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1、炔烃alkyne教学目标,1说出炔烃的定义、通式、同分异构现象 正确命名炔烃 2正确地写出炔烃的加成反应、氧化反 应产物和金属炔化物。能利用烷烃、 烯烃和炔烃性质的不同进行鉴别、推 导。,一、炔烃的定义、同系列、同分异构现象,定义:分子中含有碳碳叁键(CC)的 不饱和链烃。,通式:CnH2n-2,炔烃的结构:碳碳叁键中C为杂化, CC叁键是由1个键和2个键组成。,叁键C原子的杂化 sp杂化,形成过程,sp杂化轨道形状与空间分布,sp杂化轨道空间分布:直线形,乙炔两个键的形成,pz,pz,一、炔烃的定义、同系列、同分异构现象,定义:分子中含有碳碳叁键(CC)的 不饱和链烃。,通式:CnH2n-2

2、,同分异构现象 炔烃中存在碳链异构和官能团位置异构,炔烃的结构:碳碳叁键中C为杂化, CC叁键是由1个键和2个键组成。,二 炔烃的命名:改烯/ene为炔/yne,1选主链:含有双键和叁键的最长碳链 2编号:从靠近双键或叁键的一端开始 (双、叁键位次相同时,给双键以最低编号) 3命名:先烯后炔(烯炔所在位次和最小),双、叁键同时存在的化合物的命名:,CH3C,CHCH2CH3,CH2CH2CH3,CCH2CH2CHCH2CH3,CH2CH3,CCH2CHCH2CH3,CH2CH2CH3,C,CCH2CH=CH2,CH3CH=CHC CH,CH,CH,CH,举 例,4-乙基-2-庚炔,4-乙基庚炔

3、,5-乙基庚炔,1-戊烯-4-炔,3-戊烯-1-炔,三、炔烃的物理性质,14个C原子 气体(gas)(g) 5个C以上的低级炔烃 液体(liquid)(l) 高级炔烃 固体(solid)(s),炔烃难溶于水,易溶于有机溶剂,练习:写出C5H8的同分异构体并命名,四、炔烃的化学性质,炔烃 -CC-H的酸性,取代反应,白色炔化银沉淀,砖红色化亚铜沉淀,重金属炔化物遇酸易分解为原来的炔烃; 因此,可用来分离或提纯末端炔烃,四、炔烃的化学性质,(一)加成反应,1、加H2,RCH=CH2,RCH2CH3,同C数的烯烃、炔烃氢化时,烯烃快约10倍 烯烃、炔烃混合物氢化时, 炔烃先被氢化 分子中同时有双键和

4、叁键时,叁键先被氢化,用林德拉Lindlar催化剂控制还原:顺式烯烃,四、炔烃的化学性质,(一)加成反应,2、加X2,RCX=CHX,RCX2CHX2,应用:鉴别炔烃 溴水褪色 合成多卤代物,四、炔烃的化学性质,(一)加成反应,3、加HX,RCX=CH2,RCX2CH3,HBr/过氧化物:反马氏产物,4、加H2O,醛,酮,HCN CH3COOH C2H5OH,5、加HA,(二)氧化反应,1、与叁键相连的碳上有 一个H原子时 CO2,条件,产物,2、与叁键相连的碳上 无H原子时 RCOOH,RCOOH+CO2,(三)聚合反应(自学),乙炔为原料合成下列产品:,答案,答案,A: 2,2-二溴丙烷

5、B: 1-溴丙烷 C:2-氯丙烷 D: 2-丙醇,合成,丙炔合成,1说出二烯烃的定义、通式、正确命名二 烯烃。 2了解二烯烃的结构。 3知道1,3丁二烯的化学性质,尤其 是亲电加成。,教学目标,二烯烃,一、定义 、分类、结构,1、定义:分子中含两个或两个以上碳碳双键的烃,2、分类:,累积二烯烃 C=C=C 少见 隔离二烯烃 C=C(C)nC=C(n1) 共轭二烯烃 C=CC=C 通式 CnH2n-2,共轭效应: 由于共轭双键的存在,而使分子中的原子间发生相互影响,引起键长平均化的现象。,二烯烃,一、定义 、分类、结构,3、1,3-丁二烯(共轭二烯)的结构,(1)C全为sp2杂化,形成大键 (

6、44 ),(2)共轭效应,p轨道与键只隔1个单键的含奇数个共轭原子,共轭效应的类型: 3种,p -共轭,超共轭效应,等电子大键:1,3-丁二烯 苯,多电子大键 氯乙烯 乙烯醇 缺电子大键 烯丙基正离子 等电子大键 烯丙基游离基,超共轭效应,-共轭,键间隔1个单键的含偶数个共轭原子,C-H键轨道相隔1个单键的体系,共轭效应的类型: 3种,-共轭,44,共轭效应的类型: 3种,-共轭,66,共轭效应的类型: 3种,p -共轭,34,共轭效应的类型: 3种,超共轭效应,共轭效应的特点: 由于共轭效应涉及键离域体系,电子的流动性比电子的大,所以,共轭效应在沿链传递时,可以传递得很远,随距离增长而减弱的

