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1、高考英语常考熟词生义汇总A1.absent / bsnt/熟义(1)adj.不在的,缺席的生义(2)adj.心不在焉的Eg He listened to me with an absent expression on his face.2.absolutely / bslutli/熟义(1)adv.绝对地,完全地生义(2)adv.极其Eg I was absolutely furious with him.3.absorb /b sb/熟义(1)v.吸收生义(2)v.专心于(be absorbed in)Eg Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice ev

2、ening approaching.生义(3)vt.理解,掌握Eg I havent really had time to absorb everything that he said.4.abuse /bjus/熟义(1)v./ bjuz/ 滥用;漫骂,虐待生义(2)n./ bjus/ 恶习 Eg She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she has much abuse at home.5.accommodate / kmdet/熟义(1)v.住宿,留宿生义(2)v.容纳Eg This hotel can accommod

3、ate more than 500 guests.6.accompany / kmpn/熟义(1)v.陪伴,伴随生义(2)v.为伴奏或伴唱Eg The well-known singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr.Moore.7.account / kant/熟义(1)n.账目生义(2)v.(在数量、比例方面)占Eg It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.生义(3)n

4、.报道,叙述Eg There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.生义(4)account for 导致;作出解释Eg Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior.8.acknowledge /k nld/熟义(1)v.承认;感谢生义(2)v.向打招呼Eg He acknowledge me by lifting his hat.9.act /kt/熟义(1)v.& n.行动,行为生义(2)n.法案 Eg The act is passed by the Congre

5、ss finally.生义(3)v.起作用Eg It took a few minutes for the drug to act.10.acute / kjut/熟义(1)adj.严重的生义(2)adj.急性的Eg an acute illness生义(3)adj.灵敏的Eg Dogs have an acute sense of smell.11.adapt / dpt/熟义(1)v.适应生义(2)v.改编Eg Three of her novels have been adapted for television.12.address / dres/熟义(1)n.地址生义(2)v.写地址

6、生义(3)v.向发表演说Eg It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.生义(4)v.向说话Eg I was surprised when he addressed me in English.13.adjust / dst/熟义(1)v.适应生义(2)v.调整Eg This button is for adjusting the volume.14.admit /d mt/熟义(1)v.承认;允许进入生义(2)vt.容纳Eg The great hall can admit 5,000 students.15.adopt

7、/ dpt/熟义(1)v.采用,收养生义(2)v.选定,选举Eg She was adopted as a candidate for president.16.advance /d vns/熟义(1)v.提前生义(2)v.促进Eg Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.17.affect / fekt/熟义(1)v.影响生义(2)v.感动Eg The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.生义(3)v.疾病侵袭Eg Be careful not

8、to be affected with Ebola.18.against / enst/熟义(1)prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰;与相比生义(2)prep.在背景下Eg Against this background, the fact that there is an argument within the Government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms impact on the countryside becomes even more extraordinary.19.age /ed/熟义(1)n

9、.年龄生义(2)v.(使)变老Eg Worry aged him rapidly.生义(3)n.年代Eg the age of the computer20.aggressive / resv/熟义(1)adj.好斗的;侵略的生义(2)adj.进取的Eg If he wants to succeed, he had to aggressive.21.air /e/熟义(1)n.空气;航空生义(2)n.广播 Eg Well be on air in about 3 minutes.生义(3)v.倾诉,发表意见 Eg Dont air your troubles too often.生义(4)n.

10、样子,气氛 Eg There was a sense of excitment in the air.22.alien / elin/熟义(1)n.外星人生义(2)adj.陌生的;外星球的Eg an alien environment23.alive / lv/熟义(1)adj.活着的生义(2)adj.充满(活的或动的东西)Eg The streets are alive with people.24.allowance / lans/熟义(1)n.津贴,补贴生义(2)n.限额Eg the baggage allowance of 20 kilos生义(3)n.零用钱Eg His father

11、 gave him an allowance of $1,000 a year.25.alone / ln/熟义(1)adv.单独地,一个人地生义(2)adv.仅仅,只有Eg She alone was able to answer the question.26.amount / mant/熟义(1)n.数量生义(2)v.(amount to)共计,达到Eg The cost amounted to 200.生义(3)v.(amount to)相当于Eg What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.B1.back /bk/熟义(1)adj.,

