人教版英语三年级下册课件Unit 4(全).ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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1、Unit 4 Where is my car?Lets talk我们回家吧!好的!噢!我的铅笔盒在哪里?看!在你的桌子里。哦,是的!还有你的铅笔!在你的书下面!我真傻!谢谢!询问某个物体的位置以及回答:Where is+某物?Its+方位介词+地点.例:Where is the pencil?Its on the desk.【注意】on意思是“在上”。看图,问答图中三种文具的位置。看图,问答图中三种文具的位置。1.Where is the ruler?Its on the desk.2.Where is the book?Its in the desk.3.Where is the bag?I

2、ts under the desk.Unit 4 Where is my car?Lets learn on in under chair desk在上在里 在下面 椅子 书桌Where is the ruler?Its under the chair!尺子在哪里?在椅子下面!句型操练句型操练师生问答。教师随机问一名学生某文具的位置问师生问答。教师随机问一名学生某文具的位置问题,学生根据实际情况回答。题,学生根据实际情况回答。例:Where is your pencil box?Its on the desk.1.Where is your bag?Its in/on/under.2.Wher

3、e is your crayon?Its in/on/under.Lets do1.跟着录音读句子,边读边做动作。跟着录音读句子,边读边做动作。2.游戏:你说我做。同桌一人说句子,另一人要游戏:你说我做。同桌一人说句子,另一人要 做出动作。轮流说句子,看谁做得又对又快。做出动作。轮流说句子,看谁做得又对又快。Put your foot under your chair.Put your hand on your chair.Put your arm in your desk.Put your hand under your desk.Unit 4 Where is my car?dog box

4、 orangebody看图,说一说。看图,说一说。Lets spellListen,repeat and chant.dog,/d/-/-/g/,/dg/box,/b/-/-/ks/,/bks/orange,/-/r/-/i/-/n/-/d/,/rind/body,/b/-/-/d/-/i/,/bdi/Lets chant.The dog is on the box.The orange box.See the dog,See the box,See the dog on the orange box!发音小贴士发音小贴士本课时我们学习的是元音字母o在单词中发短元音/。发/时,口张大,舌身尽量

5、降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。发音舌位图发音舌位图听录音,完成课本第听录音,完成课本第40页的页的Read,listen and number.听力录音原文:听力录音原文:1.boxdoll dog mom2.bodyon orange box答案:答案:1.13 2 4 2.21 3 4Unit 4 Where is my car?Lets talk妈妈,我的帽子在哪里?在你的包里吗?不,不在。在你的玩具盒里吗?是的,在。谢谢,妈妈。再见!再见!玩开心点儿!确认某物的位置的句型及回答:Is+it+方位介词(in/on/under)+地点?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.例:Where

6、 is the ruler?Is it on the desk?Yes,it is.1.仔细观察图中物体的位置,并尽量记下来。2.两人一组进行猜测物体位置游戏,要猜测 的人需闭上双眼,另一个人根据图片回答。Unit 4 Where is my car?Lets learn cap ball carboat mapMum,where is my boat?Is it in your toy box?No,it isnt.妈妈,我的小船在哪里?在你的玩具盒里吗?不,不在。1.cat(猫)cap car2.tall(高的)ball3.cap(帽子)mapcap hatboat shipLets do

7、Row a boat.Bounce a ball.Drive a car.Put on a cap.Read a map.听录音,假装做出相应的动作。听录音,假装做出相应的动作。Unit 4 Where is my car?on,in,under,chair,desk,cap,ball,car,boat,map词词汇汇句句型型1.Where is.?Its in/on/under.2.Is it in/on/under.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.单元知识回顾单元知识回顾Start to read1.完成课本第43页的题目。看图,找 出Zip在哪儿。2.核对答案。3.听录音,

8、读句子。4.根据课本图片,选取一两个物体询 问其位置。Lets check(一)(一)1.完成课本第44页的Look and tick.2.核对答案。答案:答案:box cap car boat map ball pen (二)(二)1.打开课本第44页,仔细观察Listen and tick or cross.部分的四幅图片,看看各物体的位置。2.听录音,完成题目。3.听录音,核对答案并跟读。答案:答案:听力录音原文:听力录音原文:1.Mum,where is my boat?It is on the chair.2.Oh no!Where is my cap?Look,its on your desk.3.Whats that?Its under the car.Oh,its a ruler.4.Where is your ball?Is it in the box?Ha,it is.Lets sing听录音,学唱歌曲。C Story time听录音,读故事。Who can get the grapes?Im a monkey.Im small and short.I can get the


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