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1、初二Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?(附答案)单元检测满分:100分,限时:60分钟单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1(2019广东东莞横沥爱华学校期中)He saw a snake lying under the tree _ surprise.Ain Bto Cat Dwith2(2018湖南郴州中考)May I be allowed to choose a summer course?Its up to you. Youre _ to make your own decision.Atoo old Benough old Cold enou

2、gh3(2019广东阳江阳东区期中)My parents are out. I have to _ my baby brother.Alook at Blook outClook for Dtake care of4Many students _ history because they think its boring.Alike Bhate Cagree Denjoy5(2018陕西西安音乐学院附中期中)My cousin _ my English book last month and he _ it to his friend.Alend; borrowed Blent; borrow

3、edCborrowed; lend Dborrowed; lent6(2019辽宁鞍山台安期中)Peter decided to take a taxi in order _ late for the street show.Ato be Bnot to beCto being Dnot to being7(2019广西北部湾经济区中考)John, please _ your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.Atake away Btake up Ctake off Dtake out8(2018辽宁葫芦岛建昌期中)

4、Would you like some juice or coffee?_. I like green tea.ANeither BEither CNone DBoth9(2018辽宁辽河油田兴隆台一中期中)China is a _ country, but it _ fast these years.Adeveloped; developedBdeveloping; developsCdeveloped; developingDdeveloping; developing10(2019甘肃天水中考)Could you tell me how to pay for the food by QR

5、 code (二维码) on the phone?_.ATake it easy BIt doesnt matterCWith pleasure DYoure welcome11(2018湖南邵阳武冈期中)_ we work at English, the better grades we will get.AHarder BThe harder CHardest12(2019山东临沂中考)In the world, more than 30% of schools do not provide safe drinking water _ about 570 million children.

6、Awith Bfor Ctowards13(2019福建厦门松柏中学期中)Could I use your computer?_. Im going to work on it now.ASure BNo problem CSorry14(2019广东揭阳惠来期中)Are you going to Jay Chous concert in Guangzhou this summer holiday?Im not sure. It _ the price of the ticket.Adepends on Bcares aboutCagrees to Dfinds out15Does anybo

7、dy want to share _ on Fathers Day?Guess what? Ill write a poem for my dad.Awhen will you shop Bwhat you will do Cwhere you will go完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) It is difficult for the parents of every family to teach their children _16_ responsible (有责任的) for housework. Shatian School in Shanghai is making its s

8、tudents _17_ housework for their parents. Thats their homework. Third graders (三年级学生) must _18_ how to cook and clean, sixth graders do the laundry, and seventh and eighth graders cook balanced _19_ with 15 yuan. Many parents think its a good _20_ for children to try doing housework, but they dont k

9、now _21_ to do it at home. With the following ideas, you can really get your children to help _22_. If you want to make your children think that they can do _23_ quite right, please dont scold (批评) them but give them lots of praise (赞美) at home. Talk more _24_ what he has done right. Dont talk about

10、 what he hasnt done. If your child finishes some _25_ work, give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad as a reward.16Abe Bbeing Care Dto be17Adid Bdo Cdoes Ddoing18Alearn Bread Cdo Dtake19Adrinks Bthings Cmeals Dsnacks20Away Broad Chabit Dexercise21Awhat Bhow Cwhy Dwhen22Aat school Bin a

11、shop Cin the room Dat home23Aeverything Beither Cnone Dnothing24Afor Bwith Cabout Dto25Aeasy Bdifficult Cinteresting Dright阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(2019安徽淮南潘集区期中) Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? Here is a survey. We asked 4,000 teenagers in China sev

12、eral questions. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. The others are from small villages, We made a diagram of the result of our survey. Lets have a look at it. We found out that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. Maybe it is because they

13、live a harder life. Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should give their children some chores to do. Doing chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves.26They surveyed _ teenagers from small villages.A1,000 B2,000 C4,000 D3,00027There are 1,000 teenagers from the cities who _

14、.Atake out the hash Bdo the dishesCmake the bed Dfold the clothes28There are about _ more teenagers from villages doing the dishes than making the bed.A400 B1,200 C1,800 D2,00029The number of teenagers _ in big cities is bigger than that in small villages.Amaking the bed Btaking out the trashCfoldin

15、g the clothes Ddoing the dishes30Why did they make the survey?ABecause they didnt want teenagers in China to do chores at home.BBecause they thought itll not help teenagers to take good care of themselves to do chores at home.CBecause they wanted to know about something about teenagers doing chores

16、and gave their advice.DBecause they thought its not necessary for teenagers to look after themselves.BLinda, 14 My parents do 10 hours housework a week. My mother does most of the housework, like cooking and folding the clothes. My father can only do the washing, sweep the floor and take out the tra

17、sh. He really needs to learn how to do housework.Celina, 13 My mother and my father each do 50% of the housework. My mother does the washing and cleans the living room. My father makes the bed and drives me to school.Paul, 16 My lather doesnt do a lot but he tries to help. He hangs up the clothes af

18、ter my mother does the washing and my mother is happy that he always gives her a hand.Bill, 15 My mother is a doctor. She is busy with her work every day, so she has little time to do housework. In fact she isnt good at doing housework. So my father has to do most of it. Sometimes my grandmother com

19、es to help.31Lindas father doesnt _ at home.Ado the washing Btake out the trashCsweep the floor Dfold the clothes32How does Celina go to school?ABy bike. BBy bus.CBy car. DBy subway.33The underlined phrase hangs up means _ in Chinese.A闲逛 B晾晒 C熨烫 D清洗34Whose father does most of the housework?ALindas.

