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1、 Type 16 启事启事 开头开头句句: 1. In order to improve the students English studies, the Student Union is going to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. 为了提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会打算聘请一名留学生作为下学期的英语学习顾问。 2. To further enhance the ability of students English studies, the Student U

2、nion is planning to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. 为了进一步提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会打算聘请一名留学生作为下学期的英语学 习顾问。 3. We would like to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term for purpose of improving the English studies of students. 为

3、了进一步提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会打算聘请一名留学生作为下学期的英语学 习顾问。 4. Under the auspices of the Student Union , an English Study Advisor recruitment will be organized The characteristics /arrangements are as follows. 在学生会的赞助下,我们将组织一场英语学习顾问的招募活动。安排如下。 5. In order to improve the students English studies, the Student Union is

4、 seeking for an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. 为了提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会正寻找一名留学生作为下学期的英语学习顾问。 中间中间句句: 1. Various skills could be learnt from this job beyond your expectation. 从这份工作中你将学到各种技巧,大大超出你的期待。 2. The working time is arranged to last for 4 hours a day. It is plann

5、ed to begin on July 10. 据安排,工作时长将为每天四小时。按计划工作将于七月十日开始。 3. You are expected/required to be familiar with English as well as Chinese. 根据要求,你应当对英语汉语都十分熟悉。 4. Not only can the job help to train yourself in social skills, but also it can enrich your college life greatly. 不仅可以帮助锻炼你自己的社交技巧,而且丰富你的大学生活。 5. M

6、oreover, by communicating with others and organizing various activities, you can discover your talents and broaden your views. 进一步说,通过和别人交流和组织各种活动,你可以发掘自己的天赋,扩展视野。 6. This job aims at helping students learn more about the English language, meanwhile providing a platform to develop college students a

7、bilities. 这份工作旨在于帮助学生更多学习关于英语的知识,同时为提升大学生能力提供一个平台。 结尾结尾句句: 1. Look forward to your active participation. 期待你的积极参与。 2. What you need to do is just call us at 123456 or email us at xxxxx. 你所需要做的就是拨打我们的电话 123456 或给我们发邮件到 xxxxx。 3. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 如有疑问,请直

8、接联系我们,不要犹豫。 4. Those who would like to join us, please register yourselves with xxxxxx. 有兴趣加入我们的可以发送电子邮件报名。 5. Anyone who is interested in English learning and has a passion for helping others are warmly welcomed to come for an interview! 任何对英语教学感兴趣或热心帮助他人的人,热烈欢迎来此面试! Found 招领启事招领启事 On the afternoon

9、 of April 7th, I found a black jacket with some money in one of the pockets on the playground. The owner is expected to come to Room 303 on the third floor in Main Building to identify it. on the playground 在操场 be expected to 被期待 identify it 认领 Lost 寻物启事寻物启事 A new English-Chinese Dictionary was lost

10、 in the reading-room yesterday morning. If anyone could return it to me or give information leading to its recovery, please ring 6578922.Id be very grateful to the finder. Li Ming be lost in the reading-room 掉在阅览室 return it to me 把它归还给我 give information leading to its recovery 提供寻找线索 Id be very grat

11、eful to the finder. 我将对拾物者非常感激。 SUBSCRIPTION 征订启事征订启事 Subscription to all newspapers and magazines for the second half of the year has begun. The fees are to be handed in to the Department Library before noon Thursday, June 20th. Late payments will not be accepted. Department Library the second half

12、 of the year 下半年 The fees are to be handed in to the Department Library. 征订费缴给图书室。 Late payments will not be accepted. 过期不予办理。 CORRECTIONS 更正启事更正启事 In the second line of the fourth paragraph in the right-hand column of page 25, English Reading and Writing, No.3rd, 2004,“ten thousand”should read “one

13、 hundred thousand”. in the second line of the fourth paragraph 在第四页的第二行 right-hand column (杂志)的右栏 English Reading and Writing 英语读写 Lost 寻物启事寻物启事 Excuse me, I left my sweater on the playground yesterday afternoon while I was playing basketball. The sweater is yellow in colour, with two pockets in the

14、 front of it. And in one of the pockets there is a letter and some money. It was made of woolen. Anyone who found it, please do let me know. Many thanks. Li Jun Class Seven Grade Three The sweater is yellow in colour, with two pockets in the front of it.这运动衫是黄色的,前面有两个口袋。 be made of 由 造成 Please do le

15、t me know. 请一定让我知道 “启事” ,是为了公开声明某事而登在报刊上或墙上的文字。这里的“启”是“说明”的意思, “事”就 是指被说明的事情。高考英语书面表达启事类书面表达的范围很多,包括:征文启事,招聘启事,招领或 者寻物启事等。 典例 01 假如你是英才中学的学生会主席,你校最近成立了一个英语演讲社团,打算面向全校招募会员。请你 以学生会的名义根据以下内容用英语写一则招募启事。 1.要求:热爱演讲,不限年龄和性别。 2.呼吁大家参加。 3.报名方式:扫描二维码并填写表格。 注意: 词数 100 左右。 参考词汇:招募recruit 性别gender 二维码QR code _ _

16、 _ _ _ _ 【写作思路】本篇书面表达要求考生写一则招募启事,为学校的英语演讲社团招募会员,属于应用文范畴。该 话题贴近考生生活,充分体现了语言的交际功能,符合高考书面表达的命题趋势。根据题干的要点提示,本篇 书面表达可分三段来写: 第一段:交代背景,说明写启事的目的。学校最近成立了一个英语演讲社团,打算面向全校招募会员。希 望热爱演讲的同学来参加。 第二段:呼吁大家参加。 第三段:说明报名方式扫描二维码并填写表格。 【范文赏析】 Members Wanted An English speech association has been set up in our school. Now,

