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1、Unit1 Friendshipto cope with stressful situations in lifeto share our worries and secrets in our inner worldto show our concern for other peopleto share our happiness and inner feelings We need friends:We need friends because we want to share.We need friends because we need somebody who will always

2、be there with us when we fall into bad time.We need friends because we want to enjoy being in a group.We hate loneliness and family alone cannot make us feel in a group.For that we need friends.We need friends,because we want to let somebody know about our deepest thoughts,our ideas,and our real emo

3、tions.Only a good friend can help us share all these.I want to make friends with those who.Words about friends:lovely helpful quick-minded (思维活跃的思维活跃的)honest brave wise loyal smart handsomepretty kindhearted talkative(爱说话的爱说话的)silent careful generous(大方的大方的)unselfish (不自私的不自私的)diligent(勤奋的勤奋的)active

4、 creative thoughtful humorous responsible funny kind outgoing.Annes Best Friend reading1.What kinds of friends are talked about in this paragraph?2.What kind of friend does Anne Frank want?(Understanding“the first kind”.)3.Who was Annes best friend?(Fact)1.Skim this paragraph for words beginning wit

5、h capital letters.What do you learn from these?(Background information.)2.What do most people keep in their diaries?What about Anne?Who was Kitty?(set down,a series of)1.Why didnt Anne dare to open a window when she was 1.Why didnt Anne dare to open a window when she was eager to have a look at the

6、beautiful moon and its light?eager to have a look at the beautiful moon and its light?2.Which sentence in Para 1 is supported by the following 2 2.Which sentence in Para 1 is supported by the following 2 examples in Para 2?examples in Para 2?Comprehending:Comprehending:Thats changed since I was here

7、.Because she was afraid to be found by the German Nazis.3.What do the two words“that“here from the sentence 3.What do the two words“that“here from the sentence“Thats changed since I was here.”refer to(“Thats changed since I was here.”refer to(指代指代)?)?That:Anns feelings towards natureHere:in the hidi

8、ng place4.Why did her feeling towards nature change?5.Why did Anne think it was no pleasure looking at nature through dusty windows?Comprehending:Comprehending:Because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.She was no longer able to go out as she wanted.Losing freedom has made her feel

9、more eager(迫切)迫切)for good and beautiful things.Best friendDiscussion Why did Anne make friends with her diary?根据课文根据课文ANNES BEST FRIEND 完成下列短文完成下列短文 A best friend is someone who you can tell everything ,even your most (person)feelings and thoughts.Anne Frank treated her diary her best friend.The Ger

10、man Nazis were in search of Anne and her family.The family had to hide from the chase.They didn,t dare to go out even in the evenings.They had to stay indoors day and .Not being able to go out for such a long time,Anne missed the beauty of nature so much that she grew about everything to do with it.

11、She stayed up eleven thirty one evening on just to see the moonlight.She said,“This is the first time she (see)the moonlight since I was here.”Unfortunately,the family (discover)at last and taken away from the hiding place.课文回顾课文回顾to personal as awaynightcrazyuntil purposehave seenwere discovered Un

12、it 1 Friendship:Words and expressions 写出下列单词及它的变化形式写出下列单词及它的变化形式1.1.心烦意乱的不安的心烦意乱的不安的(adjadj.)_.)_使不安,使心烦使不安,使心烦(v.)(v.)_(写出过去式和过去分词写出过去式和过去分词)_)_2.(2.(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到(vt.)(vt.)担心;关注;担心;关注;(利害利害)关关系系(n.)_ (n.)_ 担心的;忧虑的担心的;忧虑的(adj.)_(adj.)_ 3.3.十几岁的青少年十几岁的青少年n._ 4.n._ 4.连续,系列连续,系列(n.)_(n.)_5.5.伙

13、伴;合作者伙伴;合作者n._ 6.n._ 6.手提箱,衣箱手提箱,衣箱(n.(n.)_7.7.窗帘,门帘窗帘,门帘(n.(n.)_8.8.公路,大路公路,大路(n.)(n.)_9.9.项目,条款(项目,条款(n.n.)_10,10,提示,技巧,小费,尖端提示,技巧,小费,尖端(n.)(n.)_单词回顾单词回顾upsetupset-upset-upsetconcern concerned teenagerseries partnersuitcasecurtainhighwayitem tip 写出下列单词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式11.不理睬,忽视不理睬,忽视(v.)_无知的无知的(adj

