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1、Unit 3Tomorrows world Project 模块四模块四Writing a scientific fiction storyLets read summaries of three famous science fiction.Do you know what is science fiction?What do science fiction writers often write about?-It is a type of writing based onfantasyimagination-What will happen in Tomorrows World.Ques

2、tions:Journey to the Centre of the EarthReading How much do you know about science fiction story?Do you know these two stories:Journey to the Centre of the Earth and The Time Machine?Journey to the Centre of the Earth地心游记地心游记The Time Machine时间机器时间机器Jules Verne儒勒儒勒凡尔纳凡尔纳 Jules Verne儒勒儒勒凡尔纳凡尔纳 As a po

3、pular French writer,Jules Verne is regarded as the father of science fiction.His famous science fiction stories,such as A Journey to the Centre of the Earth,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,Around the World in Eighty Days,Five Weeks in a Balloon and From the Earth to the Moon,are liked by not o

4、nly children but also adults all over the world.儒勒儒勒凡尔纳简介凡尔纳简介 儒勒儒勒凡尔纳(凡尔纳(Jules-Verne,18281905)是是19世纪法国作家,著名的科幻小说和冒险世纪法国作家,著名的科幻小说和冒险小说作家,被誉为小说作家,被誉为“科学幻想小说之父科学幻想小说之父”。曾写过曾写过海底两万里海底两万里等著名书籍。等著名书籍。1863年起,他开始发表科学幻想冒险小说,年起,他开始发表科学幻想冒险小说,以总名称为以总名称为在已知和未知的世界中奇异的在已知和未知的世界中奇异的漫游漫游一举成名。代表作为三部曲一举成名。代表作为三部曲

5、格兰特格兰特船长的儿女船长的儿女、海底两万里海底两万里、神秘神秘岛岛。1.Where do the German professor and his nephew travel to?They travel to the centre of the Earth.2.What do they see during their journey?During the journey,they see a big underground ocean,a beautiful forest,ancient animals that have already disappeared in the world

6、 above.3.How do they come back to the world above?A volcano in southern Italy brings them back to the Earths surface.H G Wells H.G.威尔斯威尔斯 1866-1946 English writer1.With whom did Professor Lindenbrock make the journey?Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Professor Lindenbrock made the journey

7、with his nephew Axel and Hans,the guide he hired in Iceland.2.What was the destination of the journey?How did they go there?They went to the centre of the Earth.They went there in the boat they built.3.What did they see during their journey?They saw many strange things a large ocean in a vast room,h

8、uge mushrooms,two dinosaurs fighting each other,huge insects and many strange creatures,including a man,who was at least four meters tall.4.Which do you think was the most thrilling experience during their journey?Why?The two dinosaurs rose to the surface of the ocean suddenly and fought each other.

9、Because they didnt expect that they would see dinosaurs there,since dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.H G Wells H.G.威尔斯威尔斯 As an English novelist,H.G.Wells is well known for his science fiction stories,among which are The Time Machine,The Invisible Man,The island of Doctor Moreau and The War

10、of the Worlds.Have you ever read or seen a film about a time machine?What do you think a time machine can be used to do?Many people are interested in such a machine.Can you think of the reason or reasons?1.What has the scientist invented?2.What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701?3.What

11、is the world thirty million years into the future like?The time machine 1.What has the scientist invented?He has invented a machine that can take him into the future.2.What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701?He finds two kinds of creaturesthe Eloi and the Morlocks.The Eloi are gentle an

12、d lazy people who are served by the Morlocks.The Morlocks are a group of people who work very hard and come out in the evening to eat the Eloi.3.What is the world thirty million years into the future like?The sun no longer shines in that world,so it is cold and scary.writing a science fiction storyU

13、se your imagination and try to make up your own science fiction story.Be as creative as you can!Below are some steps for you to follow.Planning 1.Discuss the two questions first.What do you imagine the future will be like?What would make an interesting story?2.In the groups of four,choose a topic fo

14、r their groups science fiction story.(e.g.Future farming)Take notes of the story:Time and place(setting):e.g.Preparingin 3000,on a farm land of the moonhuman beings,the aliens and the robots plan to explore the Moonhuman beings,the aliens and the robotsStoryline:Characters:Producing1.Write the story

15、,please.Each group member should write one paragraph.2.After finishing the story,you should proofread it together and make any necessary changes.PresentingReport your story to the whole class now.And make sure that you can answer their questions.Language points1.High above,the sky was filled with ga

16、s that gave off light like the sun.be filled with 充满充满I hope that your life will be filled with happiness and love.give off 散发散发(光、热等光、热等)The sun gives off heat and light.give的其他短语的其他短语give birth to 产生产生give in 屈服屈服give out 分发,散发分发,散发give up 放弃放弃give off 散发散发(光、热等光、热等)2.Base 1)vt.以以作基础作基础base on/upo

