外研必修2Module1 Our body and healthy habits课件.ppt-(纯ppt课件,无音视频素材)

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1、1diet n饮食,节食饮食,节食vi.&vt.节食,节食,均衡饮食均衡饮食a balanced dietLanguage pointsIts important to have a balanced diet.均衡的日常饮食很重要。He is too fat and his parents often advise him to go on a diet.他太胖了,他父母经常劝他节食。No sugar in my coffee,please;Im dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。2.fit adj.适合的;健康的;能胜任的;适合的;健康的;能胜任的;v.适合;使适合;使(衣服

2、衣服)合身;合身;相处融洽What kind of job is he fit for?他适合什么样的工作?他适合什么样的工作?He keeps fit with diet and exercise.他通过节食和运动来保持健康。他通过节食和运动来保持健康。Larry doesnt seem to fit in with the other children.拉里好像和别的孩子相处得不融洽。拉里好像和别的孩子相处得不融洽。3.rarely adv.稀少地,极少地稀少地,极少地 adj.rare稀少的,罕有的稀少的,罕有的Rarely 位于句首,句子半倒装位于句首,句子半倒装(变一般疑问句变一般疑

3、问句)相同用法的词有:相同用法的词有:seldom,handly.never等等I rarely go to see him because Im very busy.Rarely do I go to see him because Im very busy.我很少花钱旅游。我很少花钱旅游。Rarely do I spend money travelling.4.connectwith 把与联系起来 Many people connect leaders with corruption.许多人把领导和腐败联系起来。be connected with 与有关系 =have something

4、to do with The young man is connected with the robbery.5.see sb.sth.do sth.doing sth.done看见某人做过某事看见某人做过某事看见某人正做某事看见某人正做某事看到看到被做被做We saw him jump into the box.We saw them dancing.We saw him knocked down.5.make sb.sth.do sth.done使使/让某人做某事让某人做某事使使被做被做He made the farmers work day and night.动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语补

5、足语宾语补足语一感一感(feel)二听二听(listen,hear)三让三让(make,have,let)四看四看(look,see,watch,notice)do sth.(do sth.(省省toto不定式不定式)done done当这些词为被动时当这些词为被动时to do 不定式还原不定式还原+sb/sth.The farmers were made to work day and night.I saw him enter the hall.He was seen to enter the hall.I heard the students sing an English song.T

6、he students were heard to sing an English song.6.headn.头,头脑,领袖 v.(to go towards)朝前进head for/towards向(某处)行进/朝去【相关拓展】在平时阅读时经常遇到名词转化为动词的情况,常见的名词可以转化为动词的情况有:mother n.母亲v.溺爱;像母亲般地照顾 book n.书v.预订eye n.眼睛v.看,注视father n.父亲v.像父亲般地照顾finger n.手指v.用手指摸house n.房子v.提供住处nurse n.护士v.照料sound n.声音v.听起来taste n.味道v.品尝F

7、inish Grammar1 Part 2 on page 5 Finish Grammar1 Part 2 on page 5 coatbabycornerservicespoonfishstormgardendogwatershiphostfacebridgenameshoulderpaintbottleroom excuserecord desertdietabandonanxiouslyadv.焦急地焦急地anxiousanxietyadj.不安的不安的,渴望的渴望的n.焦虑焦虑,不安不安1).be/feel anxious about/for 2).be anxious(for sb

8、.)to do sth.为为担忧担忧渴望渴望(某人某人)/急于做某事急于做某事7.3).be too anxious to do sth.非常渴望做某事非常渴望做某事品味经典品味经典We are anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安归来。我们盼望你平安归来。He is only too anxious to see the famous star.他非常急切地盼望看到那个明星。他非常急切地盼望看到那个明星。We are anxious to know the result of the College Entrance Exam.我们急于知道高考成绩。我们急

9、于知道高考成绩。【特别提示】【特别提示】be anxious that-clause 渴望(某人)渴望(某人)做做.We were anxious that the train should arrive on time.我们渴望火车准时到达。我们渴望火车准时到达。8.You can at least go and get your jacket.at least/at the least 至少,起码至少,起码at most/at the most 至多,不超过至多,不超过A child must sleep at(the)least eight hours a day.She is at(t

10、he)most 25 years old.8.But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。自我探究自我探究thats because.那是因为那是因为that/this is why.那是那是的原因的原因,那是为什么那是为什么品味经典品味经典He was given a warning.Thats because he was late for school again.他受到警告,那是因为他上学又迟到了。他受到警告,那是因为他上学又

11、迟到了。He was late for school again.That is why he was given a warning.归纳拓展归纳拓展The reason why he is absent is that he is ill.他不在的原因是他生病了。他不在的原因是他生病了。牛刀小试牛刀小试用用why,because 填空:填空:(1)She was absent from school yesterday.That was _her mother was ill.(2)Her mother was ill.That was_she was absent from school

12、 yesterday.(3)The reason _she is crying is that she lost all her money.(4)I suggest we buy a new computer.This is _the old one has been damaged.答案:答案:(1)because(2)why(3)why(4)because我可真够糊涂的我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话。竟然相信他的话。I was stupid enough to believe him.她已经到了自己作决定的时候了。她已经到了自己作决定的时候了。She is old enough to d