20、BCelinas.CPauls. DBills.35Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ALinda is one year older than Celina but one year younger than Bill.BCelinas lather needs to learn how to do housework.CPauls mother is angry with his father because he never helps her with housework.DBills grandmother

21、 helps Bill with his schoolwork.任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分) When packing a lunch, you need to remember the rules about food safety. _36_ Every counter that will have food on should be cleaned before you start. You should also make sure to wash your hands with warm, soapy water. Make sure you use clean dishes

22、to put the food in. _37_ Dogs cant usually get on it. But cats can jump that high and get on the table in the kitchen. Train your cats not to jump on the table. _38_ Leftovers from last nights dinner can be a great choice for lunch the next day. But if you sat around the table after eating, or the f

23、ood was out for more than two hours, find something else to put in the lunch. If you arent sure if the leftovers are still good, throw them out. _39_ After eating your lunch, youd better wash the box that you used to bring lunch at once. Or germs may grow in it and cause lots of disease. _40_ Foods

24、can go bad very quickly during the summer. Put them in cool places to keep cool. The food should not get warmer than forty degrees. 阅读上面的语言材料,从AG中找出与它们相对应的标题,其中有两个选项是多余的。AClean your lunch box immediately.BWash the dishes often.CStart with a clean kitchen.DMake sure to put your lunch in a cooler plac

25、e.ECool foods are better.FIt is important to keep pets off the table.GUse fresh foods to make the lunch.36_ 37_ 38_ 39_ 40_补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)(2018贵州都匀六中期中) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择正确的选项填入空白处,其中有两项是多余的。A: _41_B: I like some, but I hate the others.A: _42_B: I like to do the washing.A: What do you like washing?B: E

26、verything. Dishes, clothes, and even my toys. _43_A: I am quite different from you. I like cooking.B: _44_A: No, I just think its interesting to cook, but I dont eat too much.B: _45_ADo you like doing chores?BWhat about you?CI see.DDo you like eating, too?EWhat do you like to do?FWould you come to m

27、y home for dinner?GDo you like washing clothes?41_ 42_ 43_ 44_ 45_词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据首字母提示写出所缺的单词。46He t_ the ball to me, but I didnt catch it.47I left my wallet at home. Could you please l_ me some money?48I dont like to do chores. In fact, I h_ them.49He has worked in the factory s_ he moved to the

28、 city.50You should learn to be independent. You cant d_ on your parents forever.B)根据汉语提示写出所缺的单词。51Could you please _ (折叠) these clothes on the bed?52The manager said that he would _ (提供) us with food and drink.53This is my new _ (邻居) and he is from London.54I think teenagers should do some _ (杂务) at

29、 home.55He was a successful businessman. He once _ (发展) a small shop into a big store.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(每小题1分,共5分)56我每天帮我妈妈扫地。I help my mother _ _ _ every day.57你能把那本书递给我吗?Could you please _ _ _ _?58我们不能一直依靠我们的父母。We cant _ _ our parents _ _ _.59女孩经常把一些钱花在衣服上。Girls often _ some money _ clothes.60我给他打电话

30、,为的是提醒他关于聚会的事情。I called him _ _ _ remind him of the party.书面表达(共20分)(2019河北石家庄正定期中) 假设你班要举行一次有关“该不该做家务”的讨论会。请你写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,并向全班做一个汇报。提示:(1)Do you often do chores? (2)What chores do you often do? (3)What do you think about doing chores?要求:(1)语句通顺,表达正确; (2)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,不能出现真实姓名和校名; (3)词数70左右,开头、

31、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Should we do chores or not? Good afternoon, everyone. _ Thank you for listening!参考答案1.答案:A in surprise意为“惊讶地”,是固定搭配。2.答案:C 句意:可以允许我选择夏天的课程吗?这取决于你,你足够大了,可以自己做决定了。enough修饰形容词时,需放在形容词之后,再结合句意可知选C。3.答案:D 句意:我的父母出去了,我不得不照顾我的弟弟。take care of意为“照顾”,符合题意。4.答案:B 由“他们认为它很无聊”可知许多学生不喜欢历史,所以选hate。5答案

32、:D borrow意为“借入”;lend意为“借出”。“我”表哥借了“我”的英语书,然后又将它借给了他的朋友,再结合题中的last month可知选D。、6答案:B 句意:彼得决定坐出租车是为了看街头表演不迟到。in order to意为“目的是;为了”,后跟不定式,由句意可知要用否定形式,故选B。7答案:D 句意:约翰,请把你的字典从书包里拿出来,然后查一查这个新单词。由句中的from the schoolbag可推知此处表示“拿出”。故选D。8答案:A neither“两者都不”;either“两者中的任何一个”;none指(三者或三者以上)没有一个;both“两者都”。根据答语的后一句“