12、adv.& n.后面生义(2)v.使倒退Eg If you back your car out of the driveway I can get mine in.2.bank /bk/熟义(1)n.银行生义(2)n.岸 Eg He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank.3.bar /b(r)/熟义(1)n.棒,条;酒吧生义(2)n.障碍Eg Poor health may be a bar to success in life.4.barely / beli/熟义(1)adv.勉强;仅仅生义(2)adv.几乎没有 Eg There was barel

13、y any smell.5.bargain /bn/熟义(1)n.协议生义(2)n.便宜货 Eg Dont be left standing ladies, while a bargain slips past your eyes.生义(3)v.讨价还价 Eg Shop in small local markets and dont be afraid to bargain.6.bear /be/熟义(1)n.熊生义(2)v.铭记Eg Therefore, we should all bear in mind Kurt Vonneguts advice.生义(3)v.忍受 Eg They wi

14、ll have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war.生义(4)v.承受,支撑Eg The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.生义(5)v.承担(责任)Eg If a woman makes a decision to have a child alone, she should bear that responsibility alone.7.beat /bit/熟义(1)v.打败生义(2)v.敲打Eg beat the drum生义(3)

15、n.心跳Eg His heart missed a beat when he saw her.8.be aware of熟义(1)意识到生义(2)知道Eg They should be aware of their rights.9.blank /blk/熟义(1)adj.空白的 n.空白生义(2)adj.没表情的;没兴趣的Eg The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.10.blanket /blkt/熟义(1)n.毯子生义(2)vt.以厚层覆盖Eg The whole village was blanketed with hea

16、vy snow.11.block /blk/熟义(1)n.街区生义(2)n.块Eg a block of ice12.blue /blu/熟义(1)adj.& n.蓝色生义(2)adj.忧伤的Eg His songs always make me feel blue.13.board /bd/熟义(1)n.木板;布告牌;n.& v.登上(交通工具)生义(2)n.委员会;董事会 Eg At the meeting of the town planning board, the boy was quite nervous at first and spoke very softly.生义(3)v.

17、在校寄宿Eg The students board during the week and go home at weekends.14.bother / b/熟义(1)v.打扰,使不安生义(2)n.麻烦,困难Eg You seem to have got yourself into a spot of bother.15.branch /brnt/熟义(1)n.树枝生义(2)n.(河流/公司)分支Eg The branch went completely dry this summer.16.break /brek/熟义(1)n.打破生义(2)n.休息,短时间Eg You should ha

18、ve a break now.17.break down熟义(1)身体垮掉Eg His health broke down from the stress of the new job.生义(2)机器出故障Eg The car broke down on the road.生义(3)谈判失败Eg Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.生义(4)精神崩溃Eg He broke down and wept when he heard the news.生义(5)化学分解Eg Sugar and starch are broken d

19、own in the stomach.18.bridge /brd/熟义(1)n.桥生义(2)n.桥梁,纽带Eg We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient.19.bright /brat/熟义(1)adj.明亮的生义(2)adj.活泼的,开朗的Eg The boy was so bright.生义(3)adj.聪明的,伶俐的Eg I was convinced that he was brighter than average.20.bring up熟义(1)抚养生义(2)提出Eg These are m

20、atters that you can bring up in class.生义(3)呕吐Eg Martin has been bringing up all morning.21.build up熟义(1)建设生义(2)增强 Eg I actually began to build up my arm muscles shaking my set.22.bury / beri/熟义(1)v.埋葬生义(2)v.覆盖Eg The house was buried under ten feet of snow.生义(3)v.掩藏 Eg He had learnt to bury his feeli

21、ngs.23.business / bzns/熟义(1)do business 做买卖Eg Its been a pleasure to do business with you.生义(2)none of your business 不关你的事Eg My private life is none of your business.生义(3)on business 办公事Eg Im here on business.生义(4)mind your own business 管好你的事24.button / btn/熟义(1)n.按钮生义(2)n.纽扣Eg a coat with brass but

22、tonsC1.call up熟义(1)打电话(= ring up)生义(2)使回忆起Eg The old photo calls up the memories of my childhood.2.can熟义(1)modal v./kn/ 可以,能够生义(2)n./kn/ 容器Eg A can is a metal container.生义(3)n./kn/ 罐头Eg empty beer cans3.capital / kptl/熟义(1)n.首都,首府;资本生义(2)adj.大写的Eg The first letter is usually a capital letter at the

