Unit1 文化背景拓展Mark Twain(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Florida,Missouri,on November 30,1835.Twain was the sixth of seven children,but only three of his siblings survived childhood.萨缪尔于萨缪尔于1835年年11月月30日出生在美国密苏里州日出生在美国密苏里州佛罗里达。他是家中佛罗里达。他是家中7个个小孩的第小孩的第6个小孩。他只个小孩。他只有两个兄弟姊妹可以在有两个兄弟姊妹可以在童年过后幸存下来。童年过后幸存下来。When Twain was 11

2、,his father died of pneumonia.The next year Twain left school to become a printers apprentice.In 1851,he began working as a typesetter and contributor of articles and humorous sketches for the Hannibal Journal,a newspaper Orion owned.马克马克吐温吐温11岁时父亲死于肺炎。岁时父亲死于肺炎。次年离开学校先在印刷所学徒,次年离开学校先在印刷所学徒,1851年他在哥哥年

3、他在哥哥Orion创办的汉创办的汉尼拔杂志当送报人和排字工。尼拔杂志当送报人和排字工。It was more than two years before he received his pilots license.Piloting gave him his pen name,Mark Twain,from“mark twain”,the leadsmans cry for a measured river depth of two fathoms(12 feet),which was safe water for a steamboat.马克马克吐温在他得到领航员执吐温在他得到领航员执照(照

4、(18591859年)之前花了年)之前花了2 2年多年多一丝不苟地研究了密西西比河一丝不苟地研究了密西西比河的的20002000米。也因此得到他的笔米。也因此得到他的笔名名Mark TwainMark Twain。(意思是:水(意思是:水深深1212英尺,轮船可以安全通过)英尺,轮船可以安全通过)He referred humorously to his lack of success at mining,turning to journalism for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise.在放弃矿工一职后,吐温在放弃矿工一职后,吐温在维吉尼亚城

5、的一家报纸在维吉尼亚城的一家报纸企业报工作。企业报工作。In 1867,a local newspaper funded a trip to the Mediterranean.It was on this trip that he met his future brother-in-law,Charles Langdon,who showed a picture of his sister Olivia to Twain.Twain claimed to have fallen in love at first sight.1867年,一家当地的报纸提供了一次往年,一家当地的报纸提供了一次往

6、地中海地区的轮船旅游。地中海地区的轮船旅游。就是在这次旅就是在这次旅行中行中他他遇遇见了查尔斯见了查尔斯兰登(兰登(Charles Langdon)并看到兰登姊姊)并看到兰登姊姊 欧丽维亚欧丽维亚(Olivia Langdon)的相片。吐温对她)的相片。吐温对她一见钟情。一见钟情。(途中,(途中,他他还还写了写了1869年收年收集成的旅行信件系列傻子旅行集成的旅行信件系列傻子旅行)A complete bibliography of his works is nearly impossible to compile because of the vast number of pieces wr

7、itten by Twain and his use of several different pen names.Thus,the collection of Twains works is an ongoing process.他的著作全集编纂工作几乎不他的著作全集编纂工作几乎不可能实现,这个工作一直在进可能实现,这个工作一直在进行中,因为他作品数目巨大而行中,因为他作品数目巨大而且笔名很多。且笔名很多。Twains first important work,The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,was first publishe

8、d in the New York Saturday Press on November 18,1865.马克马克吐温的第一部巨著卡城名蛙,在吐温的第一部巨著卡城名蛙,在18651865年年1111月月1818日在纽约周六报刊首次出版。日在纽约周六报刊首次出版。(这作品在那里这作品在那里出版的唯一原因是因为它完成得太迟,赶不及纳入阿出版的唯一原因是因为它完成得太迟,赶不及纳入阿特姆斯特姆斯沃德收集美国西部特色著作的书中。沃德收集美国西部特色著作的书中。)Next major publication:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,which drew on his y

9、outh in Hannibal.Tom Sawyer was modeled on Twain as a child,with traces of two schoolmates and Twains friend.汤姆汤姆索亚历险记是美国著名小索亚历险记是美国著名小说家马克说家马克吐温的代表作,发表于吐温的代表作,发表于1876年。描写了他在汉尼拔的童年。年。描写了他在汉尼拔的童年。吐温模仿自己小时候吐温模仿自己小时候和童年伙伴和童年伙伴的性的性格,塑造出汤姆格,塑造出汤姆索亚的性格来。索亚的性格来。(哈克贝利芬历险记是其姊妹篇)(哈克贝利芬历险记是其姊妹篇)Henry,a pennile

