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1、 Module 6The Tang Poems Reading and Writing 2 选修八选修八走进一间房,走进一间房,四面都是墙,四面都是墙,抬头见老鼠,抬头见老鼠,低头见蟑螂低头见蟑螂!Do you know“打油诗打油诗”?In English limerick is like“打油诗打油诗”in Chinese.It is a special,funny poem and is written just to make people laugh.Read the two limericks and enjoy them.Can you try your best to tran

2、slate them into Chinese?A large lady from Corfu,Wished to travel to Peru.But Whether buses or trainsOr boarding aeroplanes,There wasnt a door shed get through.胖妞来自科夫,胖妞来自科夫,意欲游览秘鲁。意欲游览秘鲁。车船飞机门小,车船飞机门小,一概无缘进去。一概无缘进去。A teacher from Singapore.Taught at Middle School No 4.It didnt take students longTo s

3、ee something was wrong:The man was as mad as a door!先生来自新加坡,先生来自新加坡,第四中学把书说。第四中学把书说。学子很快就发现,学子很快就发现,此君疯狂太过多此君疯狂太过多。Words about poets and poetry 十四行诗十四行诗sonnet节奏节奏rhythm韵,押韵韵,押韵rhyme浪漫诗人浪漫诗人Romantic poets修辞格修辞格 figure of speech原作品原作品 the original work译作译作 the translated workDo you like reading/writin

4、g poetry?Why?Do you think it good for children to read/write poetry?Why?Reading and writing 2-1 Main idea Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Poetry can be used as a way toexpress feelings.Poetry can be used as a form of therapy to help people with problems.A typical example of poetry being used as a therapy in

5、 a special school.Poetry can also be used for other uses,such as raising funds for local hospitals.Para.1Para.2,Para 3Para 4threeThe passage can be divided into_ parts:Part one:_ Part two:_ Part three:_Reading and writing 2-2 Work in pairs.Read the passage and answer the questions.1.Why do people wa

6、nt to write poetry?2.What is poetry therapy?To express their feelings.It is a way of helping people with problems through writing poetry.3.What kind of people can poetrytherapy help?4.In what ways can poetry help people?Everyone,but especially people with problems of some kind.It can help them to te

7、ll other people how they feel,and help them communicate with the world.5.What problems do the students ata special school in Dudley have?Long-term medical problems,personality disorders or psychological problems.6.How does writing poetry help thestudents?It helps the students to become more self-con

8、fident and also helps explore their problems and develop a positive attitude to life.7.How does the book of studentspoetry help the local community?It raises money for the hospital.Reading and writing 2-3 Discuss the following statements and decide if you agree with them.1.Poetry is good for people.

9、2.Its more important to talk about yourproblems than write about them.3.Its important to keep your sense of humour if you are ill.4.I cant understand poetry.5.Poems are like dreams.Reading and writing 2-4 Read the poem and complete the lines with the rhymes in the box.(1)how I feel (2)I go (3)I hide

10、 (4)I say (5)my mind (6)the real meI wish people could live through my daySee the things I see,bear the things _.If only people could see me insideThe emotions I feel,the trouble _.(4)(3)I wish people could see _.All of my thoughts too strong to reveal.If only people could read _Not just the image I

11、 hide behind.I wish people knew the things I knowThe places Ive been to,the places _.I wish people would look further and seeThe person I call _.(1)(5)(2)(6)Reading and writing 2-5 Write a poem beginning with I wishUse the poem above as a model.Study the phrases beginning with I wishand If only.Thin

12、k of your own wishes.Keep your poem short-not more than eight lines.You dont have to use rhyme.Language points1.Reading and writing poetry is a very personal experience.读诗和写诗是一种个人经历。读诗和写诗是一种个人经历。动名词短语动名词短语 reading and writing poetry 作主语,表示一个整体概念,谓语动词用作主语,表示一个整体概念,谓语动词用单数。再如:早睡早起是个好习惯。单数。再如:早睡早起是个好习惯

13、。Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.uexperience“经验;经历,体验经验;经历,体验”,当当“经验经验”讲时用作不可数名词,当讲时用作不可数名词,当“经历经历”讲时用作可数名词。例如:讲时用作可数名词。例如:张老师的教学经验很丰富。张老师的教学经验很丰富。Mr.Zhang has much experience in teaching.他经常告诉我们他在非洲的经历。他经常告诉我们他在非洲的经历。He often tells us his experiences in Africa.2.Poets use la

14、nguage as a way of expressing their feelings,whether positive ones of love,happiness and hope,or negative feelings like anger and fear.whether or “无论无论还是还是”,常用于引导主语从句、宾语从句、状语常用于引导主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句。从句。无论他是呆在这里还是离开,对我来说无论他是呆在这里还是离开,对我来说都无关紧要。都无关紧要。Whether he stays or leaves makes no difference to me.(主语从

15、句)(主语从句)无论是成功还是失败,他都不得不尽自无论是成功还是失败,他都不得不尽自己最大努力。己最大努力。Whether he succeeds or fails,he has to do his best.(状语从句)(状语从句)我们尚未决定是乘飞机还是坐火车去西我们尚未决定是乘飞机还是坐火车去西双版纳。双版纳。We havent decided whether to taketrain or fly to Xishuangbanna.(宾语从宾语从句)句)3.For children,it is a good way to explore language and have fun wi

