Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section A 1a-1c公开课课件.ppt

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1、Unit 3,Is this your pencil?,What are in the schoolbag?,?,Guess猜一猜,Find the owner(物归原主),Is this your.?Yes, it is. Its mine.No, it isnt. Its his / hers.,只有两次机会噢!,?,Who is the owner (主人) ?,1. pencil _2. pen _3. books _4. eraser _5. ruler _6. pencil box _7. schoolbag _8. dictionary _,e,g,b,h,c,f,a,d,1a,

2、Match the words with the things in the picture.,Circle the words as quickly as possible.六人为一组,迅速圈出你所找到的单词,最快完成的小组立刻派出两位同学上台展示(至少找出8个单词)。获胜者加1分!,Fun Time,请六人为一组,运用所学的单词仿写新的chant,并向大家展示,可得1分噢!给大家一分钟时间准备噢!,一人填写,其他组员打节拍试唱,A: Is this your pencil?B: Yes, it is. Its mine.,A: Is that your schoolbag?B: No, i

3、t isnt. Its his.,A: Are these your books?B: No, they arent. Theyre hers.,3,2,1,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,Watch a video,Boy1: Excuse me, is _ your pencil box?Girl: Yes, _ _.Boy1: Here you are.Girl: _.Boy1:Is this your _ ?Boy2:_, it isnt .I think(认为) its her eraser.Boy1: Hanmei , Is

4、_ your eraser?Girl:Yes, it is. Thanks.Boy1:Thats OK.,is,it,this,Thank you,eraser,No,this,Listen and fill in the blanks.,1. 请每位同学拿出一样自己的文具。,2. 如果老师说PASS,不能和同学交换文具。,注意,出错的同学将为你的对手加上1分噢!,3. 如果老师说Miss Yan says pass,请把手中的文具和传给下一个同学。,A: Excuse me, is this your eraser?B: No, it isnt .A: Is this your eraser

5、?C: Yes, it is. Its mine.A: Here you are.C: Thank you.,Find the owner (主人),No Chinese! (违反规则的组员将扣去1分),注意,恭喜获胜的小组!,Remember,Return the things that you find or borrow to the owner as soon as possible.,及时归还你借的或找到的东西。,Recite all the new words and target language.Make up a new conversation.,本课配套听力mp3,视频素材,教案、导学案、练习题等资料全册精品课件及试题等资料,请点此到下载,


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