23、beginning.4.case /kes/熟义(1)n.箱子生义(2)n.情况Eg In cannot make an exception in your case.生义(3)n.案例,事例Eg Its a classic case.生义(4)n.病例Eg The most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.5.casual / kul/熟义(1)adj.偶然的;随意的生义(2)adj.临时的Eg He was employed as a casual laborer.6.catch /kt/熟义(1)v.捕捉到生

24、义(2)v.听到Eg Sorry, I didnt catch what you said.生义(3)v.感染上Eg catch a cold生义(4)v.赶上火车,飞机,公共汽车等Eg catch a bus生义(5)v.撞见,当场发现Eg He caught a youth breaking into a car.生义(6)v.抓住Eg He caught my hand and held it tightly.7.cause /kz/熟义(1)v.致使生义(2)n.事业Eg We are struggling for revolutionary cause.8.caution / kn/

25、熟义(1)n.谨慎生义(2)v.告诫Eg The teacher cautioned him against being late.9.chair /te/熟义(1)n.椅子生义(2)v.担任主席,担任主持Eg If you chair a meeting or a committee, you are the person in charge of it.10.chance /tns/熟义(1)n.机会生义(2)n.冒险Eg The rope might break but thats a chance well have to take.11.change /tend/熟义(1)v.& n

26、.改变生义(2)n.零钱Eg ask for change12.character / krkt/熟义(1)n.特征生义(2)n.性格Eg Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you havent seen yet.生义(3)n.角色Eg The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.生义(4)n.字,字体,符号Eg Chinese character13.charge /td/熟义(1)v.& n.

27、负责;收费;指控生义(2)v.充电Eg If the light comes on, the battery isnt charging.14.circulate /skjulet/熟义(1)v.循环生义(2)v.传揺,散布,流传Eg The news of our teachers divorce quickly circulated round the school.生义(3)v.流通Eg We should often open the windows to allow the air to circulate.15.civil / svl/熟义(1)adj.公民的;国内的生义(2)ad

28、j.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的Eg He is a civil person.16.claim /klem/熟义(1)v.要求,主张生义(2)v.认领Eg A lot of property is never claimed.生义(3)v.索取Eg He claimed money from the company for the injury he had suffered.生义(4)v.声称Eg He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.17.class /kls/熟义(1)n.班级生义(2)n.等级Eg There is no do

29、ubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not.生义(3)n.阶层Eg the relationship between social classes18.cloudy / kladi/熟义(1)adj.阴的,多云的生义(2)adj.不明朗的,不清晰的Eg Who did it still remains cloudy.19.coach /kt/熟义(1)n.教练;四轮马车;长途公共汽车生义(2)v.辅导,指导Eg She coached a basketball team.b /km/

30、熟义(1)n.梳子生义(2)v.彻底搜查Eg The police combed the woods for the missing boy.e across熟义(1)偶遇生义(2)被理解Eg Your idea came across at the meeting.e up熟义(1)走近,走上前来生义(2)被提出Eg The subject came up at work.生义(3)发芽Eg I sowed some seeds last week, but they havent come up yet.生义(4)(太阳、月亮)升起Eg It will be so great watchi

31、ng the sun come up.fortably / kmftbli/熟义(1)adv.舒服地生义(2)adv.容易地Eg He comfortably solved the problem.mit /k mt/熟义(1)v.犯(错误、罪行)生义(2)v.作出决定Eg He is committed to playing for the team for the next three years.mon / kmn/熟义(1)adj.常见的生义(2)adj.共同的,共有的Eg We band ourselves against a common enemy.pany / kmpni/生义

32、(1)n.公司生义(2)n.伙伴;客人Eg He didnt say he had company.生义(3)n.友情;交情;陪伴Eg I wont stay long.Eg No, please.I need your company.27.concentrate / knsntret/熟义(1)v.专注,集中注意力于生义(2)n.浓缩物Eg I bought some orange concentrate.28.conclude /kn klud/熟义(1)v.推论出,下结论生义(2)v.完成,结束Eg I will publish my results only when I have

