Unit 4 Reading 知识点讲解(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Looking good,feeling goodLanguage Points1.Teen faints after skipping meals -the titleadj.not strong or clear;slight 微弱的;模糊的微弱的;模糊的 a faint sound/noise/smell not have the faintest idea She gave me a faint smile of recognition.她认出了我,对我微微一笑。她认出了我,对我微微一笑。adj.to feel weak,as if youre about to become unco

2、nscious 虚弱无力的;感到晕眩的虚弱无力的;感到晕眩的 She felt faint with hunger.根本不知道faintv.to suddenly become unconscious for a short time;usually falling down or passing out 晕厥;晕倒晕厥;晕倒 He faints at the sight of blood.n.C/U 晕厥晕厥 On receiving the news,she fell into a dead faint.1.Teen faints after skipping meals -the tit

3、le v.skip,skipped,skippedto move with jumps 蹦蹦跳跳地走蹦蹦跳跳地走 skip happily beside meto not do sth.不做某事;跳过不做某事;跳过 skip the afternoon class I skipped over the last part of the book.to move from one place/subject to another 转换转换 She kept skipping from one topic of conversation to another.2.Jennifer thought

4、that skipping meals would be a simple way to reach her target weight.L14 n.C/U 重量;分量;体重重量;分量;体重 It is about 76 kilos in weight.Hes put on/gained weight since he gave up smoking.No more for me.I have to watch my weight.n.C 砝码;秤砣;重物砝码;秤砣;重物 I lift weights twice a week at the gym.n.U 重要性;影响;份量重要性;影响;份量

5、 Your opinion carries weight with the boss.The many letters of support added weight to the campaign.weight vt.加重,使变重加重,使变重Paper tablecloths need to be weighted down or they blow away in the wind.被东西压着被东西压着仔细权衡仔细权衡 vt.称称的重量的重量She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom.Economic benefi

6、ts must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.weigh3.She told me she had trouble concentrating in class.L17 她告诉我她上课集中注意力有困难。v.集中注意力;聚精会神She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.concentrate(ones mind/effo

7、rt)on(doing)sth.=focus on=fix ones attention on=be absorbed in=devote oneself to(doing)sth concentration n.专注;集中;浓度 concentrated adj.全力以赴的;浓缩的1.Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of _(concentrate).2.I cant concentrate _ my homework with all that noise going on.3.We often take some _(concent

8、rate)food with us when we go hiking.4.He made a _(concentrate)effort to finish the work on time.concentrationonconcentratedconcentrated4.I warned her that skipping meals was unhealthy,but she wouldnt listen.L18 v.警告;告诫;提醒He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.I warned you not to walk home al

9、one.We warned them that there was a bull in the field.Police have warned(us)of possible delays.He warned us against pickpockets.We were warned off buying the house.warning n.C,Uwarnings about the dangers of smokingissue a warning against eating any fish in that river adj.very great in degree 极度的极度的

10、under extreme pressureadj.serious or severe 极端的极端的;严重的严重的 in extreme circumstancesadj.far from normal or reasonable偏激的偏激的;极端的极端的 extreme left-wing viewsuextremely adv.extremely important/urgent/complicated5.In a society where being thin is often seen as being beautiful,teenagers sometimes turn to ex

11、treme methods to slim down quickly.L236.They are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about their side effects of losing weight too quickly.L27他们正加大努力教育青少年减肥过快的副作用。n.C/U效果效果have an/no/much/little effect on 对对 有有影响影响take effect/come into effect 生效生效be in effect 在实施中;有效在实施中;有效bring/put into e

12、ffect 使生效;实行使生效;实行ueffective adj.ineffective 无效的无效的ueffectively adv.1.The advertising campaigns didnt have _(对有重大影响)sales.2.The appointment of our new principal _(生效)from the very beginning of next semester.3.This trend has had some unintended _(副作用)such as obesity and heart disease.4.They have redu

13、ced pollution through _(effect)measures.5.Students should balance work and play _.(effect)much effect onwill take effect/side effectseffectiveeffectivelycome into effectlinking v.证明是证明是prove(to be)+n./adj.结果证明是结果证明是The news that Mr.Smith was going to buy that factory proved false in the end.After he

14、 was caught by the police,he tried his best to prove his innocence to them.7.These so-called“quick-fix methods”prove to be harmful to teenagers.L29这些所谓的“速效法”被证明对青少年有害。vt.证明;证实证明;证实prove sth.to sb.向某人证实某事向某人证实某事prove sth.to be 证明证明是是prove that+宾从宾从She may prove to be the most suitable person for the

15、job.These documents will prove that we are telling the truth.uproof n.C,U 证明,证据证明,证据1.These results are further _(证明)of his outstanding ability.2.As time went on,Einsteins theory _(证明是对的).3.This,he said,_(prove)that lightning was a form of electricity.proofsproved correctproved8.She pointed out that