13、ecide for herself.汉译英汉译英:9.But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.形容词形容词(副词副词)+enough to do.表示够表示够.;达到了做某件事的地步达到了做某件事的地步10.Two years ago,I broke my arm playing football.现在分词短语作伴随状语现在分词短语作伴随状语相当于相当于:When/while I was playing football.完成句子完成句子:1)The man slipped and fell _ (下

14、公共汽车时下公共汽车时).2)_(看报看报 时时),I heard the door bell ring.3)_(下山下山 时时),he met Tom on the way.getting off the busReading my newspaperComing down the hill11injurevt.损害,伤害(1)injury n.损伤(害),毁坏,injured adj.受伤的(2)be/get injured 受伤the injured 伤者This could seriously injure the companys reputation.这可能严重损害这家公司的声誉。

15、这可能严重损害这家公司的声誉。The injured(people)were taken to hospital immediately.受伤者立即被送入医院。受伤者立即被送入医院。巧巧学学助助记记wound,harm,hurt,injure(1)wound常指在战争或暴力中受伤,也可指精神上受创伤。该词常指在战争或暴力中受伤,也可指精神上受创伤。该词也可作名词,指战斗中因刀或枪而受的创伤、伤口。也可作名词,指战斗中因刀或枪而受的创伤、伤口。(2)harm常用于口语,一般作及物动词,表示常用于口语,一般作及物动词,表示“对对有害有害/损损害害”,特指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,并使

16、之,特指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,并使之产生痛苦、损害或某种不幸遭遇。该词也可作名词。产生痛苦、损害或某种不幸遭遇。该词也可作名词。(3)hurt为一般用语,既可以指对肉体或精神上的伤害,也可表示为一般用语,既可以指对肉体或精神上的伤害,也可表示在事故中受伤。在事故中受伤。(4)injure主要指在事故中受伤,其名词是主要指在事故中受伤,其名词是injury,可指平时的大小,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。1.She was badly injured in the car accident.她在车祸中严重受伤。2.He didnt

17、want to hurt her feelings.他并不想伤她的感情。3.His father was wounded in that battle.他父亲在那次战斗中负伤。4.Smoking harms your health.吸烟有害健康。12.pain-n.痛苦,痛痛苦,痛 pain-killer 止痛药止痛药I have a sharp pain in my back.我后背痛的厉害。我后背痛的厉害。-pains(复数复数)苦心,刻苦,苦恼苦心,刻苦,苦恼 No pains,no gains.没有付出就没有收获没有付出就没有收获take pains to do sth.煞费苦心煞费苦

18、心/努力做某事努力做某事adj.painful a painful injury/experience 13.文章中出现了四个文章中出现了四个“as”引导的句子引导的句子(1)said Zhou Kai,as he opened the door.“as”引导时间状语,引导时间状语,“当当时候时候/随着随着./一一边边,一边一边.”当我抬头的时候,我看到老师正站在我身边。当我抬头的时候,我看到老师正站在我身边。As I looked up,I saw my teacher standing besides me.随着年纪越来越大,他除了喜欢唱歌,对一切都随着年纪越来越大,他除了喜欢唱歌,对一切

19、都失去了兴趣。失去了兴趣。As he grew older,he lost interest in everything,except singing.他一边听一边记笔记。他一边听一边记笔记。He took notes as he listened.As time went by,he became less patient.(2)and did as he was told.“as”引导方式状语,引导方式状语,“按照,像按照,像一样一样”你必须按照老师告诉你的做这个实验。你必须按照老师告诉你的做这个实验。You must do the experiment as your teacher t

20、old you to.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗入乡随俗We must operate the machine as the instructions show you.as you can see from what Iv said.as I ve said(3)as 引导非限定性定语从句,引导非限定性定语从句,“正如、正像正如、正像”正如我们都知道的正如我们都知道的/众所周知,地球是圆的。众所周知,地球是圆的。众所周知,中国正变得越来越强大。众所周知,中国正变得越来越强大。As we all know,the earth is round.A

21、s is known to us all,China is becoming stronger and stronger.1)Child as he is,he can carry the heavy box.虽然他是个孩子,但他能搬动这个重箱子。虽然他是个孩子,但他能搬动这个重箱子。2)Young as he is,he knows a lot.他虽然年轻,但他知道很多。他虽然年轻,但他知道很多。1)As you were out,I left a message.因为你出去了,我留了便条。因为你出去了,我留了便条。1)尽管尽管,引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,句子倒装。句子倒装。2)由于

22、由于,引导原因壮语从句。引导原因壮语从句。2)As it is raining,lets go by taxi.由于下雨,我们坐出租车去吧。由于下雨,我们坐出租车去吧。14.normal adj.正常的;普通的;n.正常,常态(1)live a normal life过着正常的生活(2)above(below)normal高于/低于常态return to normal恢复正常We live a normal life every day.我们每天过着正常的生活。Her body temperature is normal.她的体温正常。Two months after the hurrican

23、e,everything returned to normal.飓风之后的两个月,一切又恢复了正常。His English level is far below normal.他的英语水平远远低于正常标准。15.have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食Many people have a sweet tooth.16.anything like that 类似的事情 I dont buy or eat fried food,or anything like that.17.Do you take exercise every morning?做运动、锻炼18.He is crazy about playing games on the Internet They work like crazy.他们发疯似地工作/学习.Turn that music down;its driving me crazy!把音乐调小声点儿,它吵得我心烦。19.feed sb on/with sth=feed sth to sb 用来喂 feed on 以为食 The farmers feed the silkworms with leaves.Cattle feed on grass.


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