17、n建立于建立于之上,以之上,以为根为根你把希望建立在他的承诺上真是太愚蠢了。你把希望建立在他的承诺上真是太愚蠢了。Youre foolish enough to base your hopes upon his promise.税收一般取决于收入。税收一般取决于收入。Tax is usually based on income.2)vt.把基地设在;以把基地设在;以为基地为基地这个电脑公司在这个电脑公司在10个不同的国家设立个不同的国家设立了分部。了分部。The computer company based its ten branches in ten different countries

18、.你能告诉我这个公司总部在哪儿吗你能告诉我这个公司总部在哪儿吗?Can you tell me where the company is based?n.基础,根基;基地,基地,总部基础,根基;基地,基地,总部After we had reached the top of the mountain,we returned to our base camp.到达山顶之后,我们便返回基地。到达山顶之后,我们便返回基地。Karl Marx made London a base for his revolutionary work.马克思将伦敦变成革命根据地。马克思将伦敦变成革命根据地。a milit

19、ary/naval/cruise missile base 军事基地军事基地/海军基地海军基地/巡航导弹基地。巡航导弹基地。e across/meet with/run into 偶遇偶遇 Weve just come across an old friend we havent seen for ages.1.When your friends come over for tea,you should greet them at the door.2.The song comes down to us from the 10th century.3.The meaning of his sp

20、eech doesnt come out well.4.I came out first in the e about 发生发生 come at 扑向扑向 come down 下跌下跌/下落下落/传下来传下来 come on 加油加油/快点快点 come out (书被书被)出版,出版,(消息消息,秘密被秘密被)传出传出,结果是结果是 come to 达到达到(an end/an agreement/a stop/a conclusion),苏醒,合计,总共是苏醒,合计,总共是 come over 走过来走过来 come up 走近走近,被提出被提出(讨论讨论)come up with 某人提

21、出某人提出 come across 偶然碰到偶然碰到 come back 回想起回想起 come into(sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect)1)How did it come _ that you both got lost?I thought you had a map.2)It suddenly came _ to me where I had seen the boy before.3)Come _ now,or else we shall be late.4)He came _ me like a tiger.5)The price of

22、 petrol has come _ since the beginning of this year.6)The word came _ use many years ago.7)When the examination result came _,he had already got a job.8)The bill came _over a thousand dollars.9)He came up to me and told me that the security issue came_ at the meeting just now.10)The truth has come o

23、ut that her new book will come_ soon.aboutbackonatdown intoouttoupout4.Scared and cold,the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.又惊又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现又惊又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。在的旅程。scared,cold 是形容词作伴随状语。表是形容词作伴随状语。表示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态。v一位妇女躺在床上,醒着,静听着那急急的风一位妇女躺在床上,醒着,静听着那急急的风声。声。vOne woman

24、 was lying in bed,awake,listening to the rushing winds.v他们强行冲进叔父的卧室,发现那个男人躺在他们强行冲进叔父的卧室,发现那个男人躺在地板上,已经死了。地板上,已经死了。vThey broke into the uncles bedroom and found the man lying on the floor,dead.v克鲁索盯着脚印克鲁索盯着脚印,心里充满恐惧。心里充满恐惧。vCrusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.n.力力,力量力量,自然力自然力;武力武力,暴力暴力;军队军队1.

25、The three kids took the money from the old man by force.2.The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.3.land and sea forces三个小子武力抢走了老人的钱三个小子武力抢走了老人的钱.爆炸力震碎了窗玻璃爆炸力震碎了窗玻璃.陆军和海军陆军和海军Force vt.强行强行,强迫强迫;勉强勉强,强作强作.1.She wont do it unless you force her to(do it)/into doing it.2.They fo

26、rced their way into the house/through the crowd.3.Its not proper to force your idea upon others.4.Though the little girl was in great pain,yet she forced a smile and spoke to us.强行闯入强行闯入/通过通过强作欢笑强作欢笑5.They set sail again,and saw what looked like an exit,but it was blocked by rocks which had fallen d

27、own from the ceiling.set sail 起航起航 We set sail at dawn and headed for New York.set sail for 动身动身We will set sail for France next Sunday.block v.阻挡,阻碍阻挡,阻碍The road was blocked by a crowd of people.n.街区街区We live on the same block.6.They could only hold on to the boat in terror.hold on 坚持下去,等一等,别挂电话坚持下

28、去,等一等,别挂电话They managed to hold on until help arrived.He will come soon.Hold on a minute please.7.,and mankind had evolved into two races,the Eloi and the Morlocks.evolve into 发展成,进化成发展成,进化成This small town has evolved into a big city.evolution n.进化,发展,演变进化,发展,演变Our social institutions are in continuo

29、us evolution.Discussion1.Have you read any of the stories mentioned in the reading?2.Which story sounds the most/least interesting to you?Why?3.What do you imagine the future will be like?4.What do you think would make an interesting science fiction story?Homework vLearn more about science fiction.vFinish all the exercises in this unit.


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