


1、1 Type 01 邀请信邀请信 邀请函写作必备词汇词组:邀请函写作必备词汇词组: 1. 邀请 invite/ invitation 2. 做演讲 make/deliver a speech 3. 评委 judge 4. 感激 appreciate (vi. )/ be grateful 5. 荣幸 honor (v./n.) 6. 欢迎 welcome (v./n./adj.) 7. 接受邀请 accept sbs invitation 8.代表学校 on behalf of our school 9. 我想邀请你做. Id like to invite you to. 10. 举办活动的目的是. The purpose of the activity is to 11. 活动的细节有. Here are some details about the activity. 12.如果我将感到荣幸 Its my honor if. 。

2、Type 02 道歉道歉信信 必背词汇 make up 和解 keep promise 信守诺言 be absent/present from 缺席/出席 apologize to sb.for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 show an apology to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb.for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 say sorry to sb. 对某人说抱歉 beg your forgiveness for 恳求你的原谅 cause inconvenience 造成不便 miss/cancel the appointment 错过/取消约会 make up for.弥补 express my regret 表达我的道歉 be considerate of 体谅 accept my apology 接受我的道歉 conflict with. 与冲突 ha。

3、Type 03 求助求助信信 1.have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth. 做某事有困难 2.do sb. a favor/give sb. a hand 给某人帮助 3.ask for help/seek for help 寻求帮助 4.encounter some problems 遇到一些问题 5.be busy/occupied/engaged in doing sth.忙于做某事 7.make preparations for.为某事做准备 9.put.in use 学以致用 10.let sb. down 让某人失望 11.overcome the fear 克服恐惧 12.be anxious/eager to do sth./long to do sth.渴望做某事 13.take the trouble to do sth. 费心地去做某事 14.offer some constructive guidance。

4、1 Type 04 建议建议信信 1.gve/offer sb. some advice(on) 给某人提建议 2.ask sb. for advice 向某人征求意见 3.as follows 如下 4.in my opinion/in my view/from my point of view 在我看来 5.findhelpful/useful/beneficial 认为有用 6.take part in/participate in. 参加 7.follow/take/adopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议 8.take sth. into account/consideration 把考虑在内 9.with regard to 关于;就 10. put forward 提出 11.in this regard/in this respect 在这点上/在这方面 12.share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某事 13.with t。

5、1 Type 05 申请申请信信 1.apply for 申请 2.graduate from 毕业于 3.major in 主修 4.be skilled in/a. 在方面熟练 5.be good at/be expert in 擅长/精通于 6.have a good command/knowledge 掌握/能驾驭 7.be competent for. 胜任 8.be fit/suitable for/be qualified for 适合/有的资格 9.have rich working experience 有丰富的工作经验 10.cooperate with 与(某人)协作,合作 e out top 名列前茅 12.be bound to. 肯定,注定,必定 13.good grades 良好的成绩 14.be paid by the hour 按小时发工资 15.present address 现在的通讯。

6、Type 06 咨询咨询信信 1.inquire about sth. 询问的情况 2.seek for sth. 寻求 3.obvan some information 获得一些信息 4.regarcding/concerning/with regard to sth. 关于 5.provide sb. with sth. 提供给某人某物 6.inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 7.prompt/immediate reply 及时的回复 8.take into account of sth./take sth. into account 考虑到 9.detailed information 详情 10.be grateful/obliged to sb. for sth. 因某事而感谢某人 11.express ones appreciation for. 对某事表示感激 12.be concerned about. 对关心 13.attend。

7、Type 07 推荐推荐信信 1.recommend sb./ sth.to sb. 推荐某人/某物给某人 2.present sb./ sth.to sb. 介绍某人/某物给某人 3.take great pleasure in. 以为乐 4.afford me much pleasure to do sth. 做某事给我很多快乐 5.in search of 寻找 6.an ideal candidate 一个理想的候选人 7.without reservation 毫无保留 8.be convinced of 确信 9.give full play to 充分发挥 表达表达“能力能力” 1.have a gift for 对有天赋 2.be skilled in 擅长 3.be experienced in 有的经验 4.be an expert in. 熟练于 5.speak fluent English 说一口流。

8、Type 08 告知告知信信 1.inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事 2.introduce sth.to sb. 向某人介绍某物 3.provide some information for sb. 为某人提供一些信息 4.work out my schedule 制订我的计划 5.as follows 列举如下 6.show sb. around. 带领某人参观某处 7.have a try 试试看,尝试一下 8.sign up for 报名参加 9.wok as/serve as/act as. 任职,当 10.mean/intend to do sth. 打算做某事 11.spare some time to do sth. 抽出时间做某事 12.take a course 参加一门课程 13.pay a visit to 去参观 14.make a difference 有影响;起(。

