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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.own clothes.Section ASection B1.No way!(教材p49)不行!解读 no way意为“不;不行”,用于口语中表示断然拒绝做某事或不允许别人做某事。Can I borrow your new bike?我可以借你的新自行车吗?No way!不行。Theres no way Ill believe him again.我绝不会再相信他了。

2、Section ASection B2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.(教材p49)应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳洞。解读1 sixteen-year-olds意为“16岁的人”,相当于名词,表示一类人,属于复数概念。此类词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。Sixty-year-olds should be allowed to retire.应该允许六十岁老人退休。联想:sixteen-year-old意为“16岁的”,是合成形容词,只能作定语修饰名词。I have a sixteen-year-old so

3、n.我有一个16岁的儿子。Section ASection B解读2 be allowed to do sth.意为“被允许做某事”,被动结构,其否定形式是be not allowed to do sth.“不被允许做某事”。Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to take part-time jobs?你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗?Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes.安娜可以选择自己的衣服。拓展:allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事My father

4、allows me to watch TV on weekends.爸爸允许我周末看电视。Section ASection BSection ASection B解读3 get their ears pierced 为“get/have+sth.+过去分词”结构,表示“叫/让/请别人做某事”。My bike is broken.Ill get/have it repaired.我的自行车坏了,我要让人修理一下。Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B3.Im really excited about seeing t

5、he famous paintings by Picasso.(教材P50)一看到毕加索的著名油画,我真的很激动。解读 be excited about意为“对兴奋;对激动”,后跟名词、代词或v.-ing形式。They are so excited about the trip.对这次旅行,他们很兴奋。The kids are very excited about going to the zoo.孩子们对于去动物园感到兴奋。Section ASection B4.When I was a tiny baby crying all night,my mom sang to me and sta

6、yed by my side.(教材P51)当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小宝宝时,妈妈会给我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁。解读1 crying all night是动词-ing形式短语,在名词baby后作定语,起修饰名词的作用。Do you know the young man waiting outside the school gate?你认识在校门外等待的年轻人吗?解读2 stay by ones side意为“在某人身边(给予照顾或支持)”,相当于be at ones side。Dont worry.I will always be at your side.不要担心,我会一直在你身边。Section

7、 ASection B5.When I fell and hurt myself,she gave me a hug and lifted me up.(教材P51)当我跌倒并伤到自己的时候,她把我扶起来,给了我一个拥抱。解读1 give sb.a hug意为“拥抱某人”。hug在此处为名词,意为“拥抱;搂抱”。She gave her mother a big hug.她热情地拥抱了她的妈妈。拓展:hug还可作动词,意为“拥抱;搂抱”,过去式和过去分词为hugged,现在分词为hugging。解读2 lift up意为“举起”,lift动词,意为“举起;抬高”。When he saw his

8、 little daughter,he lifted her up happily.当他看到他的小女儿时,他高兴地把她举起来。拓展:lift还可作名词,意为“电梯”。Section ASection B6.But I talked back loudly.(教材P51)但我大声反驳道解读 talk back意为“回嘴;顶嘴”。Its impolite to talk back to the teachers.顶撞老师是不礼貌的。The three-year-old boy has learned to talk back.这个三岁的男孩已经学会顶嘴了。7.Now Im an adult,thi

9、nking back to those times.(教材P51)现在我已长大成人,回想起那过去的岁月。解读1 thinking back to those times是动词-ing形式短语作伴随状语。Section ASection B解读2 think back to sth.意为“回想起某事;追忆某事”。My grandpa often thinks back to his youth.我爷爷常常回想起他年轻的时候。I think back to the day I first met you.我回想起初次见你的那一天。解读3 times在这里意为“时光,岁月,时代”。有时也会用days

10、表达类似含义。People started to play football in ancient times.古代人们就开始踢足球了。In those days,people used to write letters.那时候人们常常写信。Section ASection B8.I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.(教材P51)我后悔顶嘴,不听妈妈的话。解读 regret doing sth.意为“后悔做了某事”,表示对做过的事情感到后悔。regret 动词,意为“遗憾,后悔”。I regret taking his advice at th

