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1、Unit 4Exploring plantsReading1 Do you have a courtyard or some pot plants on your balcony?Do you know where these plants come from?Are they Chinese plants or do they come from another country?When you last visited a public garden,did you look at the individual plants there?Were there any plants from

2、 other countries?How do you think plants have traveled from one country to another?Joseph BanksDr Nathaniel WardThe Wardian caseRobert Fortune(1812-1880)Robert Fortune represented the Horticultural Society of London(now the Royal Horticultural Society)as a collector in China shortly after the Treaty

3、 of Nanjing had brought the Opium War to a close.Through his use of the Wardian case,Fortune was able to introduce many of the best-known Chinese garden plants into cultivation in Europe and North America.Pre Paul Guillaume Farges(1844-1912)French missionary and naturalist.Born at Monclar-de-Quercy,

4、Tarn-et-Garonne.He was sent to China in 1867 and remained stationed in north-east Sichuan until 1903.Although he had always nurtured an interest in the local flora and fauna,it was not until 1892 that he started to collect herbarium specimens in earnest.During the eleven years before he moved southt

5、o Chongqing,he collected and preserved over 4,000 specimens.Dove TreeErnest Henry Wilson(1876-1930)Scan the title of the reading passage and the pictures and predict what it is about?Plant Exploration in the 18th And 19th centuriesPLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CNTURIEST or F Questions:1.The

6、 plants in our garden grew in China originally.F2.The American Middle Classes took great interest in collecting new plants during the 18th and 19th centuries.F3.French Catholic missionaries were beginning to set themselves up in China by the middle of the 18th century.4.After Father d Incarville die

7、d,some Tree of Heaven seeds were sent to England.FT5.Banks,together with James Cook,collected many examples of plants in Australia.6.Keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyage was very difficult,which caused the Wardian Case to be invented.TT7.Robert Fortune introduced over 120 species of p

8、lants to Western Gardens,because he could easily travel everywhere in China.8.During the second half of the 19th century,many Catholic missionaries were sent to China,and they collected many seeds of plants,which were sent back to France.TFDetailed reading:Try to get the main idea of each paragraph:

9、Para 1:explains when plant collecting began.Para 2:describes when and where plant collecting began on a large scale by Europeans.Para 3:talks about French Catholic missionaries who collected plants in China in the 18th century.Para 4:is about the famous British plant collector,Sir Joseph Banks,who c

10、ollected many new plants in Australia.Para 5:explains the problems of keeping plants alive on long trips.Para 6:describes an experiment carried out by Dr Nathaniel Ward who invented a glass case in which to transport plants on long journeys.Para 8:is about Father Farges,a French Catholic missionary

11、who collected plants in China in the 19th century.Para 7:is about Robert Fortune,a British plant collector who made several trips to China in the 19th century.Para 9:Describes how many European plant collectors,such as E H Wilson,went to China so that new plants could be introduced to gardens in the

12、 West.Structure:Part I:Para1-2 the beginning of plant collecting Part II:Para3-4 the exploration of plants in the 18th centuryPart III:Para 5-7 the invention and use of Wardian casePart IV:Para 8-9 the exploration of plants in the 19th centry 1 In l5OO BC,2 In the 1740s,3 In1751,Answer these questio

13、ns in group.the Queen of Egypt sent ships to gather plants,animals and other goods.a French Catholic missionary called Father dIncarville was sent to Beijing.some Tree of Heaven seeds arrived in England.4 In1769,5 In 1784,6 In 1833,Sir Joseph Banks collected vastquantities of plants in the land now

14、known as Australia the Tree of Heaven was introduced into North America.Nathaniel Ward used two special cases that he had invented to shipBritish plants to Sydney,Australia.7 Between 1843 and 1859,8 During the second half of the nineteenth century,9 In 1897,a British plant collector Robert Fortune.m

15、ade several trips to China many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France.a French Plant collector Father Farges.sent seeds of the Dover Tree from China to France.10 In 1899,a Plant collector,E H Wilson.collected a large quantity of the seeds of the Dove Tree in China.3 Answer these quest

16、ions in groups.1 Why was there a lot of plant collecting in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?Europe has become interested in scientific discovery and European middle classes took great interest in collecting new plants this time.2 how did French missionaries come to be plant collectors?They v

17、alued the study of the natural sciences and many of them knew allot about plants and animals.3 What were some of the negative aspects of plant collecting expeditions?Negative aspects included disease,near-starvation,severe environment,conflicts with the local people,plants dying during long trips or

18、 seeds failing to grow after long trips,pirates,bad weather,not knowing the local language and customs,etc.4 Transporting plants over long distances was a big problem.Why was this?It was hard to keep them alive duringlong trips.5 Why did many plants fail to reach their destinations alive?Can you thi