16、 it is important to have a healthy balanced diet since teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition to function well.L34diet n.C/U a salt-free/vegetarian dieta crash diet go on a dietbe on a dietstick to/follow a diet vi.=slim 节食adj.低糖的,低脂的 a diet sodaudietary adj.dieter n.速效

17、减肥(的饮食)开始节食在节食(状态)坚持/按规定饮食 function n.C/U(事物的事物的)功能;功能;(人的人的)职责职责The church fuifils a valuable social function.In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.v.起作用;运转起作用;运转function as 起起作用作用I cant function without a coffee in the morning.ufunctional adj.实用的实用的;能运转的能运转的;功能上的功能上的Bathrooms don

18、t have to be purely functional.The system is expected to be fully functional by 2020.slight functional differences1.The old machine wont function _(proper)if you dont oil it in time.2.He _ _(起.作用)a team leader when he was on the school team.3.These units played a key _(function)role in the military

19、operation.properlyfunctioned asfunctional9.If they do not take in enough food,they may feel weak and get ill easily.L37Bretts always taking in stray animals.The trip takes in all the famous tourist attractions.Dont be taken in by his charm-hes ruthless.Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadnt

20、taken anything in.摄入,吸收收留包含欺骗理解;领会;记住take overtake uptake ontake downtake awaytake offtake for 接管占据;从事呈现;承担记下;拆掉拿走;消除起飞;脱下(错)当作;(误)以为1.The manager decided that Tom was the ideal personto take _ the job.2.My doctor says Im too tired and has advised me not to take any more work_.3.It was at this point

21、 that her acting career really took _.4.If you take _ more calories than you are burning,then you gain weight.overoffonin10.We strongly encourage all teenagers to follow these lifestyle tips,because living well is the safest and most effective way to get into shape.L40n.C/U 形状;外形形状;外形 out of shape 变

22、形的;走样的变形的;走样的keep/stay in shape 锻炼身体;保持体型锻炼身体;保持体型in the shape of 以以的形状的形状/形式形式vt.使成为使成为形状;塑造;形成形状;塑造;形成shape into 使使塑造成塑造成1.Whether we believe it or not,we _(shape)by our family and friends.2.Johns jacket got _(变形)because of the heavy rain.3.It is not what we do once in a while that _(shape)our liv

23、es,but what we do consistently.4.Hes _(身材很好)for a man of his age.are shapedout of shapeshapesin good shape11.In a society where being thin is often seen as beingbeautiful,teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly.L20在一个以瘦为美的社会里,青少年有时会采取极端的方法来快速减肥。本句为复合句,where引导定语从句,修饰先行词societ

24、y.where引导定语从句的用法:先行词通常是表示具体地点的名词(如place,school,house等)或表示抽象地点的名词(如point,situation,case,position,stage等);where在定语从句中做地点状语,相当于“介词+which”,可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。When harvest came around,he was already selling herbs,vegetables and cotton in the market where people from the town met regularly.where引导定

25、语从句与where引导的状语从句从句区别例句Where引导的定语从句where为关系副词关系副词,做地点状语,其前有一个表示地点的先行词;where可以换成“介词介词+which”结构;where引导的定从不能置于句首。Is there a shop around where we can buy some fruit?Where引导的状语从句where为从属连词从属连词,前面没有表示地点的名词;此时where不能换成“介词+which”结构;在句中即可位于主句之前主句之前;也可位于主句之后主句之后;You should put the book where it was.1.I glance

26、d over the table _ the plant was.2.Finally he reached a lonely island _ was completely cut off from the outside world.3.Make a mark _ you have any doubts or questions.4._ there is a will,there is a way.5.You could get into a situation _ you have to decide immediately.6.There are some cases _ we know

27、 playing overtime is bad but we just cant stop it.wherewhich/thatwhereWherewherewhere定从定从定从定从状从状从状从状从定从定从定从定从energetic concentrate diet get into shapeimmediately prove side effect make a full recovery Vocabularyimmediatelymade a full recoveryproves/has provedside effectsenergeticdietconcentrateget i

28、nto shape Collocations“Weight”appears in the news report as part of different collocations.Read the examples below and add more collocations.Collocationsv.+weightlose weight watch ones weightreduce weightgain weightput on weightweight+n.weight lossweight gainweight controlweight problemsweight train

29、ing Collocationsn.+weighttarget weightbirth weightbody weightadj.+weightlow weightheavy weightlight weightaverage weightideal weight课程结束课程结束 谢谢观看谢谢观看Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer adipiscing elit.Aenean commodo ligula eget dolorLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer adipiscing elit.Aenean commodo ligula


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