Unit 1-4 重点单词、短语、句式-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.docx

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Unit 1-4 重点单词、短语、句式-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.docx_第1页
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Unit 1-4 重点单词、短语、句式-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.docx_第5页
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1、2020级新教材必修1重点单词、短语、句型Unit 1-2单元单词/短语/句式/语法现象中文翻译所在句unit 1rise to the challenges迎接挑战When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.unit 1acquire knowledge习得知识同上unit 1open the door to your potential带来更多潜力Most importantly, your time a

2、nd effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential.unit 1Put simply简而言之Put simply, potential is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough.unit 1make advances做出进步what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop.unit 1develop

3、 technologies发展技术同上unit 1make a difference to有积极影响1 have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your family, your community and your country.unit 1realize your potential实现潜能To fully realize your potential, it is important to make the most of our school resources.unit 1make the most of最大限

4、度地利用同上unit 1take advantage of最大限度地利用Take advantage of your classes, learn from your teachers and classmates, and make use of our school facilities.unit 1take an active part in积极参与Join a club or two, and take an active part in different sports.unit 1表语倒装Of equal importance are good study habits, usef

5、ul skills and a positive attitude.unit 1balance A with B平衡A和BSet clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities.unit 1让步状语从句Last but not least, always look on the bright side and never lose hope,even in difficult situations.unit 1a well-rounded individual全面发展的人In time you will find yo

6、urself growing into a well-rounded individual.unit 1make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character不断努力锻炼你的心智和发展你的性格You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character.unit 1tie it to a goal把它和目标联系在一起If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a

7、goal.unit 1extended reading延伸阅读unit 1get on well相处融洽We were both in year ten and we got on well.unit 1move around for-为了四处走动Each teacher has their own classroom and the students move around for every lesson.unit 1it作形式主语However,itstill tough for me to remember everyonesname!unit 1put the parts toget

8、her组装The teacher helped me put the parts together.unit 1make a great contribution做出重大贡献Class discussion is very important in the UK,but 1 could not_ make a great contribution.unit 1类比结构让步状从,as-as 结构Although there was not as much homework as 1 was used to, it was still challenging.unit 1over time渐渐地M

9、y language skills improved over time.unit 1定语从句The one that attracted me most was the Rugby Club.unit 1fantastic hosts极好的主人(房 东)Daniel and his family were fantastic hosts.unit 1cant wait to do 固搭1 cant wait for Daniel to visit China!unit 1optional courses offered所提供的选修课is one of the many optional co

10、urses offered to students who are interested in traditional art.unit 1learn about the basics of Chinese Calligraphy学习关于中国书法 的基础知识From 13:00 to 14:00,students learn about the basics ofChinese Calligraphyunit 1非谓语动词Students put on a calligraphy show,attracting more students to Chinese calligraphy.unit

11、 2省略一旦在那, 不开心与担忧都会消失1 dont know what home is, but unhappiness and worries melt away once there.unit 2advice on parent-child tensions关于家长与孩子的矛盾的建议write a letter of advice on parentchild tensionsunit 2spread its wings展翅高飞spread its wings and fly aloneunit 2go through a period of rapid development经历一段快

12、速发展时期When teenagers bodies and minds go through a period of rapid development, every part of their lives can be influenced-unit 2under the same roof同一屋檐下strangers under the same roof 7unit 2turn into a battle变为一场争吵Does every dinner with your parents turn into a battle?unit 2guarded保守的,谨慎的Have your o

13、nce warm and open conversations become cold and guarded?unit 2see eye to eye with them与他们对视Do you feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with them on anything?unit 2你不是一个人You are not alone.unit 2heated arguments and cold silences激烈的争吵与冰冷的沉默Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teen

14、agers and their parents.unit 2family tensions家庭矛盾Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tensions.unit 2develop at a different rate以不同速度在发展You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind.unit 2shooting up

15、 in height or getting left far behind.飞速长高或者被远远落下同上unit 2the first targets of your anger你怒火的第一个靶 子When it all gets too much, your parents are often the first targets of your anger.unit 2情态动词canIt can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too.unit 2middle ground中间地带You enter a str

16、ange middle ground-no longer a small child but not quiet an adult.unit 2desire for independence and a continued need for your parents love and support.渴望独立和对父母 的爱与支持的持续You have both a new desire for independence and c continued need for your parents love and support.unit 2let me go让我走Why cant they j