33、我喜欢绿茶”可知是对果汁和咖啡都不喜欢,故选A。9答案:B 句意:中国是一个发展中国家,但是这些年中国发展很快。第一空是现在分词作定语,第二空应用动词的第三人称单数形式,故选B。10答案:C 句意:你能告诉我如何用手机上的二维码支付食物费用吗?乐意效劳。Take it easy放轻松;It doesnt matter没关系;With pleasure乐意效劳;Youre welcome不客气。根据语境可知选C。11答案:B 句意:我们学习英语越努力,取得的成绩就会越好。“the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越,就越”。故选B。12答案:B 固定搭配provide sth. for sb.意为

34、“为某人提供某物”,是固定搭配。故选B。13答案:C 句型Could I?意为“我能/可以吗?”,是用于征求许可的句子,根据答语的后一句可知此处要用否定回答。14答案:A 根据答语可知是否去看演唱会取决于演唱会的票价,depend on意为“依赖;依靠;取决于”,符合题意,故答案选A。15答案:B 根据宾语从句必须是陈述句语序以及答语的内容可知选B。完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)答案:16D teach sb. to do sth.意为“教某人做某事”,是固定用法。17B make后常跟省略to的动词不定式,故选B。18A 三年级的学生必须学习如何做饭和打扫。故A项符合语境。19C cook

35、 balanced meals意为“做营养均衡的饭”,故C项符合语境。20A 许多父母认为,这(学校的做法)是孩子们尝试去做家务的一种好方法。way意为“方式;方法”。21B 但是他们不知道在家如何去做。故选how。22D 既然是做家务活。当然是在家中做,故选D。23A 此处表示“能把所有事情做得相当好”。everything意为“所有事情”,故选A。24C 句意:多谈论一些他做对的事情。about意为“关于”。25B 一般情况下,在孩子们完成难的工作后,家长要给予他们奖励,故选B。阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A答案:26B 根据文中句子“We asked 4,000 teenagers

36、in China several questionsThe others are from small villages.”可知总共调查了4,000人,其中来自小村庄的有一半,就是2,000人。27D 由统计图中fold the clothes一项可知城里青少年叠衣服的有1,000人。28B 由统计图中的信息可知,来自乡村的青少年中洗餐具的大约有1,800人,整理床铺的大约有600人,故可知答案选B。29A 从统计图中的信息可以看出,只有整理床铺这一项是城里孩子的人数多于乡村孩子的人数。30C 根据短文的开头和结尾可知,做调查是为了了解青少年做家务的情况并给出建议。B答案:31D 根据表格第一

37、栏中的句子“My father call only do the washing, sweep the floor and take out the trash.”可知不包括叠衣服,故选D。32C 根据表格第二栏中的句子“My father makes the bed and drives me to school.”可知塞莉娜是坐小汽车去上学的。33B 根据语境可知,爸爸总是在妈妈洗好衣服后进行晾晒,故选B。34D 由表格最后一栏中的句子“So my father has to do most of it.”可知选D。35A 由表格中的信息可知琳达比塞莉娜大一岁,比比尔小一岁。故A项说法与短

38、文内容相符。任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)答案:36C 根据后一句可知在开始前要保证厨房的清洁。37F 根据后面的内容可知要注意饲养的宠物要远离餐桌。38G 由短文第四段中的内容可知要确保食物的新鲜,故答案选G。39A 由短文第五段中的内容可知饭后要及时清洗餐盒,否则会产生细菌。40D 由后一句的内容可知在夏季食物容易变坏,故要确保把午饭放在较凉的地方。补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)答案:41A 根据答语“我喜欢一部分家务,但讨厌另一部分”可知问句是问“你喜欢做家务吗?”。42E 根据答语可知此句是问喜欢做什么,故答案选E。43B 由答语“我与你很不一样,我喜欢做饭”可知对方在问“你喜欢

39、做什么?”。44D 根据答语“不,我只是认为做饭很有趣,但我不吃太多”可知,问句是在问有关吃的问题,故选D。45C 听了对方所说的话,应该说“我知道了/我明白了”。词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A)答案:46threw 47lend 48hate 49since 50DependB)答案:51fold 52provide 53neighbor 54chores 55Developed根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(每小题1分,共5分)答案:56sweep the floor 57pass me the book 58depend on; all the time 59spend; on 60in

40、 order to书面表达(共20分)答案:One possible version:Should we do chores or not? Good afternoon, everyone. Im glad to share my ideas of doing chores. I usually do chores at home. I often sweep the floor, do the dishes and clean the room. I also help my mother cook dinner on weekends. I think we should help our parents with housework. It can make us know how hard our parents work and understand them better. We can learn a lot from doing chores, too. It helps us develop our independence. Thank you for listening!


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