1、高考,你好!热身活动hellohello1热身活动热身活动:乌龟和乌鸦:乌龟和乌鸦1 1、两人一组,各选一个角、两人一组,各选一个角色色“乌龟乌龟”或或“乌鸦乌鸦”。2 2、提到、提到“乌龟乌龟”的时候,的时候,“乌龟乌龟”去打去打“乌鸦乌鸦”的手,提到的手,提到“乌鸦乌鸦”的时候,的时候,“乌鸦乌鸦”去打去打“乌龟乌龟”的手。的手。PartTWO2名人访谈名人访谈.任正非任正非2019年度全球百位最具影响力人物1944年出生,1988年任华为公司总裁2021年4月,福布斯全球富豪榜发布,任正非以12亿美元财富位列榜单第2378位。名人访问名人访问假如任正非来假如任正非来到我们学校,到我们学校
3、的一次失败而全盘崩溃。你的一次失败而全盘崩溃。PartTHREE4应对压力与焦虑应对压力与焦虑 敲打法1、找到你的“压力王事件”最头疼、最苦恼的事情,体会它带来的感受例如:最近静不下心复习,心里很着急2、为你的“压力王事件”打分.3、完成提示语:尽管.,我还是全然接受我自己;例如:尽管我最近静不下心复习,但是我全然接受我自己。4、依次敲击身体的8个部位,同时说出“压力王事件”的提示语。每个部位敲击57次;5、完成后,做个深呼吸;6、再次为你的“压力王事件”打分,检查效果;7、如果觉得分数仍然很高,重复以上步骤,再坚持下做5轮,做10轮,专心投入,去获得你想要的解脱。2 23 34 41 1睡觉
4、睡觉洗澡洗澡聊天聊天1234SimonPPT 我能行!我有信心考出最好水平!我难别人也难!我在考试,我要集中精力做题!1234吉祥物 帕瓦罗蒂三大男高音之首世界著名的意大利男高音歌唱家 1234吉祥物 THANKSSIMON PPT,MORE THAN PPTSupporters say that the ease of use of presentation software can save a lot of time for people who otherwise would have used other types of visual aidhand-drawn or mechan
5、ically typeset slides,blackboards or whiteboards,or overhead projections.Ease of use also encourages thoseTHANKSSIMON PPT,MORE THAN PPTSupporters say that the ease of use of presentation software can save a lot of time for people who otherwise would have used other types of visual aidhand-drawn or m
6、echanically typeset slides,blackboards or whiteboards,or overhead projections.Ease of use also encourages thoseTHANKSSIMON PPT,MORE THAN PPTSupporters say that the ease of use of presentation software can save a lot of time for people who otherwise would have used other types of visual aidhand-drawn
7、 or mechanically typeset slides,blackboards or whiteboards,or overhead projections.Ease of use also encourages thoseTHANKSSIMON PPT,MORE THAN PPTSupporters say that the ease of use of presentation software can save a lot of time for people who otherwise would have used other types of visual aidhand-
8、drawn or mechanically typeset slides,blackboards or whiteboards,or overhead projections.Ease of use also encourages thoseTHANKS没有达不到的高度!Supporters say that the ease of use of presentation software can save a lot of time for people who otherwise would have used other types of visual aidhand-drawn or mechanically typeset slides,blackboards or whiteboards,or overhead projections.Ease of use also encourages those如何看待高考如何应对压力与焦虑加油!亲爱的同学们加油!亲爱的同学们!Keep going!Never give up!