1、产 后 出 血 postpartum hemorrhage,广西医科大学妇产科教研室 王素梅,内 容,概念 (Definition) 病因 (Etiology) 临床表现 (Clinical manifestation) 诊断 (Diagnosis) 处理(Management) 预防(Prophylaxis ),Definition,Past partum hemorrhage denotes excessive bleeding (500ml in vaginal delivery or 1000ml in CS ) during the first 24 hours after deli
2、very Leading cause of death in pregnant women in China Incidence 5%-10% of total number of deliveries,Etiology(4T),Uterine atony: Tone 张力 T Retained placental tissue : Tissue 组织 T Obstetric lacerations : Trauma损伤 T Coagulation: Thrombin 凝血酶 T,一、子宫收缩乏力( Uterine atony ),1、全身因素: 产妇精神紧张,对分娩恐惧;体质虚弱或合并慢性全
3、身性疾病,2、子宫因素: (1)子宫肌纤维过度伸展(多胎、羊水过多、巨大胎儿) (2)子宫肌壁损伤(手术、经产) (3)子宫病变(肌瘤、畸形、肌纤维变性),一、子宫收缩乏力( Uterine atony ),3、产科因素 (1)产程长,产妇衰竭。 (2)子宫壁水肿 :贫血、妊高征,低蛋白血症; (3)前置胎盘、胎盘早剥,子宫胎盘卒中,感染,一、子宫收缩乏力( Uterine atony ),4、药物因素 镇静剂、麻醉剂 子宫收缩抑制剂,一、子宫收缩乏力( Uterine atony ),二、胎盘因素,胎儿娩出后30分,胎盘尚未娩出者。 常见原因: 膀胱过度充盈使剥离后滞留,1、胎盘滞留(ret
4、ained placenta),胎盘嵌顿:不恰当使用催产素和麦角新碱;粗暴按摩子宫,1、胎盘滞留(retained placenta),二、胎盘因素,胎盘剥离不全:第三产程 过早牵拉脐带或按压子宫,1、胎盘滞留(retained placenta),二、胎盘因素,1. 分类:胎盘粘连、胎盘植入、穿透性胎盘植入 部分性和完全性。 2.原因: 子宫内膜损伤如流产、宫内感染 胎盘附着部位异常如子宫下段、宫颈、角部 子宫手术如剖宫产、肌瘤剔除、整形 经产妇,2、胎盘植入(placent incereta),二、胎盘因素,3、胎盘部分残留(retained placenta fragment),较多见,
5、过早牵拉脐带和用力揉挤子宫, 包括部分胎盘或胎膜残留或副胎盘残留。,二、胎盘因素,三、软产道裂伤,软产道裂伤:子宫下段、子宫颈、阴道和会阴的裂伤。 原因: 宫缩过强,产程进展过快-急产 胎儿过大 助产手术产钳、臀牵引 软组织弹性差而产力过强,四、凝血功能障碍,较少见的原因:继发或原发 1、血液病:原发性血小板减少症,再障 等孕前已存在,为妊娠禁忌。或肝脏疾病 2、宫内死胎滞留过久,胎盘早剥、羊水栓塞、AFLP、重度子痫前期等影响凝血或致DIC,产后流血不凝。,Clinical presentation,Vaginal bleeding: If bleeding occurs immediate
6、ly after delivery of baby, consider birth canal injury If bleeding occurs minutes after delivery of baby, consider placenta factors If bleeding occurs minutes after delivery of placenta, main reasons are uterine atony or retained products of conception Persistent bleeding and blood do not coagulate,
7、 consider coagulation disorder,Clinical presentation,Vaginal hematoma Shock: dizziness, paleness, weak pulse, low blood pressure etc,Diagnosis,Estimation of blood loss Ascertain cause of post partum hemorrhage,Estimation of blood loss,Visual observation: only 50%-70% of blood loss Container: kidney
8、dish, measuring cup Surface area: blood stained 10cmx10cm = 10ml Weighing: 1.05g = 1ml Shock index = pulse rate/systolic pressure Assays for Hemoglobin :10g/l=400-500ml,Shock index (SI),SI =0.5, normal blood volume SI = 0.5-1, blood loss 20%, 500-750ml SI = 1, blood loss 20-30%, 1000-1500ml SI = 1.5
