Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking (ppt课件)(2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit One Teenage LifeListening and SpeakingGood habits formed at youth make all the difference.Aristotle2022-11-151Welcome Unit1._(register)for the test/course are lower this year than they were last year.2.At the International School they have pupils of 46 different _(national).3.She is one of the

2、 leading _(design)in the fashion world.4.My mother was very _(annoy),but she got over it.5.Miriam was too _(frighten)to tell her family what had happened.6.Were looking for someone with _ outgoing personality.7.It was their first meeting and Richard was determined to make an _(impress).8.The teacher

3、 wants the children to feel _(confidence)about asking questions when they dont understand.9.It was up to him to concentrate _ his studies and make something of himself.10.My mother says shes looking forward _(meet)you.1.Registrations 2.nationalities 3.designers 4.annoyed 5.frightened 6.an 7.impressi

4、on 8.confident k 9.on 10.to meeting【问题】registrations 可以理解为注册的次数 nationality【民族】/nation【国家;国民】One of+the+adj/adv 最高级+名词复数 look forward to+doing s.th Ballet Club _Nature Club _ Volunteer Club _Debate Club _I enjoy discussing different questions我喜欢讨论不同的问题discuss v.讨论,论述I love dancing我喜欢跳舞dance v.跳舞I pr

5、efer helping others.我更喜欢帮助其他人prefer v.更喜欢I am interested in plants and animals.我对植树和动物感兴趣be interested in 对.感兴趣1.Choose a school club.后接doing 做宾语的动词有:承认冒险别继续:admit,risk,keep理解原谅和感激:understand,excuse,appreciate推迟享受并练习:delay,enjoy,practice完成想象有建议:finish,imagine,suggest,advise避免错过别延期:avoid,escape,miss,

6、put off考虑宽恕不介意:consider,forgive,mind允许抵制或放弃:allow,permit,resist,stand,give up2.Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers.1.What are they learning about in Conversation 1?A.HearingB.SoundsC.Dogs2.The students are discussing _ in Conversation 2?A.schoolworkB.relationshipsC.d

7、ating3.Circle tow clubs where these two conversations happened.A.Science clubB.Ballet Club C.Nature ClubD.Debate ClubPredict contentBefore you listen,you canread the questions and the choices.It will help you to predict what you will hear.ACHigh frequency?Ballet Clubm learn new movementsm watch danc

8、e programmesm make ballet clothes Nature Clubm listen to lecturesm grow plantsm work in a greenhouse Cartoon Clubm watch cartoons m write stories m draw cartoonsVolunteer Clubm help old people m clean up parksm give directionsn.动作;活动n.温室;暖房打扫干净Listen to Conversation 3.Then help Adam choose a clubStu

9、dent AStudent BStudent BA:Hi,Cat!Ive decided to join the Singing Club.B:Glad to hear that.Youve been interested in singing.A:How about you?Are you going to join a club?B:Yes,Im considering whether joining Cartoon Club or Nature Club?A:I think that depends on what your interest is.Do you like plants

10、and animals or cartoons?B:Actually,I like plants and animals better.But perhaps I can watch many cartoons if I join the cartoon club.A:Hmm.I think you should choose what you like.Topic:Help your classmates choose a school clubal ay ai are ar er ir or or urtalk pay paint care bar her bird horseword b

11、urn wallstay daily declare hard perfect circus absorb work hurtballtallcallfallsmallwalkplaydaysaymayfailnailtailclaimmaildareglarestaresparedarkcardfarmmarkstarparkclerkcertaintermGermanpersonthirdgirlcircleskirtfirmconfirmnorthforceshortbornforimportantworldworthworsewormwordyturnpurposepurpleurba

12、nurgeurgentListen and repeat.Then add more words to each group.Pronunciationee ea ea ear ear oa ow ow ou orekeen clean head clear earn boat show now out moretree eager ready appear heard coach grow shower loud boredgreensheepseemseekteethkneeeattealeavepeacereadbeachbreadsweaterheavybreathdeathdeadd

13、earneartearyearhearfearearthlearnsearchresearchcoatgoatloadroadsoapblowglowknowthrowbelowsnowhowplowflowerbrowntoweltoweraboutshouthousesouthroundexplorebeforestoresoreforeheadListen and repeat.Then add more words to each group.Pronunciation2.Listen to the proverbs and repeat.Notice the pronunciatio

