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1、Unit 4 Revision1.掌握本单元与掌握本单元与DIY相关的四会相关的四会词汇和句型表达词汇和句型表达2.掌握构词法掌握构词法-前缀前缀2.掌握祈使句和掌握祈使句和should/had better表建议表建议3.能用所学词汇介绍关于能用所学词汇介绍关于DIY的的文章文章1.Be careful with the knife,it may c your finger.2.You (应该应该)put the book on the shelf.3.Mike advised me (buy)a ipad.4.After I (stick)the picture on the card,I

2、 completed it5.I kept s the words wrong.6.It is (possible)for humans to live on Mars(火星火星)at present.utshouldimpossibleto buystuckpelling形容词否定前缀形容词否定前缀in-im-un-correctpolitecomfortableimportantpatientusualactivepossible1.Your room is really (tidy).You should tidy it up.2.Speaking loudly in public(公共

3、场所公共场所)is (polite).3.Your answer is (correct).You need to do it again.untidyimpoliteincorrectA.veryB.mostC.notD.less13.In the words unhappy and unusual,the un-means .C What is DIY exactly?It stands for“do it yourself”.When you do DIY,you make,repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying some

4、one to do it.(节选2016)What will you eat for lunch today?In some countries,lunchtime often means soup time!There are many kinds of soups served around the world.Some are as thin and clear as water.Some are as thick as stews.Others are full of noodles!Different soups are served around the world.In some

5、 countries soup time for lunchtime.stands What do we need for DIY?First,youd better (看说明书看说明书).Next,you should (准备一些工具准备一些工具)。read the instructionsget some toolsYoud better(not)do sth.表示表示“你最你最好(不要)做某事好(不要)做某事”。It is pretty cold.Youd better put on my coat.挺冷的,你最好穿上你的外套。挺冷的,你最好穿上你的外套。Youd better not

6、play with the dog.你最好不要和狗玩。你最好不要和狗玩。Youd better get some tools.Youd better _ there.Its dangerous.A.not go B.not to go C.not go to D.not to Would you mind if I open the window?_,I got a cold.A.Youd better not.B.Never mind.C.Of course not.D.All right.AA知识点:You had better(not)do=Youd better(not)do.英语中用

7、来提建议的句型有哪些?注意动词形式。should do Shall we do?Why not do?What/How about doing?Lets do.Would like./to do?20142014南京南京 Simon,what do I need to take for Simon,what do I need to take for the hiking?the hiking?Youd better _ more water than usual.Youd better _ more water than usual.Its hot today.Its hot today.A

8、 Ato take Bto take BtaketakeC Ctaking Dtaking DtooktookB Bhad betterhad better后接动词原形。后接动词原形。-If I want to make some paper roses,I need_一支画笔,一卷胶带,一些胶水,一些绳子,一把剪刀和一些纸-A brush,a tape,some glue,some ropes,a pair of scissors and some paper.If I want to make cards to remember things better,what should I do

9、?1._(Cut/Cutting)out pieces of card.2.You should_(write/writing)some words on it3.Youd better _(draw/drawing)a picture on the other side4._(Try/Trying)to say what is on the other sideCutwritedrawTry48.Nancy,I really dont know how to write articles.Dont worry.(use)a mind map to organize your ideas.5.

10、Excuse me,but can you tell me where the nearest bank is?Just _ going for two more blocks and youll see it.A.keep B.to keep C.keeping D.keeps12.Give me a chance,_ Ill prove it to you.A.and B.till C.though D.while来源来源:学科学科1.1-Finish your homework,_ you cant play computer games,Jim.-All right,Mum.A.but

11、 B.till C.and D.orUseAAD Suzy s cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY.He loves to decorate his house.He once put in a brighter light in his bedroom but he_.Then the whole house_.Another time,he wanted to put up a picture,but he hit a pipe and_water.Last month.he thought his living room was boring,so he_.

12、Now,even his cat is blue!Another day,he spent five hours_the shelf on the wall.but the books couldnt stay because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other!Suzy bought some DIY books for him and advised him_In DIY.But Andrew said he knew everything about DIY.Now,Suzy is attending all the l

13、essons instead用所给短语的正确形式完成短文,使短文意思完整正确。make a mistake,have a power cut,fill the room with.,take a course,paint it blue,put upmade a mistakehad a power cutfilled the room withpainted it blueputting upto take a course1.be crazy about 对对着迷着迷2.try to do 努力去做某事,尽力干努力去做某事,尽力干3.fill with 用用填充填充4.keep on do

