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1、Unit4 PygmalionWords and expressions1.adaptation n.U适应适应,适合适合 C改编改编,改写改写;改改写本写本He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快他很快适应适应了新的环境。了新的环境。This play is an adaptation of a novel.这一剧本是由小说这一剧本是由小说改编改编的。的。v.adapt 适应;改编适应;改编It took him a while to adapt/adjust(himself)to his new surroundings.2

2、.hesitatevi.踌躇踌躇;犹豫犹豫hesitate about/at/in/over doing sth对于那件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。对于那件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。Dont hesitate about/over that.Do it at once.是否要这份新工作,我真拿不准。是否要这份新工作,我真拿不准。I hesitate whether I want this job.vi.有疑虑有疑虑,不愿意不愿意(+to do)Dont hesitate to tell me if you have any trouble.n.hesitationShe agreed wit

3、hout hesitation.3.classify vt.编排;分类;归类编排;分类;归类classify sth by/according to 根据根据为某物分类为某物分类classify sth in/into 把某物分成把某物分成classify sth as 把把归类为归类为People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books.在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。图书馆的书是按科目分类的图书馆的书是按科目分类的The books in the library

4、are classified by/according to subject.病人被分为病人被分为3类类Patients are classified into three categories.Is this article classified as a novel or a report?4.remark n.言辞言辞;谈论谈论,评论评论C(+on/upon/about/at)He made a number of rude remarks about the matter.vt.谈到谈到;评论评论;说到说到A local newspaper remarked that crime wa

5、s on the decrease.一家地方报纸评论说犯罪案件在减少。一家地方报纸评论说犯罪案件在减少。vi.谈论谈论,议论议论;评论评论Prof.Smith remarked on/upon the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。5.betray vt.出卖出卖朋友朋友 betray his friends.泄露泄露机密机密betray the secret 她涨红的脸她涨红的脸显示显示/显露显露她很紧张。她很紧张。Her red face betrayed her

6、nervousness.betray ones country/principles/friends/truth/belief6.condemn v.We condemn his foolish behavior.The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake.报纸及时指责他的错误。报纸及时指责他的错误。She is often condemned as uncaring.她常因不关心别人而受到责难。她常因不关心别人而受到责难。2)宣告宣告.有罪有罪,判判.刑刑The judge condemned him to death/to be

7、 shot.法官判他死刑法官判他死刑/处以枪决。处以枪决。3)迫使迫使.处于处于(不幸的状态不幸的状态);使某人注定要使某人注定要 His way of life condemned him to live a hard life.1)责难责难,责备责备,谴责谴责 condemn sb./sth.for./as sthcondemn sb.to sth./to do sth.7.acquaintance n.He hoped their acquaintance would develop further.2)U C了解了解I have some acquaintance with Spani

8、sh.3)C相识的人相识的人,熟人熟人She has many acquaintances in the businesscommunity.make sbs acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.与某人初次相见;结识某人与某人初次相见;结识某人I have never made his acquaintance.我与他素昧平生。我与他素昧平生。Im delighted to make your acquaintance.1)U C(与人与人)相识相识;交情交情我懂一点西班牙语。我懂一点西班牙语。她在商界有不少熟人。她在商界有不少熟人。8.be su

9、perior/inferior to sb.比比优越;低于优越;低于 be senior/junior to sb.Brass is inferior to goldHe is junior to me by many promise v./n.妥协,折中;妥协方案妥协,折中;妥协方案I hope we shall come to/reach a compromise.我希望我们能达成妥协。我希望我们能达成妥协。Most wage claims are settled by compromise.对对高工资的要求大多都能折中解决。高工资的要求大多都能折中解决。promise with sb.o

10、n sth.He never compromises with the boss on it.在这方面他决不与老板妥协。在这方面他决不与老板妥协。10.overlook v.The house on the hill overlooks the valley.小山上的房子小山上的房子俯瞰俯瞰着山谷。着山谷。My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point.由于我由于我忽略忽略了一个细微之处了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。我的计算错了。She overlooked his rudeness and tried to prete

11、nd nothing had happened.没有理会没有理会11.fade v.The flowers faded for lack of water.花儿因缺水而花儿因缺水而凋谢凋谢了。了。The color fades when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会这颜色曝光后会褪色褪色。The sound of the footsteps faded away.脚步声脚步声渐渐消失渐渐消失了。了。(声音等声音等)变微弱变微弱;(光等光等)变暗淡变暗淡;逐渐消失逐渐消失(+away)The hope seemed to fade away.Sunshine faded th

12、e curtain 阳光晒得窗帘阳光晒得窗帘褪了色褪了色。vt.in terms of 从从方面来说方面来说Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices让每个孩子根据自己的兴趣和爱好选择书籍阅读让每个孩子根据自己的兴趣和爱好选择书籍阅读In terms of money,he is quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.13.handful 一把一把/少量少量/少数少数她给了我一把糖果她给了我一把糖果.She gave me a handful of sweets.小女孩拿了一把米喂小鸡。小女孩拿了一把米喂小鸡。The little girl got a handful of rice to feed the chicken.只有少量的人参加了会议。只有少量的人参加了会议。Only a handful of people attended the meeting.15 show in 领领进来进来showtoshow out show around show off 带某人去某地带某人去某地带某人出去带某人出去带某人参观带某人参观炫耀炫耀/买弄买弄;


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