11、at time.我后悔那时接受了他的建议。拓展:regret to do sth.意为“遗憾地去做某事”,指对要做的事感到遗憾,强调事情未做。I regret to say you failed in the exam.我遗憾地说你考试不及格。Section ASection B归纳:有类似用法词包括 Section ASection B9.Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?(教材P52)你认为我们必须让青少年远离网络吗?解读 keep sb./sth.away from意为“使某人/某物远离”,away可省略

12、。Keep your children away from drugs.让你的孩子远离毒品。The fence can keep you away from danger.这个栅栏能使你远离危险。Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B1.But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork.(教材P54)但有时这些爱好会妨碍学业解读 get in the way(of)意为“挡的路;妨碍”。Computer games will get in the

13、way of his study.电脑游戏会影响他的学习。Dont get in the way.I want to enter the classroom.别挡道,我要进教室。Section ASection B2.My wife and I have supported every one of his races.(教材P54)我的妻子和我支持他的每一场比赛。解读 support 动词,意为“支持”。I hope you will support me in my efforts to discover the truth.在我努力寻求揭发真相时,希望你能支持我。拓展:support 还

14、可作名词,意为“支持”。Your support has meant a lot to me during this difficult time.在这个困难时期,你的支持给了我很大的帮助。Section ASection B3.We have nothing against running!(教材P54)我们不反对跑步!解读 have nothing against sb./sth.意为“对某人/某物不反感”。against介词,意为“反对”,其反义词为for。We have nothing against what you said.我们不反对你所说的话。There are 26 vote

15、s for him and 8 against him.有26票赞成他,8票反对他。拓展:against作介词,还可以意为“依靠;碰撞”。Section ASection B4.My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university.(教材P54)我的父母总是教导我在学校和大学刻苦学习是多么重要。解读 enter动词,意为“进来;进去”。Please do not enter before knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。He ha

16、s no choice but to enter that college.除了进那所大学读书他别无选择。5.but Im serious about running.(教材P54)但我对跑步很认真。解读 be serious about 意为“认真对待”。You should be serious about your job.你应该认真对待你的工作。Section ASection B6.I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself.(教材P54)我认为我应该被允许做出自己的选择。解读 choice名词,意为“选择;挑选”。其

17、动词形式为choose。We are faced with a difficult choice.我们面临着困难的抉择。拓展:make a choice/make choices意为“作出选择”。He has to make some important choices.他得作出一些重要的选择。Section ASection B7.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.(教材P54)只有那样我才会有机会实现我的梦想。解读 这是一个倒装句,正常语序是I will have a chance to achieve my dream

18、only then.only用于句子的开头,后接副词、介词短语或状语从句时,句子应倒装。Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was lost.直到昨天他才发现他的手表丢了。Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.直到一年后,我才开始看到我工作的成果。Section ASection B注意:only所修饰的状语不在句首或only修饰主语时,句子不倒装。We will succeed only when we try our best.只有拼尽全力,我们才会赢。

19、Only he can answer the question.只有他能回答这个问题。含有情态动词的被动语态含情态动词should的被动语态结构:should+be+及物动词的过去分词。(1)肯定句结构为:主语+should be+及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)。Your homework should be finished by yourself.你应该自己完成作业。(2)否定结构为:主语+should+not+be+及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)。Teenagers should not be allowed to go out at night.不应该允许青少年晚上外出。(3)特殊疑问句结构为:疑问词+一般疑问句?What should students be allowed to do?应该允许学生们做什么?(4)一般疑问句结构为:Should+主语+be+及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)?回答:Yes,主语+should./No,主语+shouldnt.Should these young trees be watered every day?这些小树应该每天浇水吗?Yes,they should./No,they shouldnt.对,应该。/不,不应该。


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