14、.)_无知无知(n.)_12.权力,力量权力,力量(n.)_强大的强大的(adj.)_ 无权的无权的,无影响力的无影响力的(adj.)_13.自然,自然界自然,自然界(n.)_自然的自然的(adj.)_自然地自然地(adv.)_14.忠告,建议忠告,建议(n.)_建议建议,忠告忠告(v.)_,顾问顾问(n.)_1 5.同 意同 意(v.)_ _ _ _ _ 不 同 意不 同 意(v.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 协 议协 议(n.),_ 16.喜欢喜欢(n.v.)_,不喜欢不喜欢(n.v.)_ ignoreignorantignorancepower powerfulpowerlessna

15、turenatural naturally adviceadviseadvisor agreedisagreeagreementlike dislike单词回顾单词回顾17.17.整个的整个的,完全的完全的(adj.)_(adj.)_整个地整个地,完全地完全地(adv.)(adv.)_18.18.感激感激(n.)_(n.)_感激的感激的(adj.)_,(adj.)_,感激地感激地(adv.)_(adv.)_19.19.松的松的,松开的松开的(adj.)_(adj.)_松地,松开地松地,松开地(adv.)_.(adv.)_.20.20.遭受,忍受,经历遭受,忍受,经历(v.)_(v.)_痛苦痛苦

16、,不幸不幸(n.)(n.)_21.21.痊愈;恢复;重新获得痊愈;恢复;重新获得(vi.&vt.)_(vi.&vt.)_恢复;复恢复;复苏苏(n.)_(n.)_22.22.在户外,在野外(在户外,在野外(adv.adv.)_ _ 户外的,野外的户外的,野外的(adjadj)_ _ entire entirely gratitudegratefulgratefully loose looselysuffersufferingrecoveryrecoveroutdoorsoutdoor单词回顾单词回顾活学活用活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Man seems

17、 to be so weak compared to the power of _,so it is _ that we hope God can help us.(nature)2.We are all _ about our childrens health.As far as I am _,lack of enough sleep _ the healthy growth of the children deeply.(concern)3.There is so much _ in this world.For example,many African people are _ hung

18、er while some other people continue to _ from serious pollution.(suffer)4.He gave me some useful _.Can you _ me on college courses?(advice)naturenaturalconcernedconcernedconcernssufferingsufferingsufferadviceadvise5.Poverty,disease and _remain major world problems.It is not a question that can be _.

19、(ignore)6.After he came to _,everyone said he was a _ leader,but now he felt so _ that he even couldn,t save his daughter.(power)7.I was very _ to my teachers for their help and my _ to them was beyond words.(grateful)8.He is so fond of _ activities that he sometimes even sleep _.(outdoors)9.The _vi

20、llage was under the water.The crops were_destroyed.(entire)ignoranceignoredpowerpowerfulpowerlessgratefulgratitudeoutdooroutdoorsentireentirely翻译下列必背短语翻译下列必背短语1.关心关心,挂念挂念 _2.面对面地面对面地 _3.一连串的,一系列,一套一连串的,一系列,一套 _4.按照;根据按照;根据所说所说 _5.将将合计起来合计起来 _6.平静下来;镇定下来平静下来;镇定下来 _ 7.对对狂热狂热 _ 8.爱上,喜欢上爱上,喜欢上 _ 9.躲藏躲藏

21、_10.经历;经受经历;经受 _a series ofcalm downgrow crazy aboutbe concerned aboutface to faceaccording toadd up sthfall in love withhide awaygo through短语回顾短语回顾11.记日记记日记 _12.放下,记下,登记放下,记下,登记 _13.参加,加入参加,加入 _14.故意故意 _15.在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻 _16.遛狗遛狗 _ 17.不得不,必须不得不,必须 _ 18.为了为了 _19.不再不再 _20.遭受,患病遭受,患病 _21.对对厌烦厌烦 _ 22.将(东西)

