Unit 1&2 词汇短语必备(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Step 1 单词认读1._ n.思维;思想;想法_ v.思考;考虑thinkingthink2._ n.&vt.挑战_ adj.具有挑战性的challengechallenging3._ v.改进;改善_n.改进;改善improveimprovement4._ adj.负责任的_ n.责任;职责responsibleresponsibility5._ adj.平等的;同等的n.同等的人;相等的物vt.比得上_ adv.相等地;同样地_ n.相等;平等equalequallyequality6._ n.进步;进展;前进;行进vt.&vi.发展;进步 _ adj.高级的;先进的 _n.发展adv

2、anceadvancedadvancement7._ vt.使吃惊;惊讶_ adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊喜的_ adj.感到吃惊的_ n.惊讶;惊奇amazeamazingamazedamazement8._ adj.自主的;有主见的;自立的_ n.独立;自主 _ adv.独立地;自主地;自立地independentindependenceindependentlyStep 2 短语记诵1._ 迫不及待地做某事cant wait to do sth2._ 通向;导致lead to3._ 对有信心have confidence in4._ 积极参加take an active part in5._

3、 及时;适时;最后in time6._ 对负责be responsible for7._ 迎接挑战;应对挑战rise to challenges8.make efforts to do sth _努力做某事9.have the opportunity to do sth _有机会做某事10.realize ones potential _发挥某人的潜能11.balance A with B _平衡A和B12.look on the bright side _看到光明的一面;往好处想13.begin with _以开始14.most importantly _最重要的是.拓展单词1._ n.贡献

4、;捐款;捐赠_ vt.贡献;投稿;捐献contributioncontribute2._ n.可供选择的事物;选择;选修课 _ adj.可选择的;非强制的optionoptional3._ n.闹钟;恐慌;警报;警报器vt.使惊恐;使害怕_ adj.担心的;害怕的alarmalarmed4._ n.机会;运气;大笔的钱_ adj.幸运的_ adv.幸运地;幸亏fortunefortunatefortunately5._ vt.吸引;使喜爱;招引;引起(反应)_ adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的_ n.吸引;吸引力attractattractiveattractionStep 2 短语记诵1._ 随

5、着时间流逝;久而久之over time2._ 相处得好get on/along well3._ 走来走去move around4._ 做出巨大贡献make a great contribution5._ 也;还有as well6.as an exchange student _作为交换生7.express oneself clearly _清楚地表达自己8.the basics of Chinese calligraphy _中国书法的基本要点9.put on a.show _进行表演10.lay out neatly and beautifully _整齐美观地布置.品句填空1.Holdin

6、g a _(积极的)attitude can win the opportunity.positive2.If you want to _(挑战)difficulties,you must first have confidence.challenge3.Only by working hard can we _(获得)advance.acquire4.The _(老年的)citizens should improve their eating habits.senior5.On the path to success,we should tap our _(潜力).potential6.We

7、 should make the most of communication _(设施)to improve peoples life.facilities7.The government should make efforts to protect _(个人的)privacy.individual8.If Tom wants to be well-rounded,he must abandon the stubborn _(性格).character9.Students should learn to be _(负责任的)in junior high school.responsible10

8、.We must save _(资源)to keep the ecological balance.resources.单句填空1.I can hardly wait _(begin)my new life.to begin2.We need to learn _(advance)technologies from foreign countries.advanced3.He is good at his job but he seems to lack _(confident).confidence4.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can ma

9、ke _ real difference.a5.He has taken on some exciting new _(challenge)with this job.challenges6.The doctor said the problem lied _ its foot and it would not die.in7.He took advantage _ the good weather to go for a walk.of8.Did he think that he was responsible _ Eddies death?for9.He remembered our na

10、mes from ten years agoisnt that just _(amaze)?amazing10.There are still many who will work hard to achieve these _(goal).goals.指出下列句子中画线部分充当的成分1.The students got on the school bus.()主语,定语2.He handed me the newspaper.()间接宾语3.I shall answer your question after class.()谓语,状语4.What a beautiful Chinese p

11、ainting!()定语5.They went hunting together early in the morning.()状语,状语6.His job is to train swimmers.()定语,表语7.He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.()宾语,状语8.Here comes the bus.()谓语,主语9.He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.()表语10.His wish is to become a scientist.()主语,表语.语法填空 1.John Li is a Ch

12、inese senior high school student 1._ came to the UK as an exchange student.2._(fortunate)he stayed with a lovely host family and went to school with their son,Daniel.The British school day 3._(last)from 9 am to 4 pm and students usually have to learn nine subjects including some 4._(option).The clas

13、ses are different from 5._(that)in China,because each teacher has their own classroom and the students move around for every lesson.He enjoyed most of the classes,6._ some of them were quite 7._(challenge),such as Geography and Biology.He ate in the school dinning hall and after lunch he often playe