17、ust let me go ?unit 2a rough ride艰难的过程sometimes they forget growing up is a rough ride.unit 2a breakdown in关系的破裂All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.unit 2get along和睦相处Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a familyunit 2the key to keeping the peace保持和平的关键The k

18、ey to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.unit 2from their point of view从他们的角度When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view.unit 2address their concerns解决他们的担忧After you have thought it through.explain yo

19、ur actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully, and address their concerns.unit 2back down让步Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.unit 2relax their control减轻管控同上unit 2struggle with the stress that parent-child

20、tensions create在由家庭矛盾产生的压力中挣扎Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.unit 2stormy period暴风雨时期(艰难的时期)The good news is that this stormy period will not last.uni

21、t 2turn out all right in the end在最后变得一切顺利Everything will turn out all right in the end, and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will_ prepare you for adulthood.unit 2the changes and challenges of your teenage years你青年时期的改变与挑战同上unit 2prepare you for adulthood为你成年时期做准备同上unit 2help you alo

22、ng the journey to adulthood在成年的路上一路帮你So, we have designed TeenHealthWeb to help you along the journey to adulthood.unit 2find advice on your problem找到关于你问题的建议You can look through these articles to find advice on your problem.unit 2forum论坛You can visit the teen health forum on our website instead.uni

23、t 2the heart这个论坛是我们微博的核心We are proud to say this forum is the heart of our website.unit 2look around our website逛逛我们的论坛There is a lot to see, so take some time to look around our website.unit 2press sb to do强迫某人做某事When were at home,she keeps pressing me to study all the time.unit 2leave me alone别管我W

24、hy cant she leave me alone 7unit 2take a break once in a while偶尔休息一下1 want to take n break once in a while.unit 2be stressed about我对学业很紧张Im stressed about schoolwork.unit 2show any concern表现出任何的担忧Im stressed about schoolwork, but neither of them show any concern.unit 2他们总是在某些事情上找我麻烦Theyre always on

25、my back about something.unit 2be more flexible更灵活,更宽松1 wish they could be more flexible so that 1 can make my own choices about what to do in my spare time.unit 2count out数数,清点Every Saturday night Mama would sit down by the kitchen table and count out the money Papa had brought home.unit 2the big si

26、lver pieces大银币Mama would count out the big silver pieces.unit 2anxious interest急切的兴趣We would watch with anxious interestunit 2have to go downtown不得不去市里We all felt very good because we did not have to go downtown and draw money out of Mamas Bank Account.unit 2draw money out of取出钱同上unit 2depend upon依赖

27、,依靠Whatever happened, we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon.unit 2hurried over to Mamas快速跑到妈妈身边1 hurried over t。Mamas and put it in her lap.unit 2silver头发白的,银的Papa seemed shorter,and Mamas hair was silver now.unit 2teller(银行的)出纳员Just hand it to the teller.unit 2struggles and dreams of

28、a family家庭的奋斗与梦想(Adapted from Kathryn Forbes Mamas BankAccount,which has 17 short stories and describes the struggles and dreams of a family in San Francisco in the early 1900s)unit 2supervillain超级反派a supervillain named Gru is trying to steal the moon.unit 2takes on the role of扮演的角色What will happen

29、when Gru takes on the role of father?unit 2strengthen their relationships加固了他们的关系It tells the story of four sisters and their parents, and how the experiences they have strengthen their relationships.unit 2overcome all difficulties克服所有的困难Read the novel to be inspired by this familys support for one

30、another and their determination to overcome all difficulties.Unit 3-4单元单词/短语/句式/语法现象中文翻译所在句Unit3have a problem with与.有矛盾The forum exchange below includes a post written by Amy, a teenage girl who had a problem with her best friend Jenny,and two replies.Unit3on the rocks处于困境Friendship on the rocks: p

31、lease advise!Unit3hang out闲逛Whether were walking to school,doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend,were hardly out of each others sight.Unit3out of each others sight不在对方的视线同上Unit3break my heart伤了我的心But last Saturday,she broke my heart,and Im still picking up the pieces.Unit3pick up the pie

