Unit 6 The Media Lesson 1 From Page to Screen 知识点(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 6 The Media Lesson 1 From Page to Screen 知识点(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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1、UNIT 6 The Media Lesson 1 From Page to Screen 6.1 Language Points expectation n.U,C预料,预期,期待 contrary to/against/beyond(sb.s)expectations出乎(某人的)意料/超出预期 in(the)expectation of.预计会有.,期待.eg.It was an A,which was beyond my expectations.我得了个 A,这出乎我的意料。eg.In expectation of a traffic jam,I decided to walk.我预

2、料会堵车,于是决定步行。(2)n.C,usually pl.期望,指望;C,usually pl.,U希 望,盼望 expectations of.对的期望with expectations怀着希望live up to/come up to/meet ones expectations不负某人的期望,如某人所愿eg.With the care of nurses,we have expectations of a full recovery.在护士的照料下,我们期待着完全康复。The football team was defeated,which didnt live up to our e

3、xpectations.这支球队被击败了,这辜负了我们的期望。adaptation n C改编本,改写本eg.The television adaptation of the stage play was very successful.由这个舞台剧改编成的电视剧很成功。(2)n.U适应 adaptation to.对的适应 She made good adaptation to the new surroundings here,which made her parents delighted.她很好地适应了这里 的新环境,这让她的父母很高兴。appropriate adj.合适的,恰当的

4、appropriate time/place合适的时间/地点 be appropriate for/to sth.适合 It is appropriate to do sth.做某事很合适。eg.I dont feel that this is an appropriate time to mention the subject.我觉得现在提这个话题不是时候。eg.Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party like this.在像这样的正式聚会上穿牛仔裤是不合适的。cast n.C(一出戏剧或一部电影的)全体演员an all-star cast明

5、星云集的演员阵容The whole cast of My People,My Country performs/perform brilliantly.我和我的祖国的全体演员都表现出色当cast意为“全体演员且作主语时,若强调整体谓语动词 用单数形式。若强调整体中的个体,谓语动词用复数形式cast:投射(光、影子等);向投以(视线、笑容等)cast a shadow on/over.给蒙上一层阴影 eg.Her fathers illness cast a shadow over the wedding celebrations.她父亲的病给婚礼庆典蒙上了一层阴影。Impact(1)n.巨大影

6、响,强大作 用;have an impact on/upon sth./sb对某物/某人有影响 eg.The arts clearly have a pretty positive impact on physical and psychological health.艺术显然对身心健康有相当积极的影 响(天津高考)eg.Recent studies show that between 400 million and 1 billion birds die from window impacts each year in the US alone.最近的 研究显示,仅在美国,每年就有4亿至10

7、亿只鸟死于窗户 撞击。impact vt ,vi(对某事物)有影响/作用 impact on/upon.对有影响/作用 Falling export rates have impacted on/upon the countrys economy quite considerably。出口率下降极大地影响了该国的 经济。归纳拓展 与影响”有关的其他短语:have an effect/influence on sb./sth.make a difference to sb./sth.influence/affect sb./sth.句型分析:1.Since a typical film is o

8、nly around two hours long,it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out.因为电影通常只有两小时左右,所以对于编剧来说,要决定(书中)哪部分适合银幕,哪部分要省略就成了一个问题。特珠疑问词+不定式“特珠疑问词+不定式”结构”特殊疑问词/whether+不定式结构(1)常见的特殊疑问词:疑问代词who,what(无选择范围),which(有选择范围)和疑问副词how,when,where。(2)语法功能:作

9、主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。(作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。)(3)特殊疑问词/whether+不定式”结构相当于一个名词性从句。eg.When to do these tests in the lab(When we can do these tests in the lab is necessary to check.(我们)何时在实验室里进行这些试验是有必要核实的。(作主语)eg.Im hesitating about whether to accept your invitation or not=whether Ill accept your invitation or not.我

10、正在犹豫是否接受你的邀请。(作宾语)eg.The problem is where to put this computer=where we should put this computer.问题是(我们)该把这台计算机放在哪儿.(表语)eg.I have no idea what to say about this what I can say about this).我不知道对此能说些什么。(作同位语)句型分析2.Even more extreme was novelist J.D.Salinger,whomade sure no film versions of his popular

11、 novel A Catcher in the Rye could ever be made.小说家杰罗姆大卫塞林格更为极端,他永远不准自己广受欢迎的小说麦田里的守望者被拍成电影版本。表语提前引起的全部倒装表语提前引起的全部倒装为了保持句子平衡或为了强调表语或为使上下文紧密衔接有些句子会使用全部倒装,构成”形容词/介词短语/分词+系动词+主语”结构。eg.Bright,very bright were the stars over the wild,dark hills.群星在荒 芜黑暗的山丘上空闪耀着。eg.On either side of the road were rows of fruit trees.路的两边都是一排 排的果树。eg.Gone are the days when the country had to depend on imported oil.这 个国家不得不依赖进口石油的日子一去不复返了


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