7、现象不明显。,二、二烯烃的命名与烯烃相似,称“某二烯”。十以上的需在“二烯”前加“碳”字,如结构式表明烯键结构,需标明顺反异构。,三、1,3丁二烯的性质,1、亲电加成,两个产物的相对比例大小与反应物及产物的结构、反应温度、溶剂与溶剂的性质、中间产物的 稳定性等因素有关。,三、1,3丁二烯的性质,1、亲电加成,在极性溶剂中反应,反应温度较高、反应时间较长、试剂极性较大、产物稳定性较高时,利于1,4-加成。,双烯体(共轭二烯)+ 亲双烯体(亲双烯体上连有吸电子基团反应更易),2、双烯合成(DielsAlder)(D-A),写 出 主 要 产 物,3、稳定性,4、聚合反应,(自学),天然存在的共轭烯

8、烃,(1)天然橡胶:异戊二烯聚合物,n,(2) 维生素A与维生素A酸,(3) -胡萝卜素,Summary,Alkynes,like alkenes, are unsaturated hydrocarbons. Alkyne molecules contain the carbon-carbon triple bond whose carbons are sp-hybridized ones and so that the molecules form the linear structures.Alkynes,as well as alkenes, can undergo the additi

9、on reaction because of containing bond in the molecules,The electronegativity of sp-hybridized carbons is greater than that of sp2-hybridized carbons,so the ability of reservingelectron of sp-hybridized carbons is stronger and the ability of undrgoing the electrophilic addition reaction is weaker th

10、an that of sp2-hybridized carbons,The end hydrogen atom that directly bonds to the triple bond carbon shows acidity.,Summary,Depending on the reaction conditions of adding hydrogen,the addition products of alkynes are different. The oxidation products also vary with different reaction conditions. Th

11、e multiple bonds of dialkenes are classified as being cumulated,conjugated,or isolated.The conjugated dialkenes have some specific properties because of the conjugated system in the molecules.For example,all the four carbons of 1,3-butadiene are sp2-hybridized ones that form a large bond,and the bon

12、d electrons stay in the whole large bond system so that the molecule energy is lowered and the molecule system is much more stable.,In the conjugated system of dialkenes, the electron delocalization because of the overlapping of electron orbitals changes the arrangement of the electron cloud density

13、.The effect of the electron delocalization on the molecules physical and chemical properties is called conjugated effect. There are three conjugated effects -,p- and - super conjugations.Sometimes the conjugated effect is in line with the inducing effect,however sometimes the conjugated effect does

14、not accord with the inducing effect.Under this condition,it is often considered that the conjugated effect is stronger than the inducing effect. 1,3-butadiene can undergo the electronphilic addition reaction at different temperatures.At higher temperatures,the 1,2-addition products are mainly obtain

15、ed.At room temperature,the 1,4-addition products are mainly obtained.,环烃的定义: 由碳和氢两种元素组成的环状化合物,环烃,环烃cyclohydrocarbon,脂环烃 学习目标,1、正确地对脂环烃进行命名。 2、掌握脂环烃的结构和性质,环的大 小与稳定性的关系。 3、掌握脂环烃的化学性质,并与烯烃 烷烃的化学性质进行比较。,一、脂环烃的分类,三元环、四元环、五元环.,稠环,二、脂环烃的命名,1、环烷烃:环某烷 若有取代基时 编号:使取代基的位置最小,相同位次比较基团的大小,先小基后大基。 命名:取代基位次 - 取代基名环某

16、烷 取代基复杂的,以环烃作取代基按烷烃命名,(一)单脂环烃,CH3,CH2CH3,例:,环丙烷,环丁烷,环己烷,甲基环己烷,乙基环戊烷,CH3,CH2CH3,1-甲基-2-乙基环丁烷,CH2CH3 CHCH2CH3,3-环戊基戊烷,2、不饱和环烃:环某烯(炔) 编号:先编双(叁)键碳, 其次使取代基位次较小 命名: 取代基位-取代基名-双/叁键位-环某烯/炔,5-甲基-1,3-环戊二烯,4-乙基-1-环辛炔,2-甲基-6-乙基-1,3-环己二烯,练习:写出C6H12单环环烷烃的同分异构体。,1.螺原子:两个环共用的碳原子 2.编号:从小环中与螺原子相邻的碳原子开始 (从小环-螺原子-大环并使取