19、nk of any other reasons?The seeds of many plants failed to grow after long trip:plants were not lookedAfter properly during the trip.For example,one plant explorer lost his plants when they were waned with sea water.Other reasons include lack of fresh water,wrong environmental conditions,for instanc

20、e,incorrect temperatures,salty air,and lack of sunlight and rain,etc,if the plants were transported inside the ship or train.6 What improved the survival rates of plants transported long distances?It was the invention of the Wardian case.Imagine:Suppose three of you are botanists(植物学家植物学家),and one i

21、s a captain.Now each botanist wants the captain to bring his plant home.But the captain can take only one plant,so each must try his best to explain his reason to persuade the captain into taking his own plant.1.date back to 追溯到追溯到;始于始于1 This town dates back to Roman times.2 The castle dates back to

22、 the 14th century.3 These societies dated as far back as a century.date from 追溯到追溯到;始于始于1 The dress dates from the 19th century.2 This custom dates from the 17th century.3 My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.dated adj.过时的过时的;陈旧的陈旧的1 It faces conflicts with the American people.2

23、Nations mustnt settle their difference by armed conflict.3 At times personality conflicts develop between teachers and students.2.conflict n.矛盾矛盾,分歧分歧;冲突冲突,斗争斗争1 These two lines are in conflict with each other.2 Every one was aware that husband and wife were in conflict.3 The twins are in conflict.a

24、 conflict of opinions/wills/interestsin conflict(with)1 Tie it as tightly as you can.2 His arms were folded tightly.3 He held me by the arm so tightly that it hurt.3.tightly 紧紧地紧紧地,满满地满满地The coat looks tight.We hope to finish the task next week,but the schedule is a bit tight.tight adj.紧紧;绷紧绷紧;拉紧拉紧t

25、ight adv.紧地紧地;满地满地 Hold tight to the railing or you may slip and fall.The park is open to the public without restriction.4 restriction un.限制限制He dislikes their restriction of his freedom of .限制性规定限制性规定 The restrictions on the use of the play-ground:No fighting.No damaging property.The government pla

26、ced restrictions on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported.restrict vt.限制限制,控制控制He feels this new law restrict hisfreedom.The trees restricted our vision.restricted adj.有严格控制的有严格控制的,局限的局限的restrictive adj.限制性的限制性的1 He appealed to his friends for support.2 The murderer appealed to the cour

27、t for mercy.5.appeal vt.吸引吸引;投合兴趣或爱好投合兴趣或爱好How did the course appeal to you?These pictures dont appeal to the children.呼吁呼吁,请求请求 appeal to sb.for helpDifficult sentences analysis1 However,it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a

28、large scale然而,直到然而,直到1818和和1919世纪人们对植物世纪人们对植物世界大规模的探索才开始。世界大规模的探索才开始。It iswas not untilthat的意思是的意思是“直到才直到才 ”。如:。如:It was not until the l880s that there were consistent experimental findings to support his theory.直到直到19世纪世纪80年代才有了一致的实验年代才有了一致的实验发现支持他的理论。发现支持他的理论。Not until 1 began to work did I realiz

29、e how much time I had wasted直到开始工作时我才意识到自己浪费了直到开始工作时我才意识到自己浪费了多少时间。多少时间。另外,含有另外,含有not until结构的句子也还可结构的句子也还可以放在句首来表示强调,这时主旬用倒以放在句首来表示强调,这时主旬用倒装句。装句。如:如:2 At that time,there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so,in order to travel unnoticed,he developed his fluency in Chinese and dress

30、ed as a Chinese man,even shaving his head in the Chinese style那时候,欧洲人在中国的活动受那时候,欧洲人在中国的活动受到种种限制,因此,为了在旅行到种种限制,因此,为了在旅行时不被别人注意,他努力使自己时不被别人注意,他努力使自己的汉语讲得很流利,并且穿着中的汉语讲得很流利,并且穿着中国人的服装,甚至像中国人一样国人的服装,甚至像中国人一样削发削发(留辫留辫)。这是个并列句这是个并列句,At that time,there were restrictions on themovement of Europeans是并列句是并列句的第

31、一部分的第一部分,in order to travel unnoticed 是第二部分是第二部分,由由and把把这两部分连接起来。这两部分连接起来。1.Retell the story to your partner.2.Finish the exercises in your workbook.HomeworkWhat is this animal?It was an Elephant!What is this animal?The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.Some male elephants can grow t

32、o be thirteen feet tall.Thats more than twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants can weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fourteen thousand pounds!It was an Elephant!In the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!The elephant is the largest anima

33、l that lives on land.Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall.Thats more than twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants can weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fourteen thousand pounds!The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast.Ans.The RepublicansIn the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!


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