33、concluded my research.29.conduct /kn dkt/熟义(1)v.指挥;带领,陪伴 n.行为举止生义(2)v.传导Eg Plastic and rubber wont conduct electricity, but copper will.30.consult /kn slt/熟义(1)v.征求的意见,向咨询生义(2)v.顾及,考虑到Eg We must consult his convenience.31.contain /kn tein/熟义(1)v.含有,包含;容纳生义(2)v.抑制Eg He is too excited to contain his l

34、aughter.32.convince /kn vns/熟义(1)v.使信服生义(2)v.说服某人做某事Eg He convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.33.correspond / kr spnd/熟义(1)v.通信生义(2)v.符合,相一致Eg The numbers correspond to distinct points on the map.34.cost /kst/熟义(1)v.花费 n.费用,成本;代价生义(2)v.以牺牲为代价Eg Joes brave action cost him his life.35.count /kant/

35、熟义(1)n.& v.计算,数生义(2)v.有价值,重要Eg It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.生义(3)v.视为Eg She was counted among the greatest dancers.36.counter / kant/熟义(1)n.柜台生义(2)v.反对Eg He countered my plan with one of his own.37.country / kntri/熟义(1)n.国家生义(2)n.郊外,乡村Eg She was cycling along a country r

36、oad.(3)n.全体国民Eg Finally the country got some much-needed good news.38.course / ks/熟义(1)n.航线,航道生义(2)n.课程生义(3)n.过程Eg the course of history生义(4)n.方针,方向,路线Eg The plane was on course.生义(5)n.赛道Eg She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.生义(6)n.处理某种事情的行为方式或处理方法Eg course of action生义(7)n.一道菜Eg The

37、 main course was roast duck.39.cover / kv/熟义(1)v.覆盖,占有面积生义(2)v.采访, 报道Eg Many reporters were sent to cover the events.生义(3)v.读过了Eg How many pages have you covered?生义(4)v.走过了Eg How long can you cover in an hour?生义(5)n.封面Eg The book whose cover is old is mine.生义(6)v.承担,足以支付Eg The money in my pocket can

38、t cover my expense.生义(7)v.掩盖,掩饰Eg He laughed to cover his embarrassment.生义(8)v.涉及Eg Professor Lis lecture covers quite a few fields.40.credit / kredt/熟义(1)n.相信;信用;赞扬,赞许;赊购生义(2)v.把归功于Eg Much of their success can be credited to the famous expert.41.cross /krs/熟义(1)v.跨越,横穿 n.十字生义(2)adj.生气的Eg Dont be cr

39、oss with him after all, he meant to help.42.cure /kju/熟义(1)n.治疗方法生义(2)v.治愈某人的病Eg His cough was nearly cured.生义(3)v.除掉坏习惯Eg The teacher cured him of bad habits.43.cushion / kn/熟义(1)n.垫子,缓冲物生义(2)v.使免遭损害(, 用垫子)使柔和Eg They had put something on the ground to cushion his fall.44.custom / kstm/熟义(1)n.风俗生义(2

40、)n.海关(customs)Eg He walked through customs.45.cut off熟义(1)切断生义(2)停止供应(水,电,煤气等)Eg Our water supply has been cut off again.生义(3)与外界隔绝联系Eg The village was cut off by the snow for more than a month.D1.dash /d/熟义(1)v.疾奔生义(2)n.少许Eg The flower adds a dash of colour to the room.2.dawn /dn/熟义(1)v.破晓,天亮生义(2)n

41、.拂晓Eg at dawn生义(3)v.开始明白Eg The truth began to dawn on him.3.deal /dil/熟义(1)v.解决生义(2)n.交易Eg I got a good deal on the car.生义(3)v.涉及Eg Her poems often deal with the subject of death.4.dear /d/熟义(1)adj.亲爱的生义(2)adj.昂贵的Eg Everythings so dear now, isnt it?5.defend /d fend/熟义(1)v.守卫,保卫,防卫生义(2)v.卫冕Eg He is d

42、efending champion.生义(3)v.辩解Eg How can you defend such behaviour?6.delicate / delkt/熟义(1)adj.精细的生义(2)adj.易碎的Eg a delicate vase生义(3)adj.纤细的Eg his delicate hands7.deliver /dI lv/熟义(1)v.递送生义(2)v.接生Eg deliver a baby生义(3)v.发表演讲Eg The president delivered the opening speech.8.deposit /d pzIt/熟义(1)v.把钱等存入银行生义(2)v.放下;放置Eg He deposited the book


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