1、机械循环支持与心原机械循环支持与心原性休克性休克case病例简介心电图:窦性心动过速,下侧壁导联ST段抬高。2病史简介胸部CTA:双侧胸腔少量积液,未示肺栓塞表现。床旁经胸超声心动图:大量心包积液,下腔静脉扩张,右心房和右心室(RV)舒张期塌陷。LVEF目测估计为45至50。冠状动脉造影:正常。3病例简介l 左右侧心导管检查结果(Table 1)4病例简介由于大量心包积液导致的舒张期压力上升,尽管升压药物剂量快速增加但患者仍然出现日益恶化的酸中毒,持续的低血压和心动过速。于是病人被送往手术室行心包开窗术以治疗心包填塞。尽管心包开窗术成功,但术中患者休克状态恶化,给予紧急安置IABP。随后患者在
2、初诊后24小时内被转运至哥伦比亚大学医学中心心血管科进一步诊治。到达中心时患者血压83/63(70)mmHg,窦速130bpm,尽管1:1IABP支持下血压可充至90mmHg,并已给予米力农0.25g/Kgmin和去甲肾上腺素15g/Kgmin静滴,但4小时之前病人的尿量已经减少到15cm3/h,留置的Swan-Ganz肺动脉漂浮导管提示增高的充盈压和低心输出量(Table 2)。考虑给予机械辅助循环支持治疗。5病例简介6病例简介7病例简介病人被送往手术室行CentriMag BIVAD植入,同时行心内膜心肌活检送病理检查。术中经食道超声心动图显示小心腔,LVEF50%with medical
3、 therapy(Class II;Level of Evidence B)22Current Recommendations for MCSCurrent Recommendations for MCSHFSA comprehensive HF practice guidelines:Patients awaiting heart transplantation who have become refractory to all means of medical circulatory support should be considered for an MCS device as a B
4、TT(Level of Evidence B)Permanent mechanical assistance with an implantable LVAD may be considered in highly selected patients with severe HF refractory to conventional therapy who are not candidates for heart transplantation,particularly those who cannot be weaned from intravenous inotropic support
5、at an experienced HF center(Level of Evidence B)23Current Recommendations for MCSCurrent Recommendations for MCSHFSA comprehensive HF practice guidelines:Patients with refractory HF and hemodynamic instability and/or compromised end-organ function with relative contraindications to cardiac transplan
6、tation or permanent MCS expected to improve with time or restoration of an improved hemodynamic pro be considered for urgent MCS as a bridge to decision;these patients should be referred to a center with expertise in the management of patients with advanced HF(Level of Evidence C)24Current Recommend
7、ations for MCSCurrent Recommendations for MCSCanadian HF guidelines:MCS may be offered to selected individuals with end-stage heart failure who are inotrope dependent and do not meet the traditional criteria for cardiac transplantation(Class IIb;Level of Evidence B)25Current Recommendations for MCSC
8、urrent Recommendations for MCSESC guidelines 2008/2010:Current indications for LVADs and artificial hearts include bridging to transplantation and managing patients with acute,severe myocarditis(Class IIa;Level of Evidence C)Although experience is limited,these devices may be considered for long-ter
9、m use when no definitive procedure is planned(Class IIb;Level of Evidence C)LVAD may be considered as destination treatment to reduce mortality(Class IIa;Level of Evidence B)26Thank You世界触手可及世界触手可及携手共进,齐创精品工程携手共进,齐创精品工程27人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。