10、ss American Businessman landed in Britain by accident.Wandering in London streets,he was asked to step inside a house.After being asked many questions,he was given a letter.As it turns out,two wealthy old brothers make a bet,which centers on a one-million-pound bank note that one of the brothers acq

11、uires.Could a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger only live on it?It tells the story of two boys born on the same day who are physically identical,the book acts as a social commentary as the prince and pauper switch places.Pauper was Twains first attempt at historical fiction.伦敦贫民区的小乞丐汤姆阴差阳伦敦贫

12、民区的小乞丐汤姆阴差阳错进了威斯敏斯特宫殿,遇到了错进了威斯敏斯特宫殿,遇到了跟他从年纪到长相都相仿的爱德跟他从年纪到长相都相仿的爱德华王子。两个孩子出于好奇,相华王子。两个孩子出于好奇,相互换了衣服,跌进了对方的命运。互换了衣服,跌进了对方的命运。Twain was in great demand as a featured speaker,performing solo humorous talks,similar to what would later become stand-up comedy.He visited Sydney in 1895 as part of a world

13、lecture tour.马克马克吐温作为著名演说吐温作为著名演说家很受欢迎,表演单口幽家很受欢迎,表演单口幽默演讲,类似于后来的单默演讲,类似于后来的单口喜剧表演。口喜剧表演。环球演说旅环球演说旅行行,18951895在澳大利亚悉尼。在澳大利亚悉尼。(右图为(右图为Sydney Writers Sydney Writers WalkWalk的一块匾)的一块匾)Twain was fascinated with science and scientific inquiry.He developed a close and lasting friendship with Nikola Tesla

14、,and the two spent much time together in Teslas laboratory.马克马克吐温对科学非吐温对科学非常着迷。他与天才科常着迷。他与天才科学家学家Nikola Tesla建建立了亲密持久的友谊,立了亲密持久的友谊,两人经常长时间待在两人经常长时间待在Tesla的实验室。的实验室。During his later life,Twain published several literary reviews in newspapers to help make ends meet.He became an extremely outspoken cri

15、tic of not only other authors,but also other critics.Those under Twains attack were George Eliot,Jane Austen,and Robert Louis Stevenson.晚年的晚年的马克马克吐温为了维持生计,吐温为了维持生计,在报纸上发表多篇文学评论。这段在报纸上发表多篇文学评论。这段时间的他经常犀利地评论其他作家时间的他经常犀利地评论其他作家和其他评论者。受过他攻击的有:和其他评论者。受过他攻击的有:乔治乔治艾略特,简艾略特,简奥斯汀和罗伯奥斯汀和罗伯特特路易斯路易斯史蒂文森。史蒂文森。Tw

16、ain passed through a period of deep depression that began in 1896 when his family and friends left him one by one.Mark Twain died on April 21,1910.从从1896年起,马克年起,马克吐吐温的女儿和朋友一个个温的女儿和朋友一个个离开他,他经历了郁闷离开他,他经历了郁闷期,直至期,直至1910年年4月月21日逝世。(他降生和离日逝世。(他降生和离世的那一年,哈雷彗星世的那一年,哈雷彗星都曾划过长空。)都曾划过长空。)Honored by peopleMar

17、k Twain Mark Twain 马克马克吐吐温温Mark Twain PrizeThe Mark Twain Prize for American Humor is an American award for humor awarded by the John F.Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts annually since 1998.肯尼迪表演艺术中心于肯尼迪表演艺术中心于1998年设立马克年设立马克吐温美国幽默奖吐温美国幽默奖,以奖励那些使用与以奖励那些使用与19世纪美世纪美国著名作家马克国著名作家马克吐温类似的吐温类似的幽默讽刺的方式幽

18、默讽刺的方式,对美国社会对美国社会产生影响的公众人物。产生影响的公众人物。EllenEllen马克马克吐吐温幽默奖领奖精彩演讲温幽默奖领奖精彩演讲In February 1870,Twain and Langdon were married in Elmira,New York.Twain moved his family to Hartford,Connecticut,where starting in 1873 he arranged the building of a home.斯蒂文森与芬妮在斯蒂文森与芬妮在18187 70 0年年2 2月结月结婚。婚。18741874年举家搬迁,在康涅年举家搬迁,在康涅狄格州共建温馨的家(一年前狄格州共建温馨的家(一年前始建)。始建)。


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