32、ces收拾残局同上Unit3make it to the cinema去电影院When 1 called her,she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema.Unit3a complete lie一个彻底的谎言My friends illness was a complete lie!Unit3the stress of的压力The stress of this situation is killing me.and Im at a loss what to do next.Unit3kill me毁灭了我同上Unit3Im

33、at a loss what to do next我对接下来做什么 很茫然同上Unit3be worth saving值得拯救But this friendship is worth saving.Unit3in the wrong做错了Perhaps she knows shes in the wrong and wants to apologize,or maybe she has a simple explanation for her behaviour.Unit3in any case在任何情况In any case.find an opportunity to have a ful

34、l and frank talk with her.Unit3have a full and frank talk with her和她有一个充实真 诚的谈话同上Unit3be tricked by him被他欺骗When 1 found out that 1 was tricked by him,l was really hurt and let go of our friendship.Unit3let go of释放,手松开同上Unit3make you suffer让你受苦However,if your friend ignores you feelings or makes you

35、suffer,its time to rethink your friendship.Unit3rethink your friendship重新考虑你的友谊同上Unit3move on离开Its sad to move on.but you have to accept that friends come and go in life.Unit3宾语从句Its sad to move on,but you have to accept that friends come and go in life.Unit31 cannot imagine living without it我无法想象没有

36、它1 cannot imagine living without it.Unit3定语从句A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.Unit3keep us connected使我们保持联系Yet these days, the modern tools that keep us connected are eating away at the meaning of friendship.Unit3eat away at侵蚀同上Unit3the meaning of friendship

37、友谊的意义同上Unit3shallow肤浅的We may be able to make many friends online, but these friendshipscan be quite shallow.Unit3take the place of代替Texting and messaging cannot take the place of face-to- face chatting.Unit3定语从句Liking our friends photos online does not develop the connection which we share.Unit3deve

38、lop the connection建立联系Liking our friends photos online does not develop the connectionwhich we share.Unit3put down放下To make friends a real part of our lives,we should put down oursmartphones and meet them in person.Unit3meet sb in person亲自见面To make friends a real part of our lives,we should put down

39、 oursmartphones and meet them in person.Unit3leave me think about让我思考It also left me thinking about what it really means to be a good friend.Unit3宾语从句It also left me thinking about what it really means to be a good friendUnit3the following qualities以下品质In my opinion,the following qualities form the

40、basis of a friendship.Unit3form the basis of a friendship形成友谊的基础In my opinion,the following qualities form the basis of a friendship.Unit3have trouble in doing sth有问题1 can see that Tim is having trouble balancing his project and his schoolwork.Unit3try my best to help尽我最大努力去帮 助Tim is someone whom 1

41、should try my best to help,even if it means more work for me.Unit3bring out the best in a person把我最好的一面培 养出来。To me,a good friend brings out the best in a person.Unit3measure myself by these standards根据那些标准评定 我自己Ill always value these qualities of a good friend and try toMeasure myself by these stand

42、ards as our friendship develops.Unit3talk our problems over with a friend和一个朋友交流我 们的问题Also,when we want to talk our problems over with a friend,we have to put our thoughts into words first.Unit3put our thoughts into words first首先把我们的想法变成文字同上Unit3bring us a more thorough understanding of our problems

43、让我们对于我们的 问题有彻底的理解This alone helps make our thoughts clearer and brings us a more thorough understanding of our problems.Unit3enjoy the company of a crowd享受人群的陪伴It should be pointed out that enjoying the company of a crowd is not the same as being with friendsUnit3form a lasting friendship形成持久的友谊Li B

44、ai and Du Fu, two of the greatest poets in Chinese history,formed a lasting friendship.Unit3come down to this very day导致这一天Stories of their friendship have come down to this very day.Unit3让步状语从句,主 语从句Though the two poets met only a couple of times during their lives, their shared love of poems kept

45、them close together.Unit3宾语从句The relationship between Li Bai and Du Fu shows that shared interests form the basis of true friendship, which ties one heart to the other no matter how far away they are from each other.Unit3让步状语从句The relationship between Li Bai and Du Fu shows that shared interests form the basis of true friendship, which ties one heart to the other no matter how far away they are from each other.Unit4There is growing concern about有持续增长的关注 有关There is growing concern about weight problems among senior high school students.Unit4skip meals不吃饭The news re


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