14、n of the letters in red.The early bird catches the worm.2.Always prepare for a rainy day3.Actions speak louder than words.4.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.5.Distance tests a horses strength.Time reveals a persons character.13.I now _ going back to work as soon as possible.(期待,期望)14.The t

15、ruth is beginning to _.(出现,露出)15.Her dream of being an actress _ at last.(实现)16.You must _your plans for the future.(认真思考,沉思)17.When you _,immediately try to correct it yourself.(犯错)18.We can _a free e-mail account.(申请)19.She_ everything,because she was on her first journey.(对好奇)20.If you _ somethin

16、g,you will love to learn it.(对有兴趣)21.Whether we will go there tomorrow _ the weather.(取决于)22.A journey of a thousand miles _ a single step.(开始于)23.Not only is Li Ping good at maths but also he _ physics.(做得好)24.My teacher advised me _ to improve my writing skills.(记日记)25.What are the advantages of s

17、tudying _ and studying alone?(以小组形式)26.Im not here to _ your complaints.(听说)look forward tocome outcame truereflect onmake a mistakeregister forwas curious aboutare interested into keep a diarybegins withdoes well independs onin groupslisten to9月15日|假期讲评高考系列讲座之阅读理解选择合适的短语(每小题2分,共10分)prefer.to.,is su

18、itable for clean upsign up for was responsible for1.Do you know who _the accident?2.I _swimming _running in summer.3.My mother has decided to _a yoga course since she came back from India last month.4.We all know that climbing mountains _young people.5.The students are asked to_ the campus every mor

19、ning.was responsible forprefer tosign up foris suitable forclean up1Some people think I cant because Im different but _(事实上)I can.2There will be a _(辩论)on abortion.【堕胎】3Workers said they would _(更喜欢)more flexible working hours.4One of some byproducts called _(温室)gases is carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)which ca

20、n trap more heat energy in the atmosphere.5With nobody forcing her to do so,Mary helps to work as a _(志愿者)in a local hospital every week because she finds it meaningful.6He didnt need to open the letter because he already knew the _(内容).7Swan Lake is one of the great classical _(芭蕾舞剧).8These _(青少年)a

21、re brought up within the traditional culture of their parents.9 The Browns would soon be penniless and homeless if they couldnt find _(合适的)work.1actually 2debate 3prefer 4greenhouse 5volunteer6content 7.ballets 8teenagers 9suitableA篇:1-3.CDD 信息提取类文章,直接找相关模块提取答案,不相关信息可以不去阅读。【book theater】rate【费用】|bal

22、ance【余额】|fare/charge/toll/passage/fine/refund 【computer tutor】tutor【家教】|tuition【学费】【Reader desk】check in/check in【办理入住/退住手续;办理入站/出站手续】【题3】Make Money This Summer with Sunny Libraries!【此类文章;关注首段】B篇:1-7.BADC 主旨:本文讲述紧张有趣的校园生活。【P2L1】rush【匆忙】|the rush hour|the rush hour|Christmas Rush|gold rush 【P3L4】be h

23、ooked up with【迷上】完型填空:主旨:作者搬入城市,融入新的学校生活所遇到的曲折。Hang out with sb【与某人一起出去】/fool around with sb【与某人一起瞎混】adapt to【适应】|perform well/badly【表现好/差】|go blank【变得一片空白】|My effort didnt pay off【成功;赢利;得到好结果;取得成功|depressed【忧郁的】与文尾呼应|be back on track【恢复正轨】|be back on ones feet【恢复;完全恢复】be off track【误认歧途】|reshape one

24、self【重塑自我】|look back on/to【回顾】【选项词汇】revise|wisdom|addicted|track|purpose|grades|strengths|balanced|suffered123456789101112131415BCADBBCADCABDBC63.16 71.43 21.81 39.85 30.08 42.86 48.12 32.33 26.32 38.35 27.82 53.38 33.08 60.90 51.13阅读七选五同范畴词是指跟此词汇相关或同一领域的词汇在文章中共同出现,达到语义衔接的目的。你可以在选项中找到与此词汇最接近的词,从而达到快

