(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:61a0a).zip

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四年级英语开心版第四册第四课教案四年级英语开心版第四册第四课教案 课题:课题:UnitUnit 4 4 FreeFree TimeTime 课型:新授课课型:新授课 学习目标:学习目标: 掌握新单词:掌握新单词:gogo toto thethe zoo,zoo, buybuy anan iceice cream,cream, callcall mymy friend,friend, borrowborrow a a book,book, watchwatch TV,TV, listenlisten toto a a song.song. 能用能用 MayMay I I ?句型进行询问。句型进行询问。 能正确运用重点句型能正确运用重点句型 MayMay I I ?进行交际和解答习题。进行交际和解答习题。 学与教的方式:学生自主学习,合作学习和教师讲解结合。学与教的方式:学生自主学习,合作学习和教师讲解结合。 课时安排:课时安排:1 1 课时课时 学习内容及过程:学习内容及过程: StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup FreeFree talk.talk. SingSing a a song.song. 引出第四课的课题。引出第四课的课题。 StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation VocabularyVocabulary 利用对话引出单词教学。利用对话引出单词教学。 学习单词及句型学习单词及句型 单词:单词:gogo toto thethe zoozoo buybuy anan iceice creamcream callcall mymy friendfriend 句型:句型:MayMay I I ? Yes,Yes, youyou may/please.may/please. No,No, youyou maymay not.not. Sorry.Sorry. ActivityActivity 1 1 小组用喜欢的方式朗读单词。小组用喜欢的方式朗读单词。 学习单词学习单词 borrowborrow a a bookbook watchwatch TVTV listenlisten toto a a songsong 5 5ActivityActivity 2 2 pairpair workwork。 StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1.1. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand repeatrepeat thethe vocabularyvocabulary andand target.target. 2.Guessing2.Guessing gamegame 3.Activity3.Activity 3 3 根据图片提示,补全句子。根据图片提示,补全句子。 StepStep 4 4 SummarySummary andand HomeworkHomeworkUnit 4 Free Time 广东版开心英语四年级下册广东版开心英语四年级下册 Where are you going? Going, going, where are you going now? Going, going, where are you going now? Im going to the swimming pool. Swimming pool! Going, going, where are you going now? Going, going, where are you going now? Im going to the movie theater. Movie theater! Its Sunday! Its our free time. ____ /i:/ Baby,Baby, werewere goinggoing toto thethe zoo.zoo. Dad,Dad, wherewhere areare wewe going?going? Yeah! GraceGrace GracesGraces fatherfather g go o toto thethe zoozoo /u/ gogo toto thethe restaurantrestaurantsupermarketmovie theaterpark MayMay I I buybuy anan iceice creamcream? ? At the zoo b buyuy anan iceice creamcream /ai/ buy _________ MayMay I I buybuy anan iceice creamcream , , Dad?Dad? May I ? 用于请求许可,询问可以做某事吗?用于请求许可,询问可以做某事吗? Yes,Yes, youyou maymay / / plpleaease.se. /ei/ / i: / NoNo,youyou maymay not.not. Sorry.Sorry. MayMay I I buybuy anan iceice creamcream , , Dad?Dad? No, you may not . Sorry. Wow , many animals! Dad ! May I call my friend ? Yes , you may . At the zoo call my friend /:c/ tall ball call _________ ActivityActivity 1 1 小组活动。用喜欢的方式朗读刚才小组活动。用喜欢的方式朗读刚才 所学的三个词组。所学的三个词组。 Baby,Baby, werewere goinggoing toto thethe library.library. Dad,Dad, wherewhere areare wewe going?going? Look, many books! Dad ! May I borrow a book? Yes , you may . In the library borrow a book / c / borrow _________ May I watch TV? No , you may not. Sorry. At home watch TV / c / May I listen to a song? Yes, please. At home listen to a song / i / / c / ActivityActivity 2 2 PairPair work.work. 