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2、构看1.首句通常不设空,以便考生对短文前提和背景有个较清楚的了解,从而使考生尽快熟悉语境、推测文章大意。2.短文设空平均密度为25个单词一个空。二、完形填空的设定规律有哪些?32022-11-7(二)从语言层次看(二)从语言层次看 考点设计对把握语段的要求在提高。我们可以把考点分为三个层次,即句子层次、句群层次和语篇层次.1.句子层次的设空句子层次的设空例:例:When I was thirteen 46 old,my father found a job in the city.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years答案:答案:D指那些只需读懂设空所在句便可选出答案的

3、题目。42022-11-72.句群层次的设空句群层次的设空前制性设空前制性设空后制性设空后制性设空指根据上下文的内容,经过推理判断可以得到答案的题目即根据上文有关内容即可确定答案的题目。指那些需要根据下文内容才能选出正确答案 的题目/下文某处有提示。52022-11-7 一、根据“词语同现”解题“词语同现”,也有人称之为“词场”。同现词之间有同义、反义或相对关系,或者同类互补关系等,如differently与in difference;different与same,similar;cruel与friendly;ill与pale,patient,doctor,operation等,根据此相关信息

4、确定答案。完形填空的解题技巧(一)62022-11-7二、根据“词语复现”解题“词语复现”是指某一个词以原词或同义词等方式在同一语篇中“重复出现”。“词语复现”有原词复现,同源词复现(即同根词)、同义词或近义词复现,如ill与sickness,上下义复现(即概括与分述,如animal是sheep,tiger,wolf等的上义词;rose是flower的下义词);反义复现(如wrong与right)等。了解词语复现这种衔接手段,有助于快速准确地解答完形填空题。完形填空的解题技巧(二)72022-11-7前制性设空前制性设空例:例:It was an English speech contest.

5、My mother asked me to take part in it.What a terrible idea!It meant I had to _ in front of all the teachers and students of my school!A.write B.speak C.sing D.danceB完形填空的解题技巧(三)82022-11-7 后制性设空后制性设空例:例:1).Nobody _ him in the village.One day he said to them,“I know you dont like me”A.believed B.liked

6、 C.hated D.knew 2).Country music comes from _ kinds of music.One is the traditional music of tall mountain people in the eastern United States.The other is traditional cowboy music from the American West.A.many B.all C.two D.threeBC完形填空的解题技巧(四)92022-11-7 语篇性设空语篇性设空 I work as a volunteer for an organ

7、ization that helps the poor in Haiti.Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week,hoping to 1 him.Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday.He will be a man.(最后一句话)()1.A.comfort B.please C.attract D.educateD指那些需要联系全文的情境、内容才能确定正确答案的设空。完形填空的解题技巧(五)102022-11-71.Mr Black is a doctor,he works in the .h

8、ospital nightno/littlepass butChallenge Yourself2.A nurse not only works in the day,but also works during the_.3.He is rather busy,so he has time to have lunch at home.4.We have an English test this term,its very easy,most students can this test.5.The whole class went to the zoo yesterday,they were

9、very tired _happy.112022-11-7(一)(一)_。(二)(二)_。(三)(三)_。细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意理解词义,瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破理解词义,瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案,坚定信心复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案,坚定信心四、解题技巧点拨122022-11-7一一.逻辑关系法逻辑关系法。考生要学会正确恰当地使用那些表示逻辑关系的考生要学会正确恰当地使用那些表示逻辑关系的关联词,使文章前后连贯,机构紧凑,过渡自然。关联词,使文章前后连贯,机构紧凑,过渡自然。时间:时间:when,whi

10、le,as,before,after,until,notuntil,since条件条件:if,unless,让步让步:though,although,as,even though,even if方式方式:as,as if/as though地点地点:where比较比较:morethan,asas,not soas,the same as,原因原因:because,as,for,since结果结果:so that,such that目的目的:sothat,suchthat,in order that132022-11-7【典例】.Some people choose not to eat mea

11、t because they believe that it is cruel to eat animals,but others argue that they can eat meat and _ be kind to animals.AstillBevenClaterDsomehow解析句意:一些人选择不吃肉,因为他们相信吃动物是残酷的,但是其他人争论说他们可以吃肉,同时仍然对动物慈善。上下为“转折关系”,故选A项。142022-11-7二二.根据根据“背景常识背景常识”解题解题将文段意思和我们原有的生活经验、将文段意思和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识,以及科普常识等结合起文化背景知识

12、,以及科普常识等结合起来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。事实上,该技巧与事实上,该技巧与“逻辑推断逻辑推断”常常是常常是交织在一起的,因为虽有背景常识,仍交织在一起的,因为虽有背景常识,仍需简单推理;逻辑推理离不开背景常识。需简单推理;逻辑推理离不开背景常识。四、解题技巧点拨152022-11-7 When we talked,I discovered(发现)(发现)some differences in school life between the US and China.For example,each class lasts fifty minu

13、tes in the US.It is a little _44_ than that in China.We usually have forty minutes in each class.A.shorter B.longer C.earlier D.later【2009 重庆】重庆】fiftyforty解题技巧三 根据生活常识及文化背景 知识进行逻辑推理162022-11-7三、选项中单词及词组的辨析三、选项中单词及词组的辨析1.判断词义(近义词辨析)判断词义(近义词辨析)2.判断词性判断词性3.判断词形判断词形172022-11-7 2:判断词性判断词性根据句子结构和功能来判断是用形容