25、而准。一般来说,上下文中词汇联系越接近,上下文的衔接关系越紧密。复现,是保证文章前后衔接而经常使用的一种写作手段,即作者在文章上下文不同的位置对同一个概念进行重复描述。复现关系,主要是指、同义词复现、近义词复现、反义词复现等。【隐性复现】英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。it可指代单数名词或整个句子;they或them指代复数名词;one指代单数可数名词;that指代不可数名词或句子;this指代单数名词或句子;these 或those指代前句的复数名词。Holidays with f

26、riends can be great fun and a good way of getting to know each other better.Once you are on holiday,the trip can be full of fantastic memories if its planned correctly.Choose a destination 【目的地】_1_ Going abroad will cost more but be a more exciting experience.Going to a different place in your own c

27、ountry can also be fun and will be cheaper.Collect your friends Find out how much interest there is from people to go on the trip,and work out your maximum and invite those who you get on well with.【数 极大,最大限度;最大量】Meet up Everyone will have their own idea of what the trip is to be like,so meet up at

28、a local caf or restaurant,and share your ideas and concerns.2 Dont try to overpower others.Once youve all shared ideas youll have a much better idea of how to start organizing the trip.【压倒;克服;使无法忍受】Look for accommodation 【住处,膳宿】_3_ When you are searching for a place to stay in,read reviews and ratin

29、gs(等级).Book it as soon as possible because leaving it too late is going to make things harder.【评论】Book transport阅读七选五 Once you have accommodation,youll know the dates of your stay and be able to book transport,such as coach,bus,airplane.4 【大巴车】Choose things you want to do there When you are on your

30、trip,it will be more relaxing if you have a good idea of what kind of things you want to do.Research the area on the Internet and book some activities you want to join in._5_ Dont book a load of things which you cant afford.AOne person will naturally be the leader.【同语义范畴】BCheck out if your idea is n

31、ecessary.CThe first step is to work out where you want to go.【同语复现】DMatch the activities to your budget.【同语义范畴】【预算】EBooking transport well in advance lowers the cost greatly,so please do it soon.【同义复现】FMake sure that the trip to the foreign country is not too long.GFind out your hotel near to the pl

32、ace you want to visit.【同语义范畴】阅读七选五【参考答案】16-20 CAGED1.teenage adj.青少年的(尤指13-18岁)teenager n.青少年 【反义词】adult n.成年人 e.g.1.Almost one in four _ boys now smoke.如今十几岁的男孩几乎4个中就有1个抽烟。2.The magazine is aimed at _and young _.这份杂志的读者对象是青少年和二十岁左右的成年人。teenageteenagesadults2._ n.志愿者 vt.&vi.自愿去做 _ adj.自愿的 _ adv.自愿地e

33、.g.His daughter volunteered _ up the kitchen.She now works in a local school as a _ three days a week.In her spare time she does _ work.He was not asked to leavehe went _.volunteervoluntaryvoluntarilyto cleanvolunteervoluntaryvoluntarilyvolunteer to do sth自愿/义务/无偿做某事volunteer for.自愿;自愿为.服务3.debate n

34、.争论,辩论 教材P12 debate club 辩论社 There has been much debate on the issue of childcare.As far as know,the proposal is still under debate.After years of heated debate,gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park.vt.&vi.辩论,讨论;仔细考虑,思考We debated with them on the question till late into the nigh

35、t.The whole class will debate whether the mobile phones should be banned at school.(a)debate on/about/over sth.关于某事的讨论/争论under debate正在讨论/争辩中a heated/lively debate一场激烈的/热烈的讨论debate+(with sb.)about/on/over sth(与某人)辩论/讨论某事特殊疑问词to do讨论;考虑wh-从句练习:1)The two side debated _ each other _ the question of the

36、 origin of the universe.2)There has been a heated debate _whether the university should charge a fee to the public who use its sports field.withon/over/abouton4.prefer prf(r)vt.较喜欢;更喜欢(preferred-preferred-preferring)教材 P12 I prefer helping others.Sponge Bob prefers Zhang Yuge to Patrick Star(派大星).Sp

37、onge Bob prefers to play with Patrick Star(派大星).Sponge Bob prefers eating hamburgers.Sponge Bob prefers eating hamburgers to making hamburgers.Sponge Bob prefers Zhang Yuge to make hamburgers for him.prefer A to B/favor A over B喜欢A多于Bprefer(doing)sth.更喜欢/宁愿prefer(doing)sth.to(doing)sth.喜欢而不喜欢prefer

