广东省广州大学附属 (黄华路)2022-2023学年八年级上册期中考试英语试题.pdf

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1、1广大广大附中附中 2022-2023 学年学年初二上期中考试初二上期中考试出卷人:高永阔出卷人:高永阔审卷人:葛慧慧审卷人:葛慧慧一一、单项选择(、单项选择(每题每题 1 分分,共,共 10 分分)1.There are many students on the playground.Some are running._ are playing.A.OtherB.AnotherC.OthersD.The other2.Tom _ sit indoor a lot.However,he _ walking for an hour every day now.A.used to,is used

2、 used to,used toC.used to,used used to,is used to3.Xian is one of_ cities in China.A.beautifulB.more beautifulC.most beautifulD.the most beautiful4.It is raining heavily outside.I can do _ to help her _ stay at home.A.something,butB.anything,soC.nothing,butD.nothing,so5.Basketball is po

3、pular around the world._ people play it every day.A.MillionB.Two millionsC.Million ofD.Millions of6.The girl is _.Today is her _ birthday.A.twelfth;twelfthB.twelve;twelfthC.twelfth;twelveD.twelve;twelve7.There is _ milk in the fridge.Would you go to the shop and get _?A,a little;anyB.a few;someC.few

4、;anyD.little;some8.Henry won first prize in the school sports game,because he jumped _ of all.A.farB.fartherC.the farthestD.further9.-How do you like this red dress?-Well,I want to buy a _ one than this,but _ this.A.cheaper;as well asB.cheaper;as good asC.cheaper;so good;as good as10.Li Mi

5、ng speaks Chinese _ better than me.A.veryB.muchC.a lot ofD.more二二、语法选择(每小题、语法选择(每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分)A long time ago,there lived a king.He built many things.Every year,he would spend a lot ofmoney _11_ his palace and every time it was much _12_ than before.One day,the king had a new plan and he said

6、to his men,“This year,I _13_ the best palacein the world.It _14_ be praised(称赞)within my kingdom,and by the people of neighboringstates.”After building his palace,the king invited noblemen(贵族)from his kingdom,as well as fromneighboring states to come.And he asked them _15_ their opinions about the p

7、alace.“Unbelievable!It is _16_ most beautiful palace,”the noblemen said.They looked aroundthe palace and thought it was _17_.But one man who looked young stood in the comer.Hehardly said _18_.2The king wanted to know why the man was quiet when _19_ else was praising his palace.He walked up to the ma

8、n and asked,“Hello,young man.You keep silent.Is there anything wrongwith my palace?”The man smiled and replied in a calm voice,“Your Majesty!Your palace is strongand will last _20_ years or even longer.It is beautiful _21_ not perfect.Many of yourpeople are still suffering a hard life,_22_ your pala

9、ce looks wonderful.Because of that,I amsilent.”The king listened to the young mans opinion _23_.Then he thanked the wise man for_24_ honest words and said he would never try to rebuild his palace again.Instead,he used themoney _25_ the people in buildB.builtC.buildingD.build12.A.beautif

10、ulB.more beautifulC.most beautifulD.the most beautiful13.A.have builtB.will buildC.builtD.was give16.A./ oneD.

11、someone20.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundred ofD.hundreds help三、完形填空三、完形填空(每题每题 1 分分,共,共 10 分分)Once there were three trees on a hill.They were _26_ their hopes an

12、d dreams.The first treesaid,“I want to be a treasure box.Then I could be filled with _27_.”The second tree said,“Someday I will be a ship.I will take the king _28_ the sea.”Finally,the third said,“I want togrow to be the _29_ tree in the forest.People will see me on the top of the hill.”However,seve

13、ral years later,the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals.And thesecond tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there,but _30_ knew him.Then one day,a _31_ mother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby.She had nomoney _32_ she chose the wooden box.The first tree could feel t

14、he baby was the greatesttreasure for the mother.The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain.For the last tree,whenthe villagers were tired,they _33_ take a break under it on hot days.The three trees _34_come true.Sometimes,when things dont happen as you expect,dont lose _35_.Wherever you are,

15、please remember the decision youve made at first.Hold on to it!Thats what we call“dream”.326.A.looking forB.making upC.talking aboutD.writing about27.A.moneyB.timeC.foodD.love28.A.throughB.againstC.fromD.across29.A.shortestB.tallestC.oldestD.newest30.A.everyoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.somebody31.A.poorB.ri

16、chC.strangeD.proud32.A.becauseB.orC.soD.till33.A.shouldB.couldC.needD.must34.A.reportsB.risksC.interestsD.dreams35.A.hopeB.wayC.changeD.choice四、四、阅读理解(阅读理解(每题每题 2 分分,共,共 30 分分)AAnna Brown was an artist who believed that it was important to help others.When she heard ofa summer camp for children with