14、词,还是副词;根据句子结构和功能来判断是用形容词,还是副词;用动词还是名词等。如修饰名词,前面就要用用动词还是名词等。如修饰名词,前面就要用_;修饰动词或整个句子就要用;修饰动词或整个句子就要用_;作谓语通常用动词;作主语或宾语通常;作谓语通常用动词;作主语或宾语通常用名词或代词;连系动词后面通常用用名词或代词;连系动词后面通常用_而而不能用副词。不能用副词。1.He looked _at his wife when he heard the good news.2.He looked _at the good news on the radio.(happy)形容词或名词形容词或名词副词副词

15、形容词形容词happilyhappy182022-11-73.判断词形判断词形 英语和汉语最大的不同在于英语有词形变化。英语和汉语最大的不同在于英语有词形变化。词形变化主要涉及动词、代词、形容词、副词和词形变化主要涉及动词、代词、形容词、副词和名词。当确定所填的词是名词时,就要考虑名词。当确定所填的词是名词时,就要考虑是是 。形容词有。形容词有 。如果是。如果是动词就要更加小心。首先要判断是谓语动词还是动词就要更加小心。首先要判断是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,主动还是被动,是现在分词还是过非谓语动词,主动还是被动,是现在分词还是过去分词,还是不定式。代词则要考虑是去分词,还是不定式。代词则要考虑是

16、 还还是是 。Of the MP3s we bought,mine is the It only costs me 100 yuan.(cheep)When we got there,to our disappointment,we found the situation was much than expected.(bad)宾格宾格主格主格可数还是不可数可数还是不可数比较级和最高级比较级和最高级cheapestworse192022-11-7“前后搭配”解题“前后搭配”主要指动词与介词的搭配、动宾搭配以及句式搭配等。能不能搭配,除涉及词语的用法外,还需要综合语法知识及常识等来判断。2020

17、22-11-7 A.wore B.had on C.dressed D.put on ()A little cock lived near the river.One morningthe little cock 1 his beautiful clothes andwent for a walk by the river.On his way he meta little duck.词义型词义型B A C K扎实基础,辨析词意扎实基础,辨析词意212022-11-7句式结构的搭配句式结构的搭配 .I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 19

18、60s,38 children from different races and religions played and studied together in harmony.At that time my family lived a stones throw from Ismails.A.whyBwhich ChowDwhen解析分析句子可知,非限制性定语从句 38 children from different races and religions.修饰先行词the early 1960s,所以需填表时间的关系副词when,故答案为D项。222022-11-7解题技巧五:语法的角度

19、解题技巧五:语法的角度有的完形填空也会考查语法 Water is the _46_ of all the things we eat and drink.Not many people understand this but _47_ quite true.()46.A.important B.most important C.more important D.Different()47.A.its B.its C.it D.is 232022-11-7242022-11-7252022-11-7The moment I stepped off the plane after a writer

20、s conference,my youngest son Jeremy greeted me and cried out,“Poster paper,Mama!I need poster paper.Were having a 21 at school.”Being a housewife and writer,I felt like no matter how hard I tried,I couldnt keep up with the needs of my 22 .Back at home,Jeremy kept reminding me of the poster paper,but

21、 I just couldnt 23 a minute for it.Gradually though,he began to speak more 24 ,almost 25 he were talking to himself.Maybe hell just forget it,I thought hopefully.So I put Jeremys request at the 26 of my long list of things to do.21.A.race B.class C.ceremony D.competition22.A.colleagues B.family C.ne

22、ighbors D.relatives23.A.spare B.pay C.spend D.lose24.A.slowly B.softly C.confidently D.loudly25.A.as soon as B.as long as C.as though D.even if26.A.bottom B.top C.beginning D.corner262022-11-7My third day home I managed to take fifteen minutes to type an article when a small 27 fell across my paper.

23、I knew who it would be before I 28 .Jeremy stood quietly watching me.Oh,Lord,please dont let him say it again.I knew what he wanted but I needed to_29_.I smiled 30 at Jeremy and kept typing.He 31 for a few more minutes,then turned and walked away.I almost didnt hear his 32 .“Competition is over tomo

24、rrow,anyway.”The small figure walking out of my room,a silent voice spoke urgently to my heart,“Get him that papernow!”27.A.letter B.foot C.image D.shadow28.A.woke up B.stood up C.got up D.looked up29.A.rest B.type C.learn D.exercise30.A.widely B.happily C.weakly D.politely31.A.watched B.searched C.

25、hesitated D.complained32.A.comment B.footsteps C.warning D.advice272022-11-7“Lets go to get the paper,Jeremy.”He stopped,33 and looked at me in 34 “Youre going to the store just for me?”I 35 .Suddenly,a look of _36_ shot across his face,erasing the disbelief.I dont think Ill ever 37 that moment.Late

26、r that day,he worked silently on the 38 all afternoon.And a few weeks later,a large yellow envelope came.Inside it was the Certificate of Award.So 39 was I that I didnt turned away from his 40 to get him some poster paper.33.A.fell over B.sat down C.turned aroundD.walked away34.A.peace B.astonishmen

27、tC.relief D.silence35.A.doubted B.argued C.apologized D.nodded36.A.surprise B.sadness C.disappointment D.excitement37.A.enjoy B.remember C.forget D.value38.A.story B.question C.poster D.composition39.A.grateful B.generous C.forgetful D.selfless40.A.opinion B.request C.promise D.gift282022-11-7thank you!292022-11-7


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