38、to do sth.宁愿做某事prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.=would rather do sth.than do sth=would do.rather than do.宁愿做而不愿做Sponge Bob prefers to eat hamburgers rather than make hamburgers.Sponge Bob would rather eat hamburgers than make hamburgers.=Sponge Bob would eat hamburgers

39、rather than make hamburgers.【拓展】preference n.喜好;偏爱|have a preference for.偏爱 e.g.I have a preference for sweet food.【注意】prefer(=like better)不能和比较级连用 没有进行时 注意搭配中to的词性【语境应用】孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天待在家里。1)The children preferred _ to the countryside to _ indoors all day.2)The children preferred _ to the count

40、ryside rather than _ indoors all day.3)Lucy _ sweets as her snacks while Lily has a _ for nuts.(prefer)cyclingstayingto cyclestayprefers preference 5.content n.目录,所容之物(复数)contents the contents of the building 大楼里的东西n.主题/主要内容;含量(sing)the content of the book 书的主题/主要内容fat content 脂肪含量e.g.She kept the c

41、ontent of the letter a secret.她对这封信的主题秘而不宣。At the front of the book is a page of contents,giving details of what is in the book.书的前部有一页目录,详列了书中的内容。adj.满意的be content with.对.满意be content to do sth.愿意做某事Dont be content with such small success.The young man is content to remain where he is now.搭配:with c

42、ontent满意地,满足地练习:The book sells very well because its _(内容)is based on a true story.content6.Which club do you think is suitable for Adam?suitable adj.合适的;适用的【拓展】suit vt.适合;使适应 vi.合适;相称 n.一套衣服;套装 e.g.We are hoping to find a _school.我们希望能找到一所合适的学校。The house_not really _a large family.这所房子并不适合大家庭居住。Red

43、 _you.红色适合你。be suitable for sb./sth.适合某人/某物be suitable to do sth.适合做某事It is suitable for sb.to do sth.某人适合做某事suitableis suitable for suits【语境应用】1)吉尔(Jill)的新发型不很适合她。2)他穿着一套黑色的衣服。3)这部电影适宜儿童观看。Jills new hairstyle doesnt really suit her.He wears a black suit.The film is suitable for children.7.clean up“

44、打扫(或清除)干净”,可作及物动词短语,也可作不及物动词短语。教材P12 clean up parks 打扫公园e.g.She spent much time cleaning up after the party聚会结束后,她花了很多时间来收拾。When you finish your dinner,please clean up the kitchen.吃完饭后,请你将厨房收拾干净。拓展(形近短语)clear up使整洁,清理;(天气)放晴,变晴朗练习:Police in the city have been _the debris left by a day of violent con

45、frontation.cleared up8.“特殊疑问词do you think陈述句?”句型教材 Which club do you think is suitable for Adam?你认为哪个俱乐部适合亚当?插入语又起到主句的作用,其后一定要用陈述句。拓展:类似的插入语还有 do you believe/expect suppose/imagine/suggest等。如果插入语是 do you suggest,句中的谓语动词要用“should动词原型”should可以省略。e.g.How do you expect the party will end?你期望这次聚会将如何结束?Wh

46、ere do you suggest we(should)spend our holiday?你建议我们去哪儿度假?【练习】1)_ is the best student in our class?你认为谁是我们最好的学生?2)_ todays developments will mean for him?你认为今天的新情况对他意味着什么?Who do you thinkWhat do you think1.After dinner,Mary volunteered _(clean)the table.2.Whether he deserves what has happened to him

47、 is still _ debate.3.For many years,there has been a debate _ rewarding our children.4.They prefer _(camp)to staying in hotels.5.I preferred _(stay)at home rather than go out to fly a kite.6.I must say I have a storng _(prefer)for French films.7.The course is suitable _ both beginners and advanced students.8.He had to be content _ the third place.9.Most of the _(志愿者)are _(青少年)and young _(成人).10.Choose a computer to _(适合)your particular needs.to cleanunderon/aboutcampingto staypreferenceforwithvolunteersteenagersadultssuit


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