17、 serious illnesses,she came up with an idea.It cost money for thesekids to go to the camp,soAnna decided to see what she could do to help.It was impossible for her todonate(捐赠)a lot of money,so she had to think of another way.She wanted to take advantage of her love of art.So she started making and

18、selling beautifulcards to raise money for these kids.Because these cards were all handmade,it would take her a longtime to make a lot of them.SoAnna had another idea.She started inviting friends to her house tohelp her make the cards.At first her friends were hesitant.Many said that they were not ar

19、tistic anddidnt know how to make cards.But once they saw the beautiful materials that she had in herworkroom,her friends felt more comfortable doing things such as drawing and cutting in order tomake a new card.But the materials were expensive.To make money without spending money,Anna asked for andg

20、ot donations of paper,glue,scissors,and other things from nearby stores.She sold her cards forthree dollars each in different art markets during t43he year.Anna raised more than$30,000 in her 10years making cards.36.What was Anna?A.An artist.B.Adoctor.C.Aworker.D.Ateacher.37.What didAnna invite her

21、friends to do?A.Sell cards.B.Make cards.C.Buy materials.D.Donate materials.38.What does the underlined word“hesitant”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.坐立不安的B.犹豫不决的C.兴高采烈的D.心甘情愿的39.Which of the following can best describeAnna?A.Kind-hearted.B.Polite.C.Brave.D.Humorous.4BAn abacus,also called a countin

22、g frame,was first used by the Asians for showing arithmeticprocesses(计算过程).It was in use centuries before the invention of the written modern system ofnumbers.And it was widely used by merchants and clerks in ancient China,Japan,Africa,India andelsewhere.Nowadays,the abacus often has a wooden frame

23、with beads on the wires.The user of anabacus is called an abacist,who calculates by sliding the beads of the abacus by hand.It is said that the abacus was invented in 550 BC in China.The use of the word“abacus”firstappeared before 1387.Its plural is abacuses.A new kind of abacus was found on the isl

24、and of Salamis(near Greece)in 1846.It may be theoldest counting board discovered so far.As computers and mobile phones appeared,people began to pay less attention to abacuses.Mostyoung people dont even know how to use them.I think they will die out in a few years.It will be agreat pity.40.Who first

25、used abacuses?A.TheArabiansB.TheAsiansC.TheAmericansD.The Europeans.41.What is an abacist?A.An inventor of the abacus.B.Aseller of the abacus.C.Auser of an abacus.D.Amaker of the abacus.42.When did the word“abacus”appear?A.About 160 years ago.B.After 1387.C.About 1500 years ago.D.Before 1387.43.What

26、 does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph?A.We should pay some attention to the abacus.B.The abacus is a great invention in the human history.C.Computers are more important than abacuses.D.The abacus was not invented by Chinese people.CAlmost half of Chinese parents play with their mobi

27、le phone while talking with their childrenaccording to a new study.The study of 4170 primary and middle school students in six cities has been done by ChinaYouth and Children Research Centre.It finds that 8 percent of parents often play with their mobile phones when talking with theirchildren and 40

28、 percent sometimes answer their phone calls when communicating with them.Morethan 40 percent of Children say their parents do not pay enough attention to them while they aretalking according to the study.The top five topics in parent-student communication are study,what happened in school,5interests

29、 and hobbies,friends and the childs future.Sun Hongyan,from the China Youth and Children Research Center,says communicationbetween parents and children has changed a lot.Now,the use of iPads or mobile phones has becomethe main reason for parent-child fights.“Children often get on the Internet to tal

30、k to others when they do not have enoughcommunication with their parents,”Sun says.She advises that parents should talk to children insincere manner,listen to them,respect them and keep eye contact while talking.44.How many children in the study say their parents do not pay enough attention to them

31、whilethey are talking?A.About 334B.Over 1668C.About 2085D.417045.Which of the following is NOT one of the top five topics in parent-student communication?A.SportsB.FriendsC.StudyD.Interests and hobbies46.Why do parents and children usually fight according the passage?A.Because children want to stay

32、up late at nights.B.Because parents dont allow children to smoke.C.Because of not enough contact between them.D.Because of the use of iPads or mobile phones.47.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The study includes primary and middle school students from 6 cities.B.T

33、he study shows 40%of children use phones when talking when their parents.C.Sun Hongyan gave three pieces of advice to teachers in thir middle schools.D.Sun Hongyan thought respecting and listening to children is not important.D6Choose the best answer to each question according to the weather report.