9、, blood loss 30-50%, 1500-2500ml SI = 2, blood loss 50-70%, 2500-3500ml,失血原因诊断,宫缩乏力: 阴道流血增多,宫底升高,子宫质软,按摩子宫或使用宫缩剂后子宫变硬,阴道流血减少或停止。 胎盘因素: 胎儿娩出后10分钟内,胎盘未娩出,阴道大量流血,应考虑胎盘因素,胎盘残留是引起产后出血的常见原因,娩出后常规检查胎盘胎膜是否残留,注意副胎盘残留。,软产道裂伤: 胎儿娩出后即出现阴道大量流血,鲜红, 疑有软产道裂伤时应及时仔细检查软产道。 包括:宫颈裂伤、阴道裂伤、会阴裂伤,失血原因诊断,会阴裂伤分4度,度会阴皮肤及阴道入口粘膜
10、撕裂,出血不多。 度裂伤达会阴体筋膜及肌层,累及阴道后壁粘膜, 甚至阴道后壁两侧沟向上撕裂。 度肛门外括约肌已断裂,直肠粘膜完整。 度肛门、直肠和阴道完全贯通,直肠 腔外露,组织严重损伤,持续阴道流血,出血不凝,止血困难,全身多部位出血; 血小板计数,纤维蛋白原、凝血酶原时间等检查异常。,凝血功能障碍,Management,Principal of management for PPH Rapid hemostasis according to the cause Replenish volume, correct shock Prevent infection,Management of u
11、terine atony,Uterine massage: Abdominal fundus massage Abdominal-vaginal bimanual uterine massage Uterotonic agents: oxytocin/prostaglandins Uterine packing Pelvis vessel ligation B-Lynch suture Arterial embolism Hysterectomy,Uterine packing,uterine artery ligation,B-Lynch suture,Arterial embolism,M
12、anagement of placental factors,Retained placenta remove separated placenta quickly Residual placenta or membrane curettage Placental adhesion manual removal of placenta Placental implantation never separate forcefully, usually hysterectomy,Management of laceration,Thorough hemostasis Stitch accordin
13、g to anatomical layering First stitch must be 0.5cm above top end When stitching do not leave dead space Avoid stitching through rectal mucosa Manage cervical tear Manage birth canal hematoma,Manage cervical tear,Management of coagulation disorder,First exclude bleeding caused by uterine atony, plac
14、ental factors and birth canal injury Actively transfuse fresh whole blood, platelets, fibrinogen or prothrombin complex, clotting factors etc If DIC set in, manage DIC,失血休克的处理,1、正确估计失血量,判断休克程度 2、建立静脉通道,中心静脉压监测,晶 体、冰冻血浆 3、升压药物 4、给氧、纠酸 5、防治肾衰 6、保护心脏 7、预防感染,预 防,1、产前预防 2、产时预防 3、产后预防,例1 25岁的双胎孕妇行选择性剖宫产术,
15、术后子宫收缩乏力, 医生按照MOPPABE方法处理。一面按摩子宫一面用缩宫素,用了80U的缩宫素还是没有子宫收缩。然后宫体注射前列腺素,反复注射4支仍无效。行B-Lynch手术缝合子宫后出血明显减少,子宫也开始收缩,在出血得到控制后关腹回病房。 在术后观察时又出现阴道出血,于是在放射介导下行子宫动脉栓塞术,仍不能控制出血。患者因为出血多,已经出现D IC,只好大量输注血制品。在患者病情稳定后行次全子宫切除术,至手术结束时患者已经累计失血超过10000ml。,术后观察时腹腔引流管一直有不凝血液流出,24h累计接近2000ml。第2天只好再次手术,发现宫颈残端有小的出血点,予以缝扎。术后腹腔引流管仍有不凝血液流出, 24h接1000ml。此时患者已经出现多脏器功能衰竭,呼吸功能衰竭(用呼吸机) 、脑功能衰竭、心衰、肾衰(用肾透析) ,最后患者死亡。,每一步做对就对了吗? 产科成功的金科玉律: 永远要提早一步!,Thank you for your attention!,