14、d on the sports field 8._ his friends.Besides,he joined some clubs 9._(meet)more British students.In 10._ word,he met some great people and learnt a lot about life in the UK.who/thatFortunatelylastsoptionsthosebutchallengingwithto meetaStep 2 短语记诵1.see eye to eye with sb(on sth)_(在某事上)与某人看法一致2.shoot

15、 up_快速长高;蹿个儿3.calm down_平静;镇静;安静4.from ones point of view_从某人的角度、观点出发5.think sth through_充分考虑;想透6.back down_认输;承认错误7.be on sbs back about sth_缠磨;烦扰8.draw sth out of sth_提取;支取9.cheer up_(使)变得高兴;振奋起来10.keep the peace _维护和平;不扰乱治安Step 1 单词认读1._ n.精神压力;紧张;强调 vt.强调_ adj.充满压力的;紧张的stressstressful2._ vt.&vi.

16、(使朝某方向)冲;奔;射杀;摄影(过去式 _ 过去分词 _)shootshotshot3._ vi.争吵;争论 vt.说理;论证_ n.争吵;论点argueargument4._ adj.忧虑的;担心的;渴望的;令人焦虑的_ n.焦虑anxiousanxiety5._ n.怒气;怒火_ adj.生气的_ adv.愤怒地angerangryangrily6._ adj.思想的;精神的;智力的_ adv.精神上;智力上;思想上mentalmentally7._ n.担心;忧虑;关心 vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧_ adj.担心的;忧虑的_ prep.关于;涉及concernconcernedconc

17、erningStep 2 短语记诵1._靠某人自己on ones own2._导致lead to/result in3._经历go through4._结果是;证明是turn out5.argue with each other_互相争论6.ask for advice on _就征求意见7.to tell the truth _说实话8.be left far behind _远远落后9.prepare sb for sth _使某人为某事做好准备10.address ones concerns_消除某人的担忧.拓展单词1._ adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的_ n.平安;安全;安全措施sec

18、uresecurity2._ vt.&vi.毕业 n.毕业生_ n.毕业graduategraduation3._ vi.聚集;召集 vt.收拢;搜集;收集;聚集_ n.聚集;聚会;集会gathergathering4._ vt.&vi.自愿做;义务做 n.志愿者_ adj.志愿的;自愿的;义务的volunteervoluntary5._ n.回复;反应;响应_ vi.做出反应;回应responserespondStep 2 短语记诵1._数钱count out money2._饶有兴致地看着watch with anxious interest3._给某人温暖而安心的感觉give sb a

19、warm,secure feeling4._从学校毕业graduate from school5._用于突发紧急情况be used for sudden emergencies6.give sb a bright smile _给某人一个灿烂的笑容7.give up smoking _戒烟8.write down another figure _写下另一个数字9.go downtown _去市中心10.draw money out of the bank account _从银行账户取钱.品句填空1.I placed the chick(雏鸟)in the _(鸟窝),and it quick

20、ly calmed down.nest2.The old house whose _(屋顶)was damaged in the storm is now under repair.roof3.Their whole life was a constant _(斗争)against poverty.battle4.We had an _(争吵)with the waiter about the bill.argument5.Since his parents died early,he had to earn his own living when he was a _(青少年)teenage

21、r6.There is often a _(紧张关系)between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees.tension7.But while increasing health was a typical feature of the 20th century,declining birth _(率)could be a defining one of the 21st.rate8.She was wearing a black skirt with white _(斑点)spots9.A computer syst

22、em _(故障)has caused great loss to the software company.breakdown10.Members of the team have _(有规律的)training every Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00.regular11.The company has been _(把作为攻击目标)by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.targeted12.Do you have a _(思想的)picture of what it w

23、ill look like?mental.单句填空1.His _(argue)was that public spending must be reduced.argument2.If youre worried about your health,share your _(anxious)with your doctor.anxieties3.He was filled with _(angry)at the way he had been treated.anger4.They gave the news a _(guard)welcome.guarded5.Moving to a new

24、 house is a very _(stress)experience.stressful6.The desire _ a happy family comes,in part,from a difficult childhood.for7.Weve gone _all those envelopes I bought last week.through8.Isolation from family and friends can lead_ feelings of anxiety.to9.Rescue crews were struggling_(save)trapped victims.

25、to save.语法填空 1.Every Saturday night Mama would sit by the kitchen table and count 1._ the money that Papa had brought home.When Mama planned on the money,others would gather around and watch 2._(anxious).To give the children a feeling of3._(secure),Mama tried her best not to draw money out of her Ba

26、nk Account,4._ hard the life was.At the same time,all the family members did their best to earn or save money.For example,when Nels wanted to go on to high school,he offered 5._(work)in Dillons store after school.Papa decided to give up 6._(smoke)and Katrin planned to look 7._ the Elvington children

27、 every Friday night.However,8._ Katrin asked Mama to put the check of her first story in the Bank Account last year,Mama had to tell that there was no account in the bank at all.9._(actual),Mama lied about her Bank Account just 10._(make)the children feel secure.outanxiouslysecurityhoweverto worksmokingafterwhenActuallyto make


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