34、48.The sun rises at about _ on June 26.A.6:00B.9:00C.10:00D.7:0049.The highest temperature will be on _.A.June 29B.June 27C.July 2D.June 250.It will probably be rainy for _ days.A.2B.4C.5D.6五、五、阅读填空(阅读填空(每题每题 1 分分,共,共 5 分分)Its reported that a Chinese company has created a new facial recognition(面部识别

35、)system thatcan know who you are even if you are wearing a mask._51_ COVID-19 has led most people towear masks to protect themselves and people around._52_ According to engineers at the Hanwang Technology56-65 Ltd.,this system is the firstto be used in he world.“A team of 20 engineers finished it in

36、 about a month,adding a collection ofabout 6 million unmasked faces and a smaller collection of masked faces,”the company said._53_ One uses single channel recognition.The other kind is a multi-channel(多通道的)recognition system that uses groups of cameras._54_“When people wear a mask,the recognition r

37、ate(比率)can reach about 95 percent,”said HuangLei,Hanwangs vice president.“_55_”Nowadays the new system is trying to know who a person is when he or she is wearingsunglasses and a mask.“In such situations,all of the key facial information is lost,makingrecognition hard,”Huang said.A.Its said that the

38、 multi-channel system can find a person in a group of up to 30 people quickly.B.The systems success rate for people without wearing a mask is about 99.5 percent.C.China is leading the world in the development of artificial intelligence(AI).D.Developers began working on the new system in January 2020

39、 when COVID-19 appeared inChina.E.Hanwang is now selling two kinds of machines using the new technology.六六、课文默写(、课文默写(每空每空 0.5 分分,共,共 5 分分)In the 1940s,the first computers were bigger than cars.Now computers are 56_ smallerand better.Some computers are 57_.You may be unaware of them.There is probabl

40、y one insideyour TV or washing machine.You 58_ on computers more than you realize.We can use computers to 59_ at a faster speed than we can and almost never givewrong answers.We can also type and draw things with them.In addition,computers can doimportant jobs like operating railways and60 f_ planes

41、 and spaceships.Alexander Graham Bell 61_ one of the first 62_ telephones in 1876.Sincethen,people have been able to speak to each other over long 63_.Today millions of peopleacross the world 64_ mobile phones.They 65_ people to keep in touch with each7other anytime,anywhere.七七、语篇填词(、语篇填词(每空每空 1 分分,

42、共,共 5 分分)Do you always find it is raining when you walk out?Or are you always buying umbrellas andleaving them home when it rains?There is a new umbrella that could solve both problems.Theumbrella will not only tell you the 66.w_,but also let you know youve left it behind.How does it 67.w_?The umbre

43、lla will send a message to your smartphone.And it says“Hey,its going to 68.r_ in 15 minutes where you are,so youd better take your umbrella.”Besides,if you are forgetful,you may never leave an umbrella on a bus or somewhere else again.The umbrella will send a warning to your smartphone if you leave

44、it behind.The new umbrella maygo on sale soon.Though it is a good idea and it looks pretty cool,the umbrella will be quite 69.e_.Maybe you will just check the 70.f_ weather apps on your smartphone andtake an umbrella with you when it is going to rain.八八、词形变化、词形变化(每题(每题 1 分分,共,共 10 分)分)71.From an ear

45、ly age,David showed great _(intelligent).72.Mozart was neither a painter nor an inventor,but a great _(music).73.Yesterday,he _(challenge)me to a tennis game.74.Peter _(promise)that he would go to school earlier the next time.75.The man didnt know how to _(operation)the train.76.Jackie is good at _(

46、type)the words at a fast food.77.He likes playing football and he _(practical)a lot after class every day.78.Though chickens have two _(wing),they cant fly like birds.79.Cathy _(sell)her house at a high price yesterday.80.You should _(correctly)your answer as soon as possible.九、完成九、完成句子(句子(每空每空 0.5,

47、共共 15 分分)81.刚才,警察命令那个小偷不要再跑。Just now,the policeman_the thief_ _ _any more.82.王小军很期待加入中国人民解放军。Wang Xiaojun_ _ _ _the Peoples Liberation.83.乡村的夜晚真安静啊!_ _ it is at night in the countryside!84.我的书包跟你的不一样重。My schoolbag is _ _ _ _ yours.85.依我看,我们的新老师很严厉而亲切。_ _ _,our new teacher is strict but kind.86.我知道他为

48、什么对踢足球感兴趣。I know _ _ _ _ _ playing football.87.爱因斯塔是多么伟大的一位发明家啊!8_ _ _ _Albert Einstein was!88.同时做两件不同的事情是很难的。It is difficult to do two different things _ _ _ _十、写作十、写作(15 分分)你想发明一台家庭医生机器人,觉得这对社会也是一种贡献。请阐述发明原因:原因 1可以在家随时看病、照顾家人原因 2不用去人多的医院,节省了很多时间补充.参考词汇:family doctor robot1.请以此为内容,适当增加信息,写一篇不少于 80 字的文章。2.文中禁止出现班级、姓名等个人信息。_


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