16、th words as well as to express themselves.(1)a good way(for sb.)to do sth.做某事做某事的好途径的好途径电视是我们进行娱乐的好途径。电视是我们进行娱乐的好途径。TV is a good way for us to entertain ourselves.(2)have fun with sth.从从中得到乐趣中得到乐趣小孩子们喜欢玩水。小孩子们喜欢玩水。Little children like having fun with water.4.Writing poetry can help people deal with

17、changes in their lives.写诗可以帮助人们处理他们生活中的写诗可以帮助人们处理他们生活中的一些变化一些变化 deal with 与与交易,交易,与与打交道打交道我与这家公司交易我与这家公司交易3年了。年了。Ive dealt with this company forthree years.对待,对付,应付,处理对待,对付,应付,处理有许多困难需要我们来应对。有许多困难需要我们来应对。There are many difficulties for us to deal with.这个人很难对付。这个人很难对付。The man is very hard to deal wit

18、h.涉及,与涉及,与有关有关他说的事情与这项工作的将来有关。他说的事情与这项工作的将来有关。What he said dealt with the work in future.【比较比较】do with与与deal with do with 和和deal with都是及物动词都是及物动词短语。表示短语。表示“对付;处理;论及对付;处理;论及;相处相处”等意项时无多大差别,主要区等意项时无多大差别,主要区别在于特殊疑问词的不同。别在于特殊疑问词的不同。do with 常常与连接代词与连接代词 what 连用,而连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词常与连接副词 how 连用,如:我不知连用

19、,如:我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。道他们如何处理这个问题。I dont know how they deal with the problem.=I dont know what they do with the problem.5.And just because people are ill or having difficulties in their lives,it doesnt mean they have lost their sense of humor.仅仅因为人们生病或生活困难,并不意味仅仅因为人们生病或生活困难,并不意味着他们失去了幽默感。着他们失去了幽默感。diffi

20、culty“困难(不可数);难处,困困难(不可数);难处,困难的事(可数,多用复数形式)难的事(可数,多用复数形式)”。例如:。例如:我们完成这项工作有很大的困难。我们完成这项工作有很大的困难。We had much difficulty in finishing the work.在你的一生中,你会遇到各种各样的困在你的一生中,你会遇到各种各样的困难。难。You can meet all kinds of difficulties in your life.sense“意思;感觉;观念,意识;意思;感觉;观念,意识;常识常识”,例如:,例如:人类有五种感觉。人类有五种感觉。People ha

21、ve five senses.他是一个有着很好的商业意识的人。他是一个有着很好的商业意识的人。He is a man with good business sense.他是一个没有常识的人。他是一个没有常识的人。He is a man without any common sense.常见搭配:常见搭配:in a sense 从某种意义上来说;多少有点从某种意义上来说;多少有点make sense 有意义,讲的通,有道理有意义,讲的通,有道理make sense of 弄懂,了解弄懂,了解have no sense in doing sth 没道理,不必没道理,不必做某事做某事6.By wri

22、ting poems students aregrowing in self-confidence.by prep.以(做某事)的行动以(做某事)的行动(+doing sth.):通过每天早点起,我每天早晨可以有一个通过每天早点起,我每天早晨可以有一个小时读英语。小时读英语。By getting up early,I can have an hour for reading English in the morning.7.The poems provide a channel throughwhich they can communicate with the world,and expre

23、ss their feelings.through which 介词提前的定语从句介词提前的定语从句除此之外还有除此之外还有to/of/by/with/without which/whom我读过的几本故事书中我读过的几本故事书中红星照耀中红星照耀中国国是最好的。是最好的。There are several story-books of which Read Star is the best one that I have ever read.氧气是一种非常重要的元素,没有它氧气是一种非常重要的元素,没有它我们就没办法生存。我们就没办法生存。Oxygen is an important elem

24、ent without which we can not live.8.The school has collected some of the students poems and published them in a book which is being sold to raise funds for a local hospital.raise v.筹措筹措,募集募集他们正在为受过洪灾的地区的孩子们他们正在为受过洪灾的地区的孩子们募捐。募捐。They are raising money for children in the flood-srticken area.9.The boo

25、k has proved very popular,giving students a sense of motivation and achievement.这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成就感。力和成就感。prove用作及物动词时,表示用作及物动词时,表示“证明,证证明,证实实”,常用结构有:,常用结构有:prove sth 他在战争中证明了他有勇气。他在战争中证明了他有勇气。He proved his courage in the battle.prove+that-clause 经证实他的观点是错误的。经证实他的观点是错误的。It proved

26、 that his idea was wrong.prove sb/sth(to be)+adj新的证据证明她的观点正确。新的证据证明她的观点正确。The new evidence proved her idea correct.prove 用作系动词,表示用作系动词,表示“结结果证明是果证明是”常用于常用于prove(to be)+n/adj 结构。例如:爱因斯坦的结构。例如:爱因斯坦的理论被证实是正确的。理论被证实是正确的。Einsteins theory proved(to be)correct.Homework1.Revise what you have learnt during this period of class.2.Get ready for the next period.


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