17、 we are recruiting members. If you are enthusiastic about English speech, please join us. By participating in our well-organized activities, you will harvest a lot. To begin with, you can develop good communication skills and make a lot of friends here. Whats more, not only can you acquire many spee

18、ch skills and become a persuasive speaker but also you can better your spoken English. So join us and show the best of you to the world with your voice. There is no age or gender limitation. If interested, please scan the QR code and finish registering for the application. Dont hesitate to take part

19、! Student Union Writing 1 你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文形式写一则招聘启事。内容主要包括: 1.母语是英语,汉语流利者优先; 2.解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动; 3.每周 4 小时,报酬面议; 4.联系人:李华(Tel:13011223344) 。 注意: 1.词数 100-120 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.启事标题已为你写好。 English Advisor Wanted _ _ _ _ _ Student Union 【范文】 English Advisor Wanted The Student Union of

20、 our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Advisor next term. The main responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English, answering their questions, and helping organize activities such as English evenings, or lectures on intere

21、sting topics. The applicant should be a native speaker of English. Fluency in Chinese is preferred. The advisor is expected to work four hours per week. If you are interested, please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview. Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview. Student

22、Union Writing 2 假定你是英语俱乐部学生李华,为促进文化交流、帮助中国学生提高英语,澳大利亚悉尼 (Sydney) 的 大洋游学部 (OSTD) 拟举办中国学生寒假游学营,营期两周,请用英文写一则招募启事。内容包括: 1. 游学目的、时间、内容; 2. 报名方式及所需费用。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Study Tour Members Wanted Do you want to improve your English? _ _ _ _ _ English Club October 8, 2019 【范文】 Study Tour

23、 Members Wanted Do you want to improve your English? Are you willing to spread Chinese traditional culture? Do you want to have a colorful holiday life? Here comes your opportunity: OSTD Sydney is hunting for Chinese students to go on a study tour this winter holiday. The tour is scheduled from Janu

24、ary 19 to February 2, 2019. We will hold activities like learning English, exploring tropical forests, practising surfing and having BBQ parties. Whoever is good at classical Chinese poetry is preferable. The fee is $1899, covering the accommodation and all the activities except the round trip air t

25、ickets and visa. If you are interested, please send an application to Ms Li at Lily .before next Friday. English Club October 8, 2019 Writing 3 假定你是英语校报的负责人李华,校报拟开设“中国文化”专栏(Column),现需为该专栏招聘 一名学生编 辑,请发布一则招聘启事。内容包括: 1 . 工作说明; 2. 能力要求; 3. 报名地点及截止日期。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _ _ _ _ _ 【范文】

26、Notice Intended to open a new column called“Chinese culture“, we want an editor for the school English newspaper. As an English editor, you are expected to choose and edit articles about traditional Chinese cultures ranging from festivals to daily manners, which can further students understanding of

27、 China. Applicants need to be responsible, quick-minded and solid in writing. Additionally, students with a good command of English and computer are preferred. Also, any one with previous experience is highly welcome. If you are willing to offer your spare time to serve the students, please get in t

28、ouch with the Student Union before this weekend at Room 101. Looking forward to having you aboard. Writing 4 假定你是某中学英文报编辑李华,学校将举行一次 40 周年校庆作品展示(exhibition) ,请你用英文写 一则作品征集启事。要点如下: 1. 作品主题:反映校园生活,表达祝福; 2. 作品形式:诗词、照片、画作等; 3. 截止日期:9 月 1 日。 注意: 1. 词数 100 个左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头已给出,不计入词数。 With the

29、40th anniversary of our school approaching, _ _ _ _ _ _ 【范文】 With the 40th anniversary of our school approaching, we are going to hold an exhibition in its honor. We sincerely hope that all students will provide original artworks to celebrate its birthday. We will be happy to see photos of different

30、 school activities which have left a deep impression on you. Besides, you can write Chinese poems, sharing your sweet experiences of school life. Paintings are also preferred. Whatever your works are, they will show your talents on such a special occasion. More importantly, it is a good opportunity

31、to extend your best wishes to the school as well as display your colorful school life. Please send in your works before September 1st. We really appreciate everyones active participation. Writing 5 假如你是光明中学的学生,你们学校欲聘请一名外教。请你为学校拟写一份英语招聘启事。主要内容 如下: 1.要求应聘者母语为英语,身体健康,有外教经验者优先,每周工作五天; 2.学校位于市中心,交通便利,环境优

32、美,有外教公寓; 3.有意者请于 2017 年 12 月底与学校联系,报酬可面议; 4.联系李老师(missli )。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 English Teacher Wanted _ _ _ _ 【范文】 English Teacher Wanted Guangming Middle School decides to invite a foreigner to work as a teacher of English. The applicant should be a native speaker of English and mu

33、st enjoy good health. It is preferred that he/she once worked as a teacher in a foreign country. The applicant is expected to work 5 days per week. Guangming Middle School lies in the centre of the city and quite a few buses can get to the school. The school is beautiful with trees and flowers and there is an apartment for foreign teachers. If you are interested, please contact Miss Li at missli before the end of December, 2017. Payment for the service can be discussed at the interview.


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