

11、successthe key to the doorthe answer to the questionthe ticket to the football game/match How I Learned to Learn EnglishLast year,I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream.The teacher spoke too quickly.But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad.So

12、I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.learn to do sth.学会去做某事学会去做某事be afraid to do sth.害怕去做某事害怕去做某事hide隐藏隐藏Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story.I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie!So then I began to watch other English movies as well.Although I could

13、not understand everything the characters said,their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words.被叫做被叫做fall in love with爱上爱上begin to do sth.开始去做某事也(用在句末,前面不加逗号)也(用在句末,前面不加逗号)人人 物物肢体语言肢体语言关键词关

14、键词My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies.I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning.I also learned useful sentences like“Its a piece of cake”or“It serves you right.”I did not understand the

15、se sentences at first.But because I wanted to understand the story,I looked up the words in a dictionary.n.发发 音音v.发发 现现be interested in 对对感兴趣感兴趣的的小菜一碟小菜一碟你活该你活该起起 初初look up(在词典中)查找;查阅(在词典中)查找;查阅Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar.Then I can have a better un

16、derstanding of English movies.n.理理 解解那么我可以更好地理解英文电影。那么我可以更好地理解英文电影。body languageexpressionskey wordsconversationsusefuldictionaryGrammar Focuspractice doing sth.练习做某事练习做某事给笔友写电子邮件给笔友写电子邮件4c Check()what you do to learn English.Then interview your partner.A:Do you learn English by doing grammar exerci

17、ses?B:Yes,I do.A:How often do you do them?B:.UNIT 1How can we become good learners?(Section B)English is sosososo difficult!1a Learning English can be difficult.What things are difficult for you?Read the list.Check()the statements that are true for you.I cant pronounce some of the words.I cant under

18、stand spoken English.I dont know how to increase my reading speed.I cant spell some English words.I make mistakes in grammar.动词,发动词,发音音英语口语英语口语提高阅读速度提高阅读速度拼读;拼写拼读;拼写在语法方面犯错误在语法方面犯错误pronunciationforgetsunderstandwritinglisteningWrite the new wordsjoin an English clubpen pal2a What good learning habit

19、s can you think of?Discuss them with your partner.2b Read the passage quickly.Which four habits of successful learners are mentioned?1.Creating an interest in what they learn2.Practicing and learning from mistakes3.Developing their study skills4.Asking questions 阅读策略:阅读策略:USING DICTIONARIES This can

20、 help you find the definition that matches the context of the word in the text.使用词典使用词典这可以帮你找到与文中词的语境相匹配的定义。这可以帮你找到与文中词的语境相匹配的定义。How Can You Become a Successful Learner?Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research shows t

21、hat successful learners have some good habits in common.每个人天生都具有学习的能力每个人天生都具有学习的能力。依靠;依赖依靠;依赖学习习惯学习习惯共同地共同地Creating an interest in what they learnStudies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Good l

22、earners often connect what they need to learn with something they are interested in.For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.This way they will not get bored.激发他们对所学内容的兴趣激发他们对所学内容的兴趣study 研究研究更活跃更活跃注注

23、 意意联系联系感到无聊感到无聊Practicing and learning from mistakesGood learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.Remember,“use it or lose it”!Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it.Practice makes perfect.Good learners are also not afraid of makin

24、g mistakes.Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.be good at 擅长于擅长于不用就作废不用就作废即使即使=even though熟能生巧。熟能生巧。be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事Developing their study skillsIt is not enough to just study hard.You have to

25、know how to study.Good learners find out the best ways to learn well.For example,they may take notes by writing down keywords or by drawing mind maps.Good learners also look for ways to review what they have learned.They may do this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information t

26、o another student.找到;发现找到;发现画思维导图画思维导图Asking questionsGood learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.Learning is a life-long journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn bec

27、omes a part of you and changes you,so learn wisely and learn well.互相;彼此互相;彼此知识来源于质疑。知识来源于质疑。学习是一个终生的旅程学习是一个终生的旅程的一部分的一部分2c Read the passage again and answer the questions.1.Does the writer think that everyone is born with the ability to learn well?Do you agree?Why or why not?2.Why is it a good idea

28、to connect something you need to learn with something you are interested in?3.What do the sayings“use it or lose it”and“practice makes perfect”mean?Do you agree with them?No,he doesnt.Yes,I do.Because whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Because if you are interested i

29、n something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.1.Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it.2.We should keep practicing what we have learned so that we can be good at it.3.Yes,I do.4.Do good learners learn from mi

30、stakes or are they afraid of making mistakes?5.What study skills does the writer talk about?Do you have those study skills?6.Do you agree that learning is a life-long journey?Why or why not?学习技能学习技能They learn from mistakes.Taking notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps,looking for wa

31、ys to review what they have learned,and doing this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.Yes.Because every day brings something new.用不同的方式用不同的方式3a Your friend wants to improve his/her English and asks you for help.What are the three best ways to learn a

32、nd why?Make some notes in the chart.It is a good idea to do sth.去做某事是一个好主意。去做某事是一个好主意。三个学英语的好方法三个学英语的好方法编后语常常可见到这样的同学,他们在下课前几分钟就开始看表、收拾课本文具,下课铃一响,就迫不及待地“逃离”教室。实际上,每节课刚下课时的几分钟是我们对上课内容查漏补缺的好时机。善于学习的同学往往懂得抓好课后的“黄金两分钟”。那么,课后的“黄金时间”可以用来做什么呢?一、释疑难 对课堂上老师讲到的内容自己想不通卡壳的问题,应该在课堂上标出来,下课时,在老师还未离开教室的时候,要主动请老师讲解清

33、楚。如果老师已经离开教室,也可以向同学请教,及时消除疑难问题。做到当堂知识,当堂解决。二、补笔记 上课时,如果有些东西没有记下来,不要因为惦记着漏了的笔记而影响记下面的内容,可以在笔记本上留下一定的空间。下课后,再从头到尾阅读一遍自己写的笔记,既可以起到复习的作用,又可以检查笔记中的遗漏和错误。遗漏之处要补全,错别字要纠正,过于潦草的字要写清楚。同时,将自己对讲课内容的理解、自己的收获和感想,用自己的话写在笔记本的空白处。这样,可以使笔记变的更加完整、充实。三、课后“静思2分钟”大有学问 我们还要注意课后的及时思考。利用课间休息时间,在心中快速把刚才上课时刚讲过的一些关键思路理一遍,把老师讲解的题目从题意到解答整个过程详细审视一遍,这样,不仅可以加深知识的理解和记忆,还可以轻而易举地掌握一些关键的解题技巧。所以,2分钟的课后静思等于同一学科知识的课后复习30分钟。最新中小学教学课件2022-11-7thank you!最新中小学教学课件2022-11-7


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