同桌之间运用同桌之间运用May I ? 这这 个句型进行问答。个句型进行问答。 go to the zoo borrow a book buy an ice cream watch TVlisten to a song call my friend May I have a peach? Yes, please. May I have a balloon? No, you may not. Sorry. May I .? go to the zoo call my friend buy an ice cream May I .? listen to a song watch TV borrow a book Activity 3 根据图片提示,补全句子。根据图片提示,补全句子。 1.May I ___________________________? No, you may not. Sorry. 2.May I ____________________________? Yes, you may. 3.May I ____________________________? Yes, please. 4.May I ____________________________? No, you may not. Sorry. watch TV buy an ice cream go to the zoo listen to a song 看哪一位同学全部会看哪一位同学全部会 读今天所学的读今天所学的6个词个词 组和组和target 。 Good bye四年级英语开心版第二册四年级英语开心版第二册 Unit4Unit4 导学案导学案 TheThe FirstFirst Period(Period(第一课时第一课时) ) 一、 课题:Unit 4 Free Time 二、 课型:Wordswelcome(欢迎); come back( 回来)。 3)教师带读课文。 4)小组合作消化:互相讲述小故事小组齐读小组分角色读 5)展示环节:全班或小组齐读抽查小组表演。 3、练习巩固: (一)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( )1. A.buy B.call C.listen ( )2.A.a white balloon B.a yellow balloon C.a green balloon ( )3.A.May I have a balloon? B. May I have a spoon? C.May I have an ice cream? ( )4.A.Yes, I may. B.Yes, you may. C.thank you . ( )5.A.watch TV B.call my friend C.go to the zoo (二)根据中文写单词。 1. 去动物园 2.买一个冰激凌 3. 打电话给我的朋友 ______________ ______________ __________________ 4.借一本书 5.看电视 6.听一首歌 _______________ ____________ ___________________ (三)AB 栏。 ( )1.Where is your mother going ? A. Shes thinking. ( ) 2.What is she doing now? B. Yes, she does. ( )3.Are you going to the park? C. No, Im not. ( )4. Are you cleaning the windows? D. No, Im going to the bank. ( )5.Does she want a toy car? E.Shes going to the market. 4、我能再默写单词。 5、学习之后我做错的题目有 疑惑是 6、Writing on board: 教学反思 TheThe ThirdThird Period(Period(第三课时第三课时) ) 一、 课题:Unit Unit 4 Free Time 二、 课型:Sounds & words 三、 学习目标: 1、能正确认读 6 个词汇:tea, read, peach, clean, speak, ice cream. 2、能读出 ea 在单词中所发的音。 四、学与教的方式:学生自主学习、合作学习和教师讲解相结合。 五、课时安排:1 课时 六、学习内容及过程: 1、复习单词 arm 的读音,在 ea 下划线,教学 ea 的发音: T:/i:/. S:/i:/. 2、学习本课其它语音单词: 学法指导:教学小组消化抽查展示反馈 3、反馈:我在小组学习时,觉得难读或读错的单词是 我能拼读或能默写的单词是 4、Activity 练习与提高: (一)我能写出一些以 ea/i:/的单词。 如:tea (二)判断下列单词的读音是否相同。 ( )1. balloon moon ( )2. may play ( )3. have watch ( )4. use bus (三)阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 Look, this is my room. Its not big ,but I like it . You can see two toy bears on my bed. They are pink. They are my birthday presents . On the desk there is a brown basketball. I play basketball on Saturday and Sunday . I love it very much I like music too. I often listen to music in my room. ( ) 1. My room is big . ( ) 2. I have two toy bears. ( ) 3. The basketball and music . ( ) 4. I like basketball and music . ( ) 5. I play basketball on Friday . 5、我能默写单词。 6、学习之后我做错的题目有 疑惑是 7、Writing on board: 教学反思 _______ ____ ____ _________ ___________
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