9、Type 09 感谢感谢信信 1.thank sb. for sth. /doing sth. 因某事而感激某人 2. be grateful to sb. for sth. 因某事而感激某人 3. show/express/extend/convey my sincere thanks/gratitude to sb. for sth. 向某人表达我诚挚的谢意 4.in trouble 陷入困境 5. make greatgood progress 取得很大的进步 6.in/during/over the past/last four years 过去四年 7. be admitted to/into a university 被一所大学录取 8.say thanks to you for helping me 谢谢你帮助我 9. How time flies! 时间过得真快! 10As time goes on/goes by/with time 。

10、Type 10 祝贺祝贺信信 1.congratulate sb. on. 祝贺某人 2. express/send my sincere congratulations to sb. on sth. 为某事向某人送上我诚挚的祝贺 3. give/offer my congratulations to sb. on sth. 为某事向某人表示祝贺 4. Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你的成功。 5. wish you success in 祝你成功 6.Have the opportunity to do sth. 有机会做某事 7. succeed in doing sth./be successful in doing sth. 在中获得成功 8. be proud of. ./take pride in 自豪,以为骄傲 9. Practice doing sth. every day 每天练习做某事 。

11、Type 12 发言稿发言稿 1.take part in/participate in 参加 2.be a helpful way to do sth. 是做某事的一种有用方法 3. prepare for/get ready for 做准备 4.develop/form a good habit of 养成的好习惯 5. in the process/course of 在的过程中 6. pay attention to/attach importance to 注意 7.try/do ones best to do sth./make every effort to do sth. 尽力做某事 8.turn. Into. (使)变成;成为 9. take responsibility to do sth. 负责做某事 10. narrow the generation gap 缩小代沟 11.guide to 带领到 12. be helpful/benefic。

12、Type 13 留言条留言条 1.cancel the appointment 取消约会 2. Have something important to do/attend/deal with 有重要的事情要做 3. Feel very/terribly sorry about. 对感到抱歉 4. tell sb. about this change/inform sb. of this change 售告知某人这个变化 5. set some other time for the meeting 定别的时间见面 6. Change it to another place 换到另一个地方 7. So that/in order that 以便 8. If it is not convenient for you 如果您不方便 9. wont be back until 5 :00 p. m 直到下午 5 点才回来 10. Return the book to the。

13、Type 11 约稿约稿信信 1.invite/ask sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 2.write an article for 为写一篇文章 3. with the aim/purpose of doing sth. 目的是为了 4.be aimed at doing sth. 旨在 5. make/help sb. know sth. about. 帮助某人了解某事 6.introduce sth. to sb. 使某人了解某事 7. set up columns/sections to publish 设定栏目来刊登 8.be popular with/among sb. 受到欢迎 9.carry articles written by sb. on sth. 登载着某人写的关于的文章 10. on hearing the news 一听到这个消息 11. cant wait to tell you about sth. 。

14、Type 14 日记日记 模板一 (月、日、年、星期、天气) (标题) Today/Yesterday, I/we .(事件) In the morning, we ______________; then ______________; after that______________ . By the time we had a good time. Finally . Ill never forget the memorable day! ______________________________________ (事件经 过) From this activity, I have learned that/I think . ______________ (事件意义和自己的感想) 模板二 Date Day of the week Today is ______________. This afternoon I went to ______________. Then I______________。

15、Type 15 通知通知 1.be present ( at) 出席 2. be absent from. 缺席 3. express ones opinion 表达某人的观点 4. choose sb. as. 选择某人作为 5. attend a lecture/meeting 听课参会 6. give a lecture/speech 做讲座演讲 7. take part in/participate in an activity 参加活动 8. be expected to do. 被期待做某事;有望做某事 9.in case( of) 以防万一 10. be organized by. 由组织 11. will be held/be to be held 将被举行 12. be aimed/intended to do. 打算,意图是 13. with the aim/intention/purpose of. 目标是 14. sign u。

16、Type 16 启事启事 开头开头句句: 1. In order to improve the students English studies, the Student Union is going to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. 为了提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会打算聘请一名留学生作为下学期的英语学习顾问。 2. To further enhance the ability of students English studies, the Student Union is planning to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. 为了进一步提升学生的英语学习能力,学生会打算聘请一名。

标签 > 高考英语书面表达体裁分类必背[编号:92416]



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