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1、School Life(学校生活)体育馆gym 教室classroom操场playground 电脑室computer room 办公室office 图书馆library阅览室reading room 实验室laboratory/lab 饭堂dining hall 宿舍dorm 语文Chinese 数学maths 英语English 电脑computer 历史history 美术art 政治politics 物理physics 化学chemistry 生物biology体育PE 地理geography 音乐music 科学science Step 1.Lets write from memor

2、y.(默写)游泳swim 购物shop阅读read 唱歌sing 跳舞dance 跑步run 睡觉sleep 旅游travel 运动exercise 玩play 滑冰skate 走walk 吃eat 喝drink 学习study 工作work 绘画draw 写write 科目subject 知识knowledge 学院(专科)college 大学(本科)university 起床get up 上学 go to schoolStep 1.Lets write from memory.(默写)努力学习study hard 上课have a class 入睡fall asleep 认真听老师讲课li

3、sten to the teacher carefully 做运动do exercise/do sports回家go home 上床睡觉go to bed 对某人要求严格be strict with sb.对某事要求严格be strict in sth.你最喜欢的科目是什么?Whats your favourite subject?你每天通常几点起床?What time do you usually get up every day?如果你上学迟到了,你将对老师说什么?What will you say to your teacher if you are late for school?St

4、ep 1.Lets write from memory.(默写)James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problem.Some older boys are bullying(欺负欺负)him at school.James is very unhappy and he doesnt know what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.Dont feel w

5、orried.Its not your fault(过错过错)!Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone.Dont feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell him.It might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friends parents.After you tell someone,you wi

6、ll get some support and feel some relief(解脱解脱).Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here areStep 2.Lets do reading comprehension.(阅读理解)other things you can do.Some people express their feelings more easily on paper.Write a letter to someone or keep a diary.Include all the details(细节细节)abo

7、ut what the bullies do,as well as when and where the bullying happens.You can use it as proof to show what is going on.And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult.Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!Also,dont

8、show you are sad and dont try and fight with the bullies.You could get in trouble yourself.Ignore them and just walk away.The bullies will soon stop.Step 2.Lets do reading comprehension.(阅读理解)()1What do you think the text is trying to tell us?A.What to do about being bullied.B.How to be a good stude

9、nt at school.C.What to write well in a diary.D.How to give suggestions to teenagers.()2Why does the text advise you not to feel worried if bullied?A.Because you are not alone.B.Because it is not your fault.C.Because someone has known about it.D.Because you re doing something wrong.()3Youd better go

10、and find a person you can trust and _.A.know what happens B.learn from them C.ask for help D.make them lonely()4If you remember and follow the suggestions above,_.A.nobody will speak to the bullies B.everybody will feel some reliefC.someone will express their feelings D.the bullies will soon stop()5

11、What does the underlined word“ignore”mean in the text?A.take no notice of B.take care of C.make full use of D.get more help fromStep 3.Lets fill in the blanks.(短文填空)My middle schools student rules are very strict,1 1 I think they are very good.Obeying the rules is everyones 2 2 .Rules stop students

12、3 _ 3 _ having fights,skipping classes,smoking,and destroying public property(财产财产).A 4 4 of students thoughts are very bad.They like to destroy(破坏)(破坏)public property,for 5 5 ,they break the water pipes in the mens room.None of the mens rooms in this school have intact(完整的)(完整的)windows because some

13、 boys like to break them!These are 6 6 boys,doing bad things!butbaddutyfromlot/number example Step 3.Lets fill in the blanks.(短文填空)But most of students can 7 7 the rules.The rules are enforced(实施)(实施)by punishment.For example,the 8 8 time you get into a fight at school,theyll let your parents come a

14、nd bring you home.The second time,they kick you out of the school and you have to transfer(转学)(转学)to 9 9 school!I like the student rules at my middle school,because the rules 10 10 the school more peaceful and quiet.It makes this a better environment for studying.breakmakefirstanotherStep 4.Lets rea

15、d and write.(读写综合)A A信息归纳:下面是关于信息归纳:下面是关于Li DongLi Dong对自己初中三对自己初中三年学校生活的回顾。请阅读该短文,完成表格。年学校生活的回顾。请阅读该短文,完成表格。I started my junior high school life at the age of thirteen.At first the school for me,a boy,meant play,play and more play.However,I changed the way I used to behave at school with the help o

16、f my teachers.I tried my best to do well in my school work and follow the school rules.Growing and learning were great fun.Every year we had different kinds of school trips.Not only could we learn many things from them,but also we were given many projects as homework.They helped us know more.At the

17、same time,we mademany friends.In Grade 8,I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitions.When I was in Grade 9,I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I was going to take the exams to get into senior middle school.Whenever I think of my school life,I feel very ha

18、ppy and I think in everybodys school life there are many ups and downs(苦乐)(苦乐)that influence his life.School is a place where all of us learn to care and share.“School”is not just a place,but a large building made up of rules,knowledge and love.I can describe my school as“Three Ss”.They are Small,Sw

19、eet and Simple.My school was the best,is the best and will always be the best.The persons who helped Li Dong change the way he used to behave at school1.Two things of great fun in his school life2.The competitions Li Dong won prizes in3.Things that influence everybodys life 4.“Three Ss”Li Dong descr

20、ibes his school as5.Information CardThe/His teachers.Growing and learning.Drawing and English speech competitions.Ups and downs.Small,Sweet and Simple.B书面表达:升入高中的第一周,学校将组织一次以“Our New School Life”为主题的班会。根据自己的三年初中生活,你认为怎样才能成为一名合格的高中生?请用英语写一篇发言稿,可从思想修养、学习生活、体育卫生等方面阐述自己的观点。注意:1词数:不少于80词。2开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数

21、)。Good evening,everyone!We are senior high school students now.Its well known that our school is very famous.As new members of this school,we must follow the school rules.We must study hard and do well in each subject.And its our duty to keep it clean and tidy.Furthermore,we should respect our teach

22、ers and be polite to others.In this family,we also need to help and learn from each other.To exercise and keep healthy is important for us all.If everyone makes a contribution to our school,it will be more beautiful.Thats all.Thanks for your listening!编后语 有的同学听课时容易走神,常常听着听着心思就不知道溜到哪里去了;有的学生,虽然留心听讲,却


24、师的解答进行比较。通过超前思考,可以把注意力集中在对这些“难点”的理解上,保证“好钢用在刀刃上”,从而避免了没有重点的泛泛而听。通过将自己的思考跟老师的讲解做比较,还可以发现自己对新知识理解的不妥之处,及时消除知识的“隐患”。二、同步听课法 有些同学在听课的过程中常碰到这样的问题,比如老师讲到一道很难的题目时,同学们听课的思路就“卡壳“了,无法再跟上老师的思路。这时候该怎么办呢?如果“卡壳”的内容是老师讲的某一句话或某一个具体问题,同学们应马上举手提问,争取让老师解释得在透彻些、明白些。如果“卡壳”的内容是公式、定理、定律,而接下去就要用它去解决问题,这种情况下大家应当先承认老师给出的结论(公式或定律)并非继续听下去,先把问题记下来,到课后再慢慢弄懂它。尖子生好方法:听课时应该始终跟着老师的节奏,要善于抓住老师讲解中的关键词,构建自己的知识结构。利用老师讲课的间隙,猜想老师还会讲什么,会怎样讲,怎样讲会更好,如果让我来讲,我会怎样讲。这种方法适合于听课容易分心的同学。2022-11-7精选最新中小学教学课件16thank you!2022-11-7精选最新中小学教学课件17


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