22、装箱打包将(东西)装箱打包 _23.与与相处,进展相处,进展 _keep a diaryset downjoin inon purpose at duskwalk the doghave got toin order to no longer/notany longersuffer fromget/be tired ofpack(sth.)upget along with短语回顾短语回顾活学活用活学活用根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。1.Seeing the friends playing an interesting

23、 game under the tree,he wanted to _ it.(take part in and become a member of the group)2._ in English every day is a good way to improve your English.(writing a daily record of the events)3.Their lifetime friendship has _ tests of life and death.(to experience or suffer sth.)4.Every time I _ these fi

24、gures I get a different answer.(to calculate the total of several numbers)join inKeeping a diarygone throughadd up 5.Ive come out from town _ to meet you.(not by accident)6.He _ all his important thoughts in his diary.(to write sth.down on paper)7.Ever since then I have been longing to meet him _(st

25、aying close to and looking at sb.)8.Youve been absent six times _ our records.(as stated or reported by sb./sth.)on purposeset downface to faceaccording to 1.【原句【原句】:I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me sp

26、ellbound.【考点提炼【考点提炼】sb.can well remember that there was a time when.某人清楚地记得曾经有一段时间某人清楚地记得曾经有一段时间.佳句仿写佳句仿写【例句仿写【例句仿写】我清楚的记得我曾经在英语学习方面面临了许我清楚的记得我曾经在英语学习方面面临了许多困难。多困难。I can well remember that there was a time when I was faced with many difficulties in English learning2.【原句【原句】:I happened to be upstairs

27、 at dusk when the window was open.我碰巧在楼上,窗户是我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。开着的。(L9,P2)【考点提炼【考点提炼】sb.happen to do 某人碰巧做某事某人碰巧做某事【例句仿写【例句仿写】我哥哥碰巧也在舟曲做志愿者。我哥哥碰巧也在舟曲做志愿者。My brother happened to be a volunteer in Zhouqu.3.【原句【原句】:I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关窗时,我才下楼。直到不得不关窗时,我才下楼。(L10,P2)【考点

28、提炼【考点提炼】not.until.“直到直到才才”在这个句型中,在这个句型中,主句的动词必须是终止性动词。主句的动词必须是终止性动词。【例句仿写【例句仿写1】直到他回来,妈妈才去睡觉。直到他回来,妈妈才去睡觉。【例句仿写【例句仿写2】直到我们向他们指出了错误,他们才意识到。直到我们向他们指出了错误,他们才意识到。【句型转换】:【句型转换】:倒装句:倒装句:not until放在句首,主句要部分倒放在句首,主句要部分倒装装His mother didnt go to bed until he got back.Not until we pointed it out to them did th

29、ey realize their fault.They didnt realize their fault until we pointed it out to them.4.【原句【原句】:It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这是我一年这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(L11,P2)【考点提炼【考点提炼】It/This/That is the first time that.have/has done 这是某人第一次做某事这是某人第一次做某事【例句仿

30、写【例句仿写1】这是世博会第一次在中国举办。】这是世博会第一次在中国举办。【例句仿写【例句仿写2】妈妈惩罚了小明,因为这是他第二次妈妈惩罚了小明,因为这是他第二次犯同样的错误。犯同样的错误。Its the first time that the World Expo has been held in ChinaXiaomings mother punished him,because it was the second time that he had made the same mistake5.【原句【原句】while walking the dog,you were careless 遛

31、狗时,你太粗心。遛狗时,你太粗心。【考点提炼【考点提炼】while doing是是“While you are/were doing”的缩写,在句中做时间状语的缩写,在句中做时间状语【例句仿写【例句仿写】过大街时你要小心。过大街时你要小心。while crossing the street,you should be careful.=while you are crossing the street,you should be careful.6.【原句【原句】I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so l

32、ong that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都如此狂热。与大自然有关的事物都如此狂热。(P2 L10)【考点提炼【考点提炼1】I wonder if句型中句型中wonder=dont know,if 引导宾语从句引导宾语从句.【例句仿写【例句仿写】她不知道公众是否能原谅她。她不知道公众是否能原谅她。【考点提炼【考点提炼2】强调句:强调句:It is+强调部分强调部分+that+剩余部分剩余