17、代基位次最小) 3.命名:螺A.B某烷(烯),(二)螺spiro环脂环烃的命名,在多环脂环烃中,两个环以共用一个环碳原子的方式相互连接,称螺环烃。,螺3.5壬烷,螺3.4辛烷,4-甲基螺2.4庚烷,CH3,螺4.5-1,6-癸二烯,举 例,1.选出桥头碳:连接三座桥的两个碳 2.编号:从一个桥头碳沿最长的桥到另一桥头碳,再沿次长的桥回到第一个桥头碳 ,最后最短桥上的碳原子,并使取代基 位次最小 3.命名:二环bicyclicA.B.C“某”烷(烯),(三)桥环脂环烃bridged hydrocarbon命名,在多环脂环烃中,两个环共用碳数2(=2,稠环)时,称桥环脂环烃。,举 例,二环2.2.

18、1庚烷,2-甲基二环2.2.0己烷,5-甲基二环2.2.0-2-己烯,三、脂环烃的化学性质,(一)卤代反应(高温或紫外线作用下),(二)开环反应加成反应,1、加H2,难,CH3CH2CH3,CH3CH2CH2CH3,CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3,环烷烃中的小环化合物,特别是三碳化合物与一些试剂作用时容易发生环破裂而与试剂相结合的反应,(二)开环反应加成反应,2、加X2(可用于区别烷烃和环烷烃),难,3、加HX (开环发生在含H最多和含H最少 的两个碳原子之间,且遵循马氏规则),(三)氧化反应,练习,写出环戊烯与下列试剂反应的产物:,练习,用化学方法区别下列化合物: 1 2-甲基丁烯 甲基环己

19、烷 1,2-二甲基环丙烷 2 丙烷 环丙烷 丙烯 丙炔,A,B,C,练习,用化学方法区别下列化合物: 1 2-甲基丁烯 甲基环己烷 1,2-二甲基环丙烷 2 丙烷 环丙烷 丙烯 丙炔,A,B,C,D,四、脂环烃的结构特点及稳定性,(一)稳定性的规律,三、四元环不稳定 五元环较稳定 六元稳定,(二)稳定性规律的解释,1、张力学说(拜尔) 2、现代结构理论(共价键的成键特点),脂环烃 Cyclic Hydrocarbons 重点和难点,脂环烃的结构与稳定性的关系: A 环丙烷及其衍生物:环丙烷的角张力较高,具有较高的张力能,为一个张力环。 B 环丁烷及其衍生物:环丁烷具有较强的角张力,弱的扭转力,

20、有较高的张力能,也是张力环,但较环丙烷稳定。 C 环戊烷及其衍生物:基本无角张力,扭转力较弱,张力能不大,化学性质较稳定 D 环己烷及其衍生物:无角张力,为无张力环,环系稳定,化学性质最稳定。,结构特点,C:sp3,1、环丙烷,环烷烃的顺反异构,bp. 37,bp. 29,顺-1,2-二甲基环丙烷,反-1,2-二甲基环丙烷,环己烷构象,chair conformation,boat conformation,chair conformation,chair conformation,boat conformation, 两种椅型构象转换,a,e,一元取代的环己烷 e-结构稳定,二元取代的环己烷

21、 e,e-反式结构稳定,十氢化萘,In the compounds that we have studied so far,the carbon atoms,which are attached to one another to form chains,are called open-chain compounds. In many compounds,however,the carbon atoms form ring,which arecalled cyclic compounds.,In this chapter we shall take up cyclic compounds in

22、cluding aliphatic compounds. Much of the chemistry of alicyclic compounds already know, since it is essentiall the chemistry of their open-chain counterparts :a cycloalkane, for example, is an alkane, and in general acts like one. But the cyclic nayure of some of there compounds confers very special

23、 properties on them. It was here that the study of conformational analysis had its real beginning, and it is here that we, in turn, can begin to appreciate the practical importance of this branch of stereochemiatry. Being a ring or several rings-places restrictions on the shape a molecule can assume

24、, or on just where solvent molecules can cluster; steric hindrance can be increased or decreased; the attack by a reagent can be limited to just one direction. The very size of the ring can lead to unusual reactivity. We shall focus our attention on the conformation and stability of alicyclic compou

25、nds.,In the conjugated system of dialkenes, the electron delocalization because of the overlapping of electron orbitals changes the arrangement of the electron cloud density.The effect of the electron delocalization on the molecules physical and chemical properties is called conjugated effect. There

26、 are three conjugated effects -,p- and - super conjugations.Sometimes the conjugated effect is in line with the inducing effect,however sometimes the conjugated effect does not accord with the inducing effect.Under this condition,it is often considered that the conjugated effect is stronger than the inducing effect. 1,3-butadiene can undergo the electronphilic addition reaction at different temperatures.At higher temperatures,the 1,2-addition products are mainly obtained.At room temperature,the 1,4-addition products are mainly obtained.,


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