14、ing 继续做某事,反复做某事继续做某事,反复做某事5.not only but(also)不仅不仅而而 且且;和和.都都6.advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事建议某人做某事7.put相关短语相关短语 phrases 要点:要点:1.1.我表弟安德鲁对我表弟安德鲁对DIY很很着迷着迷。2.2.他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间,但完工后房间总是一团糟。他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间,但完工后房间总是一团糟。3.3.曾经有一次他想在自己的卧室里曾经有一次他想在自己的卧室里安装安装一盏更亮的灯,但他一盏更亮的灯,但他犯了一个错误犯了一个错误,整个房子都,整个房子都停电了停电了。4.4.我给他买

15、了一些我给他买了一些DIY书籍,并书籍,并建议他选修一些建议他选修一些DIYDIY课程课程。一一 单项选择。单项选择。1)To save water,please dont_the water running when you are not washing things.A.get B.make C.stop D.leaveDo you have any difficulties?2)Which wil be better,the green one or the blue one?-I advise you _ the green one and the _ one doesnt look

16、 nice on you.A choose;other B choose;another C to choose;the other D choosing,the other3)-The meeting is not so important,I think.What do you think of the meeting for him?-_,it is necessary for him _ the meeting.A.Instead of;to attend B.Instead;to attend C.Instead of;attending D.Instead;attending DC

17、B二二 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1)Look!Its going to rain outside.You had better _ (not go)out without a raincoat.2)Not only he but also I _(be)interested in collecting stamps.So both of us have many stamps.3)He hit a pipe and _(fill)the room with water.It was in a mess.amfillednot go昨天我自己在卧室墙上安装了一盏灯,贴了一

18、昨天我自己在卧室墙上安装了一盏灯,贴了一幅画。幅画。Yesterday I _ _a light and _ _ a picture.put in put upNow,She is _ DIY.In her free time,she loves to _ things,_ things and _ her house.When she finishes doing DIY jobs,she always feels happy and makes others happy.crazy aboutmakerepairdecorateSuzy and DIYShe once tried to _

19、 a new shower in the bathroom.She was so careful that she didnt _.Another time,she _ a swing(秋千)in the yard.put in make a mistake put up Last month,she thought the living room in the house was too _,so she _ her parents to_ it orange.An orange house _ looks beautiful _ makes people feel warm and com

20、fortable in cold days.but also not only paint boringadvised Yesterday was her mothers 40th birthday.She didnt buy any fresh flowers in the flower shop._,she made some paper flowers.She _ her mothers heart _ surprise and happiness.She is still_ a course in DIY every Saturday.She thinks her DIY skills

21、 will become better and better.with filled Instead attendingCan you tell me how to make a fruit saladTips:1.First,use _(当季的水果)._(确保)it is fresh.2.Then,use _.(不同颜色的水果)_(例如),_ (把各种水果混合在一起)will make salad look colourful.3.Last,prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it Some of the frui

22、t will_(很快变色)when you _.(把它搁置在空气中一段时间)fruit in seasonMake surefruit of different coloursFor exampleMixing all kinds of fruits togetherturn brown quicklyleave it in the air for some time句型大闯关本单元核心句型有哪些?看谁说得多!本单元核心句型有哪些?看谁说得多!1.现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的,连天花板和地板也是蓝色的。现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的,连天花板和地板也是蓝色的。Now the living room

23、has _ blue walls _ a blue ceiling and floor.2.你最好拿一些工具来。你最好拿一些工具来。Youd _some tools3.他敲裂了水管,弄得房间里到处都是水。他敲裂了水管,弄得房间里到处都是水。He _ a pipe and _ water.4.我总是把单词拼写错。我总是把单词拼写错。I _ the words wrong.5.我决定亲自为她制作一张生日卡片。我决定亲自为她制作一张生日卡片。I decided _ a birthday by _.not onlybut alsohitfilled the room withkeep spelling

24、better getto make her myself当堂巩固句型结构,看谁说得准!当堂巩固句型结构,看谁说得准!指导用书句型巩固答案:指导用书句型巩固答案:1.advised us to read;advised him not to drink 2.fill the bottle with;3.keep on reading4.not only a writer but also an actor;语法梳理指导书指导书一一.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.露西,当你离开教室的时候请把灯关掉。露西,当你离开教室的时候请把灯关掉。Lucy,please _ when

25、you leave the classroom.2.当你参观动物园的时候,请不要给动物们喂食。当你参观动物园的时候,请不要给动物们喂食。_ when you visit the zoo.3.天气变冷了,在外出时候最好多穿点衣服。天气变冷了,在外出时候最好多穿点衣服。Its getting cold now._ more clothes when going out.4.作为中学生,我们应该学着照顾自己。作为中学生,我们应该学着照顾自己。As middle school students,we _.5.你的自行车在问题,你今天最好别骑它。你的自行车在问题,你今天最好别骑它。Theres something wrong with your bike,_ turn off the lightsPlease dont feed the animalsYoud better put onshould learn to look after ourselvesyoud better not ride it today.


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