33、部分【例句仿写【例句仿写2】我不知道是否是因为失败,他变化如此之大。我不知道是否是因为失败,他变化如此之大。She wonders if the public will excuse her.I wonder if it was because of failure that he changed so much7.【原句【原句】You will tell him that he should have studied你应该告诉他,他本应该学习的。你应该告诉他,他本应该学习的。【考点提炼【考点提炼】should have done 表示表示“本应该做本应该做”【例句仿写【例句仿写】上海上海11

34、.15特大火灾本应该避免的。特大火灾本应该避免的。Shanghai 11.15 Fire Event should have been avoided.用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文。用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文。曾有一段时间曾有一段时间我和小东我和小东相处得很好相处得很好。我们。我们相互关心相互关心。当一。当一个人个人不安不安时,另一人想方设法时,另一人想方设法安慰安慰他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他他爱上爱上了一位女孩,这占了他了一位女孩,这占了他如此如此多的时间多的时间以至以至他的成绩越来他的成绩越来越差。于是在一次测试中他要抄我的答案。我拒绝了他并告诉越差。

35、于是在一次测试中他要抄我的答案。我拒绝了他并告诉他他考试作弊是不诚实的行为考试作弊是不诚实的行为。那是我第一次无视那是我第一次无视他的请求,他他的请求,他如此如此生气生气以至以至自此以后他总是自此以后他总是有意有意刁难我。我刁难我。我不知道是否不知道是否是因是因为爱,他变化如此之大。我们为爱,他变化如此之大。我们本可以本可以是好朋友的。是好朋友的。_ 知识活用知识活用 There was a time when I was getting along well with Xiaodong.We were concerned about each other.When one felt upse

36、t,the other would try to calm him down.We shared in troubles and joys.But then he fell in love with a girl,which took him so much time that he was worse and worse at study.Then in one exam,he wanted to copy my answer.I refused and told him it was dishonest to cheat in the exam.It was the first time

37、that I had ignored his request.So angry did he get that he has always put me to a lot of trouble on purpose since then.I wonder if it was because of love that he changed so much.We should have been friends.最近,这个女孩儿最近,这个女孩儿深受孤独的煎熬深受孤独的煎熬(suffer from loneliness),因为这是她,因为这是她第一次第一次在一个完全陌生的地在一个完全陌生的地方方定居

38、定居下来下来(it was the first time that),而这里没,而这里没人人理睬理睬她她,所以,她不得不所以,她不得不加入加入一些社团一些社团(join some clubs),以使自己与新同事,以使自己与新同事相处得更好相处得更好,因为总为这,因为总为这事儿事儿烦心烦心也没意思。所以在想这事儿的时候,女孩儿也没意思。所以在想这事儿的时候,女孩儿便便平静平静下来,并且把下来,并且把涉及涉及同事们的同事们的一系列活动一系列活动写下来,写下来,在这些活动中她将与人在这些活动中她将与人面对面面对面交流。这样,女孩儿就交流。这样,女孩儿就不会再讨厌新生活了,她相信自己会不会再讨厌新生活

39、了,她相信自己会喜欢上喜欢上这个城市这个城市和这儿的人,因为她将从中和这儿的人,因为她将从中重获快乐重获快乐(recover happiness)。最后,女孩儿发现她自己的。最后,女孩儿发现她自己的力量力量使她不使她不再再担心担心这些烦心事儿了这些烦心事儿了(强调句型强调句型)。所以她觉得自己很。所以她觉得自己很厉害厉害(powerful)。Recently,the girl suffered from loneliness,as it was the first time that she had settled down in such an entirely strange place,

40、where she was ignored by everyone.So she wondered if she had got to join some clubs and groups to try to get along better with her new partners,because its no pleasure just being upset about it.While thinking,the girl calmed down and set down a series of activities concerned with her partners,in whi

41、ch she would talk face to face with others.Thus,the girl thought she would no longer get tired of the new life,believing that she would fall in love with the city and people here,from which she could recover happiness.Last,the girl found that it was her own power that made herself not be concerned about the trouble.So she felt herself powerful.


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